The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10)
The Tenth and last Day.
_Whereon, under the government of Pamphilus, the severall Argumentsdo concerne such persons, as either by way of Liberality, or inMagnificent manner, performed any worthy action, for love, favour,friendship, or any other honourable occasion._
The Induction.
Already began certaine small Clouds in the West, to blush with aVermillion tincture, when those in the East (having reached to theirfull heighth) looked like bright burnished Gold, by splendour of theSun beames drawing neere unto them: when _Pamphilus_ being risen,caused the Ladies, and the rest of his honourable companions to becalled. When they were all assembled, and had concluded together onthe place, whither they should walke for their mornings recreation:the King ledde on the way before, accompanied with the two NobleLadies _Philomena_ and _Fiammetta_, all the rest following after them,devising, talking, and answering to divers demands both what that daywas to be don, as also concerning the proposed imposition.
After they had walked an indifferent space of time, and found the rayesof the Sunne to be over-piercing for them: they returned backe againeto the Pallace, as fearing to have their blood immoderately heated.Then rinsing their Glasses in the coole cleare running current, eachtooke their mornings draught, & then walked into the milde shadesabout the Garden, untill they should bee summoned to dinner. Whichwas no sooner over-past, and such as slept, returned waking: theymette together againe in their wonted place, according as the Kinghad appointed, where he gave command unto Madame _Neiphila_, thatshee should (for that day) begin the first Novell, which she humblyaccepting, thus began.