Elsie at Home
Captain Raymond and his eldest daughter were out in the Woodburn groundsthe next morning at their usual early hour, wandering here and therealong the shaded paths and among the shrubs and flowers, noting theirgrowth in size and beauty, gathering blossoms, and chatting together intheir usual familiar and affectionate manner; Lucilla expressing herthoughts and feelings as freely and openly as though her companion hadbeen one of her own age and sex.
"I am glad for Rosie," she said when the talk turned upon the subject ofwhat was expected to be the great event of the day, "she seems so happy;though how she can be in the prospect of leaving the dear home of herchildhood and the mother who loves her so fondly, I cannot understand.Oh, father! I do think I can never, never bear to go away from you! Itseems impossible that anyone else can ever be half so dear to me, and Iam so glad that you want to keep me your own little girl for yearslonger."
"For all our life on earth, daughter, if you are satisfied to have itso," he returned, bestowing upon her a look and smile of tenderestfatherly affection. "You are still one of my chief treasures, which Ishould be very loath to bestow upon anyone else; dearer to me--as all mychildren are--than tongue can tell."
"Yes, papa," she said, looking up into his eyes with a joyous smile, "soyou have told me many, many times; but I love to hear it just as if youhad never said it before."
"As I do your expressions of ardent love for me, daughter," he returned."Very glad I am that I am not the one who must to-day resign to anotherthe ownership of a daughter."
"I am sorry for Grandma Elsie," said Lucilla; "but then I suppose shemust feel rather used to it--having given away two daughters before."
"And having none left to be a care and trouble, eh?" laughed her father.
"No, sir; having both near enough to be seen and enjoyed every day ifshe chooses. Don't you hope that will be the way with you if you have togive any of yours up to somebody else?"
"I certainly do," he said. "I should be very loath to consent to havingany one of them carried off to a distance. But let us not troubleourselves with anxious thought of what may lie in the future. Rememberthe dear Master's word, 'Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.'"
"Yes, papa; and I remember your teaching me that his 'Take no thought,'means no anxiety, and that it tends greatly to one's happiness to liveone day at a time, just leaving all the future in his hands."
"Yes, daughter; just as a little child leaves its future and the supplyof its daily wants in the care of its parents."
"Such kind teaching, and easy to understand when one has such a fatheras mine," she said, with a look of grateful love.
"I am thankful, indeed, daughter, if anything in my treatment andteaching helps you to a clearer understanding of how the Master wouldhave you to act and feel," he said in tones that spoke full appreciationof her filial affection.
"Ah! there is our mail," he added, as a servant was seen carrying ittoward the house; "so we will go in now and see if it contains anythingimportant for you or me."
"And if there is anything you want answered on the typewriter you willlet me do it at once, won't you, papa?" she asked, as they quickenedtheir footsteps, taking the direction toward the house.
"If you have time, and wish to do so, daughter."
"Yes, sir; I have hardly anything to do till it is time for the drive toIon."
"Unless you should find a letter, or more than one, of your own, callingfor a reply," he returned, smiling down into her bright, animated face.
"That is not very likely, considering how few correspondents I have,"she laughed.
They reached the veranda from one direction as the servant entered itfrom another, and the captain, taking the mail bag from him, walked oninto the library, Lucilla following. He emptied the contents of the bagupon the table, and going rapidly over them, said: "Several letters forour guests" (laying them aside as he spoke), "one for your mamma; nonefor any of my children, and only two business letters for me. Well,daughter," glancing at the clock on the mantel, "you may sit down toyour typewriter and answer these at my dictation; as I see there will betime to do so before the ringing of the breakfast bell. Ah, good-morning,Keith!" as at that moment that gentleman entered the room. "Here areletters which I was just about to send up to you."
"Thank you," said Keith, taking them from his host's outstretched hand."I am glad to have saved you the trouble. I hope you and Miss Lucillaare both quite well?" giving her a bow and smile as he spoke.
"Entirely, thank you, and have just come in from our usual early strolltogether about the grounds. I hope you rested well. Take that easy-chairand don't let our presence interfere with your enjoyment of yourletters."
Keith declined that invitation, saying he felt a strong inclination fora breath of the sweet morning air before the summons to the breakfasttable should come; so would read his letters upon the veranda, and, withthem in his hand, passed out of the room.
"I strongly suspect that was from a polite disinclination to hinder usin our work, papa," remarked Lucilla in a sprightly tone, as her fatheruncovered the machine and made all things ready for her work.
"Quite likely," he responded, "for I never met anyone more truly politeand thoughtful for others. He is a Christian man and acts from Christianprinciples in all that he does."
"As his friend, my father, does," she said with a look of filialreverence up into his face as he stood by her side.
"And as I trust my daughter does and will ever do," he returned withgrave earnestness, then began his dictation.
They made rapid work and had finished and joined Keith upon the verandabefore the ringing of the breakfast bell summoned all to their morningmeal.
"Rosie has an ideal wedding day, I think," remarked Violet as she pouredthe coffee; "that shower in the night having laid the dust in the roadsand made the air deliciously cool."
"Also refreshed vegetation," added her husband, "so that trees andshrubs and flowers are as fresh and fragrant as possible."
"The sun shines brightly, too," added Grace, "reminding one of the oldsaying I have so often heard quoted: 'Happy is the bride on whom the sunshines.'"
"It is pleasant to see it shining, yet I do not believe Rosie wouldhesitate a moment, or feel the least anxiety about its effect upon herfuture happiness, if the rain were pouring down," said Lucilla; "becauseshe has great confidence in her bridegroom that is to be, and not aparticle of superstition in her nature."
"That is giving her high praise," said Keith, "for there are few who areentirely free from it, though very many are hardly aware of its holdupon them."
"You are quite correct, I think, sir," remarked Dr. Percival; "we areall apt to be blind to our own feelings, and hardly conscious that ourprejudices and superstitions are such, blind to our weakness--even moreto the mental than to the physical."
"Then how well it is that there is no occasion for their exercise, orfor battling with them to-day," observed Violet in a sprightly tone;"and though, of course, mamma and all of us must, when Rosie is gone,miss our constant sweet companionship with her, we ought not to mourn,but rather rejoice that she is going into a Christian family and gaininga devoted Christian for a life companion."
"Yes; that is indeed a cause for joy and gratitude," said Keith.
"Father, will Mr. Croly be any relation to us after he gets married toAunt Rosie?" queried Ned.
"Yes, my son; brother to your mamma and me, and uncle to the rest ofyou."
"Meaning Neddie himself and Elsie, papa?" Grace said halfinterrogatively and with an amused little laugh.
"Ah, yes! he is certainly too young to be, or wish to be, that to myolder daughters," returned her father with a look of amusement.
"No danger that he will want to claim that relationship, Gracie,"laughed Lucilla. "Even Walter does not, though I know you are aparticular favourite with him; but he, to be sure, is still younger thanMr. Croly by some years."
"It is at two o'clock Aunt Rosie is to be married, then there will
bethe wedding feast, and after that the bride and groom will go on ajourney," said Neddie, as if bestowing a piece of valuable informationupon his hearers.
"Yes," said Elsie, "but, as everybody knows it, what's the use oftelling it?"
"I thought perhaps Cousin Donald and Cousin Dick didn't know it--atleast, not all of it," said Ned.
Then his father told him he had talked quite enough, and must be quietduring the rest of the meal.
"We who are to be the bride's attendants should go over early, I think,"remarked Lucilla. "At least we, the older ones," she added with asmiling glance at Elsie; "the little flower girls will not be neededuntil somewhat later."
"You may set your own time," her father said. "I will send you and Graceover in the family carriage, and it can return in full season for theuse of anyone else who desires it. We have a variety of horses andconveyances, gentlemen, any or all of them at your service at whateverhour you may appoint," he added, turning to his guests. "There will beabundance of time for a ride or drive for mere exercise or enjoyment,before donning your attire for the grand occasion, if you wish to takeit."
Both gentlemen accepted the offer with thanks, and they proceeded to laytheir plans for a gallop together over some of the roads with which Dickhad been familiar in his childhood, but which would be new to CaptainKeith. They set out within an hour after leaving the breakfast table,and not very long afterward the young girls were on their way to Ion.
They found the house beautifully decorated with flowers from garden andconservatories, especially the room in which the ceremony was to takeplace.
Everybody seemed in a state of subdued excitement, Rosie half gay, halfsad, her eyes filling whenever she turned them upon her mother--the dearmother who had so loved and cherished her all the days of her life withsuch unselfish devotion as no other earthly creature could know; howcould she endure the thought of the impending separation? She could not;she could only strive to forget it, and keep her mind filled with theimportant step now just about to be taken, for she had already gone toofar to retreat even were she sure that she wished to do so. The motherwas scarcely less affected, but with her greater experience of life wasbetter able to control and conceal her feelings. And so were the otherswho, though pleased with the match, still felt that this was thebreaking up of some very tender ties; they would not allow theirthoughts to dwell upon that, but would occupy them with the mirth andgaiety of the present.
But to Mrs. Croly, who had so far recovered under Dr. Conly's skilfultreatment that she was able to be present, it was all joy: she hadalways wanted a daughter, and now was gaining one after her own heart;for Rosie seemed to her all that was good, beautiful, and in every wayattractive. And then, in respect to family, fortune, everything thatcould be thought of, she was all that could be desired. The elder Mr.Croly, too, was entirely satisfied with the match, and already felt apaternal interest in the young girl just entering his family. In factupon both sides there was perfect satisfaction with the match.
Everything went well; there was no bustle or confusion; minister andguests were all there in due season; bride, groom, and attendants,including the little flower girls, performed their parts without mistakeor discomposure. Kisses, congratulations, and good wishes followed; thenthe wedding feast was partaken of leisurely and with mirth and jollity,the bridal dress was exchanged for a beautiful travelling suit, thefarewells were spoken, with cheery reminders that the separation was tobe but temporary, the bride expecting soon to rejoin the dear homecircle. That thought was a very comforting one to her, and, though tearshad fallen at the parting from her loved ones,--especially hermother,--they soon ceased their flow under the tenderly affectionatecaresses and endearments of him who was henceforward to be to her thenearest and dearest of all earthly loved ones, and her face grew radiantwith happiness as he had hoped to see it on their bridal day.