Nomads The Risen God
Chapter 37.
There are six moons that orbit the planet Gorn, the Nomads believe they are children of Isarie and protect her but this goes against all logic and the teachings of science and there was a time that I would have scoffed at such a ludicrous notion but I have lived long enough and seen with my own eyes the reality of such a faith.
From the writings of Oshismarie Inastro Sistashion.
With the destruction of the Overlord the dark warriors were free of the creatures influence so they cast down their weapons and their helmets and although they were of different tribes they did not fight for they had enough of war and their only thought was to find their way back to their homes.
High above them others were making ready to turn the world in the Gornogal section with a file number of 11975, U.P.O. into a vast planet of rubble where all life is extinguished.
The Planet Rippers of the Mac-Mar were machines constructed for just one purpose, to destroy worlds, they were massive in design with a compliment of many thousands of soldiers and technicians, its power came from multi-integrating matter transformers and that almost limitless power was conveyed to huge deflector discs that directed the energy downwards to lift up the surface ground and all that it contained and reverses its gravity so that it came crashing back destroying everything, originally designed for mining it was subverted into a weapon of war that most civilized worlds banded, but the Mac-Mar used it to subdue rebelling planets and as a punishment for those who stood against them, and although no further commands came from General Ivar they would follow his last orders and destroy the world below them.
“Are the Rippers fully charged?” asked the central Commandant on the command ship.
“Fully charged and awaiting final orders” was the reply from the battle tactician.
“Then they may commence” the Commandant said with a smile for who was there to stop them?
A moment or two later a dozen Ripper ships began the decimation of Gorn, power beams brighter than the twin suns moved across the lands tearing up the earth with a thunderous noise greater than anything heard before, the trail of destruction was a kilometer and more wide, with no regard to animal or human life, those unfortunate creatures caught in its grip were tossed high into the sky only to return ending their life, rivers, mountains, valley all were helpless under the onslaught.
The green forests of Caltarine were not spared and the Norgonie watched as their woodlands were extinguished, Sagar Cats screamed as they ran for their lives, the great fortress was spared destruction but another pass of the death light would see its end.
The Jungles of Yug with their hidden temples and beast men came under the same unstoppable force and creatures that had never know fear hide in dark caves bellowing in rage, the great mountains of Gorash were broken and great chunks of rock plummeted back to the ground to shatter into a million fragments.
The Sirolian Plains with their rolling fields of Kasha wheat and great herds of Rimar were also targeted, the armored creatures stampeded in a mad rush to escape the oncoming light, even the enormous Earthshakers could not survive no matter how deeply they burrowed into the earth, the rusting war machines that had sat for millenniums disappeared under the ground and what was left of the once great city of the Talsonar vanished without a trace. The Shadowmen were spared destruction for the time being for they hide deep in their underground homes and although they prayed to no Gods they called in fear. Darmock, Jedar, Omargash all the lands felt the power of the Mac-Mar and were afraid, far off lands that were unknown to the Nomads also suffered, lands far beyond the Western Sea, strange places filled with powerful creatures inhabiting fabulous cities and ancient temples that never heard of the Outlands or Isarie.
And in the place near the Cave of Iron the Tribe of Many looked out from their hiding places and thought that the Gods had gone mad and all the heavens would soon be in flames.
Kela held tightly to Anais while Jumo and Delgar howled in fear, “What have we done to deserve such a faith?” the Handmaided asked. The Blind-prince had no answer and all he could do was hold the woman he loved and wait for the burning light to find them.
Those left behind in the land of the Akuna huddled together under the great dome and looked to Kuno to save them for he had taken charge when the Calling robbed the Almadra and the Sea-people of their warriors.
“Do not worry” he called out in a loud voice, “We will be safe here!” but the big warrior knew that his words were untrue but he understood that the people needed hope to survive.
The forbidden city of Del-Godar did not have to worry about the destroying beams of light for the targeting technicians would never aim for them so the Mac-Mar soldiers stood outside their barracks waving their weapons and cheering on their comrades overhead.
Far below in a crystal cavern a shimmering woman lifted her arms and spoke.
“My children walked upon this world and I care for them but my children also live in the heavens and we whisper to each other of things you would not understand but now I need their help and they will come to my aid”.
Closing her eyes she began to sing a sweet song filled with love and caring in words that could not be understood by the ear but were known to the heart, it told of times long ago and beginnings of great power and desire, of strange creatures long past and those that lived now, it spoke of men and women and their loves and longings and also their sins and evils but mostly it sang of their love and loss and their courage and visons of the future and hearing that song made all who listened to it weep.
I have not been a strong King Arn thought; there are others who could lead the Almadra.
I am who I am Andra told her mind, but is that enough?
Egmar and Alune were of the same mind, Isaire will protect us.
At last Osh understood what was in his heart, I do love her.
Niana continued her song and as she did an image began to form above the head of the crystal woman, at first it was a mass of light and color then it formed into a map of the heavens showing Gorn and all her moons and above the singing a voice could be heard.
“Eairla save me” it said.
High above the crystal chamber the Light of Isarie began to resonate to the song from below, it shimmered and shook sending great shards of emerald rock falling to the ground and then with a great bust of light a green ray shot out into the sky and struck Eubano the closest moon and from that glob it traveled through the heavens striking Ashshana, Italus, Rowgal, and the tiny moon named Andra until all were connected by the glowing shaft of energy, and then they began to move.
They did not follow their regular circles that could be plotted and avoided by the Mac-Mar, now they moved swiftly in a deadly dance that was instantly detected by the orbiting warships and the deadly Rippers, one by one the great globs swept through the heavens and their unstoppable gravity pulled the colossal fleet to their doom.
Trooper ship Captains shouted out orders to withdrawal from the planet but their commands came too late and they died with their crews in the vacuum of space, a few of the smaller ships managed to leave orbit but without the power of the armada they would soon fall victim to planetary pirates or hostile worlds seeking revenge.
Osh watched in awe as the war in the heavens played out before his eyes in the dancing images above Niana’s head and suddenly he understood the strange word the crystal woman had spoken, “Eairla” he said softly, “Eubano, Ashshana, Italus, Lomic, and Andra, the moons are her children and the letters of their names is the word, what a fool I have been”.
The song of Niana continued until the treat to her world was gone then it stopped and the image dissolved into nothingness, “It is done” the crystal woman said, “My children have saved me and now they will return to their paths” then she looked at the humans around her, “Now I must go to my destiny for my earth mother is dying and I must take her place”.
Slowly Moonbud moved forward and
looked into the face of her child, “Will I ever see you again?” she asked.
Niana smiled at her, “I will always be with you and you will see me in your dreams”, then she turned to the others, “I was born to know the ways of humans, for this world needs to advance and reach out to other worlds and their people. Being one of you has taught me many things that I will remember and I wish to send my memories into the heavens so that others will understand” she turned to look at the old man, “Oshismarie Inastro Sistashion hand me the medallion that you carry”.
Osh drew out the pendant that he had in his robe and gave it to the Crystal woman who took in into her hands and whispered to it, and as she did it began to glow with the same greenish light that surrounded Niana then after a time it vanished, “The Overlords created this device to store their knowledge for it has an infinite capacity and now I have used it to store all that has happened on this world, the memories of those who born here and those that were not, take it and use it wisely for it will speak to you when needed.”
My writings are not lost Osh thought.
Niana smiled at Alune and the Callaxion, “You both have taught me wisdom and faith and what it means to grow older and face the future with dignity”. Then she turned her eyes to Egmar, “You have taught me caring and longing, loss and regret but you never lost your ability to be gentle and understanding ”, she looked at Cian, “Your people pray to another Goddess but I have many names and will answer to all,” at last she looked at Arn and Andra “You are my father and the woman who gave me birth, you both have taught me strength and courage but above all love, a love that cannot be broken and that is the greatest power of all”, then she turned and moved to the great column of crystal and as she did her body began to glow with a warm light and merged with the gigantic pillar of rock and soon that column glowed with the same intensity and all the surrounding emerald shafts did the same until the chamber was bursting with luminance, and for an instance Andra saw the face of her child smiling back at her and her heart was filled with gladness.
“Goodbye” she said softly as her daughter vanished then she embraced the man at her side, “She’s gone but I feel she is still with us”.
For a long time, the chamber was silent then the King spoke, “We have a long way to go” and he led them all from the great cave and into the tunnels that would eventually bring them into the light.
Far from that underground world Kela and Anais emerged from their hiding places and looked up at the sky, the terrible light had disappeared and only the moons hung in the sky.
“We are alive”, the Blind Prince said, “How and why I do not know”.
“Yes, we are alive” Kela said brushing the sand from her robe and hair, “Whatever it was is gone and now we have work to do, our people need food and water and they look to us to guide them”.
This made Anais laugh, “a great force has cut the earth and all you can think about is eat and drink?” “Cuts will heal” Kela replied, “In time the ground will heal itself but in order to see that happen we must do what must be done, now help me find food for the Drogs or they will make a meal of us”.
Anais drew near her and took her in his arms, “You are like the earth, you can be scared but you survive and I am a very fortunate man to have you at my side”.
Kela kissed him on the lips, “Yes you are” she said with a smile.
Chapter 38.
A New Day
Gods perish but are reborn, worlds are destroyed but from their ashes new planets emerge, we are all one in the universe and each soul finds its place in that existence.
From the Book of Isarie.