Off Armageddon Reef
God only knew what the Group of Four would do when it discovered that fact. In the short term, there wasn't very much it could do without a fleet. In the long term, the Temple controlled somewhere around eighty-five percent of the total planetary population and a huge proportion of the planet's total wealth. Those were daunting odds, but if they dismayed Cayleb Ahrmahk, Merlin had seen no sign of it. And Cayleb was already working to improve them.
Queen Sharleyan's distaste for the orders forced upon her by the Group of Four offered him an opening, and the fact that so many of her warships had surrendered offered him a lever. He'd already dispatched a special ambassador to Cherayth with an offer to return her vessels, along with all of her personnel, in return for a formal end to hostilities.
That was the official message. The private letter from Cayleb to Sharleyan which accompanied it suggested a somewhat closer relationship. It very carefully did not mention the fact that the Group of Four was likely to be rather upset with her kingdom and her navy's performance against Charis. Nor did it even hint that Cayleb's return of her surrendered ships would almost certainly make the Group of Four even angrier. Which, of course, only emphasized those facts more strongly. It did specifically point out all of the reasons to hate and despise Hektor of Corisande which Charis and Chisholm had in common, however, and suggest that they do something about them.
And, of course, there was always Nahrmahn of Emerald. Who now found himself on the other side of the Charis Sea with no navy, no allies, and very little in the way of an army.
But that could wait, Merlin thought, as the organ music swelled and the cathedral doors opened. The time would come when all those other threats must be dealt with. The time for analysis, planning, the identification of opportunities and perils. But that time was not now, and even if it had been, Merlin would not have cared.
Perhaps it was as "wrong" of him to feel that way as it had been for Haarahld to steer to meet Black Water's flagship instead of turning away. Merlin Athrawes, after all, was a creature of circuitry and alloys, of the cool whisper of electrons and not flesh and blood, or the beating of a human heart. It was his duty to look to those threats, to scent those opportunities, to determine how best to turn even King Haarahld's death to advantage. And he would discharge that duty.
But not today. Today belonged to the man who had become his friend. The man who'd trusted him with his own life, and his kingdom, and his son, and died without ever truly knowing what Merlin was. This day belonged to Haarahld Ahrmahk, and to all the other men who had died in a war whose true objectives had never been explained to them. It belonged to their memory, to Merlin's own prayers for forgiveness as he contemplated the blood upon his hands and the greater tides still waiting to be shed.
As he gazed at Haarahld's bier and the wounded midshipman at its foot, Merlin Athrawes tasted the full, bitter weight of immortality. Of knowing how many endless years stretched out before him, how many more men and child-officers—and women, in days to come—would die in the war he had begun.
He felt that weight, saw it in his mind's eye, looming before him like an Everest of the soul, and it terrified him. But Haarahld's example—and Pei Kau-yung's, and Pei Shan-wei's, and even Nimue Alban's—burned before him, as well. That Everest was his, and he would bear it, for however long it took, for however far he must journey. He knew that. But for today, it could wait while the Kingdom of Charis—and the man who had been Nimue Alban—said their final farewell to King Haarahld VII.
It could all wait.
Ahdymsyn, Bishop Executor Zherald—Archbishop Erayk Dynnys' chief administrator for the Archbishopric of Charis.
Ahlbair, Lieutenant Zherohm, Royal Charisian Navy—first lieutenant, HMS Typhoon.
Ahlverez, Admiral-General Faidel, Dohlaran Navy—Duke of Malikai; King Rahnyld IV of Dohlar's senior admiral.
Ahrmahk, Crown Prince Cayleb—Crown Prince of Charis, older son of King Haarahld VII.
Ahrmahk, King Haarahld VII—King of Charis.
Ahrmahk, Kahlvyn—Duke of Tirian, Constable of Hairatha, King Haarahld VII's first cousin.
Ahrmahk, Kahlvyn Cayleb—Kahlvyn Ahrmahk's younger son.
Ahrmahk, Rayjhis—Kahlvyn Ahrmahk's elder son and heir.
Ahrmahk, Prince Zhan—Crown Prince Cayleb's younger brother, youngest child of King Haarahld VII.
Ahrmahk, Princess Zhanayt—Crown Prince Cayleb's younger sister, second eldest child of King Haarahld VII.
Ahrmahk, Zhenyfyr—Duchess of Tirian, wife of Kahlvyn Ahrmahk.
Ahzgood, Phylyp—Earl of Coris, Prince Hektor's spymaster.
Alban, Lieutenant Commander Nimue, TFN—Admiral Pei Kau-zhi's tactical officer.
Allayn, Vicar—see also Allayn Mahgwyr.
Aplyn, Midshipman Hektor, Royal Charisian Navy—junior midshipman, HMS Royal Charis.
Athrawes, Lieutenant Merlin, Charisian Royal Guard—Nimue Alban's male persona.
Aymez, Midshipman Bardulf, Royal Charisian Navy—a midshipman, HMS Typhoon.
Bahrmyn, Archbishop Borys—Archbishopric of Corisande.
Bahltyn, Zheevys—Baron White Ford's valet.
Bahrns, King Rahnyld IV—King of Dohlar.
Borys, Archbishop—see Archbishop Borys Bahrmyn.
Bahrmyn, Tohmys—Baron White Castle, Prince Hektor's ambassador to Prince Nahrmahn.
Baytz, Princess Felayz—Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's youngest child and second daughter.
Baytz, Princess Mahrya—Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's oldest child.
Baytz, Prince Nahrmahn II—ruler of the Princedom of Emerald.
Baytz, Prince Nahrmahn Gareyt—second child of Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald.
Baytz, Princess Ohlyvya—wife of Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald.
Baytz, Prince Trahvys—Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's third child and second son.
Bédard, Dr. Adorée, Ph.D.—Chief Psychiatrist, Operation Ark.
Bishop Executor Zherald—see Bishop Executor Zherald Ahdymsyn.
Bishop Executor Wyllys—see Bishop Executor Wyllys Gryrsyn.
Bishop Maikel—see Bishop Maikel Staynair.
Blaidyn, Lieutenant Rozhyr, Dohlaran Navy—second lieutenant, galley Royal Bédard.
Black Water, Duke—see Ernyst Lynkyn.
Bowsham, Captain Khanair, Royal Charisian Marines—CO, HMS Gale.
Bradlai, Lieutenant Robyrt, Corisandian Navy—true name of Captain Styvyn Whaite.
Broun, Father Mahtaio—Archbishop Erayk Dynnys' senior secretary and aide; Archbishop Erayk's confidant and protégé.
Brownyng, Captain Ellys—CO, Temple galleon Blessed Langhorne.
Breygart, Fraidareck—fourteenth Earl of Hanth; Hauwerd Breygart's great-grandfather.
Breygart, Sir Hauwerd—the rightful heir to the Earldom of Hanth.
Byrk, Major Brekyn, Royal Charisian Marines—CO, Marine detachment, HMS Royal Charis.
Cahnyr, Archbishop Zhasyn—Archbishop of Glacierheart.
Chalmyr, Lieutenant Mailvyn, Royal Charisian Navy—first lieutenant, HMS Tellesberg.
Chalmyrz, Father Karlos—Archbishop Borys Bahrmyn's aide and secretary.
Charlz, Captain Marik—CO Charisian merchant ship Wave Daughter.
Clareyk, Major Kynt, Royal Charisian Marines—a Marine expert in infantry tactics.
Clyntahn, Vicar Zhaspyr—Grand Inquisitor of the Church of God Awaiting; one of the so-called "Group of Four."
Cohlmyn, Admiral Sir Lewk, Chisholmian Navy—Earl Sharpfield; Queen Sharleyan's senior fleet Commander.
Coris, Earl—see Phylyp Ahzgood.
Cahkrayn, Samyl—Duke of Fern, King Rahnyld IV of Dohlar's first councillor.
Daikyn, Gahlvyn—Crown Prince Cayleb's personal valet.
Daykyn, Prince Hektor—Prince of Corisande, leader of the league of Corisande.
Dragoner, Corporal Zhak, Royal Charisian Marines—a member of Crown Prince Cayleb's bodyguard.
Duchairn, Vicar Rhobair—Minister of Treasury, Council of Vicars; one of the so-called
Group of Four.
Dymytree, Fronz, Royal Charisian Marines—a member of Crown Prince Cayleb's bodyguard.
Dynnys, Adorai—Archbishop Erayk Dynnys' wife.
Dynnys, Archbishop Erayk—Archbishop of Charis.
Ekyrd, Captain Hayrys, Dohlaran Navy—CO, galley King Rahnyld.
Erayk, Archbishop—see Erayk Dynnys.
Fahrmahn, Private Luhys, Royal Charisian Marines—a member of Crown Prince Cayleb's bodyguard.
Faircaster, Sargeant Payter, Royal Charisian Marines—senior noncom, Crown Prince Cayleb's bodyguard.
Father Michael—parish priest of Lakeview.
Fern, Duke of—see Samyl Cahkrayn.
Falkhan, Lieutenant Ahrnahld, Royal Charisian Marines—commanding officer, Crown Prince Cayleb's personal bodyguard.
Fofão, Captain Mateus, TFN—CO TFNS Swiftsure.
Fuhllyr, Father Raimahnd—chaplain, HMS Dreadnought.
Furkhal, Rafayl—second baseman and leadoff hitter, Tellesberg Krakens.
Gahrdaner, Sergeant Charlz, Charisian Royal Guard—one of King Haarahld VII's bodyguards.
Gardynyr, Admiral Lywys, Dohlaran Navy—Earl of Thirsk; senior professional admiral of the Dohlaran Navy; second-in-command to Duke Malikai.
Grand Vicar Erek XVII—secular and temporal head of the Church of God Awaiting.
Gray Harbor, Earl—see Rayjhis Yowance.
Greenhill, Tymahn—King Haarahld VII's senior huntsman.
Green Mountain, Baron—see Mahrak Sandyrs.
Guyshain, Father Bahrnai—Vicar Zahmsyn Trynair's senior aide.
Gyrard, Lieutenant Andrai, Royal Charisian Navy—first officer, HMS Dreadnought.
Graisyn, Bishop Executor Wyllys—Archbishop Lyam Tyrn's chief administrator for the Archbishopric of Emerald.
Haarpar, Sergeant Gorj, Charisian Royal Guard—one of King Haarahld VII's bodyguards.
Hotchkys, Captain Sir Ohwyn, Royal Charisian Navy—CO HMS Tellesberg.
Hahlmahn, Pawal—King Haarahld VII's senior chamberlain.
Halmyn, Archbishop—see Halmyn Zahmsyn.
Haskyn, Midshipman Yahncee, Dohlaran Navy—a midshipman aboard Gorath Bay.
Hanth, Earl—see Tahdayo Mahntayl.
Harrison, Matthew Paul—Timothy and Sarah Harrison's great-grandson.
Harrison, Robert—Timothy and Sarah Harrison's grandson; Matthew Paul Harrison's father.
Harrison, Sarah—wife of Timothy Harrison hand and an Eve.
Harrison, Timothy—Mayor of Lakeview and an Adam.
Harys, Father Ahlbyrt—Vicar Zahmsyn Trynair's special representative to Dohlar.
Hauwyrd, Zhorzh—Earl Gray Harbor's personal guardsman.
Henderson, Lieutenant Gabriela ("Gabby"), TFN—tactical officer, TFNS Swiftsure.
Howsmyn, Ehdwyrd—a wealthy foundry owner and shipbuilder in Tellesberg.
Huntyr, Lieutenant Klemynt, Charisian Royal Guard—an officer of the Charisian Royal Guard in Tellesberg.
Hyndryk, Captain Sir Ahlfryd, Royal Charisian Navy—Baron Seamount, the Royal Charisian Navy's senior gunnery expert.
Hyrst, Admiral Zohzef, Chisholmian Navy—Earl Sharpfield's second-in-command.
Kaillee, Captain Zhilbert, Tarotisian Navy—CO, galley King Gorjah II.
Khattyr, Captain Payt, Emerald Navy—CO, galley Black Prince.
King Gorjah III—see Gorjah Yairayl.
King Haarahld VII—see Haarahld Ahrmahk.
King Rahnyld IV—see Rahnyld Bahrns.
Kohrby, Midshipman Lynail, Royal Charisian Navy—senior midshipman, HMS Dreadnought.
Lahang, Braidee—Prince Nahrmahn of Emerald's chief agent in Charis.
Langhorne, Eric—Chief Administrator, Operation Ark.
Layn, lieutenant Zhim, Royal Charisian Marines—Major Kynt Clareyk's aide.
Lock Island, High Admiral Bryahn—Earl of Lock Island, CO Royal Charisian Navy, a cousin of King Haarahld VII.
Lord Protector Greyghor—see Greyghor Stohnar.
Lyam, Archbishop—see Archbishop Lyam Tyrn.
Lynkyn, Admiral Ernyst, Corisandian Navy—Duke of Black Water, CO, Corisandian Navy.
Mahgentee, Midshipman Mahrak, Royal Charisian Navy—senior midshipman, HMS Typhoon.
Mahklyn, Dr. Rahzhyr—head of the Royal Charisian College.
Mahlry, Lieutenant Rholynd, Emerald Navy—a lieutenant aboard galley Black Prince.
Mahndyr, Earl—see Gharth Rahlstahn.
Mahntayl, Tahdayo—usurper Earl of Hanth.
Mahrak, Lieutenant Rahnald Royal Charisian Navy—first lieutenant, HMS Royal Charis.
Mahrtyn, Admiral Gahvyn, Tarotisian Navy—Baron White Ford; senior admiral of the Navy of Tarot.
Magwair, Vicar Allayn—Captain General, Council of Vicars; one of the so-called Group of Four.
Maikel, Captain Qwentyn, Dohlaran Navy—CO, galley Gorath Bay.
Maikelsyn, Lieutenant Leeahm, Tarotisian Navy—first lieutenant, King Gorjah II.
Mairydyth, Lieutenant Nevyl, Dohlaran Navy—first lieutenant, galley Royal Bédard.
Makferzahn, Zhames—one of Prince Hektor's agents in Charis.
Makgregair, Father Zhoshua—Vicar Zahmsyn Trynair's special representative to Tarot.
Malikai, Duke—see Faidel Ahlverez.
Manthyr, Captain Gwylym, Royal Charisian Navy—CO, HMS Dreadnought.
Marshyl, Midshipman Adym, Royal Charisian Navy—senior midshipman, HMS Royal Charis.
Master Domnek—King Haarahld VII's court arms master.
Mathysyn, Lieutenant Zhaikeb, Dohlaran Navy—first lieutenant, galley Gorath Bay.
Maylyr, Captain Dunkyn, Royal Charisian Navy—CO, HMS Halberd.
Maysahn, Zhaspahr—Prince Hektor's senior agent in Charis.
Maythis, Lieutenant Fraizher, Corisandian Navy—true name of Captain Wahltayr Seatown.
Mhulvayn, Oskahr—one of Prince Hektor's agents in Charis.
Mychail, Raiyan—a major textile producer and sailmaker in Tellesberg.
Myllyr, Archbishop Urvyn—Archbishop of Sodar.
Myrgyn, Sir Kehvyn, Corisandian Navy—CO, galley Corisande.
Nylz, Commodore Kohdy, Royal Charisian Navy—CO of one of High Admiral Lock Island's galley squadrons.
Nyou, King Gorjah III—King of Tarot.
Oarmaster, Sygmahn, Royal Charisian Marines—a member of Crown Prince Cayleb's bodyguard.
Ohlsyn, Trahvys—Earl of Pine Hollow, Prince Nahrmahn's of Emerald's first councillor and cousin.
Olyvyr, Ahnyet—Sir Dustyn Olyvyr's life.
Olyvyr, Sir Dustyn—a leading Tellesberg ship designer; chief constructor, Royal Charisian Navy.
Owl—Nimue Alban's AI, based on the manufacturer's acronym: Ordoñes-Westinghouse-Lytton RAPIER Tactical Computer, Mark 17a.
Pei, Admiral Kau-zhi, TFN—CO, Operation Breakaway; older brother of commodore Pei Kau-yung.
Pei, Commodore Kau-yung, TFN—CO, Operation Ark final escort.
Pei, Dr. Shan-wei, Ph.D.—Commodore Pei Kau-yung's wife; senior terraforming expert for Operation Ark.
Phonda, Madam Ahnzhelyk—proprietor of one of the City of Zion's most discrete brothels.
Pine Hollow, Earl—see Trahvys Ohlsyn.
Prince Cayleb—see Cayleb Ahrmahk.
Prince Hektor—see Hektor Daykyn.
Prince Nahrmahn—see Nahrmahn Baytz.
Proctor, Dr. Elias, Ph.D.—a member of Pei Shan-wei's staff and a noted cyberneticist.
Queen Sharleyan—see Sharleyan Tayt.
Qwentyn, Commodore Donyrt, Corisandian Navy—Baron Tanlyr Keep, one of Duke of Black Water's squadron commander's.
Rahlstahn, Admiral Gharth, Emerald Navy—Earl of Mahndyr, CO, Emerald Navy.
Rahlstyn, Commodore Erayk, Dohlaran Navy—one of Duke Malikai's squadron commanders.
Raice, Bynzhamyn—Baron Wave Thunder, King Haarahld VII's spymaster and a member of his Privy Council.
Rayno, Archbishop Wyllym—Archbishop of Chiang-wu; adjutant of the Order of Schueler.