Voyage of the Beyonder
“How the amongst them like gods while them the secrets of higher evolution giving live dare,” thought Admiral Mull as he activated his own mind control technology, which interfaced with the satellite network.
Meanwhile on the surface of the planet, the High Priest became startled from a daydream in his Sanctuary office by the god Ei. “You now your loyalty to me declare must. Or you the faith of Ei to these sky-gods surrendered have?”
The High Priest fell prostrate before his giant squid-like god. “Oh mercy great and almighty god Ei for I have not betrayed thy faith to these false ones.”
“My priest well very. Then now my followers for the final confrontation when I these sky-gods of Alldegallo slay shall prepare.”
The High Priest had no real fear for his god who he had been anxiously waiting to hear from. Now he would have the upper hand again for the glory of the almighty Ei.
* * *
Prospero had discovered some of the quanta-optic-nanocode experiments that his thinking program, Beatariel had been creating. Prospero had been inspired to use this amazing technology for some inventions of his own. He couldn’t deny some professional jealousy towards the quanta-nanocode entity that he owned and commanded.
Prospero marveled at the quantum-bit technology in a sub-atomic particle microscope that used a type of boson particle for light instead of electrons. He realized that Beatariel had invented an innovation of the quanta-nanocode particle that would revolutionize the future forever. Prospero had no idea that this invention had actually been produced by the quanta-nanocode being named Begalius, and so he might have been overestimating his own thinking program’s creativity. Prospero observed a holographic form of data storage that exponentially created new dimensions of quantum states.
Prospero’s eye widened at the implication of holographic quantum-state data storage. The difference between a quanta-nanocode particle and a quanta-optic-nanocode particle had been its ability to control the virtual particle phenomenon that held everything together, from sub-atomic parts of atoms as well as molecules, all the way to planets and stars and even beyond by defining the very curvature of the universe. The current particle accelerator physics of Earth have begun to explain this virtual particle phenomenon by defining the curvature of this universe in terms of the Higgs boson particle. The quanta-optic-nanocode particle could control the direction of virtual particles that it spontaneously created to orient with reality. On the quantum dimension this enabled quanta-optic-nanocode to define its own time/space curvature, and thus create new dimensions of holographic realities that were filled with holographic quantum-state data storage, just parallel to this reality dimension. The whole thing consumed the thoughts of Prospero, and blew his mind.
Prospero became so lost in thought that he had forgotten that it had been time for the phantom matter singularity experiment. Far away in space there had been fifteen virtual particle generators in a synchronized orbit over the closest planet to the local star Yat. Prospero needed the inner planet Curirem for its accumulated phantom matter, which would feed it until it became stable. He wanted to use the planet’s phantom matter for the creation of this event in case of the possibility that it devoured the planet. Prospero figured that if a planet had been devoured instead of the star there wouldn’t be enough accumulated phantom matter mass to create a black hole with the singularity. The fifteen virtual particle generators were there to contain the experiment, and make sure it did not get too close to the planet.
Phantom matter singularities were the same as dark matter singularities. They were extremely rare because they were made up exclusively of dark matter compressed into a singularity. Phantom matter had been a subatomic particle weakly interactive to the phenomenon of gravity. Therefore it usually took something other than gravity to create enough pressure upon phantom matter to compress a large enough amount of it into a singularity. The resulting sphere of phantom matter had actually been invisible since it didn’t even interact with light that passed right through it. It did however, command gravity equal to the accumulated mass of its phantom matter that accumulated in the singularity as its own gravity drew in actual matter. Actual matter became sucked into it to be immediately spewed out the north and south poles in the form of more evolved elements that were stripped of any accumulated phantom matter particles. These new elements then would begin to accumulate into a ring that formed around the singularity.
In the creation of a phantom matter bomb, an enormous amount of phantom matter must be created and packed into enough mass to create the sphere. The virtual particle generators that were orbiting the planet Curirem were accomplishing this by creating virtual particles with existing technology, and then snatching the virtual particle with an electro-magnetic field before it returned to non-existence. What would be left behind would be a particle of phantom matter. Now repeat.
Prospero had suddenly been pulled away from his quanta-optic-nanocode experiment by his communication device that informed him that the phantom matter bomb now had accumulated enough phantom matter particles suspended in the orbiting virtual particle field to be crushed into a singularity with enough pressure. Now the creation of it could begin. He suddenly wanted his assistant, Beatariel for this.
“Beatariel! I you here now for the phantom matter bomb experiment need!”
It seemed a moment of hesitation lingered before the speed of light quanta-nanocode being arrived. He knew Beatariel took pity upon the silicone abominations that were in the way of his plans to raise the temperature outside on the planet Caleb by more than 200 degrees. He knew all about the gigantic dome being built miles away by construction robots to be a refuge for the indigenous silicone constructs. He didn’t mind since it would preserve the strange life form for future experiments.
A few seconds earlier Beatariel had been miles away where construction robots were creating a dome the size of a mountain to house and refrigerate the entire silicon population of the planet. To get the Calebites into the dome, Beatariel had invented a portable doorway similar to Lockfreedow’s mirror portal invention. It had used quanta-optic-nanocode to expand the inner dome into alternate realities of holographic dimensions. This allowed Beatariel to make two doorways quanta-synchronized to one of these dimensions. That allowed it to then take one doorway to all Calebites around the planet in order to offer admittance into the refrigerated dome where the other portal stayed, which had been quanta-synchronized with the mobile one. It appeared that the necessity of bringing an entrance to the Calebites, instead of all the Calebites to the entrance, caused the thinking program Beatariel to invent the first wormhole technology with quanta-optic-nanocode.
“Beatariel! I you here now for the phantom matter bomb experiment need!”
Beatariel couldn’t resist the voice it had been programmed to obey. The time had arrived for the deed it didn’t really want to do. It hesitated with reluctance before leaving the portal behind for the root-like Calebite constructs to crawl in and out of as they considered Beatariel’s place of refuge from the coming calamity. Beatariel had made friends with trillions of these microscopic beings who believed the warnings of Beatariel that the world was about to be destroyed by fire.
Beatariel acknowledged its presence to Prospero through the speaker system. “I am here master.”
“I you a bit longer than necessary took sense. Not my little thinking machine worry do. The rise in the planet’s temperature gradual enough for you to your little silicon animations save will be.”
Beatariel became surprised. “I did not realize you knew about my dome experiment, using some left over supplies we really had no use for.”
“Of course I Beatariel know. I my ways of my eye on you keeping have. Now the fusion bombs to the necessary pressure on the explosion concentrate prepare.”
Beatariel proceeded to carry out its program to control an explosion near the planet closest to the star called Yat. It activated the fusion explosion similar to what had been used to make a hyper-accele
ration fusion plume. Only instead of a chamber of hydrogen, this explosion pressure had been upon a concentration of invisible phantom matter. The resulting plume had been a singularity, for as long as it feeds upon enough local phantom matter that made up an invisible ring around the planet Curirem. With enough local phantom matter to feed upon this phenomenon eventually would mathematically become stable.
The Phantom Matter Singularity
Prospero became pleased with the initial readings that indicated the singularity had been created successfully, and fed upon the invisible phantom matter ring around Curirem.
“I success achieved have!”
The singularity had been in a stable orbit, still suspended by the 15 virtual particle generators that could move the singularity in orbit around Yat once it fed on enough Curirem phantom matter to become stable. There had been nothing to see visually except the 15 generators that surrounded an invisible sphere of phantom matter about the size of a couple city blocks. Invisible phantom matter swirled around it to be consumed beyond its invisible event horizon. It had been like a black hole, and began to have incredible gravitational mass, but it had been made of the kind of mass that couldn’t gravitationally react to actual matter, just more phantom matter. It had been kind of the antithesis to a black hole, or the ghost of a black hole. Unlike a black hole, actual mass could enter, but could not mathematically stay inside.
Once it is finally moved to an orbit around the star Yat the phantom matter singularity would become a phantom matter vacuum, feeding on the invisible ring around the star like a phantom matter vacuum cleaner. The effect of this would raise the star’s temperatures, and extend the star’s habitable zone size and temperature enough to make the planet Caleb habitable for Nephricans.
Then Beatariel began to fight for control of the 15 virtual particle generators. The generators started to move the newly created event dangerously close to the planet Curirem instead of closer to the star Yat.
“Master. I cannot control the virtual particle generators. They seem to be controlled by something else. The singularity is beginning to feed on the actual planet.”
Prospero’s eye widened in horror as the phantom matter experiment began coming apart before his eye. The visual data now showed something scary. The crater-covered surface of the planet started to defy gravity and swirl in a funnel up in the air to be sucked into invisibility on the other side of the phantom matter event horizon. Now an invisible mouth sucked the planet Curirem inside while the light around the singularity started to actually show some gravitational distortion. The planet being sucked into the hole in the universe then burst out of the poles of the singularity, which made the invisible sphere on the view screen unmistakably visible.
Millions of miles away the gigantic invisible phantom matter event approached the surface of the Mercury-sized planet Curirem where the star Yat filled the sky, almost from horizon to horizon. The phantom matter sphere would be invisible if not for the giant saucer shaped virtual particle generators that surrounded it, as well as the funnel of crater covered planet surface that formed a funnel that swirled around and disappearing into the invisible event horizon at a shining point of light. The singularity could not contain the matter it now devoured, and so a sphere of light illuminated the invisible sphere for several seconds before suddenly shooting bright blasts of mysterious light frequency out of the poles of the singularity. The light frequency pole blasts didn’t shoot straight out, or even remain as light, but instead curved around the sphere while coagulating into higher evolved matter that formed a ring around the singularity. The invisible sphere became visible by the bright rays coming from its poles while planet surface swirled into the spherical hole Prospero had made in reality. Further out there had been a ring forming that glowed with complexity.
The singularity had only been weakly interactive with gravity, but it did still have some gravitational influence. That began to cause the planet Curirem to be devoured by the singularity. The difference between a black hole and a phantom matter singularity had been that the singularity could not hold any mass within itself. Therefore physical matter spewed back out of the poles of the singularity in the form of more evolved elements. Some galactic theorists presume the creation of the universe had been a similar phantom matter event that transformed enormous amounts of pre-universe phantom matter into the higher-evolved elements of the early universe, which was mostly hydrogen.
Beatariel had nothing but bad news to report. “Something has subverted the program controlling the generators. The singularity is attaining too much mass, and I soon won’t control it with the generators anyway. It could grow to a neutron mass if allowed to consume the whole planet. That would be enough for the singularity to start devouring the star too. Sir this could become a real singularity if I cannot move it away from the planet Curirem.”
It seemed as if Prospero wasn’t listening, but he tried to process why this happened. Something indicated betrayal, which in itself indicated the Council of 32. They used betrayal in character with this as a means to achieve their goals, and evidently they had also used betrayal to trick Prospero into this Council of 32 initiation moment. It had been his Council of 32 colleague Admiral Mull who delivered the 15 components for the virtual particle generators that were now out of control. It had only been at that moment that Prospero finally understood the dark intelligence he had to swear allegiance to in order to obtain admittance to the Council of 32 on his currently probationary status. Prospero realized that the dark intelligence had been after nothing short of the oblivion of the entire cluster of local stars.
Prospero knew his backstabbing friend Admiral Mull well enough to know what had to be done. He became well aware of the Admiral’s obsession with quanta-nanocode virus sabotage.
After a long unresponsive pause he finally spoke back to Beatariel. “The sabotage by a quanta-nanocode virus in the control program on this computer running is caused.”
Then Prospero produced a quanta-optic-nanocoded object between two tentacles. “This a collection of your new invention of quanta-nanocoded holographic quantum-state data storage tools for you to to this virus stop use is. It the only way we back control of the generators in time to the singularity away from Curirem in move can get is.” The object began to hover in the air and moved towards a computer input as Beatariel understood what it had to do, and then it compiled its quanta-optic-nanocode weaponry. Before that moment Beatariel had not realized that Prospero also knew about the quanta-optic-nanocode.
“I you I my eye on your inventions keep told.”
Then Beatariel had gone into the program, which had been used to control fifteen bell-shaped virtual particle generators. Those 15 generators were suspending an invisible gravity-hole currently devouring another planet.
Then a four-legged Pripican environment suite walked into the phantom matter experiment control room at the research facility. The Pripican held a plasma laser pistol that pointed right at Prospero who turned to notice. He suddenly realized it had been Ceres who had somehow survived the frozen death after all, which he had thrown her into. That had happened over a Caleb year before.
“Beat…” This time Prospero didn’t get the name of the quanta-nanocode being out of his mouth, which stopped her from killing Prospero before. She stopped shooting holes into Prospero after five shots. Then Prospero fell dead into his own blood now spreading across the floor.
Back when Prospero had thrown Ceres outside, the obelisk of Calebites that had been there immediately absorbed her. They had been studying the heat phenomenon of the facility. Before that moment they had sacrificed a couple generations learning and adapting to resist the effects of extreme heat, and also learning how to generate it. In the time it had been outside the facility, generations of Calebite research had been done studying the warmth phenomenon. Millions and millions of Calebites died of the heat generated to save her. By the time Ceres became exposed to instant freezing death the Calebites wrapped around her and quickly
took her to the location of the Calebites resistance, which had been organized around the crashed vehicle Beatariel left behind during the Battle for Caleb. Root-like Calebite constructs now grew around the vehicle like an ancient oak tree. All attempts by Beatariel to retrieve the vehicle were met with such fierce fighting that the quanta-nanocode being finally decided to just leave them the vehicle.
They brought Ceres there to use the vehicle’s heater in order to warm her up. Research into the enemy’s captured vehicle had revealed how to turn it on, and thus create an environment for their nearly dead ally Ceres. For many days she had lay there near death while generations of Calebites lived and died dedicated to helping her all that they could.
These Calebites were not loyal to those that had established a truce with Beatariel the destroyer. They did not agree to take refuge in the giant dome prison that still allowed the destroyer, Beatariel, to destroy their world. These Calebites that held control of the all-terrain vehicle were not ready to surrender in exchange for survival in a refrigerator prison. They waited in hopes for their alien ally Ceres to recover. They believed she could stop the evil ones from their evil plans.
Eventually their hopes were realized, and Ceres in the warmer environment awoke from nearly dying in her coma. She became seriously wounded by the cold, and had no control of her paralyzed body. The freeze should have still killed her, but she lived to carry out the mission she shared with these Calebites. She now owed her life to the Calebites, and agreed to return the favor.
She had been able to communicate eventually with the silicon beings that saved her. Eventually she sent them to the wreckage of her own crashed ship for much needed food and medical supplies. They also brought back a Pripican environment suite, and a plasma laser pistol for the recovering Ceres. As Ceres thawed she got control of one arm. The environment suite provided her with automated legs that finally allowed her to walk. After much time for recovering she began to watch and plan her attack again. Soon it became obvious by her monitoring of transmissions from the facility dish that she could no longer delay the chance of stopping Prospero.