Nephilim Wars
Chapter 24
Spies In Canaan
Each of the Jesus Priest replacements wore bright red Popish robes to symbolize the blood of Jesus, their sacred costumes. Unseen from under their robes, they pulled off heavy black crosses hung upside down, tethered on thick rawhide bands. They sat around a massive conference table set up in a warehouse several miles from the Jesus Temple.
Judas waited impatiently for them all to arrive. He was on the backend of a video feed that had been set up to give him a perfect view of the whole room. Judas felt an urgency that he couldn't explain. It seemed like there was so much that he wasn't in touch with. With everything that had taken place, it seemed that things were falling apart around him.
This meeting was a gamble. It exposed them in one place for too long. Four of the five of his Jesus Priests replacements sat around the conference table waiting. In the room with them, there were their four nuclear devices. Each had been instructed to pick them up from another warehouse and then come to the meeting. They sat beside their nukes, and for all appearances, they looked like a band of traveling brush salesmen. The nukes were housed in metallic, Samsonite suitcases. In front of them on the conference table, were the triggering mechanisms. They hadn't put them on yet. The triggering mechanisms looked like wristwatches. Once it was strapped on, the pulse meter registered with each device. If it was turned off incorrectly, for any reason, and their pulse beats stopped, it would send out an alarm that activated an immediate countdown on all nukes.
Judas paced impatiently while they waited for the fifth member of the group to arrive. Finally, he knocked briskly and lugged his suitcase into the room. No one said nukes were easily handled. If it weren’t for the dark Nephilim strength, they'd never be able to handle them at all.
"Is that Imizras?" asked Judas sarcastically.
"Yes," replied Attila, "he's just arrived. Do you want to speak to him?"
"Of course not. I just want to get on with this. Do each of you have the nukes and the triggering mechanisms with you?" he asked savagely while knowing they did.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," they all replied, one at a time.
"Let me hear them synchronize. I want to hear that high-pitched sound that's music to my ears," he commanded as he pushed his ear closer to the phone speaker on his desk. Pilate bent down close to hear too. It is doubtful that anyone but a Nephilim could hear the sound. The triggering mechanisms would match the high-frequency sound of the timers when the time came. Judas counted the sounds one finger at a time.
"Fine, now turn them off. That made me feel better. Does each of you know where to place these?" he asked as he looked at a Web-EX of the same schematics at which they were staring and viewing on a Smart Board.
"Yes, each of us has been over the placements thousands of time. What we don't know is when you want it done," Stalin replied carefully.
"Yes, of course. Well, it's to be soon. I understand that Jesus arrives in less than a week and is staying two days. Is that correct?" he asked as he looked at his own checklists of discussion items.
Judas continued, "First things first. I believe we have somehow been compromised. We have seen the murder of our British contact as well as Cobrata in Sewanee. I have Jezzz and Young Herod checking Sewanee out now. I can't wait. Something's going on, and I don't know what it is. We've waited years to get the nukes and have them smuggled into Jerusalem. With the size of the current Jesus priests, I doubt that we can improve that situation anytime soon. We can't wait till Easter or even next Christmas. Jesus is coming to meet with the high council. That's when I want it done. Do you all understand?"
"Yes," they all answered in unison.
Mussolini asked, "If we follow your instructions exactly, we only have a little under 30 minutes to clear the target zone. It's not enough time to get out alive, unless we have some special transportation."
Judas answered matter of factly, "Maybe. How fast can you run? Or, should I ask how far can you run? Yes, you're right."
Mussolini gulped hard and rubbed on his forehead in consideration. He carefully pushed his mouth near the conference table speaker and stated, "I'd rather not have it end this way. I want to be around for the new era. Can you arrange to have a Lear available to get us the heck out of here?"
Everyone froze, but nodded knowingly in agreement. The silence was enough to tell Judas that he was having discontent. He hadn't told them his real intentions. This was to be a one-way trip for them, but they didn't know it. Their discontent may be enough to jeopardize the mission.
He lied politely, "Yes, I agree. If you can get to the airport, on the private Cessna side, I'll have transportation waiting for you. Don't be late."
Everyone smiled broadly and winked thankfully at Mussolini. Judas could tell they bought his lie. He felt the air relax around them and saw them slapping Mussolini's back in additional approval. He felt like they needed some extra encouragement.
"The timers are all set on a countdown based on a date and a specific time. For instance, since the timer is set to go off at 10:30 that morning, which is after Jesus arrives, you decide when you want to place the devices. Just don't mess up the mission trying to do it too early. What the heck, give yourselves an extra 15 minutes if you want. Okay, guys, stop the celebrating and give me the placements, one at a time, from the top," Judas ordered. "If you forget the placements, I can't help you. I didn't even put the Jerusalem placements on the CDs. What you remember from the smart board right now, is it."
"Okay," Mussolini started, "I'm to be the first. I'll put it under the baptismal Font to the left of Jesus. I'll be handling vestments that day. No one checks around me. I'll place it at ten that morning. Like you said, Jesus won't get there until 10:30. The altar guild comes after it's over to clean up. Our job is done once the sacrament table is rolled out."
"Who's next?" Judas tested.
"I am," replied Stalin. "I'm to place mine on the roof where Jesus ascends and descends. It's to be placed in the raingear trunk. I hope, they don't send me help and it doesn't rain. I believe I'm to be the only one on duty, if all goes well."
"I'm glad you said hope and not pray. Thank you for little considerations," laughed Judas while feeling better about this.
"I'm next," replied Attila. "I'm to put mine in the main elevator shaft. The explosion should feed itself up through the building, ensuring that nothing structural remains. Even if Jesus moves up towards the dome to escape, Stalin's nuke should force him down into mine."
"I'm next," announced Goliath. "I'm to place mine in the basement of the Jesus Priest complex. That will take care of every living Jesus Priest in Jerusalem. It will take them ten years to replace them."
"That leaves you, Imizras," stated Judas victoriously.
"Yes, Judas. I'm to place mine in the Biblical Archives. Every parchment and ancient historical record with all the original translations of every biblically written book ever written are housed in the archives. It's guarded by a little, old lady librarian. Thanks for giving me such an easy one."
"You must each know that I have you linked together to synchronize your arming at the same time. It's as much for emergencies as anything. If there isn't a pulse beat from any of you for a minimum of five minutes, it will activate an automatic five-minute countdown no matter where the nukes are. Do you understand? The timers are set a minute apart. That means that the time is set for 30, 29, 28, 27, and 26 minutes or for emergencies 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1. If you can't make it to the airport and get out within that time, plus the time you pick up from placing them early, your transportation won't help. Sorry Mussolini. Can't help you anyway, right?" replied Judas coldly.
"Let's think positive, right guys?" encouraged Mussolini.
There was a loud crescendo of agreement, which Judas cut off abruptly. "Do you all know that your timing is also attached to the South American attacks on the abyss?"
They said, "Yes," in agreement.
"What do we do if we are compromised?" aske
d Stalin nervously.
"If any of you are compromised, stop your watches, and they default to the automatic five-minute countdown, including an immediate launch of the South American attacks. If no emergencies, the South American mission is an hour behind you. I felt that Jehovah wouldn’t be able to have enough to cover Jerusalem and the abyss replacements when it's blown. The sub has been waiting for a month. They'll immediately launch the attack of five nuclear-armed missiles. The C147 will bring in their own nuke drops. They have two. Between an ocean passage being opened up, and the top being blown, with the Jehovah guards with it, we feel that we can get out enough legions to mount a crucial offensive. It would probably only take a hundred legions of dark angels with Apollyon."
Judas continued excitedly, "I have a feeling that Apollyon knows what's going on. We have been feeling his presence influencing the most critical decisions. I feel him even as I speak, penetrating my mind. It's Apollyon who keeps telling me to watch out for betrayal. It has to be Apollyon. The voice is too strong to be mine. It's overpowering."
Judas continued, "Remember, if any of you get compromised prior to our scheduled time, manually turn off your timers. We'll just do what we have to do. We'll mess up Jerusalem and turn the abyss into chunks even if we don't get Jesus."
"The abyss is like trying to blow up a mountain. It's a volcano, anyway. How do we know that we'll do any good?" asked Stalin skeptically.
"You're right, Stalin, we don't. We're just hoping that we can nuke it enough to make a difference. If you figure, we're setting off seven nuclear bombs on and around it, something is bound to happen. We're working on the law of averages, that's all."
"Average with a big boom!" exclaimed Stalin while being very impressed at the extent of the attacks.
"We all have to get back to our duties. We are on a countdown," stated Attila.
"Yes, the clock is ticking. Your drop dead date is in five days."