Nomads The Fallen God
Chapter 43. A Call to War
Beating drums that call for death.
Warriors cries our souls will test.
Burning skies that all shall fear.
Blood songs sing as war comes near.
Steel and fire our companions be.
Crimson tooth as enemies flee.
Smoke and flames shall be our sign.
Drink their blood like well-aged wine.
Nomad War song.
“What I say is the truth, and those that say I lie, are fools!” Saying this, Valen stood glaring at those, who had listened to his tale of a God made of steel, coming to destroy everything in its path.
Seeing the young Caladon warrior in the Meeting Dome, standing atop a heavy table, surrounded by the Outlanders and Norgonie, many would say it was an act of great courage. His story was foolish to say the least, it brought only laughter from many of the older warriors.
“He has the mind of a Frail-leg”, one Nomad called out with a laugh.
“A story to frighten first cycle children”, said a Forest-dweller.
What else could they say, what manner of creature could defeat an Earthshaker? They were the Gods of the Outlands nothing was more powerful. How could an enemy, inflict pain from afar and consume Eul like food? How was it able to heal itself with steel, and grow even more in strength? Even a first cycle child, would know that the Talsonar city, was impregnable, it would stand forever.
The grumbling went on and on, each side saying that the young warrior was not to be believed, that he was under the spell of a witch or demon. Perhaps that demon was already in the Fortress, they knew that a small creature, was hiding in the Nomad King's tent, one whose skin was as white as the winter snow, and its eyes were not human.
Soon the shouting grew more intense, it would not be long, before weapons were lifted and blood was spilled. Before that could happen, Arn leaped upon the table and spoke loudly. “I have fought beside this man, and he has always proven himself, I say his words are true”. He looked into the eyes of the young warrior next to him; he is telling the truth; then he questioned his own mind; can a God of iron be real?
The King wished the old man was beside him, he knew that Osh possessed a deep mind, in spite of his weak body. He had knowledge of many things beyond the teaching of Isarie, and the Elders of his tribe. Earlier, he had sent warriors to bring the Callaxion to him, they returned saying that his Karrack was empty, his Washa had not been lit in many days. Hearing this, Andra became very upset, she went to look for him, now Arn was on his own, listening to his own people and the Norgonie calling out for the truth.
He was wrong, there was another who would stand with him, over the past days and nights, Ishea had put aside, her hatred for her former mate, she replaced it with the love she once had. Fighting beside the King, against the horrors of the Forbidden City, she knew that she could not sit idly, listening to the endless yammering of the warriors, around her.
“I say he speaks the truth!” she shouted out. She jumped up to stand beside the King and the Caladone. “I have seen the monsters that live in the earth, and have defeated them, I have watched as the dead returned to the living. I have ridden on the air with the Giants of the Earth, and I say that such things do exists. If there is an enemy coming then we must fight!” She turned and looked at the King, she was pleased, to see him smile. “To the west stands the great wall, to the south we have Eurdor-Can, the Mother of all Voices, all who have heard her speak, have died!”
Hearing that the Queen would call for the Ancient Voice to speak, the Norgonie let out a great cheer.
“Nothing can stand before the Great Voice”, a warrior called out.
“Eurdor-Can will speak, and the monster will die!” said another.
The words were true, the Great Voice had protected them since ancient times, from any enemy who dared approach from the South. Although the Forest-dwellers had cared for the Mother, she had not spoken in many cycles, knowing she was there to protect them, gave courage to the warriors.
The Nomads knew of the Voice, none of them had ever heard it speak, it was a God of the Norgonie, one of which, they did not speak. Some legends said it was a creature of enormous power that spit fire and shook the land, others said it was a fallen God, who slept in the earth and only awoke to bring death and destruction.
Seeing that the Queen would use all her power, to protect her people, made Arn feel proud.
She is a strong Queen; the King thought.
Once again, he felt the urge to hold her in his arms, to return to the peace of the crystal pool, and the warm night they spent together. The sound of the warriors, drew him back into the present, as the Great Meeting Dome, was filled with the shouts of those who believed, and those who did not.
Sitting near the King was the Blind Prince, beside him the Handmaiden, Kela. They had spent the night in each others arms, Anais could sense that his lover’s mind, was walking in a place he did not know. When morning came, and the twin suns rose in the sky once more, she seemed to be her old self again, he did not ask were her thoughts had been. He sat listening to the doubts and fears of the two tribes, then he rose, with Kela's help he went to stand beside his brother.
“A wise warrior will listen!” he called out, suddenly there was quiet in the Great Dome, those words were written in both the Book of Isarie, and the teachings of Arm-Ra. When the shouting died, the young Prince spoke once more, “I have listened, as some of you say, this man's speaks lies, and I have listened, as others say his words were true. Now listen, as I say, we send warriors, to see if his story will stand, true or not.”
The warriors of both tribes, thought these words over for a time, then an Almadran warrior called out, “it would take many days and nights, to travel to the city of the Talsonar!”
“That is too long to wait!” shouted a Norgonie, “if a demon God is coming, we must know now!”
Again the warriors began to argue, Anais called out for them to be silent, “by Whiptail or wagon, it would be many days to know the truth, Rowgors would take even longer”. He paused for a moment, letting his words hang in the air, “ the air is swift, those who fly on it, are even swifter”.
Suddenly the answer was clear, the Great Screechers with Honnargar on their backs, could carry warriors, who would quickly discover, if there was indeed, a metal God to be feared, or just the raving of a madman.
Arn’s faced showed a slight smile as he heard the words of his brother, without his hate he has grown wise he thought, then he called out to those who still doubted the young warriors tale.
“Valen is an Outcast, so I shall go, to see if there is a demon God amongst us”, said Arn. Before he could say another word, Ishea rose up and said, “four eyes are better than two, so I will fly with him too”.
Knowing that it would be useless to try, to change her mind, the King nodded his head. “Very well we shall both see.” He was interrupted by Valen, who was not going to sit by a Washa, like an old woman, waiting for others to prove him true.
“Six eyes are better than four”, he said.
Arn did not argue, he remembered his own youth, and the times he was left behind, while others rode into danger, so he let the matter lie, he called out yet again. “We will go, then return with the truth, until then, make ready all that is needed, work together as brothers and sisters. If there is an enemy coming, be it demon or false God, we shall not run or bow our heads, we shall go to war!”
Hearing these words from the Nomad King, both the Madrigal and Norgonie, began to call out. They pounded their feet upon the stone floor and waved their weapons over their heads, the Great Dome echoed with the call to war.
When Andra heard that her old friend and the young Sandjar who she cared about, were nowhere to be found, she rose from her bed, demanding to be allowed, to look for them. The King knew of the fear, directed at the young child, so he commanded two Touchtenders, to watch over the infant in their tent, while she was gone. Knowing that a dozen of t
he strongest warriors, guarded their quarters, the Selcarie woman, felt sufficiently reassured, to be parted from her offspring for a short time.
With two warriors accompanying her, she went to the old man’s wagon, she only found an empty Karrack and little else.
Where could they be? She asked herself, she had a sudden fear that the Norgonie had secretly killed them and flung their bodies into the Fortress Moat. There was no sign of a struggle, when she looked under the wagon's seat, she saw the young Sandjar’s chamber rifle still there. Endo would not be taken without a fight; she told herself, she had spent time with the young Sandjar, teaching him army skills. She knew that the old man could be lured into danger, with the promise of knowledge, this caused her to worry. The Fortress was filled with the unknown, and this would draw her companion like meadow cane draws Dotflys.
For some time, she searched the campsite, looking for any clue of the whereabouts of the old man and the young boy. Her efforts proved futile, she turned and walked slowly back to her tent. All the while, she could not help but feel that her companions were still alive, and somehow, she would see them again.
The Sandjar slaves continued to work, even as the heat and noxious gases from the earth grew fouler, many of the older workers grew weak, and some died, but the chance of freedom drove them on. Food was not sent down the pipes now, and the usually plentiful water, was suddenly stopped. This may have been done to the miners as a punishment, or maybe the underground heat had dried up the spring? Whatever the reason the Sandjar had to work without nourishment and only blackish water to slake their thirst. In spite of all this, Endo continued to lead his people, saying, they would soon be free.
At his side as always, was Rawna, drawing strength from him, and giving comfort to him, having her by his side, gave Endo encouragement to continue.
I will see her free; he told his mind; I will live to see all my people free.
Next to him, Mog beat at the hard rock, with his heavy pick, with each stroke, he repeated a word, in his mind. Freedom.
They continued to work without stopping, each of them knew that if they stopped, they would surely die.
Sunbirth broke in the sky, and when it did, a light was cast into Andra and the King's tent.
When Arn returned from the Meeting Dome, he found Andra asleep, she was not a Nomad, and the days and nights past, had taken much of her strength. He let her sleep, resting in a chair through the night. As light entered their quarters, he donned his armor once more and took up his ax.
I will let her sleep; he thought, although he knew that when she awoke, she would be very angry about being left behind, he did not want to endanger her. He went outside quietly, to be met by Kuno who had been waiting for him, he held a large tankard of well-age Po. Without saying a word, the King took the wine and quickly emptied its contents. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he smiled.
“How many times, have I placed the care of our tribe into your hands?” he asked.
“I have not counted”, replied Spikeback's the Commander.
“How many times, have I said I was grateful?” asked the King.
“I did not hear”, said the big warrior, shaking his head.
Arn and Kuno started walking towards the Fortress gates, continuing to talk as they did.
“Do not wait for me to return”, said the King, “start preparation for war, send the Elders and children to safety, gather the warriors, and do all that is necessary to defend the tribe”.
“I will do as you ask”, said Kuno, “all will be ready when you return”.
“When I return, we shall share a full barrel of Po together”.
“Only one?” Kuno laughed.
They continued walking for a time without speaking. As they passed the moving shrine of the Holy Mother, surrounded by her Thungodra, Arn looked up to see his mother, standing on the upper most level. Seeing her, he could not help but wonder, if the Gods were watching or had they abandoned them to the darkness?
Seeing her son walk past, Egmar could not help smiling, it was not for love of her son, but the thought of the uselessness of his actions.
What a fool he is; she thought; what fools all of them are. She looked up at the dark clouds overhead, “only clouds and above them only an empty sky nothing more”.
Egmar turned away from the dark skies, she looked into the red eyes of her companion, crouching near to her hand.
“You are a wise woman”, the vile creature said, “and when the Great God comes, you will sit by his side and rule this world”.
“Yes” the Queen replied, “together we shall watch this land burn”.
Nearby were several Handmaidens, they no longer listened to their Mistress' words, those who questioned her, were punished by whippings and more. Now they stood, not looking at the Holy Mother, their ears deaf to her ravings.
Egmar moved to the exquisitely carved railing, she placed her hands on the ancient wood. She looked towards the thick forest to the South, and began to speak, as if someone was listening.
“Come to me my son”, she said softly, “come and destroy them all”.
In the Valley of Despair, a creature that was once a man, heard the words of his mother.
“I am coming”, said the metal man.
The once human thing, sat upon his throne. He let his mind reach out across the land, to the woman who gave him birth, now he could see through her eyes, as if they were his own.
He saw the tiny creatures, who would dare to defy him, their pitiful efforts to change what was to come.
Let them scurry about like Blaze-ants; he thought; I shall destroy them and all who once tried to destroy me!
The vision stopped, he was once again in the great chamber of the Orb, surrounded by those who served him. All about were Repair-bots and Spotters, removing debris and broken sections from the vast room, replacing them with new plating, taken from the great machines around them. The Task-robot oversaw everything, to make sure that the interconnections and terminals, were working at maximum efficiency, and no delays in repairing anything that was damaged
“Repairs continuing”, reported the machine to its master, “fuel and H2O have been replenished, the outer hull has been reinforced with new plating”.
“Understood”, replied the God man, “continue forward momentum. as soon as it is available”.
Knowing his orders would be carried out, the metal man looked at his newest creation. It appeared to be, a well-crafted suit of armor, its design closely matched that of the best Ironworkers. It was taller than most humans, it bore the shape and features of a female, the resemblance ended there, this was not soft thing, nor did it radiate any sign of warmth or love.
Neelu was once a kind and loving Norgonie girl, she delighted in dancing and singing, and the feel of the warm sun on her face. That girl was gone, now a steel shell, holding the tortured memory of her humanity, was all that was left. As the thing that called himself Atos, looked at her, he felt content.
Much better than the soft weakling she once was; he thought. Lifting his hand slightly, he summoned the metal creature to his side.
The feet that once had stepped so lightly in Dances to the Gods, now pounded on the chamber's hard floor, echoing like Ironworker's clanging hammers. When it came closer, it fell to its knees and bowed its head.
“What do you wish of me my lord?” it said in a harsh voice that once sang like the night birds of the forest.
Seeing that her programming was now complete, the metal man nodded his head.
“You will serve me,” he said.
“As you command my God”, came the reply.
Neelu had once been human and so she had doubts and fears, she had questions she wished to be answered, she possessed a heart that wanted to be loved. All that was gone now, there was no fear or doubt or questions, or anything that might interfere with her purpose, to serve her master.
Deep inside, beyond the programming and replacement organs and fluids,
hidden in the inter most reaches of her ripped mind. A part of her still understood, what had been done to her, and what she had become. Knowing this, she cried out, a scream that no one but her could hear.
Outside the great machine, thousands of Repair-bots scurried about, fixing broken plating, and salvaging anything that would make their master's chamber stronger. They took usable parts from the huge digging machines, attaching them to the moving fortress' front, giving it the appearance of a clawed monster from the Pit of Marloon. They took smaller pieces of Itarian steel, and fashioned it into armor for the Galu, who were now being processed into weapons of war. The huge ape-men, would become perfect soldiers, they would have no fear or grant no mercy, they would obey without question and they would die without cries of pain. All night theyworked, and when Karus and Micos rose in the sky, they were finished.
“All systems ready”, reported the Task-robot.
“Understood”, replied the Man-God, “shielding at maximum, weapons at the ready, set heading as I command, activate long range scanners to identify any humans”. He used his mind, to transfer coordinates of where he wished to go next, to the Navigational Console. He had touched Egmar's mind and used it as a fixed point of reference.
“Understood”, the Task-robot, said.
There came a great shudder and grinding of metal, once more the steel God, began to move. It left the Valley of Despair behind, moving into the green landscape of the Yug jungles. It crushed everything in its path, creatures great or small, died a horrible death if they came within its reach.
The King summoned the Honnargar, they obeyed, mounting their Screechers and quickly returning to the Norgonie Fortress. They came down through the thick clouds, like demon Gods of the Air, landing outside the skull-faced gates, they waited for the King's command. They did not wait long, Arn and two others, walked through the great portals towards them. Knowing Nomad's mind, they bore him and his companions, high into the sky towards the south. Using Whiptails, the Nomads could only take one path to the Pyramid City. They would pass through the Belt of Isarie and into the land of the Arabus birds, out through Rowmas-Agor, the Womb of Isarie, then south towards the Pyramid City. Now sailing on the wind, they could take a more direct route to the Talsonar stronghold. They used the Sky Beacon, high atop the mountains of Gorash as a guide, so high that even the mighty Screechers, could not cross the plateau it was built upon.
There were three great flyers; the hand of a risen warrior guided them all for only the Honnargar could control the mighty beasts. Two Norgonie and one Outlander now knew the feeling of the Sky Riders and what it must be like to be a God.
Arn had never known such freedom, the endless Forests of Caltarine were below, they formed a carpet of green, which raced past. His troubles, seemed to have been left far behind, nothing seemed to matter here, the weight of Kingship, fell from his shoulders, like summer rain.
If only Andra were here beside me; he thought; together we are strong; he knew she was safe in their tent and now she had to care for a child. Would we ever be Moric-Kan again?
Ishea also felt the freedom of the sky, feeling the wind on her face. she wished, she could fly to the far end of the world across the Western Sea.
The Western Sea; how many times had she dreamed of sailing on that endless ocean, hunting the great Leviathans, who lived in the black depths of the uncharted sea. Arn had promised to take her, but another now held her lover's heart, she would never feel the salt air of the Western Sea on her cheek.
Valen did not think of freedom, he wished only to meet his enemy once more, and to see it destroyed. I made a vow and I shall not break it; he told himself, there was nothing stronger than the vow of an Outlander. He would see it fulfilled or die trying.
They flew for some time, soon the dense Forest of Caltarine, became the emerald jungle of Yug. Soon they crossed a valley called Deaths Eye, it was a place where nothing grew, barren stone and caked earth, welcomed the traveler. It was also the home of Eurdor-Can, Mother of Voices, although Arn tried, he could not see the creature that spoke with the Great Voice. A mist covered the land, hiding the Norgonie protector from his eyes.
They continued flying southward, below was a dense blanket of green. Arn suddenly saw a trail, being cut through the thick vegetation, as if a giant Blaze-ant were cutting the grass of the Sirolian Plains. Knowing their Leader's thoughts, the Honnagar flew the Screechers down towards the ground.
“Scanners have detected animal and human life forms, approaching from high,” reported the Task-robot.
The half-human did not reply, he reaching out with his mind, he interfaced with the detection systems, protecting the great machine from approaching enemies. To the metal man, it was almost like flying, but he felt no joy at the concept, as he felt the presence in the air. When he detected the humans, he suddenly felt something, very strange, a feeling he had not known since his childhood.
It would be very hard, to put into words, the sensations, felt by the former Shadowman. It would be true to say, it felt like being touched, by a part of him that had long since died.
High overhead, the three giant Screechers began to drop from the sky, with their great wings outstretched, they let the air soften their descent. As they did the pain began.
As when he had come to close to the Iron God before, Valen felt the burning deep inside his mind, he fought against the urge to cry out. He held tight to the belt of the huge warrior in front of him, trying not to drop the war-ax, in his hand.
Ishea, could not understand what was happening to her, it felt like a fiery nail, had been driven deep into her brain. She almost let go of the Kagarm, she grasped firmly in her right hand. She could not hold onto the Honnargar' belt with her left hand. She began to slip from the back of the scaly Screecher, at the last moment, she found the strength to save herself. She could not hold back the scream that tore from her lips.
Arn also felt the burning pain, but an image suddenly flashed into his mind, he was sitting in a strange chamber, surrounded by metal creatures and a giant Orb, pulsing with a blue glow.
The Darkman was flying, he was no longer a thing of metal and circuitry, he was a man once more, he was looking down on a monster made of steel. What has happened? he asked himself; what has done this to me? The images vanished and he was a thing without feelings once more. His body returned quickly to his control, he checked himself over, to see if his interconnections were working correctly and that his organic systems were still functioning. All this, took only an instant or two, then he was satisfied that he had not been damaged by the strange occurrence.
I am a God once more; he reassured himself. He did not reach out with his mind again, he did not want to know, what had taken power from him.
The three great flying beasts, were now very close to the iron creature, the power that was torturing the humans, had no effect on them, neither did it bring pain to the Honnargar. The Giants of the Earth were not like the other humans, they felt no discomfort and could have continued their flight close to the great machine. They knew their leader was in danger, so they guided their mounts skyward once more, and soon their pain subsided.
The King and his companions, turned away from the monster below, they headed back to the Norgonie Fortress, once there, they would tell of what they had seen. If any warrior dared say they spoke an untruth, they would be challenged, one that would end, only when the ground was soaked with blood.