Jimmy, The Glue Factory and Mad Mr Viscous
finishing the sentence for him.
The factory owner had scarcely finished speaking, when the Madam and the Mr went on the offensive, and this time they held nothing back, trying to subdue the troublesome children. However, kicking, shouting, thrashing out at the animalistic individuals, laying siege to their very existence, Jimmy and Eric resisted bravely. Landing a lucky punch, Eric yelled, “Take that you old fart!”
Inspired as much by his friend’s humour as by his battle prowess, Jimmy saw on opening. Lashing out at the Mr, he also shouted, “Take that you old fart!”
For a while, Jimmy and Eric found themselves actually winning the battle, exploiting their opponents’ increasingly obvious weaknesses (the Madam and the Mr found it impossible to match the speed and agility of youth). However, the war was far from won. The problem was twofold:
#1: Doors – and so many of them – were mysteriously banging shut all over the factory, distracting Jimmy and Eric.