Ruth Fielding in the Great Northwest; Or, The Indian Girl Star of the Movies
Ruth Fielding almost screamed aloud. She rose in her seat, clinging toHelen Cameron's arm.
"Oh! what will she do?" gasped the girl of the Red Mill, just as therifle in the Indian sharp-shooter's hands spat its brief tongue offlame.
The glass ball in Dakota Joe's fingers was shattered and he went througha cloud of feathers as he turned his horse at a tangent and rode awayfrom the Indian girl. It was a good shot, but one that the proprietor ofthe Wild West Show did not approve of!
"Oh!" exclaimed Mercy Curtis, bitterly, "why didn't she shoot himinstead of the ball? He deserves it, I know."
"Dear me, Mercy," drawled Jennie Stone, "you most certainly are ablood-thirsty person!"
"I just know that man is a villain, and the Indian girl is in hispower."
"Next reel!" giggled Helen. "It is a regular Western cinema drama, isn'tit?"
"I certainly want to become better acquainted with that Wonota,"declared Ruth, not at all sure but that Mercy Curtis was right in heropinion. "There! Wonota is going off."
The applause the Indian girl received was vociferous. Most of thespectators believed that the shooting of the glass ball out of the man'shand had been rehearsed and was one of Wonota's chief feats. Ruth andher friends had watched what had gone before too closely to make thatmistake. There was plainly a serious schism between Dakota Joe and thegirl whom he had called the Indian princess.
The girls settled back in their seats after Wonota had replied to theapplause with a stiff little bow from the entrance to the dressing-tent.The usual representation of "Pioneer Days" was then put on, and whilethe "stage" was being set for the attack on the emigrant train andIndian massacre, the fellow who had stood at the pasture fence andtalked to the girls when the black bull had done his turn, suddenlyappeared in the aisle between the plank seats and gestured to Ruth.
"What?" asked the girl of the Red Mill "You want me?"
"You're the lady," he said, grinning. "Won't keep you a minute. You cangit back and see the rest of the show all right."
"It must be that Wonota has sent him for me," explained Ruth, seeing noother possible reason for this call. Refusing to let even Helen go withher, she followed the man up the aisle and down a narrow flight of stepsto the ground.
"What is the matter with her? What does she want me for?" Ruth asked himwhen she could get within earshot and away from the audience.
"Yes. You come from Wonota, don't you?"
The man chuckled, but still kept on. "You'll see her in a minute. Rightthis way, Miss," he said.
They came to a canvas-enclosed place with a flap pinned back as thoughit were the entrance to a tent. The guide flourished a hamlike hand,holding back the canvas flap.
"Just step in and you'll find her," he said, again chuckling.
Ruth was one not easily alarmed. But the fellow seemed impudent. Shegave him a reproving look and marched into what appeared to be anoffice, for there was a desk and a chair in view.
There, to her surprise, was Dakota Joe, the long-haired proprietor ofthe Wild West Show! He stood leaning against a post, his arms folded andsmoking a very long and very black cigar. He did not remove his hat asRuth entered, but rolled his cigar from one corner of his mouth to theother and demanded harshly:
"You know this Injun girl I got with the show?"
"Certainly I know her!" Ruth exclaimed without hesitation, "She saved mylife."
"Huh! I heard about that, ma'am. And I don't mean it just that way. I'mtalking about her--drat her! She says she has got a date with you andyour friends between the afternoon and night shows."
"Yes," Ruth said wonderingly. "We are to meet--and talk."
"That's just it, ma'am," said the man, rolling the cigar again in anoffensive way. "That's just it. When you come to talk with that Injungirl, I want you to steer her proper on one p'int. We're white, you an'me, and I reckon white folks will stick together when it comes to a gameagainst reds. Get me?"
"I do not think I do--yet," answered Ruth hesitatingly.
"Why, see here, now," Dakota Joe went on. "It's easy to see you're alady--a white lady. I'm a white gent. This Injun wench has got it in forme. Did you see what she come near doin' to me right out there in thering?"
Ruth restrained a strong wish to tell him exactly what she had seen. Butsomehow she felt that caution in the handling of this rough man would bethe wiser part.
"I saw that she made a very clever shot in breaking that ball in yourhand, Mr. Dakota Joe," the girl of the Red Mill said.
"Heh? Well, didn't you see she aimed straight at me? Them reds ain't gotno morals. They'd jest as lief shoot a feller they didn't like as not.We have to keep 'em down all the time. I know. I been handling 'em foryears."
"Well, sir?" asked Ruth impatiently.
"Why, this Wonota--drat her!--is under contract with me. She's a drawin'card, I will say. But she's been writin' back to the agency where I gother and making me trouble. She means to leave me flat if she can---and agood winter season coming on."
"What do you expect me to do about it, Mr.--er--Dakota Joe?" asked Ruth.
"Fenbrook. Fenbrook's my name, ma'am," tardily explained the showman."Now, see here. She's nothin' but an ignorant redskin. Yep. She'sdaughter of old Totantora, hereditary chief of the Osages. But he's outof the way and her guardian is the Indian Agent at Three Rivers Stationin Oklahoma where the Osages have their reservation. As I say, this galhas writ to the agent and told him a pack o' lies about how bad she istreated. And she ain't treated bad a mite."
"Well, Mr. Fenbrook?" demanded Ruth again.
"Why, see now. This Injun gal thinks well of you. I know what she's toldthe other performers. And I see her looking at you. Naturally, beingnothin' but a redskin, she'll look up to a white lady like you. You tellher she's mighty well off here, all things considered--will you? Justtell her how hard some gals of her age have to work, while all she doesis to ride and shoot in a show. All them Injuns is crazy to beplay-actors, you know. Even old Chief Totantora was till he got mixed upwith them Germans when the war come on.
"Huh? You savvy my idee, Miss? Jest tell her she's better off with theshow than she would be anywhere else. Will you? Do as I say, Miss, andI'll slip you a bunch of tickets for all your friends. We're showin' atGreat Forks on Friday, at Perryville Saturday, and at Lymansburg fust ofthe week. You can take your friends in and have fust-class seats to allthem places."
"Thank you very much, Mr. Fenbrook," said Ruth, having difficulty tokeep from laughing. "But owing to other engagements I could not possiblyaccept your kind offer. However, I will speak to the girl and advise herto the best of my ability."
Which was exactly what Ruth did when, later, she and her friends weremet by the Princess Wonota at the exit of the big tent. The girl of theRed Mill had had no opportunity to explain to Helen and Jennie and Mercyin full about her interview with Dakota Joe. But she was quite decidedas to what she proposed to do.
"Let us go on to the automobile, girls," Ruth said, taking Wonota'shand. "We want to talk where nobody will overhear us."
It was Mercy, when they arrived at Helen's car, who put the firstquestion to the Indian maid:
"Why didn't you shoot that man? I would have done so!"
"Oh, hush, Mercy!" ejaculated Jennie Stone. "She will think you arequite a savage."
Helen laughed gaily and helped Wonota into the tonneau.
"Come on!" she cried. "Let us smoke the peace-pipe and tell each otherall our past lives."
But Ruth remained rather grave, looking steadily at the Indian girl.When they were seated, she said:
"If you care to confide in us, Wonota, perhaps we can advise you, oreven help you. I know that you are unhappy and unkindly treated at thisshow. I owe you so much that I would be glad to feel that I had donesomething for you in return."
The grave face of the Indian girl broke into a slow smile. When she didsmile, Ruth thought her very winsome indeed. N
ow that she had removedher headdress and wore her black hair in two glossy plaits over hershoulders, she was even more attractive.
"You are very kind," Wonota said. "But perhaps I should not trouble youwith any of my difficulties."
"If you have troubles," interposed Jennie, "you've come to the rightshop. We all have 'em and a few more won't hurt us a bit. We're justdying to know why that man treats you so mean."
"He wouldn't treat me that way!" put in Mercy vigorously.
"But you see I--I am quite alone," explained Wonota. "Since FatherTotantora went away I have been without any kin and almost withoutfriends in our nation."
"That is it," said Ruth. "Begin at the beginning. Tell us how the chiefcame to leave you, and how you got mixed up with this Dakota Joe. I havea very small opinion of that man," added the girl of the Red Mill, "andI do not think you should remain in his care."