The Strange Story of Rab Ráby
It was now time for dinner, whereat we may have the honour of making acloser acquaintance with the host and hostess and their four guests.
The prefect, Mr. John Zabvary, with his jaundiced complexion and blearedeyes, is an excellent specimen of the perfect egoist. Whosoever it isthat comes to him, whether to ask, or to give something, is equally anenemy in disguise. Does he ask a favour? what is it he wants? Does hebring something? why is there not more of it? With that perpetual drycough of his, he always seems to be calling attention to the faults ofsomeone or other. He does not even dress like anyone else, but sits atthe end of the table in loose shirt-sleeves, his head nearlyextinguished by a huge red velvet cap, from which dangles an enormousred tassel, that seems to mock at received Magyar modes. He is ashocking speaker, and when he gets angry, words fail him, and he beginsto stammer. He is, however, the uncle and guardian of FrauleinFruzsinka, which fact perhaps accounts for his short temper.
For Fraulein Fruzsinka, with her pretty face and arch ways, her brighteyes and alluring smile, is none the less a domestic affliction in herway. How the prefect longs for someone to rid him of her! How willinglywould he not give her to the first comer.
But it is her own fault that no one marries her, for she flirtsdesperately with each admirer in turn. You see it even as she sits atthe table, keeping up a cross-fire of bread-pellets with the judge in away that is anything but ladylike. The prefect coughs disapproval andshakes his head each time he glances at his wayward niece, who, on herpart, only shrugs her shoulders defiantly.
Yet is Judge Peter Petray a highly distinguished man. The dark Hungariandolman that he wears suits him admirably. His black curly hair is notpowdered in the Austrian mode, nor twisted into a cue, but curls overhis forehead in a most attractive fashion, and his short moustacheproclaims him a cavalier of the best type.
His neighbour, the president of the court, Mr. Valentine Laskoy, is agood specimen of the Magyar of the old school, with his squat littlerotund figure, short red dolman, variegated Hungarian hose, brightyellow belt, and tan boots. The long fair moustache that droops eitherside of his mouth, seems to vie with the bushy eyebrows half defiantly.Yet it is a face that is always smiling, and the owner has a powerfulvoice wherewith to express his feelings.
The dinner lasted well into the twilight. How describe it? Everyoneknows what an Hungarian dinner implies. With other people, eating is apleasure, with the Magyar it is a veritable _cultus_.
The meal was enlivened by anecdotes, and those of the most racy kind,whilst the fragrant fumes of tobacco wrapped the company in a cloud ofsmoke.
When they at last rose from the table, the judge drew from under hisdolman a little note that Fraulein Fruzsinka had slipped into his handunder the table--a missive that an onlooker might have taken perhaps fora love-letter. The judge, however, pushed it over to the president,exclaiming as he did so, "Worshipful friend, will you please verify thislittle account?"
"What is it? I can't see to read by candle-light." And with that thepresident pushed the document over to the prefect.
"It's only the statement of accounts," grumbled the host, as he thrustthe paper from him, while he growled: "That is my niece's affair and hasnothing to do with me!"
"I can't see by candle-light," repeated the president. "I can't make outthe letters." For a good Hungarian never puts on spectacles. Whoever hasgood eyes may read if he will.
His worship, the judge, had good eyes as it happened. But FrauleinFruzsinka kicked his foot under the table, a hint her admirer wellunderstood.
"Let us hear how much we four have eaten and drunk in four days." Hereit is:
12 pounds of coffee. 24 pounds of fine sugar. 626 loaves of wheaten bread. 534 decanters of wine. 154 pounds of beef. 4 sucking pigs. 107 pairs of fowls, turkeys, and geese. 54 1/2 gallons of Obers beer. 174 1/2 pounds of fish. 24 1/2 pounds of almonds. 18 1/4 pounds of raisins. 422 eggs. 3 hundred weight of finest wheat flour.
Each item was greeted with a roar of laughter from the company. What washere set forth could not have been consumed. Moreover the expenditurewas the affair of Fraulein Fruzsinka, who superintended these payments.
It was the judge's cue to be polite under the circumstances. FrauleinFruzsinka held her table-napkin before her face while it was being read,in order to hide her blushes. Behind her stood the heyduke with theinkstand, so that the document might be duly signed by the authorities.Happily the item of the ink wherewith it was signed was not put down,else, doubtless, it had amounted to a bucketful! Then they allexchanged the greeting customary at the close of a meal. If anyone hadanything further to say, it was about the gipsy musicians who were justbeginning to play.