Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp; Or, The Mystery of Ida Bellethorne
"Poor Hunchie!" murmured Ida Bellethorne, "I hope it wasn't because he wassurprised to see me that he fell."
"His surprise did not make that timber slippery with ice," said Betty,looking up. "Oh! Here's a lady!"
A comfortable looking woman with a shawl over her head was hurrying fromthe kitchen door of the Candace farmhouse.
"What has happened to that poor man? He's been battered and kicked aboutso much, it would seem, there ain't much can happen to him that he hasn'talready suffered.
"Ah! Poor fellow!" she added, stooping over the senseless Hunchie. "What adeal of trouble some folks seem bound to have. And not another man on theplace!"
She stood up again and stared at the three girls. Her broad, florid facewas all creased with trouble now, but Betty thought she must ordinarily bea very cheerful woman indeed.
"They've gone chasing the young stock that broke away. Dear me! what isgoing to happen to this poor fellow? Bill and the rest may be gone forhours, and there's bones broke here, that's sure."
"Where's a doctor?" asked Bobby eagerly.
"Eleven miles away, my dear, if he's an inch. Dr. Pevy is the only man fora broken bone in these woods. Poor Hunchie!"
"Can't we get him into his bed?" asked Betty. "He'll freeze here."
"You're right," replied the woman, who afterward told them she was Mrs.Candace. "Yes, we'll take him into the house and put him into a good bed.Can you girls lift him?"
They could and did. And without too much effort the three transported theinjured man, who was but a light weight, across the yard, into the house,and to a room which Mrs. Candace showed them. He began to groan and mutterbefore they managed to get him on the bed.
There was an old woman who helped Mrs. Candace in the house, and the tworemoved Hunchie's outer garments and made him as comfortable as possiblewhile the girls waited in much excitement in the sitting room.
"He saw one of you girls and knows you," said Mrs. Candace, coming out ofthe bedroom. "But he talks about that mare, Ida Bellethorne."
"This is Ida Bellethorne," said Betty, pointing to the English girl.
"I declare! I thought Hunchie was out of his head. How comes you are namedafter that horse, girl?"
Ida explained her connection with the black mare and with Hunchie.
"You'd better go in and talk to him. Maybe it will case his pain. But thatshin bone is sticking right through the flesh of his leg. It's awful! Andhe's in terrible pain. If Bill don't come back soon----"
"Isn't there any man on the place?" asked Betty, interrupting.
"None but them with Bill hunting the young stock."
"And the boys--our friends--have gone with them," explained Betty."Somebody must get the surgeon."
"How are we going to do it? The telephone wires are down," explained Mrs.Candace. "And there ain't a horse properly shod for traveling on this ice.I fear some of that young stock will break their legs."
"We saw them skating all over the road," said Bobby. "But how gay andexcited they were!"
"A ridin' horse would have to go at a foot pace," explained Mrs. Candace,"unless it was sharpened. I don't know----"
Ida had gone into the bedroom to speak with the injured man. She lookedout at this juncture and excitedly beckoned to Betty. Betty ran in to findthe crooked little man looking even more crooked and pitiful than everunder the blankets. He was groaning and the perspiration stood on hisforehead. That he was in exceeding pain there could be no doubt.
"He says Ida Bellethorne is sharpened," gasped Ida.
"Oh! You mean she is fixed to travel on ice on frozen ground?"
"I 'ad to lead 'er up 'ere from the station, Miss. Ain't I saw you before,Miss?" said Hunchie, staring at Betty. "At Mr. Bolter's?"
"Yes, yes!" cried Betty. "Can the mare travel on this hard snow?"
"Yes, ma'am. I didn't draw the calks for I exercised 'er each d'y, I did.I didn't want 'er to fall. An' now I failed myself!"
The two girls looked at each other significantly. Ida was easily led outof the room. Betty put the question to her.
"That's just it, Betty," said the English girl, almost in tears. "I neverlearned to ride. I never did ride. My nurse was afraid to let me learnwhen I was little, and although I love horses, I only know how to drivethem. It's like a sailor never having learned to swim."
Betty beat her hands together in excitement. "Never mind! Never mind!" shecried. "I can ride. I can ride any horse. I am not afraid of your IdaBellethorne. And none of the boys or men is here. I'll go for the doctor."
"I don't know if it is best for you to," groaned Ida.
"Call Mrs. Candace." They were in the kitchen, and Ida ran to summon thefarm woman while Betty got into her coat. Mrs. Candace came, hurrying.
"What is this I hear?" she demanded. "I couldn't let you ride that horse.You will be thrown or something."
"No I shan't, Mrs. Candace. I can ride. And Hunchie says the mare issharpened."
"So she is. I had forgotten," the woman admitted thoughtfully.
"And the poor fellow suffers so. Some lasting harm may be done if we don'tget a surgeon quickly. Where does Dr. Pevy live?" demanded Betty urgently.
The fact that the injured hostler was really in great pain and possibly insome danger, caused Mrs. Candace finally to agree to the girl's demand.Betty ran out with Ida to get the mare and saddle her. Betty was notdressed properly for such a venture as this; but she wore warmundergarments, and stout shoes.
The black mare was so gentle with all her spirit and fire that Betty didnot feel any fear. She and Ida led the beautiful creature out upon thebarn floor and found saddle and bridle for her. In ten minutes Betty wasastride the mare and Ida led her out of the stable.
Mrs. Candace had already given Betty clear directions regarding the way toDr. Pevy's; but she now stood on the door-stone and called repetitions ofthese directions after her.
Bobby waved her fur piece and shouted encouragement too. But IdaBellethorne ran into the house to attend the injured Hunchie and did notwatch Betty and the black mare out of sight as the others did.