Achil & The Dragon Lord Of Osgaroth
Outside in the town, three silhouetted figures were silently, menacingly moving down narrow lanes and quiet side streets. They paused furtively casting their eyes first one way then the other. One of them gestured toward a wisp of smoke emanating from a chimney, the three shadowy figures moved towards the house. The shutters were closed and the door locked. They went round to the rear of the house. A small yard greeted them, the three ragged, torn and wretched creatures turned to face the rear of the house. A small hatch, the top part of the rear door had swung back, leaving an invitation for any outsider to enter. The Furies with their hair wild and unrestrained approached the opening, their vicious claws that yearned for another victim trembled with excitement, their bare teeth dripped with the salivation of menace and loathing, their reddish inflamed gums, that made their teeth appear all the more terrible, shockingly made them appear even more tormented. They unbolted the bottom part of the door and entered the house.