Mildred's New Daughter
From the library Ethel went up to the schoolroom, where Nannette and theyounger cousins were engaged with their tasks for the morrow.
"Oh, I'm so glad you've come at last, Ethel, dear," said Nannette. "Italways seems lonesome without you, and besides I want your help withthis lesson; it's so hard, and you always know how to explain things andmake them easy."
Ethel's eyes filled. What would Nan, dear little Nan, do without her bigsister, who had always tried to bear every burden for her? Butconquering her emotion by a great and determined effort, she took a seatby her little sister's side and gave the needed help.
The children were required to study only one hour in the evening, andsoon books were laid aside and they ran off to the nursery for a game ofromps before going to bed. But Ethel lingered behind, and Miss Olney,the governess, presently enquired in a kindly tone if there was anythingshe wanted to say to her. Then Ethel's story came out, and with tearsshe confessed that the hardest part was the leaving of Nannette withouther sisterly care and assistance with her tasks.
"Never mind that, dear child," Miss Olney said, softly stroking theyoung girl's hair; "I will take your place in that. And though I amsorry indeed to part with so docile and industrious a pupil as yourself,I think you are doing just right; and I believe the Lord will bless andhelp you. And you know you will not be far away and we may hope to seeyou frequently. From what you tell me of Mrs. Baker I feel assured thatshe will prove a kind and pleasant employer, making you feel yourselfjust one of the family--not a stranger about whom they care nothing. AlsoI think the knowledge that you can come back to your home here at anytime if you will, sure of a welcome from your kind uncle--and I dare sayall the family--will make it all the easier for you to be happy in yournew surroundings."
"Yes, ma'am, my uncles are very, very kind to me, to my brother andsisters too; and Harry and the girls can come to Mrs. Baker's sometimesto see me; any of the rest of course, but I hardly suppose my aunt,uncles, or cousins will care to do that."
"But possibly I may, one of these days," returned Miss Olney with asmile.
"I'd be delighted to see you," Ethel said, her eyes shining. "Oh, Idon't think I need feel unhappy or as if I were alone in the world.Would you tell Nan about it to-night, Miss Olney?"
"No, I think not. Let her sleep in peace. I wouldn't tell her untilafter breakfast to-morrow."
Ethel intended to act in accordance with that advice, but on going toher own room found Nan there standing with her eyes fastened upon thetrunk her sister had been packing.
"Why, what's this trunk doing here?" she asked. "Are we going away,sister? Oh, I hope it's to visit at Mr. Keith's again, though I didn'tsuppose we'd be going there so early in the season."
"No, we are not, Nan, dear," returned Ethel in trembling tones, andcatching her little sister in her arms she held her close, kissing heragain and again while the great tears rolled down her cheeks and sobsalmost choked her.
"O, Ethel, what's the matter?" cried Nan in affright. "Oh, don't sayyou're going away from me! If you are going you must take me along, forI could never, never do without you! You know I couldn't."
Ethel struggled with her emotion, and presently finding her voice, "I'mnot going very far, Nan, dear," she said with a fresh burst of sobs;"and I ought not to cry for it's best I should go--it will be the best inthe end I'm sure, and our uncles are willing."
"Going where?" asked Nan wildly. "Oh, you shan't go! I can't do withoutyou, you know I can't!"
"But it's to make the home for you and Blanche and Harry and me;besides, I'll not be far away and we can often visit each other, andwhen at last we get the dear home, oh, how happy we shall be!"
"But where are you going? and how do you expect to make the home?"
In answer to that Ethel told the whole story, winding up with, "You see,Nan, dear, it will not be so very hard; in fact, I think I shall like itvery much--it will be so nice to feel that I am earning money toward thedear home we shall surely have some day. The worst of it is leaving you;but then it is not at all as if I were going far away; we can see eachother very often, perhaps almost every day, and you can tell me all yourlittle secrets just as you always have, and whatever I can do to helpyou I will. You're sure of that, aren't you, darling little sister?"
"Yes, yes; but oh, I shall miss you so much! I don't see what I can dowithout you."
"You won't be all alone, dear," returned Ethel soothingly; "the dearLord Jesus will be just as near and able to help and comfort you asever, and just as ready to hear your prayers as if you were a woman. Youwon't forget that?"
"No; but oh, I shall want you too!" wailed Nan, hiding her face onEthel's shoulder.
"But, remember, I'm not going far away, dear Nan, and we may see eachother very often," repeated Ethel. "Besides, you will be here with dearUncle Albert; and the cousins are almost always kind nowadays. Now letus kneel down and say our prayers and then get into bed and go to sleep,and you will feel better in the morning."
"O Ethel, is this the last time we'll sleep together?" sobbed Nan,creeping into her sister's arms as they laid themselves down upon thebed.
"For a while, I suppose," returned Ethel, trying hard to speakcheerfully. "But don't think about that, dear Nan, but about the goodtime coming, when we shall have our own home--all four of us together--andoh, such a good, happy time!"
"But oh, it will be so long to wait," sighed the little girl, and Ethelfelt like echoing the sigh, for her heart was very sore over Nan'sdistress as well as her own sorrow, that they must now learn to liveapart, at least for a time. But both at length wept themselves to sleep.
The situation did not look very much brighter to them in the morning,and there were traces of tears upon the cheeks of both when they tooktheir places at the breakfast table.
Their aunt had not come down. She was seldom present at that early meal.But all the cousins except Arabella were in their places, and it seemedthat all the older ones looked askance and with no very pleasantexpression at her.
But her uncle said good-morning in a very kindly tone, and heaped herplate and Nannette's with the most tempting viands the table afforded.
Ethel's heart was very full. She ate with but little appetite and hadfinished her meal before any of the rest had satisfied their appetites.Her uncle saw it, and on leaving the table called her into the library,where he could speak to her alone.
"Well, my child," he said, "I hope you have thought better of it by thistime and do not want to leave us."
At that Ethel's tears began to fall. "I'm sorry, oh, so sorry, to leaveyou, uncle," she replied, "but you know promises have to be kept, and Idid promise to try it. So please don't be angry with me."
"I am sorry, like yourself, my dear child," he said; "but do not blameyou. Perhaps it is best you should try the plan; for as you can comeback whenever you wish, it will not be risking a great deal, and I fearyou will never be content until you have made the experiment. Your auntand cousins all know about it and naturally are rather displeased,thinking it a proof that you do not value your home here as you might."
"Oh, uncle, how can they think that! I am very, very grateful for yourkindness in giving me such a home for so many years; but it would beasking too much of you to keep on supporting me and my sister Nannettenow when I have grown old enough to do something for myself and mayhope, if I begin at once to learn to make money, that in a few years Imay be able to help her and Blanche and Harry till they too are able toearn their own living. Don't you really think, uncle, that it is what isright and best for me to do?"
"That is a question we need not discuss now, since you are decided totry it," he said, looking at his watch. "Well, child, I must be off tomy business now; so let me kiss you good-by, and do not forget that ifyou want to come back at any time, your Uncle Albert's door is alwaysopen to you--his dead brother's daughter." He took her in his arms andcaressed her tenderly as he spoke.
"Dear uncle, you have always been so good, so good and kind to m
e!" shesobbed, clinging about his neck. "Oh, don't ever think for one minutethat it's because I don't love you dearly, dearly, that I'm going away."
"No, I do not think that," he said soothingly, caressing her hair andcheek with his hand, "but if you come back soon to stay with me, I shallthink that is a proof that you do love me."
"Indeed, indeed, I do!" she exclaimed earnestly, the tears coursing downher cheeks as she spoke. "And mayn't I come here to see you when I wishand can be spared from the store?"
"Certainly; and it is possible I may some day call in upon you. Give meyour address."
She gave it, and he wrote it down in his notebook.
"How soon do you go?" he asked.
"I promised to be there by nine o'clock this morning," she replied.
"So soon? Well, then I think it will not be best for you to see youraunt before starting. She is not likely to be up and would not wish tobe disturbed, and you will be in again soon. So just leave your good-bywith the girls."
Ethel was well content with that arrangement, for she had dreaded theparting interview with Mrs. Eldon; besides she was pressed for time tofinish her packing and take leave of the others.
The adieus of her cousins were very coldly spoken, and no interest shownin her new enterprise. That saddened her, though she had hardly expectedanything else. But the parting with Nannette, who wept and clung to herin an almost frantic abandonment of grief and despair, was the hardestthing of all. Blanche and Harry also were much distressed over theparting, but forgot their own sorrow in efforts to soothe and comfortpoor little Nannette. At last Blanche succeeded in doing so in a measureby promising that when they were out for their walk that afternoon theywould all go to see Ethel in her new abode.
"Oh, yes, so you must! That's a good idea, Blanche," exclaimed Ethel. "Idon't think Mrs. Baker will mind, and I shall be just as glad to see youas you will be to see me."
"But are we sure to be able to find the place?" asked Harry, standingnear. "Here, I'll write it down--street and number, I mean," taking asmall blank book from his pocket as he spoke, "and then we'll be surenot to forget."
"That's right, Harry," Ethel said with a faint smile. "I think you aregoing to make a good business man, as Uncle Albert says." She gave therequested information, then a hasty and last good-by to each and hurriedaway, leaving Nannette in tears, the other two looking distressed andwoe-begone.