Elsie at Nantucket
"Wave high your torches on each crag and cliff.Let many lights blaze on our battlements;Shout to them in the pauses of the storm,And tell them there is hope."
--_Maturings "Bertram."_
The evening was cool, and our whole party were gathered in the parlor ofthe cottage occupied by the Dinsmores and Travillas--games, fancy-work,reading, and conversation making the time fly.
Edward and Zoe had drawn a little apart from the others, and wereconversing together in an undertone.
"Suppose we go out and promenade the veranda for a little," he said,presently. "I will get you a wrap and that knit affair for your headthat I think so pretty and becoming."
"Crocheted," she corrected; "yes, I'm quite in the mood for a promenadewith my husband; and I'm sure the air outside must be delightful. Butyou won't have to go farther than that stand in the corner for mythings."
He brought them, wrapped the shawl carefully about her, and they wentout.
Betty, looking after them, remarked aside to her Cousin Elsie, "Howlover-like they are still!"
"Yes," Elsie said, with a glad smile: "they are very fond of each other,and it rejoices my heart to see it."
"And one might say exactly the same of the captain and Violet," pursuedBetty, in a lower tone, and glancing toward that couple, as they satside by side on the opposite sofa--Violet with her babe in her arms, thecaptain clucking and whistling to it, while it cooed and laughed in hisface--Violet's ever-beautiful face more beautiful than its wont, withits expression of exceeding love and happiness as her glance rested nowupon her husband and now upon her child.
"Yes," Elsie said again, watching them, with a joyous smile stillwreathing her lips and shining in her eyes; "and it is just so with mydear Elsie and Lester. I am truly blest in seeing my children so wellmated and so truly happy."
"Zoe, little wife," Edward was saying, out on the veranda, "can youspare me for a day or two?"
"Spare you, Ned? How do you mean?"
"I should like to join the boys--Bob, Harold, and Herbert--in a littletrip on a sailing vessel which leaves here early to-morrow morning andwill return on the evening of the next day or the next but one. I shouldask my little wife to go with us, but, unfortunately, the vessel has noaccommodations for ladies. What do you say, love? I shall not go withoutyour consent."
"Thank you, you dear boy, for saying that," she responded,affectionately, squeezing the arm on which she leaned; "go if you wantto; I know I can't help missing the kindest and dearest husband in theworld, but I shall try to be happy in looking forward to the joy ofreunion on your return."
"That's a dear," he said, bending down to kiss the ruby lips. "It is agreat delight to meet after a short separation, and we should miss thatentirely if we never parted at all."
"But oh, Ned, if anything should happen to you!" she said, in aquivering voice.
"Hush, hush, love," he answered, soothingly; "don't borrow trouble;remember we are under the same protection on the sea as on the land, andperhaps as safe on one as on the other."
"Yes; but when I am with you I share your danger, if there is any, andthat is what I wish; for oh, Ned, I couldn't live without you!"
"I hope you may never have to try it, my darling," he said, in tendertones, "or I be called to endure the trial of having to live withoutyou; yet we can hardly hope to go together.
"But let us not vex ourselves with useless fears. We have the promise,'As thy days, so shall thy strength be.' And we know that nothing canbefall us without the will of our Heavenly Father, whose love andcompassion are infinite. 'We know that all things work together for goodto them that love God.'"
"But if one is not at all sure of belonging to Him?" she said, in avoice so low that he barely caught the words.
"Then the way is open to come to Him. He says, 'Come unto me.' 'Him thatcometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out.' The invitation is to you,love, as truly as if addressed to you alone; as truly as if you couldhear His voice speaking the sweet words and see His kind eyes lookingdirectly at you.
"It is my ardent wish, my most earnest, constant prayer, that my belovedwife may speedily learn to know, love, and trust in Him who is the Way,the Truth, and the Life!"
"You are so good, Ned! I wish I were worthy of such a husband," shemurmured, half sighing as she spoke.
"Quite a mistake, Zoe," he replied, with unaffected humility; "to hearyou talk so makes me feel like a hypocrite. I haves no righteousness ofmy own to plead, but, thanks be unto God, I may rejoice in the imputedrighteousness of Christ! And that may be yours, too, love, for theasking.
"'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and itshall be opened unto you.'
"They are the Master's own words; and He adds: 'For every one thatasketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knockethit shall be opened.'"
Meanwhile the contemplated trip of the young men was under discussion inthe parlor. "Dear me!" said Betty, who had just heard of it, "how muchfun men and boys do have! Don't you wish you were one of them, Lulu?"
"No, I don't," returned Lulu, promptly. "I'd like to be allowed to dosome of the things they do that we mustn't, but I don't want to be aboy."
"That is right," said her father; "there are few things so unpleasant tome as a masculine woman, who wishes herself a man and tries to ape thestronger, coarser sex in dress and manners. I hope my girls will alwaysbe content, and more than content, to be what God has made them."
"If you meant to hit me that time, captain," remarked Betty, in a livelytone, "let me tell you it was a miserable failure, for I don't wish Iwas a man, and never did. Coarse creatures, as you say--present companyalways excepted--who would want to be one of them."
"I'd never have anything to do with one of them if I were in your place,Bet," laughed her brother.
"Perhaps I shouldn't, only that they seem a sort of necessary evil," sheretorted. "But why don't you invite some of us ladies to go along?"
"Because you are _not_ necessary evils," returned her brother, with atwinkle of fun in his eye.
"You should, one and all, have an invitation if we could make youcomfortable," said Harold, gallantly: "but the vessel has absolutely noaccommodations for ladies."
"Ah, then, you are excusable," returned Betty.
The young men left the next morning, after an early breakfast. Zoe andBetty drove down to the wharf with them to see them off, and watched thedeparting vessel till she disappeared from sight.
Zoe went home in tears, Betty doing her best to console her.
"Come, now, be a brave little woman; it's for only two or three days atthe farthest. Why, I'd never get married if I thought I shouldn't beable to live so long without the fortunate man I bestowed my hand upon."
"Oh, you don't know anything about it, Betty!" sobbed Zoe. "Ned's all Ihave in the world, and it's so lonesome without him! And then, how do Iknow that he'll ever get back? A storm may come up and the vessel bewrecked."
"That's just possible," said Betty, "and it's great folly to makeourselves miserable over bare possibilities--things which may neverhappen."
"Oh, you are a great deal too wise for me!" said Zoe, in disgust.
"Oh," cried Betty, "if it's a pleasure and comfort to you to bemiserable--to make yourself so by anticipating the worst--do so by allmeans. I have heard of people who are never happy but when they aremiserable."
"But I am not one of that sort," said Zoe, in an aggrieved tone. "I amas happy as a lark when Ned is with me. Yes, and I'll show you that Ican be cheerful even without him."
She accordingly wiped her eyes, put on a smile, and began talking in asprightly way about the beauty of the sea as they looked upon it, withits waves dancing and sparkling in the brilliant light of the morningsun.
"What shall we do to-day?" queried Betty.
"Take a drive," said Zoe.
"Yes; I wish there was some new route or new place to go to."
"There's a pretty drive to the South Shore, t
hat maybe you have nottried yet," suggested the hackman.
"South Shore? That's another name for Surfside, isn't it?" asked Betty.
"It's another part of the same side of the island I refer to," heanswered. "It's a nice drive through the avenue of pines--a road thelovers are fond of--and if the south wind blows, as it does thismorning, you have a fine surf to look at when you get there."
"If a drive is talked of to-day, let us propose this one, Zoe," saidBetty.
"Yes; I dare say it is as pleasant as any we could take," assented Zoe."I wish Edward was here to go with us."
Elsie, with her usual thoughtfulness for others, had been consideringwhat could be done to prevent Zoe from feeling lonely in Edward'sabsence. She saw the hack draw up at the door, and meeting the younggirls on the threshold with a bright face and pleasant smile: "You haveseen the boys off?" she said, half inquiringly. "The weather is sofavorable, that I think they can hardly fail to enjoy themselvesgreatly."
"Yes, mamma, I hope they will; but ah, a storm may come and wreck thembefore they can get back," sighed Zoe, furtively wiping away a tear.
"Possibly; but we won't be so foolish as to make ourselves unhappy byanticipating evils that may never come," was the cheery rejoinder. "TheEdna has a skilful captain, a good crew, and is doubtless entirelyseaworthy--at least so Edward assured me--and for the rest we must trustin Providence.
"Come in, now, and let me give you each a cup of coffee. Your breakfastwith the boys was so early and so slight, that you may find appetite fora supplement," she added, sportively, as she led the way into the coseylittle dining-room of the cottage, where they found a tempting repastspread especially for them, the others having already taken theirmorning meal.
"How nice in you, Cousin Elsie!" exclaimed Betty. "I wasn't expecting toeat another breakfast, but I find a rapidly coming appetite; thesemuffins and this coffee are so delicious."
"So they are," said Zoe. "I never knew anybody else quite so kindlythoughtful as mamma."
"I think I know several," Elsie rejoined; "but it is very pleasant to beso highly appreciated. Now, my dear girls, you will confer a favor ifyou will tell me in what way I can make the day pass most pleasantly toyou."
"Thank you, cousin. It is a delightful morning for a drive, I think,"said Betty; then went on to repeat what their hackman had said of thedrive to the South Shore.
"It sounds pleasant. I think we will make up a party and try it," Elsiesaid. "You would like it, Zoe?"
"Yes, mamma, better than anything I know of beside. The man says thatjust there the beach has not been so thoroughly picked over for shellsand other curiosities, and we may be able to find some worth having."
No one had made any special plans for the day, so all were ready to fallinto this proposed by Zoe and Betty. Hacks were ordered--enough to holdall of their party now at hand--and they started.
They found the drive all it had been represented. For some distancetheir way lay along the bank of a long pond, pretty to look at andinteresting as connected with old times and ways of life on the island.Their hackmen told them that formerly large flocks of sheep were raisedby the inhabitants, and this pond was one of the places where the sheepwere brought at a certain time of year to be washed and shorn. Onarriving at their destination, they found a long stretch of sandy beach,with great thundering waves dashing upon it.
"Oh," cried Zoe and Betty, in delight, "it is like a bit of 'Sconset!"
"Look away yonder," said Lulu; "isn't that a fisherman's cart?"
"Yes," replied her father. "Suppose we go nearer and see what he isdoing."
"Oh, yes; do let us, papa!" cried Lulu, always ready to go everywhereand see everything.
"You may run on with Max and Grace," he said; "some of us will followpresently."
He turned and offered his arm to Violet. "It is heavy walking in thisdeep sand; let me help you."
"Thank you; it is wearisome, and I am glad to have my husband's strongarm to lean upon," she answered, smiling sweetly up into his eyes as sheaccepted the offered aid.
The young girls and the children came running back to meet them. "He'scatching blue-fish," they announced; "he has a good many in his cart."
"Now, watch him, Mamma Vi; you haven't had a chance to see just suchfishing before," said Max. "See, he's whirling his drail; there! now hehas sent it far out into the water. Now he's hauling it in, and--oh yes,a good big fish with it."
"What is a drail?" Violet asked.
"It is a hook with a long piece of lead above it covered with eel-skin,"answered her husband.
"There it goes again!" she exclaimed. "It is a really interestingsight, but rather hard work, I should think."
When tired of watching the fisherman, they wandered back and forth alongthe beach in search of curiosities, picking up bits of sponge, rockweed,seaweed, and a greater variety of shells than they had been able to findon other parts of the shore which they had visited.
It was only when they had barely time enough left to reach home for alate dinner that they were all willing to enter the carriages and bedriven away from the spot.
As they passed through the streets of the town, the crier was out withhis hand-bell.
"Oh yes! oh yes! all the windows to be taken out of the Athenaeumto-day, and the Athenaeum to be elevated to-night."
After listening intently to several repetitions of the cry, theysucceeded in making it out.
"But what on earth does he mean?" exclaimed Betty.
"Ventilated, I presume," replied the captain. "There was an exhibitionthere last night, and complaints were made that the room was close."
Toward evening of the next day our friends in the cliff cottages beganto look for the return of the Edna with the four young men of theirparty. But night fell, and yet they had not arrived.
Elsie began to feel anxious, but tried not to allow her disturbance tobe perceived, especially by Zoe, who seemed restless and ill at ease,going often out to the edge of the cliff and gazing long and intentlytoward that quarter of the horizon where she had seen the Edna disappearon the morning she sailed out of Nantucket harbor.
She sought her post of observation for the twentieth time just beforesunset, and remained there till it grew too dark to see much beyond theline of breakers along the shore below.
Turning to re-enter the house, she found Captain Raymond standing by herside.
"O captain," she cried, "isn't it time the Edna was in?"
"I rather supposed they would be in a little earlier than this, but amnot at all surprised that they are not," he answered, in a cheery tone."Indeed, it is quite possible that they may not get in till to-morrow.When they left it was uncertain that they would come back to-day. So, mygood sister, I think we have no cause for anxiety."
"Then I shall try not to be anxious," she said; "but it seems like amonth since I parted from Ned, and it's a sore disappointment not to seehim to-night. I don't know how Vi stands your long absences, captain."
"Don't you suppose it's about as hard for me as for her, consideringhow charming she is?" he asked, lightly.
"Perhaps it is; but men don't live in their affections as women do; loveis only half the world to the most loving of them, I verily believe,while it's all the world to us."
"There is some truth in that," he acknowledged; "we men are compelled togive much time and thought to business, yet many of us are ardent loversor affectionate husbands. I, for one, am extremely fond of wife andchildren."
"Yes, I am sure of it, and quite as sure that Ned is very fond of me."
"There isn't a doubt of it. I think I have never seen a happier couplethan you seem to be, or than Leland and his Elsie; yet Violet and I willnot yield the palm to either of you."
"And was there ever such a mother-in-law as mamma?" said Zoe. "I don'tremember my own mother very distinctly, but I do not believe I couldhave loved her much better than I do Edward's mother."
"Words would fail me in an attempt to describe all her excellences," heresponded. "Well, Lulu,
what is it?" as the child came running towardthem.
"Tea is ready, papa, and Grandma Rose says 'please come to it.'"
Shortly after leaving the table, the captain, noticing that Zoe seemedanxious and sad, offered to go into the town and inquire if anything hadbeen seen or heard of the Edna.
"Oh, thank you," she said, brightening; "but won't you take me along?"
"Certainly, if you think you will not find the walk too long andfatiguing."
"Not a bit," she returned, hastily donning hat and shawl.
"Have you any objection to my company, Levis?" Violet asked, withsportive look and tone.
"My love, I shall be delighted, if you feel equal to the exertion," heanswered, with a look of pleasure that said more than the words.
"Quite," she said. "Max, I know you like to wait on me; will you pleasebring my hat and shawl from the bedroom there?"
"Yes, indeed, with pleasure, Mamma Vi," the boy answered, with alacrity,as he hastened to obey.
"Three won't make as agreeable a number for travelling the sidewalks asfour, and I ought to be looking out for Bob," remarked Betty; "so ifanybody will ask me to go along perhaps I may consent."
"Yes, do come," said Zoe. "I'll take you for my escort."
"And we will walk decorously behind the captain and Vi, feeling no fearbecause under the protection of his wing," added the lively Betty. "Butdo you think, sir, you have the strength and ability to protect threehelpless females?" she asked, suddenly wheeling round upon him.
"I have not a doubt I can render them all the aid and protection theyare at all likely to need in this peaceful, law-abiding community," heanswered, with becoming gravity, as he gave his arm to his wife, and ledthe way from the house.
"It is a rather lonely but by no means dangerous walk, Cousin Betty," headded, holding the gate open for her and the others to pass out.
"Lonely enough for me to indulge in a moderate amount of fun andlaughter, is it not, sir?" she returned, in an inquiring tone.
She seemed full of life and gayety, while Zoe was unusually quiet.
They walked into the town and all the way down to the wharf; but theEdna was not there, nor could they hear any news of her. Zoe seemed fullof anxiety and distress, though the others tried to convince her therewas no occasion for it.
"Come, come, cheer up, little woman," the captain said, seeing her eyesfill with tears. "If we do not see or hear from them by this timeto-morrow night, we may begin to be anxious; but till then there isreally no need."
"There, Zoe, you have an opinion that is worth something, the captainbeing an experienced sailor," remarked Betty. "So thry to be aisy, mydear, and if ye can't be aisy, be as aisy as ye can!"
Zoe laughed faintly at Betty's jest; then, with a heroic effort, put onan air of cheerfulness, and contributed her full quota to the sprightlychat on the homeward walk.
She kept up her cheerful manner till she had parted from the rest forthe night, but wet her solitary pillow with tears ere her anxiety andloneliness were forgotten in sleep.
Her spirits revived with the new day, for the sun rose clear and bright,the sea was calm, and she said to herself, "Oh, surely the Edna willcome in before night, and Ned and I will be together again!"
Many times that day both she and his mother scanned intently the widewaste of waters, and watched with eager eyes the approach of somedistant sail, hoping it might prove the one they looked and longed for.
But their hopes were disappointed again and again; noon passed, and theEdna was not in sight.
"Mamma, what can be keeping them?" sighed Zoe, as the two stood togetheron the brow of the hill, still engaged in their fruitless search.
"Not necessarily anything amiss," Elsie answered. "You remember thatwhen they went it was quite uncertain whether they would return earlierthan to-night; so let us not suffer ourselves to be uneasy because theyare not yet here."
"I am ashamed of myself," Zoe said. "I wish I could learn to be aspatient and cheerful as you are, mamma."
"I trust you will be more so by the time you are my age," Elsie said,putting an arm about Zoe's waist and drawing her close, with a tendercaress. "I still at times feel the risings of impatience; I have notfully learned to 'let patience have her perfect work.'
"There is an old proverb, 'A watched pot never boils,'" she added, withsportive look and tone. "Suppose we seat ourselves in the veranda yonderand try to forget the Edna for awhile in an interesting story. I have anew book which looks very interesting, and has been highly commended insome of the reviews. We will get papa to read it aloud to us while webusy ourselves with our fancy-work. Shall we not?"
Zoe assented, though with rather an indifferent air, and they returnedto the house.
Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore, the only ones they found there, the others beingall down on the beach, fell readily into the plan; the book and the workwere brought out, and the reading began.
It was a good, well-told story, and even Zoe presently became thoroughlyinterested.
Down on the beach Violet and the captain sat together in the sand, hesearching sea and sky with a spyglass.
She noticed a look of anxiety creeping over his face.
"What is it, Levis?" she asked.
"I fear there is a heavy storm coming," he said. "I wish with all myheart the Edna was in. But I trust they have been wise enough not to putout to sea and are safe in harbor some where."
"I hope so, indeed," she responded, fervently, "for we have muchprecious freight aboard of her. But the sky does not look verythreatening to me, Levis."
"Does it not? I wish I could say the same. But, little wife, are youweatherwise or otherwise?" he asked, laughingly.
"Not wise in any way except as I may lay claim to the wisdom of my otherhalf," she returned, adopting his sportive tone.
"Ah," she exclaimed the next moment, "I, too, begin to see someindications of a storm; it is growing very dark yonder in thenortheast!"
Betty came hurrying up, panting and frightened. "O captain, be a dear,good man, and say you don't think we are to have a stormdirectly--before Bob and the rest get safe to shore!"
"I should be glad to oblige you, Betty," he said, "but I cannot saythat; and what would it avail if I did? Could my opinion stay thestorm?"
"Zoe will be frightened to death about Edward," she said, turning herface seaward again as she spoke, and gazing with tear-dimmed eyes at theblack, threatening cloud fast spreading from horizon to zenith, "andI--oh, Bob is nearer to me than any other creature on earth!"
"Let us hope for the best, Betty," the captain said, kindly; "it isquite possible, perhaps I might say probable, that the Edna is now lyingat anchor in some safe harbor, and will stay there till this storm isover."
"Oh, thank you for telling me that!" she cried. "I'll just try tobelieve it is so and not fret, though it would pretty nearly kill me ifanything should happen to Bob. Still, it will do no good to fret."
"Prayer would do far more," said Violet, softly--"prayer to Him whomeven the winds and the sea obey. But isn't it time to go in, Levis? thestorm seems to be coming up so very fast."
"Yes," he said, rising and helping her to get on her feet. "Where arethe children?"
"Yonder," said Betty, nodding in their direction. "I'll tell them--shallI?"
"No, thank you; you and Violet hurry on to the house as fast as you can;I will call the children, follow with them, and probably overtake you intime to help you up the stairs."
Before they were all safely housed, the wind had come down upon them andwas blowing almost a gale. It was with considerable difficulty thecaptain succeeded in getting them all up the long steep flights ofstairs by which they must reach the top of the cliff.
About the time they started for the house the party on the verandabecame aware that a storm was rising.
Zoe saw it first, and dropped her work in her lap with the cry, "Oh, Iknew it would be so! I just knew it! A dreadful storm is coming, and theEdna will be wrecked, and Edward will drown. I shall never see
The others were too much startled and alarmed at the moment to noticeher wild words or make any reply. They all rose and hurried into thehouse, and Mr. Dinsmore began closing windows and doors.
"The children, papa!" cried Elsie; "they must be down on the beach,and--"
"The captain is with them, and I will go to their assistance," hereplied, before she could finish her sentence.
He rushed out as he spoke, to return the next moment with Walter in hisarms and the rest closely following.
"These are all safe, and for the others I must trust the Lord," Elsiesaid softly to herself as her father set Walter down, and she drew thechild to her side.
But her cheek was very pale, and her lips trembled as she pressed themto the little fellow's forehead.
He looked up wonderingly. "Mamma, what is the matter? You're not afraidof wind and thunder?"
"No, dear; but I fear for your brothers out on this stormy sea," shewhispered in his ear. "Pray for them, darling, that if God will, theymay reach home in safety."
"Yes, mamma, I will; and I believe He'll bring them. Is it 'cause Ned'sin the ship Zoe's crying so?"
"Yes; I must try to comfort her." And putting him gently aside, Elsiewent to her young daughter-in-law, who had thrown herself upon a couch,and with her head pillowed on its arm, her face hidden in her hands, wasweeping and sobbing as if her heart would break.
"Zoe, love," Elsie said, kneeling at her side and putting her arms abouther, "do not despair. 'Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened that itcannot save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear.'"
"No, but--He does let people drown; and oh, I can never live without myhusband!"
"Dear child, there is no need to consider that question till it isforced upon you. Try, dear one, to let that alone, and rest in thepromise, 'As thy days, so shall thy strength be.'"
The captain had drawn near, and was standing close beside them.
"Mother has given you the best of advice, my little sister," he said, inhis kind, cheery way; "and for your further comfort let me say that itis altogether likely the Edna is safe in harbor somewhere. I think theyprobably perceived the approach of the storm in season to be warned notto put out to sea till it should be over."
"Do you really think so, captain?" she asked, lifting her head to wipeaway her tears.
He assured her that he did; and thinking him a competent judge of whatseamen would be likely to do in such an emergency, she grew calm for atime, though her face was still sad; and till darkness shut out thesight, she cast many an anxious glance from the window upon the ragingwaters.
"If not in harbor, they must be in great peril?" Mr. Dinsmore remarked,aside, and half inquiringly, to the captain.
"Yes, sir; yes, indeed. I am far more anxious than I should like to ownto their mother, Zoe, or Violet."
It was near their tea hour when the storm burst; they gathered about thetable as usual, but there was little eating done except by the children,and the meal was not enlivened, as was customary with them, by cheerful,sprightly chat, though efforts in that direction were not wanting on thepart of several of their number.
The storm raged on with unabated fury, and Zoe, as she listened to thehowling of the wind and the deafening thunder peals, grew wild withterror for her husband. She could not be persuaded to go to bed, evenwhen her accustomed hour for retiring was long past, but would sit inher chair, moaning, "O Ned! Ned! my husband, my dear, dear husband! Oh,if I could only do anything to help you! My darling, my darling! you areall I have, and I can't live without you!" then spring up and pace thefloor, sobbing, wringing her hands, and sometimes, as a fierce blastshook the cottage or a more deafening thunder peal crashed over-head,even shrieking out in terror and distress.
In vain Elsie tried to soothe and quiet her with reassuring, comfortingwords or caresses and endearments.
"Oh, I can't bear it!" she cried again and again. "Ned is all I have,and it will kill me to lose him. Nobody can know how I suffer at thevery thought."
"My dear," Elsie said, with a voice trembling with emotion, "you forgetthat Edward is my dearly loved son, and that I have two others, who areno less dear to their mother's heart, on board that vessel."
"Forgive me, mamma," Zoe sobbed, taking Elsie's hand and dropping tearsand kisses upon it. "I did forget, and it was very shameful, for you areso kind and loving to me, putting aside your own grief and anxiety tohelp me in bearing mine. But how is it yon can be so calm?"
"Because, dear, I am enabled to stay my heart on God, my AlmightyFriend, my kind, wise, Heavenly Father. Listen, love, to these sweetwords: 'O Lord God of hosts, who is a strong Lord like unto Thee? or tothy faithfulness round about Thee? Thou rulest the roaring of the sea:when the waves thereof arise, Thou stillest them.'"
"They are beautiful," said Betty, who sat near, in a despondentattitude, her elbow on her knee, her cheek in her hand. "Oh, CousinElsie, I would give all the world for your faith, and to be able to findthe comfort and support in Bible promises and teachings that you do!"
The outer door opened, and Mr. Dinsmore and Captain Raymond came in,their waterproof coats dripping with rain.
They had been out on the edge of the cliff taking an observation, thoughit was little they could see through the darkness; but occasionally thelightning's lurid flash lit up the scene for a moment, and afforded aglimpse of the storm-tossed deep.
"Be comforted, ladies," the captain said; "there are at least no signsof any vessel in distress; if any such were near, she would undoubtedlybe firing signal-guns. So I think we may hope my conjecture that ourboys are safe in harbor somewhere, is correct."
"And the storm is passing over," said Mr. Dinsmore; "the thunder andlightning have almost ceased."
"But the wind has not fallen, and that is what makes the great danger,grandpa, isn't it?" asked Zoe. "Oh, hark, what was that? I heard a stepand voice!" And rushing to the outer door as she spoke, she threw itopen, and found herself in her husband's arms.
"O Ned, Ned!" she cried, in a transport of joy, "is it really you? Oh, Ithought I should never see you again, you dear, dear, _dear_ boy!"
She clung round his neck, and he held her close, with many a caress andendearing word, drawing her a little to one side to let his brothersstep past them and embrace the tender mother, who wept for joy as shereceived them, almost as if restored to her from the very gates ofdeath.
"There, love, I must let you go while I take off this dripping coat,"Edward said, at length, releasing Zoe. "How wet I have made you! I fearyour pretty dress is quite spoiled," he added, with a tender, regretfulsmile.
"That's nothing," she answered, with a gay laugh; "you'll only have tobuy me another, and you've plenty of money."
"Plenty to supply all the wants of my little wife, I hope."
"Ah, mother dear," as he threw aside his wet overcoat and took her inhis arms, "were you alarmed for the safety of your three sons?"
"Yes, indeed I was," she said, returning his kisses; "and I feel that Ihave great cause for thankfulness in that you are all brought back to meunharmed. 'Oh, that men would praise the Lord for His goodness and forHis wonderful works to the children of men!'"
Betty had started up on the entrance of her cousins, glancing eagerlyfrom one dripping figure to another, then staggered back and leaned,pale and trembling, against the wall. In the excitement no one hadnoticed her, but now she exclaimed, in tremulous accents, and catchingher breath, "Bob--my brother; where is he?"
"O Betty," Harold answered, turning hastily at the sound of her voice,"forgive our thoughtlessness in not explaining that at once! Bob went toa hotel; he said we could bring the news of his safety and our own, andit wasn't worth while for him to travel all the way up here through thestorm."
"No, of course not; I wouldn't have had him do so," she returned, with asigh of relief, her face resuming its wonted gayety of expression; "butI'm mighty glad he's safe on terra firma."
"But your story, boys; let us have it," said Mr. Dinsmore.
/> "Yes, we _have_ a story, grandpa," said Edward, with emphasis andexcitement; "but Harold should tell it; he could do it better than I."
"No, no," Harold said; "you are as good a story-teller as I."
"There!" laughed Herbert. "I believe I'll have to do it myself, or withyour extreme politeness to each other you'll keep the audience waitingall night.
"The storm came suddenly upon us when we were about half way home, ormaybe something more; and it presently became evident that we were inimminent danger of wreck. The captain soon concluded that our onlychance was in letting the Edna drive right before the wind, which wouldtake us in exactly the direction we wished to pursue, but with ratherstartling celerity; and that was what he did.
"She flew over the water like a wild winged bird, and into the harborwith immense velocity. Safely enough, though, till we were there, almostat the wharf, when we struck against another vessel anchored near, andactually cut her in two, spilling the crew into the water."
"Don't look so horrified, mother dear," said Harold, as Herbert pausedfor breath; "no one was drowned, no one even hurt."
"Barring the wetting and the fright, as the Irish say," added Edward.
"But the latter was a real hurt," said Harold; "for the cry they sent upas they made the sudden, involuntary plunge from their berths, wherethey were probably asleep at the moment of collision, into the cold,deep water of the harbor, was something terrible to hear."
"Enough to curdle one's blood," added Herbert.
"And you are quite sure all were picked up?" asked Elsie, her sweet facefull of pity for the unfortunate sufferers.
"Yes, mother, quite sure," answered Edward; "the captain of the craftsaid, in my hearing, that no one was missing."
"And the captain of the other will probably have pretty heavy damages topay," remarked Mr. Dinsmore.
"I presume so," said Edward; "but even that would be far better thanthe loss of his vessel, with all the lives of those on board."
"Money could not pay for those last," Elsie said, low and tremulously,as she looked at her three tall sons through a mist of unshed tears;"and I will gladly help the Edna's captain to meet the damages incurredin his efforts to save them."
"Just like you, mother," Edward said, giving her a look of proud, fondaffection.
"I entirely approve, and shall be ready to contribute my share," saidher father. "But it is very late, or rather early--long pastmidnight--and we should be getting to bed. But let us first unite in aprayer of thanksgiving to our God for all His mercies, especiallythis--that our dear boys are restored to us unharmed."
They knelt, and led by him, all hearts united in a fervent outpouring ofgratitude and praise to the Giver of all good.