Elsie at Home
At Ion Rosie was pacing the veranda as her mother and Harold drove up.She hailed them eagerly as they alighted.
"At last! I began to think you must have yielded to a most urgentinvitation to stay to dinner at Roselands, Beechwood, or Woodburn."
"No," said her mother; "invitations were not lacking, but were steadilydeclined for the sake of my daughter Rosie, who I knew would be sadlydisappointed if her mother failed to keep her promise not to remain longaway from her to-day. So here we are; and I see you have news toimpart," she added with a smiling glance at a letter in Rosie's hand.
"Yes, mamma," returned the young girl, smiling and blushing as shespoke. "It is from Will, and incloses a little note from hismother--such a nice, kind, affectionate one--saying she is glad she isto have a daughter at last, and she wants to make my acquaintance assoon as possible."
They had seated themselves, and Harold, having given his horse into thecare of a stable boy, now followed them, asking in a gay, banteringtone:
"Am I intruding upon a private conference, Rosie? I know mother may beintrusted with secrets which you might prefer not to give into mykeeping."
"Certainly that is so, but this is not one of that kind, and you maylisten if you care to," returned Rosie with a light laugh; then sherepeated the item of news just given her mother.
"Ah! I wonder if she does not want an invitation to pay us a visit,"said Harold.
"Wait," laughed Rosie; "I have not told you all yet. She goes on tospeak of Cousin Arthur as a physician in whom she has great confidence,and to say that she would like to be in his care for at least a time; soif we can recommend a good boarding place somewhere in thisneighbourhood she, her husband, and son will come and take possessionfor weeks or months; at least until after the wedding."
"By the way," said Harold, "I thought I had heard that Mrs. Croly hadnearly or quite recovered her health while in Europe a few years ago.You know at the time Will was so nearly drowned they had just returnedfrom a visit there."
"Yes," replied Rosie; "she had been greatly benefited, but her healthhas failed again within the last year or two--so Will has told me. I dohope she may come here--into this neighbourhood--and that Cousin Arthurmay succeed in helping her very much."
"Yes, I hope so," said Harold. "He will be glad indeed of an opportunityto make some return for their very liberal treatment of him inacknowledgment of his service to their son. They feel that they owe thatson's life to Arthur's persistent efforts to resuscitate him when he wastaken from the sea apparently dead."
"Will himself is very grateful to him," said Rosie. "He has told me thathe feels he owes his life to Doctor Arthur and that nothing can everfully repay the obligation."
"Yes; he has talked to me in the same strain more than once or twice,"said Harold. "Now I think of it, I should not be at all surprised ifthey would be willing to take the Crolys in at Roselands for a time.There is a good deal of unoccupied room in the house, and having herthere would enable Arthur to watch the case closely and do everythingpossible for her restoration to health."
"Oh, that would be a grand plan!" exclaimed Rosie. "Though perhaps itwould make too much care for our lady cousins--Mary and Marian."
"Well, we won't suggest it," returned Harold, "but just tell Arthur herwishes--Mrs. Croly's, I mean--and let him give his opinion in regard topossible boarding places. Would not that be the better plan, mother?"
"I think so," she said, taking out her watch, as she spoke. "Ah! itwants but five minutes of the dinner hour. I must go at once to my roomsand make ready for the summons to the table."
It was not thought worth while to make Mrs. Croly's request a secretfrom any member of the family, so the matter was talked over among themas they sat together on the veranda that evening, and the differentboarding places in the vicinity were considered. It was feared none ofthem could furnish quite such accommodations as might be desired withoutplacing the invalid farther from her physician than would be convenientfor the constant oversight of the case which they supposed he would wantto exercise.
"Well, evidently," remarked Herbert at length, "we will have to referthe question to Cousin Arthur himself. And here he comes, mostopportunely," as a horseman turned in at the avenue gates.
He was greeted with warmth of cordiality and speedily installed in aluxuriously easy chair.
"I was passing," he said, "and though I don't like to be long away frommy wife and boy, I felt an irresistible inclination to give my Ionrelatives and friends a brief call."
"And omitting that ugly word brief, it is just exactly what we are alldelighted to receive," laughed Zoe.
"Yes," said Mr. Dinsmore, "we were talking of you and wanting youropinion on a certain matter under discussion."
"Ah, what was that?" Arthur asked in return, and Mr. Dinsmore went on toexplain, telling of the desire of Mrs. Croly to put herself under hiscare for at least a time, and asking his opinion of the various boardingplaces in the vicinity.
"Boarding places!" he exclaimed. "We would be only too glad to receiveher as a guest at Roselands; for as you all know I feel under greatobligation to Mr. Croly, her husband; besides, it would make it mucheasier for me to take charge of her case. Poor dear woman! I hope shemay be at least partially, if not entirely, restored to health."
"That proposal is just what one might expect of you, Cousin Arthur,"said Grandma Elsie, giving him a look of affectionate appreciation; "butare you quite sure it would suit Cal's convenience, and that of yourwife and his?"
"Knowing all three as I do, I can scarcely doubt it," replied Arthur;"but perhaps I would better consult them before sending the invitationto the Crolys. I will do so, and you shall hear from me early to-morrowor possibly to-night," he added. "Marian, I am sure, will feel verymuch as I do about it," he went on presently, "but just now the burdenwould fall more upon Sister Mary; so that I think I must not give theinvitation unless she is entirely willing."
"Which I feel almost certain she will be," said Rosie. "But I will waitto hear from you, Cousin Arthur, before answering my letters."
"You shall hear at an early hour," he returned.
"Mary is hoping to have her parents here for the wedding and for a longvisit afterward," remarked Grandma Elsie, "but you have room enough toaccommodate both them and the Crolys, I think."
"Oh, yes!" replied Arthur, "there need be no difficulty about that. Ourhouse is large and the regular dwellers in it are far less numerous thanthey were in my young days. Ah, how widely scattered they are," hecontinued half musingly--"my sisters Isadore and Virginia inLouisiana--Molly and Dick Percival there too, with Betty and BobJohnson; my brothers Walter and Ralph--the one in the army, the otherin California. Sister Ella, the only one near at hand, living atBeechwood; Cal and I the only ones left in the old home."
"Where you are very happy; are you not?" asked his cousin Elsie in acheery tone and with an affectionate smile into his eyes.
"Yes," he answered, returning the smile; "Cal with his charming wife andtwo dear little children, I with my sweet Marian and a baby boy of whomany father might well be proud and fond. And I must be going back tothem," he added, rising, and with a hasty good-night to all, he took hisdeparture.
He was scarcely out of sight when the Beechwood and Woodburn carriagesturned in at the gates, the one bringing Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lilburn,the other Captain Raymond, his wife, and his daughters Lucilla andGrace.
All were received with warm and joyous greetings. They had started outfor a drive, met and exchanged salutations, had then decided to calltogether upon their Ion relatives; a not very unusual proceeding.
And scarcely were they seated when Mr. and Mrs. Leland and Evelyn wereseen coming up the drive, having walked over from Fairview, tempted todo so by the beauty of the evening and the prospect of the pleasure of achat with the very near and dear dwellers in the old home at Ion, whonever seemed weary of their companionship, though scarcely a day passedin which they had not more or less of it.
Nor was the communication with Woodburn much less frequent, though itwas farther away by a mile or more; for with their abundance of steedsand conveyances of various sorts, it could be traversed with such ease,expedition, and comfort that it seemed little or no inconvenience; theshort ride or drive was really a pleasure; though not infrequently itwas made a walk when roads were in good condition and the weather waspropitious.
The welcome of the Fairview party was not less cordial than had beenthat of the others, and presently all were seated and a buzz ofconversation ensued.
The young girls made a little group by themselves and of course theapproaching wedding, with the preparations for it, was the principaltheme of their talk. Rosie, not caring to have secrets from these verynear and dear young friends, told of the letters received that morningand the talk just held with Dr. Conly.
"Oh, that was noble in Cousin Arthur!" exclaimed Lucilla. "The Crolyswere very generous to him, to be sure, but not at all more so than hedeserved."
"No," said Rosie; "they were quite able to pay him what they did; but itisn't everyone who would have done so, and I have always thought well ofthem for it; and I am glad Cousin Arthur can make them some smallreturn."
"But should he succeed in restoring Mrs. Croly to health, that will notbe a very small return, I think," said Evelyn with a smile.
"No; for good health is the greatest of earthly blessings," said Grace."One can hardly fully enjoy anything without it."
"As you know by experience, you poor thing!" said Rosie.
"Oh, no! not now."
"Have you fixed upon the wedding day yet, Rosie?" asked Lucilla.
"No, not definitely; we have only decided that it shall be somewhereabout the middle of June; or perhaps a little later. I want to make sureof having Walter here; for it would be too bad to have him miss hisyoungest sister's wedding."
"And you want Marian to have time to get well, too, don't you?" saidGrace.
"Oh, yes, indeed! and she will be by that time; at least she seemsaltogether likely to be. Mamma was there to-day and found her doingnicely."
"Hark! What is that Cousin Ronald is saying?" exclaimed Lucilla, andthey paused in their talk to listen.
"I want you all, old and young," he said in his blithe, cordial tones,"to come and have as good and merry a time as possible, to celebrate thethird birthday of my little namesake grandson. We talked the thing overat the dinner table and all agreed that there could be no better way ofcelebrating that most important event."
"It certainly is a delightful time of year for an outdoor party in thisregion of country," remarked Mrs. Dinsmore, "and I, for one, accept theinvitation with pleasure."
"As I do," said her husband.
"And I!" "And I!" "And I!" added the others in turn.
The young girls were highly pleased: it was by no means their firstinvitation to Beechwood, and they felt sure of being hospitably and wellentertained. Ella, Hugh's wife, had been mistress of the mansion beforethe marriage of the old gentleman and Annis, and so continued to be,with Annis' full consent, but there was no jarring between them; theywere congenial spirits, and enjoyed each other's society. Ella was fondof the old gentleman, too,--the only father she had ever known,--and herlittle ones, Ronald and his baby sister, were to all a strong bond ofunion.
"It is to be an afternoon party, I suppose?" remarked Mrs. Dinsmore in atone of inquiry.
"Yes," said Mr. Lilburn. "Come as early as you please, bringing all thelittle folks as the guests of our bit laddie. We will have an earlysupper for their sakes, and after that the parents can carry them homeand see them in their nests as early as they like."
"And both parents and little folks may stay as late as they like," addedAnnis with a smile.
"Yes," said her husband, "each and every guest may feel free to dothat."
"I hope you are not too busy to come, Rosie?" said Annis, turning toher.
"Thank you, no; I should not like to miss the fun of attending littleRonald's birthday party," returned Rosie in a sprightly tone, "and youmust be sure to bring him to the party I am to have some weeks later."
"That, of course, will have to be as his father and mother say," laughedAnnis.
"Well, he shall not lack an invitation," said Rosie. "I do not intendthat any of my relatives shall. By the way, I hope your nephew, CousinDonald Keith, will be able to get a furlough, so that he can come. Hehas visited us several times, here and at the seashore, and I like himvery much indeed."
"Yes, so do I," said Annis, "and I hope he may be able to come. I shouldenjoy showing him my new home and entertaining him there."
"He will be in demand if he comes," said Captain Raymond. "I shall wanthim as my guest; for he and I are old attached friends."
"Ah, yes, I remember," said Annis. "No doubt he will want to be with youa part of his time."
"Yes," said Grandma Elsie; "and as we will all want him we will have todivide the pleasure of his visit among us--if he will allow it."
"I have always liked and admired Cousin Donald," said Violet, "and oftenwondered that he has remained single all these years."
"He has not happened to meet the right one yet, I suppose, my dear," thecaptain said with a smile. "Or, if he has met her, has failed to secureher."
"And in doing so has caused her to miss securing an excellent husband,I think," said Violet.
"In which I certainly agree with you," Annis said. "All my marriednephews seem to me to be admirable husbands. I hope, Elsie, that CyrilKeith and his Isadore may be able to come to the wedding."
"So do I," responded Mrs. Travilla heartily; "and if they fail to comeyou may be assured it was not for lack of a warm invitation."
"I hope they and all the other cousins from that region will come,"remarked Mrs. Leland.
Just then the telephone bell rang.
"There! that is Cousin Arthur, I presume," said Edward Travilla,hastening to the instrument.
His answering ring and "Hello!" were quickly replied to, and the nextmoment he announced to the company, "It was Arthur. He says all isright, and Rosie may send as warm an invitation as possible. They willbe only too glad to receive the three Crolys as their guests."
"Oh, that is good!" cried Rosie. "Now I shall be able to send my replyby to-morrow's early mail."
"Yes, Cousin Arthur was very kindly prompt; as indeed he always is,"said her mother.
"Quite true, mother," said Harold; "and Herbert and I try to copy him inthat, feeling that it is very necessary in a physician to be ready,able, and willing to answer a call for his services with expedition."
"That it is, laddie," responded Cousin Ronald, "for a life sometimesdepends on getting quick help frae the doctor. The life of a faithfu'medical mon is one of toil and self-denial; a fact that has made mewonder that you and your Cousin Herbert, here, chose it rather than avocation that wad be somewhat easier."
"It is a hard life in some respects," Harold answered; "but there issomething very delightful in having and using the ability to relievesuffering, and surely one who professes to be a follower of Christshould be seeking to do good to others rather than courting his own easeand enjoyment."
"Yes; copying the dear Master's own example," returned the old gentlemanwith a smile. "The dear Master who should be our pattern in all things."
"Yes," said Herbert, low and feelingly, "that is what we both sincerelydesire to do."
It was still early when the callers bade good-night and took theirdeparture; the Lilburns going first, then the Raymonds, and lastly theLelands.
All met again the next day at Beechwood, where they were joined by theother members of the family connexion and had a very pleasant afternoon,mostly taken up with sports suited to the entertainment of the littleones--three-year-old Ronald and his baby cousins.
The invitations had been sent out too late to allow time for thepurchase of many gifts, but there were fruits and flowers, and some fewtoys; among these last, animals which ventriloquism caused apparently tosay very amusing things, to the sur
prise and merriment of the littlefolks.
Then, when they began to tire of fun and frolic, they were seated abouta table under the trees on the lawn, and regaled with toothsome viands,not too rich for their powers of digestion. After that they were allowedto sport upon the verandas and the grass, while the elder peoplegathered about the table and satisfied their appetites with somewhatricher and more elaborate viands.
They had finished their meal and were gathered in groups under the treesor on the verandas, when the sound of a banjo caused a sudden hush ofexpectancy. Glances were sent here and there in search of the musician,yet no one was greatly surprised that he was not visible. Several tuneswere played; then followed a song in the negro dialect, which madeeverybody laugh.
That was the winding up of the entertainment, and, as it was nearing thebedtime of the little ones, all presently bade good-bye, with truthfulassurances of having greatly enjoyed themselves, and returned to theirhomes.