A Little Girl in Old San Francisco
It rained three days, not quite like sullen Eastern storms, but ingusts and showers. At times the wind drove it along like a tramplingarmy, then the fog came up and you could hardly see anything but thevaguest outlines. The rainy season had set in.
"Will it rain all the time?" asked Laverne. "And I have no rubbers."
"That is a sad oversight. I don't believe you will find any small oneshere," answered Mrs. Dawson. "But I have interviewed some of the oldresidents, and they say it only rains by spells, but that the spellsare rather frequent. I suppose we shall get used to it."
It was mid-forenoon. Laverne had asked questions about everything shecould imagine, and heard many wonderful stories. The convent talesinterested her deeply. They had found an old volume of the early days,and she had rejoiced in the legend of Father Francis, who had beenleft out of the list of missions that were to be named after theSaints.
"And no St. Francis!" cried the good missionary, surprised at suchneglect. "Is not our own dear Father Francis to have a missionassigned to him?"
The visitador replied loftily, "If St. Francis wishes a mission lethim show you a good port and it shall bear his name."
They had been discouraged at the rough shores and rocky heights. Butthey went on and suddenly the gateway opened before them, and the baycame in view. So they entered it, and while they were waiting for thestoreship, they cut down timber and began to make a settlement on afertile plain surrounded by vine-clad hills. When the storeshiparrived with cattle, provisions, and some more emigrants, they builtsome plain houses, and the mission, and on the day of St. Francis itwas blessed and consecrated with a Mass, and for music they had acontinual discharge of firearms, while the smoke answered for incense.Then they set about converting the natives who were poor, wanderingclans with no religion, but a great fear of sorcerers, and were veryeasily managed. And now the Mission de los Dolores was but a crumblingruin, while the good St. Francis lives in the noble name of bay andcity.
Then there was the pathetic story of Dona Conceptione, daughter of theCommandant of Presidio. A Russian official visited it, and fell deeplyin love with the beautiful girl. But he not only had to return withbusiness matters, but had to lay before the Czar his earnest wish toespouse his sweetheart. Dona Conceptione waited at first in great joyand hope, but no word and no lover came. When her father tried to winher from her love by various devices, she would not be comforted withthem. Many a time she looked longingly over the ocean, straining hereyes to see the vague outline of his ship that never came, and so hersweet youth passed, her beauty began to fade, but she would not giveup her faith. He was dead, or he would have come. He could not provefalse. She went into a convent and prayed for his soul's rest. Longafterward she heard he had been killed on his way home, and her sadheart was comforted by the thought that she had never doubted hislove.
And then another beautiful girl, whose lover had gone to battle with afierce tribe of Indians who had attacked one of the lower missions.His horse had found its way back unharmed, and some one who had seenhim fall brought back his bloody scarf and his jewelled dagger, pickedup from the ground, but the Indians had mutilated his body horriblyand cast it away in fragments. When Dona Eustacia recovered from herlong illness she would take the veil in spite of her mother'sprotests, for there was another lover the elder had preferred. And sotwo years passed away when a poor, dishevelled, footsore man cameback, who had not been killed but wounded and taken prisoner, and atlast managed to escape. And when the Senor Roldan learned Eustacia'ssorrowful mistake he begged that she be released from her vows, andproffered his estate to the mission for her. But the Padre wasobdurate and would not listen. Did some bird carry messages to her?There was no need to pray for his soul, and his faithful love was toosweet to give up. So the little bird comforted her, and though sheknew she was perilling her soul's salvation she slipped out of theconvent one night, and her lover lifted her on his horse and they wentaway in the storm and the darkness, whither no one ever knew, but thePadre took his estate, and they were both laid under the ban of theChurch.
"But did it really hurt them?" queried the young listener.
"I should like to think they were very happy," declared Miss Holmes,closing the book, "and we will end it that way."
"Do see!" cried Laverne, running to the window. "Why, it is yellow andpurple, and rolling up----"
"The fog is lifting. And the sun is coming out," was the reply.
"The cobwebs being swept from the sky," laughed the child. "But thereis no old woman with a broom."
Yes, there was the sun out in all its glory, driving the fog into theocean, tearing it into tatters, and suddenly everything was glorified.The evergreens had been washed free from dust and were in theirmetallic tints, other foliage that had seemed brown a few days ago,glowed and shimmered in the crystal-clear air. The change wasmarvellous. The newcomers glanced at each other in surprise, with nowords to express their exhilaration.
"And now we can go out!" cried Laverne. "I want to climb a hill."
Uncle Jason laughed. "Come and see," he replied.
Alas! Rivulets were running down the slopes and the wind wasappalling. Some of the streets were simply seas meandering along.
"Never mind, to-morrow it will be nice and you will see it dry up bymagic."
Laverne went back to the book of legends and stories. The others hadbeen considering plans. Mrs. Folsom had accepted Mr. Dawson's proposaland was installed as housekeeper to his wife's great satisfaction.
"It would be folly for a young fellow like you to go out to themines," Mr. Dawson said to Richard. "There's gold enough to last tenyears or I'll miss my guess. It's no place for a boy. And there isplenty to do right here. I'll take you as a clerk."
"We certainly have fallen in a clover bed," exclaimed his mother; "Idon't know how to thank you."
"I guess I need you as much as you need me. And if the boy keepshonest and upright and doesn't take to gambling his fortune is made."
"But I shall go to the gold fields in the end," Dick said to hismother. She was satisfied to have it put off a while.
The rain had not kept Jason Chadsey in the house. He had gone onseveral inspecting tours. There was work to be had everywhere.Building up the burned district, draying around the bay in everyconceivable branch. Every week dozens of men threw up a job andstarted for the gold fields. Three or four shipping houses almostfought for him when they learned he was a Maine man, and had been halfover the world, was indeed full of shrewd knowledge that had beendiscriminated by a wide experience, and neither drank nor gambled, thebesetting sins of those early days.
Then there was the home. Miss Alwood had found a position. The othertwo had been friends for years. A needlewoman would readily gainemployment, and no doubt teachers would be in demand.
Jason Chadsey ruminated over the matter. Women had hardly begun tomake homes for themselves in that chaotic region. What if he made ahome for them both and Miss Holmes took care of Laverne? The child wasvery fond of her.
He went about the matter in a straightforward fashion. Miss Holmesaccepted at once. She had begun to wonder a little at her temerity inseeking her fortune in this new land. In the older cities it wasdifferent. And she had a motherly heart for Laverne. Indeed, if JasonChadsey had offered her marriage she would have accepted it readily,though it would have been based on respect and friendship.
"You will be head of the interior," he said, in a rather humoroustone. "We may find some one to do the rough part. And if Miss Gaineswould like to make her home with you we shall be a cheerful andcomfortable family, I fancy."
It was not so easy to find a domicile ready made. Too many of thehouses, even among those offered for sale, were flimsy things and heldat exorbitant prices. But he struck one presently. The man's wife haddied and he wanted to go to the mines, but did not really care tosell. He would rent furniture and all for six months.
The Dawsons were sorry to have them leave. To be s
ure, their placescould be filled easily enough, but they had all been so friendly.
Meanwhile the weather would have been amusing if it had not been sotrying. It had come off very hot, and the north wind seemed to bebringing gusts from the desert that scorched the green things with itswithering fury. The stars shone out pitiless like lesser suns. Thensplendid revivifying showers, and air as balmy as spring, laden withwafts of curious fragrance, touching the hillsides with magic,clothing them with daintiest verdure. Was this winter? Were not theseasons absolutely lost?
The little girl was as much interested in the house as if she had beena decade older. It was rather out of the business region, and built ona side hill. Downstairs, even with the street in front, which had anarrow plank sidewalk, there were two rooms; on the next floor four,and you stepped out on the level again at the back. There was a flatrock, then another declivity, but not so steep. Up here there was amagnificent prospect. A little shrubbery grew about, but it was mostlya tangle of vines, where flowers were to run riot in the spring.
It was quite as plain as the little cottage in the Maine town thoughmuch less substantial. Sometimes in a strong west wind it seemed as ifit might slide to the street below. But houses seldom blew about thatway.
Outside a series of rude steps had been laid. Now and then they washedout in a heavy rain, but they could be relaid without much trouble,and sometimes the sticky clay hardened like stone and they remainedfor a long while. She liked to run up and down them, flying like agull, stretching out her small arms, to the terror of Miss Holmes.
"You will slip some day and break your neck or some of your limbs, andyour uncle will think I was careless about you," she said anxiously.
"Oh, I will tell him that you were always cautioning me. And I do notbelieve I shall break easily," laughing with a child's glee.
Every day changed her it seemed. Her eyes glowed with quivering lightslike the bay, her cheeks rounded out, the dimple grew deeper and helda pink tint like the heart of a rose. Uncle Jason put uncounted kissesin it. She would be prettier than her mother, and that gave him ajealous pang. Her father had been esteemed good-looking, but reallyshe was not like him. The coloring and hair resembled her mother's.Ah, if she could be here amid the splendor, and he shuddered, thinkingof the bleak little town.
The housekeeping was not arduous. Even in those early days fruits wereabundant and vegetables enough to surprise one. Then Jason Chadseywent away in the morning and oftener took his lunch at the Dawsons',not coming home until night. Everything in a business way rushed.
There were schools already, for the American plants his schoolhouse ifthere are a dozen children. They could see the one down on the Plaza.There were churches, too. Even in 1848 there had been Sunday worshipestablished on the Plaza, and a year later, in spite of all thehubbub, churches were really organized. Then they erected asubstantial tent on Dupont Street, until one of their members ordereda church ready to be put together, from New York. There was beside aCongregational Society and this attracted Miss Holmes, for she hadalways been "orthodox" in Boston. But the long sea voyage and thelawless life all about her were rather demoralizing.
Men and women broadened out, sharp corners of creeds were rubbed off.There was a very earnest endeavor among the better classes for theextension of higher moral purposes, and a purer rule, and all of thatmind worked heartily together.
Marian Holmes was much interested in her friend's welfare. MissGaines, with true Yankee faculty, was meaning to make a place forherself and some money. Her heart yearned for the intelligence andorder of her native city.
"I shall not spend all my life in this riotous, disorderly place whereyou cannot tell what will happen to you next. Like the men, I want tomake some money. It doesn't take so very much to be comfortable inBoston, and there are all the appliances and enjoyments ofcivilization. I was talking to that Mrs. Latham who has come to theDawsons for a few weeks while their house is being finished. And sherecommends that I shall start an establishment at once, while I am newto the town."
Miss Gaines studied her compeer. She had been talking so rapidly shewas out of breath.
"Well?" as Miss Holmes was silent.
"Why, it might be an excellent thing. Only could you get girls to sew?I do not think the young women are of that type. They flock to therestaurants."
"There are two Catholic women Mrs. Latham spoke of--you know theirpriests keep stricter watch over them. They are of the old SpanishCalifornian stock. They have sewed for her and are neat as new pins,but have no style. They rent out the lower floor of their house, beingin straitened circumstances. Their tenant is to go next week, Ibelieve I shall take the two rooms, and open a shop, emporium,establishment, whatever it is best to call it. They will work for me.And the more bizarre clothes are made the better. I think they willsuit these people, who do not care how they spend their money if it isso their neighbors can see it. Then we will all be provided for.Though I think I could have had an offer of marriage last night. A manhad just come in from the mines with a pile of gold. He was a Bostonman, but sadly demoralized by drink. I felt sorry for him at first,then disgusted."
Miss Holmes laughed. "And thereby missed a chance that it is supposedno woman lets slip."
"I certainly shall not take a chance like that. Come with me to seethe rooms."
"I must find Laverne. The child grows wild as the wildest thing intown, and yet she is sweet as a rose. There's something in the airthat sets all your blood astir. I have not danced for years. I shouldlike to dance. I feel curiously young."
"Marian Holmes! You are in love! But I can't imagine Jason Chadseydancing. Though you are not compelled to dance with your husband inthis lawless place."
"I am afraid it would be love's labor lost if that were the case. Helike you has his heart set on making money, but for the child."
She ran out and looked at Table Rock, as they called a large, flattishboulder. Laverne was not there. Then she glanced around. Some distancedown the street was a group of little girls, but Laverne's light hairmade her distinctive. She walked a short distance and then called.
The child hesitated, and the call was repeated. Laverne came with therush of a wild deer.
"Oh, can't I stay a little longer? I'm telling them about Maine, andthe snows and coasting. And it doesn't snow here, at least only alittle bit. They are such nice girls, and I am so lonely with only bigfolks. They talk Spanish and very broken English."
"I want to take you out. Your uncle wouldn't like me to leave youamong strangers."
"Oh, but we're not strangers now. We know each other's names.Carmencita,--isn't that pretty,--and Juana, and Anesta, and theirvoices are so soft, and such black eyes as they have!"
"But you must come with me, dear," and there was a firmness in MissHolmes' tone.
The child looked irresolute. "Well, I must tell them," and she was offagain. These walks about the city always interested her. She madeamends by promising to come in the afternoon.
There was not much regularity in the streets save in the businesssection. Some were little better than alleyways, others wound about,and like most new places, houses had been set anywhere, but there werea few pretty spots belonging to some of the older settlers before theirruption of the horde. And already the Chinese had congregatedtogether, the Germans had a settlement, and the American waseverywhere.
This was really a pretty nook, with some wild olive trees about andalmonds, while grape vines clambered over the rocks. It had been quitea fine estate, but its day was past. At one end was the adobe cottageof two stories, with a flat roof and small deep-set windows, thatmade it look like the spur of a mission. At the southern end was agreat open porch, the adobe floor stained a dullish red, and vineswere climbing over the columns. The little garden in front had somevegetables growing in it.
The Senora Vanegas came down the outside stairs, she had seen theguests from her window. She spoke quite brokenly, falling into Spanishwhen she was at loss for a word. Then she called her daughterJacintha, who
had mastered English, but spoke it with a charmingaccent, and translated into Spanish that her mother more readilyunderstood the desire of the visitors. Mrs. Latham had sent them. Yes,they knew Mrs. Latham very well. Oh, it would be charming to have someone to take the lead, they did not profess to understand all the artof costuming. But Jacintha brought down some exquisite embroidery anddrawn work, and the mother made cushion lace for some of the bigladies. Her brother, it seemed, had owned the whole estate, which hadcome from their father, and drank and gambled it away, keeping racinghorses. Only this little spot was left to them, and they were verypoor. The mother would gladly retire to a convent, but thedaughters----
"I could not like the life," Jacintha protested. "Perhaps, when I amold and have had no lovers, I might be willing. But while I can work,and the world is so bright," smiling with youth and hope.
"All three of you----" inquired the mother.
"Only Miss Gaines," explained Jacintha. "The others have a home, andMiss Gaines will go there on Sunday. Oh, Senorita, you will findplenty of work, and we will be glad to help. And it will be a greatinterest."
The mother brought in a plate of crispy spiced cakes, and some sweetwine of berries that she always prepared. For berries grew almosteverywhere, even if they were not of the choicest kind. A littlecultivation worked wonders.
So that was settled. They all went to Dawson House and had luncheon.Mrs. Dawson was really in her glory.
"I was a fool that I didn't come out before," she said, with herheartsome laugh. "Several of my cousins went West and sufferedeverything, and I had no taste for emigrating. So I said to Dawsonwhen he was smitten with the gold craze, 'Go out and make some money,and get a home to keep me in, and a servant to wait upon me, and thenI will come.' But I might as well have been here a year ago. There ismoney to be paid for everything, no one haggles over the price. So,Miss Gaines, we will wish you success and a fortune."
"Thank you for your hand in it;" and Miss Gaines nodded merrily.
"Hillo!" cried a bright voice, as Laverne stood talking to thebeautiful big dog in the hall. "Why, I've not seen you for ever solong. Where have you been?"
"Home--I suppose that's home over there," and she nodded her head,while the dimple in her cheek deepened. "But it is all so queer. Well,when you are over on the other side of the world,--turned upsidedown"----and she looked half funny, half perplexed.
"Are you homesick? Do you want to go back to Maine?"
"But there isn't any one to care for me there," she said a littlesadly. "Uncle Jason's all I have. It's so queer for winter, though. Nosnow, no sliding, no skating, no fun at snowballing. And between therains things spring up and grow. I've tamed two funny littlesquirrels, so one of them will eat out of my hand. And the birds cometo be fed."
"You can see snow enough up on the mountain-tops. It never melts away.I like the fun and stir and strange people. It makes you believe inSir Francis Drake and the pirates and everything. But my! how theyspend money and gamble it away! I hope your uncle will have a levelhead and hold on to what he gets."
"I've found three Spanish girls that are just lovely. There are so fewlittle girls about," in a rather melancholy tone. "And Miss Holmesteaches me at home. I'd rather go to school, but it's too far, anduncle says wait until I get older."
"I guess that's best," returned the experienced youth. "Sometimes itis hardly safe for a little girl in the street. There are so manydrunken rowdies."
"Oh, I never do go out alone, except over at the cedars. They are sortof scrubby and look like Maine. The little girls live there. I don'tquite like their mother; she has such sharp black eyes. Why do yousuppose so many people have black eyes?"
Dick considered a moment. "Why, the tropical nations are darker, andthe Mexicans, and those queer people from Hawaii and all the islandsover yonder. Your uncle will know all about them. When I am a fewyears older I mean to travel. I'll go up to the gold fields and make apile, and you bet I won't come in town and gamble it away in a singlenight, the way some of them do. I'll go over to Australia and China."
Laverne drew a long breath. What a wonderful world it was! If shecould be suddenly dropped down into the small district school and tellthem all she had seen!
Some one called Dick. She sauntered back into the room, but the womenwere still talking business and clothes. There was a beautiful bighound who looked at her with wistful eyes, and she spoke to him. Henodded and looked gravely wise.
"You've a most uncompromising name," Mrs. Latham was saying. "Youcan't seem to Frenchify the beginning nor end. You must put a card inthe paper." For the newspaper had been a necessity from the veryfirst, and the _Alta Californian_ was eagerly scanned.
"Yes," Miss Gaines returned, "Calista Gaines. It has a sound of theold Bay State. Well, I'm not ashamed of it," almost defiantly.
"And we shall have to get most of our fashions from the States forsome time to come. We are not in the direct line from Paris. And Ireally don't see why we shouldn't have fashions of our own. Here arethe picturesque Spanish garments that can be adapted. Oh, you will do,and we shall be glad enough to have you," giving a most hearty andencouraging laugh.
"Fortune-making is in the very air," declared Miss Gaines on thehomeward way. "Well, I think I like a new, energetic country. And whata delicious voice that Jacintha has! I wonder if voices do not gettoned down in this air. Our east wind is considered bad for them. Andit is said a foggy air is good for the complexion. We may end by beingrich and beautiful, who knows!"
Laverne ran out to look after her squirrels, and chattered with them.Then something bright caught her eye up among the tangles of vines andshrubs. Why, flowers, absolutely in bloom in December! She gathered ahandful of them and hurried back overjoyed.
"Oh, see, see!" she cried, out of breath. "They are up here on thehill, and everything is growing. Isn't it queer! Do you suppose thereal winter will come in July?"
"If stories are true we will hardly have any winter at all," was thereply.
"And they are all snowed up in Maine. Oh, I wish there was some one towrite me a letter."