Kinard Mythology Anthology Volume III
The Myth of Alyona
By Alana
Alyona’s life was perfect she was perfect, at least that's what everyone told her. She had everything but not enough. Alyona was a pale girl with long brown hair, thick eyelashes, and purple eyes. She was tall and athletic and had a high Soprano voice with a woodsy smoky scent and lived on a farm but spent most of her time in the woods. Ate the goddess of evil/trickery on the other hand hated Alyona and wanted everyone to stop talking about her so she came up with a plan.
So the next day, Ate dressed up as Chloe/ Demeter goddess of Agriculture and went to to spy on Alyona and for four days she did so the second day she dressed up as Samele Greek legendary mortal, the third day she was Aisy goddess of air, and on the last day she was Jenlene goodess of the moon. All these days she was thinking up a plan but it turned out she didn't need to. Alyona had a favor to ask Ate anyway.
When the sun rose the next day, Alyona went to find her. Ate hearing Alyona came out of her cave to go talk to her.
“Ummmm sooooo I was kind of hoping you could do me a favor.” mumbled Alyona
“Ahh favors.” purred Ate “How funny, I need one to." quipped Ate smiling to herself. “How about we discuss these favors out of the open.” she volunteered.
They both piled into Ate’s cave, Ate thinking her thoughts and Alyona thinking hers. Alyona and Ate spent a long time discussing and then both came up with an idea Alyona would steal something from Apollo god of the Sun/Light and give it to Ate and in return Ate would do something for her. Alyona agreed and went back home. Alyona had 3 days to fulfill her task.
When the moon fell on the second day, Alyona went to retrieve the Half Sun Ring the most sacred jewelry of Apollo’s collection. Ate had told her it would be easy to get and that Apollo would not notice. Alyona climbed up the hill to The Temple of Apollo and Artemis and carefully slipped inside. Very quietly she slid into the Great Treasure Room and started looking for the ring. Once she found it she tiptoed out into the night and ran back home tasting the air from the speed she as going.
The next morning, Apollo went to check on the Half Sun Ring as he did every morning only to notice it was gone.
“Artemis!” he yelped “The ring is gone Artemis!” he howled.
Hurring Artemis the goddess of the hunt and moon sped into the Great Treasure Room only to see that he was right it was gone. Artemis and Apollo knew they couldn't hurt the person who did it but they could figure out who did and make Zeus punish them. So Artemis and Apollo started the hunt.
Alyona had given Ate the ring, In return Ate promised to give Alyona her wish.On Alyona’s way back home Artemis and Apollo saw her through the bushes they were hiding in and sped off to tell Zeus what had happened.
“Zeus Zeus!” They screamed flying into Zeus throne room like a pack of lions.
They told their story to Zeus and asking him to get it back or punish Alyona. Zeus being able to tell if someone was lying or not decided to punish Alyona.
Apollo asked Zeus, “Why can’t you get it back to me?”
Zeus answered, “Once something is given to a god/goddess by a mortal it is in the possession of that god/goddess meaning we can't get it back unless the god/goddess wants to give it back.”
By then every god had heard what Alyona had done and where screaming out punishments for her like a bunch of birds.
“Enough!” boomed Zeus for he had already came up with a punishment.
From that day on, Alyona had to roll a huge boulder up Big Hill and every time she got to the top the boulder rolled back down to the bottom. Ate had the ring and would later on give it back to Apollo and none of the gods/goddess talked about Alyona again.
Origin Of Five Finger Fillet
By: Bluemask
One quiet day in Adalard there was a brown haired man named Bob. He had eyes like no other. From the day he was born people said he had the eyes of a god. They looked like fire burning in the center of the sun riddled with gold. But what was really special about him was his courage. He would do anything no matter how dangerous. He had ran into bear’s caves bare bodied with nothing other than a stick and a cup of water and come out without a scratch. After that he was known as the boy who could do anything. Adalard was a very nice town next to a forest and lake. The lake has an odor of rotten eggs or sulfur.
Twenty years later, he was walking down the street to the store because he was out of food. and all of a sudden there was a rusty cage with a knife and instructions all this was in an alley off of the trail. He was instantly intrigued once he touched it the cage transferred to flawless gold with a clank. He hesitated to take it because he was starving and could smell the fresh bread and meat, but he decided to take the cage. He wrapped the cage with a cloth and put it in a basket and took it home. When he got home he read the instructions which told him to do something that he never would have tried. He put his hand on his table and took the knife in his hand as told and started to stab in between his fingers once behind his thumb and over to the next then back over his thumb and to the space in between the next fingers and keep this pattern. He took to it immediately going faster and faster. After a few hours he read the back of the instructions. It was from Ares, the god of war. He believed this to be false he took it back left it in the alley from which the cage came. Tired from the game he fell to sleep with the darkness engulfing the earth.
The next morning, he awoke. The cage was on his nightstand along with another note from Ares saying, “This is your destiny from the minute you were born. I sent this to you today for your last chance to do as I tell or you will die.” With his life threatened, especially by a god, he took the knife and started to do as Ares had told him. Soon news spread of this event and quickly the brave king had to see. He ordered Bob to come and perform for him. Bob graciously accepted.
He approached the king and started to stab at his fingers. Ares was giving him energy to go faster and made Bob go faster. The king fell in love with this act he wanted to try for himself. Ares being the god of war, with some help from Zeus, took a piece of lightning and threw it down for the king as a knife to use. As the king stabbed in between his fingers he also fell in love with it. This outraged the public and the public considered them crazy and called the king unworthy of the crown and sent them both into the forest alone where they died from starvation and dehydration.
However, the tradition of five finger fillet have lived on, and this game still lives on today with its original name, five finger fillet, and a song commemorating the memory and giving instructions to anyone who wants to try to perform this dangerous feat.
Golden Guitar
By Matthew Waters
Once upon a time in Greece there was a golden guitar that could only be played by two gods, they were brother and both had blonde hair but Nicholas one of the gods had brown eyes and Matthew had turquoise eyes. There was also a demi god whose name was Cam, and he was trying to steal the golden guitars. The golden guitars sound also attracted girls. One night Cam came along and heard the god brothers play the guitars, this automatically made Cam want the guitars.
Cam sat and listened to the guitars and was also planning to steal the guitars the next night. Cam woke early the next day to plan his attack and steal the guitars. That night Cam went to where the gods played the guitars, when they were done Cam watched to see where they hid the guitars at night. It was in a room protected by a DemiGod named Jackson who had black hair and brown eyes. Cam was going to need more people if he wanted those guitars. Cam went off looking for powerful people that could help him get the guitars.
After he looked through the whole city he decided that a human could never stop a demigod so he thought, what if i could get a minotaur, a Jackson could never defeat a minotaur. So Cam looked for a minotaur for 7 days before he found one. It was bigger than anything he had ever seen before and it had a lot of hair. He would put the minotaur in a giant cage but he didn't know how to move the cage beca
use it was over 10 times as big as him. Then he called his friend that could move it. His friends name was Gavin, he had black hair and could fly the minotaurs cage to the golden guitars hut. He released the minotaur at it charged at Jackson, but Jackson grabbed it and threw it down. This was going to be a tough battle. Cam thought he might be able to sneak through while Jackson was distracted by the minotaur. Cam snuck in, grabbed the guitar and ran not looking back for miles. Wants he thought he was far enough he stopped running and collapsed in fatigue. Cam walked back to his house with the golden guitar.
Icarus’s Ocean Adventure
By Sienna
In Ancient Greece, in the land of Crete, Icarus and his dad Daedalus were flying to get home. Icarus did not listen to his dad and he fell into the ocean. Now Icarus is in the ocean and wants to get back to his dad and live with him again. What Icarus doesn't know is that their is trouble coming his way, but Athena is watching out for him.
Meanwhile Icarus saw a group of fish swimming by that smelled like sand. Icarus did not know what to do. Finally he asked them for help. Icarus talked to bubbles, a fish about his problem.
Bubbles said that Icarus should go talk to the octopus. So Icarus thanked the fish and went east like bubbles said. Once he got to the octopus Icarus introduced himself but the octopus kept ignoring him. Finally, once Icarus got his attention he explained his problem.
“I am sorry kid, I am no use, you will need to ask Pearl the Mermaid.”
“Who is that?” said Icarus.
“You will have to wait and see. She is by the coral reef in the south. Hurry go!”
Icarus kept singing on his way “I am off to see a mermaid the wonderful mermaid Pearl.” After a long swim that seemed like forever he completely gets to Pearl with Athena’s help.
Icarus for the 3rd time explains why he is there. Then Pearl asks how Icarus can breathe in the ocean and if he isn’t a human.
Icarus explained how he is a human and was questioning himself about being able to breathe. Then, Icarus realizes that Athena a Goddess of wisdom, made it so he could breath. Icarus explained that he was lost and wanted Pearl to help him, Pearl agreed. They both new that it would be a long journey. So Icarus and Pearl started their journey to get back to the land that Daedalus Icarus dad is on. Throughout their journey they ate seaweed.
Then, all of a sudden Icarus and Pearl felt a huge shadow over them. They both looked up at the same time. Swimming over them, it was a shark! They both screamed but that was the exact wrong thing to do. Then they had to hurry and swim to a rock which was rough on their hands as they felt it, to hide from the shark. What they didn’t realize was the shark was trying to eat them. So the shark was searching all around for Pearl and Icarus to have them for his bedtime snack. With the shark still looking for them, Athena made the shark fall asleep with a magical potion that will only last so long. So Pearl and Icarus rushed and swam to get out as fast as they could. Then for three more long days and nights they swam and slept in coves, until they found the island.
Finally, after asking and searching for Daedalus Icarus finally finds him. They both are so happy to see each other. Daedalus explained to his son that he thought that he would never see him again. So they both told their stories and now that Daedalus elongated lost son came back, they both live happy lives together.
The End
Icarus’s Journey
By: Ashley Sherman
In Ancient Greece long ago there was a boy. The son of an inventor who left his son to die in the ocean after escaping evil King Minos of Crete by using wings to fly like birds. Icarus was the son of Daedalus. Icarus has short black hair with soft blue eyes and was only in his teens. This boy was sinking in the water because his wings broke and he could not swim. All the sudden the boy felt a boost from his feet pushing him up to the air as the salty water stings his tongue. He wiped the water off his face and spit out the tart tasting sea water. Icarus looked around confused on what had just happened. When he looked to the left there was nothing but ocean. When he looked to the right his heart leaped out of his chest as he saw Poseidon god of the sea before him. Poseidon had long brown hair, a scowl on his face and, amazingly woven clothing.
“Well aren’t you going to say something? A thank you would be nice” Poseidon says grouchy in a deep voice. Looking confused and scared Icarus replies greatly and thankfully. Icarus told Poseidon everything about the last couple of months. The men become good friends as their journeys of life continues.
Now time has passed and Icarus is torn if he should go visit his father or not but he likes his life with Poseidon in Ancient Greece and doesn’t want it to end.Poseidon tells Icarus he has a friend who can help him and Icarus looks up at him very relieved and excited.
“Young man, what is your problem with love?” Aphrodite smiles as she asks that question and Icarus tells her everything.
“I cannot help you with a decision like that, but I can give you advice. Do what your heart wants to do and what your mind feels like doing. If you want to see your father you can meet him in Croatia.” Aphrodite smiles kindly and disappeared into thin air.
Icarus ponders long and hard about this. Suddenly he realizes that seeing his father might be a good idea so he goes to Poseidon at a restaurant and tells him his answer. Poseidon gets up and brushes the chunky crumbs off his shirt and starts to walk towards the door to come with Icarus.
One month has passed and Icarus and Poseidon have made it to Croatia. They step off the boat onto the sandy shores. As they walked through the town of Croatia which smells like fish both of them are looking for Icarus’s father (Even though Poseidon had no clue what he looks like).
After a few hours walking through Croatia they eventually found him sitting on a porch of a house playing with a puppy who was as furry as a sasquatch. It had been a year since he had seen his father. Icarus felt more dizzy the closer they got to his father's house. Icarus walked up to the man. Daedalus looks up at the young man to see his son, Poseidon, and Aphrodite all staring at him with straight faces but hope in their eyes.
“Son? Is that you?” questions Daedalus looking surprised.
Icarus agrees and they both wrap their arms around each other in a tight hug as salty tears of joy run down both their cheeks. Icarus looked at Poseidon for a moment and could have sworn he saw him crying but Poseidon quickly straightened up and wiped the tears.
Later in the evening all were sitting around a fire in Daedalus’s house. Though Aphrodite was not there because she had important business to attend to. Icarus tells his father everything from the time they were apart. They both lived a untroubled life in Croatia together after the ripple in their lifetime.
The Hollow
By Alex Martinez
One day in Ancient Athens there was a boy about 13, Kale, who was resting in his kitchen when he heard a group of men putting up signs of a beast called a griffin, a big grey beast that tasted the salty mushy flavor of human flesh and their town liked to call him the hollow because people believed that his chest was hollow with no heart. Little did they know the hollow was planning to take over Athens and as he decided that the next day he would start his attack.
One day when a man was walking to get the teal hard fresh eggs from his chickens and then on his way he smelt a musty smelly smell unlike any he had ever experienced and went he went to see what it was he found an man dead with a note from the hollow on his forehead the attacks start now, from the hollow. For the next couple of weeks, Athens best soldiers and generals were all being killed like mashed potatoes being mashed and mauled maliciously and they were all Branded with a symbol of a griffin, and one by one the army of athens got smaller and smaller when one day Kale got a giant spark of bravery given by athene to vanquish the hallow. When Kale told his parents what he planned to do they just laughed hysterically and said he could not do it.
p; Discouraged, Kale went to the sacred hill to mourn and Athene gave him that spark again and he decides he will stop it on his own. So that night he went to were the soldiers slumbered and he waited and he hid in the bushes in the front of the soldiers barracks and then when it seemed that the air got colder like the polar ice caps during a winter storm and the the wind stopped and whole town seemed to go silent, he saw the hollow soaring in from above and when it landed he heard the great umph of the hallows feet hitting the ground with the force of a thousand men then when he dragged up the courage he went out dressed as soldier and as they fought and fought finally when Kale had the Hollow pinned he said “trick or treat” and ran him through and felt the cool slick blood of the hollow drip down his hand. When Kale brought Hollow home that day he was made a hero and he was immensely rewarded. Since that day, October 31 has been called halloween named after the Hallow and because of kales superior bravery and courage.