Nan Sherwood at Pine Camp; Or, The Old Lumberman's Secret
Nan, however, did not mention to Toby the haze rising from the deadtree. In the first place, when she reached the little farm on the islandin the tamarack swamp, old Toby Vanderwiller was not at home. His wifegreeted the girl warmly, and Corson was glad to see her. When Nan spreadthe check before him and told him what it was for, and what he could dowith so much money, the crippled boy was delighted.
It was a secret between them that the grandmother was to have the blacksilk dress that she had longed for all her married life; only Nan andCorson knew that Nan was commissioned to get the check cashed and buythe dress pattern at the Forks; or send to a catalogue house for it ifshe could not find a suitable piece of goods at any of the local stores.
Nan lingered, hoping that Toby would come home. It finally grew so latethat she dared not wait longer. She had been warned by Aunt Kate not toremain after dusk in the swamp, nor had she any desire to do so.
Moreover there was a black cloud rolling up from the west. Thatwas enough to make the girl hurry, for when it rained in the swamp,sometimes the corduroy road was knee deep in water.
The cloud had increased to such proportions when Nan was half way acrossthe sawdust desert that she began to run. She had forgotten all aboutthe smoking tree.
Not a breath of air was stirring as yet; but there was the promise ofwind in that cloud. The still leaves on the bushes, the absence of birdlife overhead, the lazy drone of insects, portended a swift change soon.Nan was weather-wise enough to know that.
She panted on, stumbling through the loose sawdust, but stumblingequally in the ruts; for the way was very rough. This road was lonelyenough at best; but it seemed more deserted than ever now.
A red fox, his tail depressed, shot past her, and not many yards away.It startled Nan, for it seemed as though something dreadful was about tohappen and the fox knew it and was running away from it.
She could not run as fast as the fox; but Nan wished that she could. Andshe likewise wished with all her heart that she would meet somebody.
That somebody she hoped would be Tom. Tom was drawing logs from somepoint near, she knew. A man down the river had bought some timber andthey had been cut a few weeks before. Tom was drawing them out of theswamp for the man; and he had mentioned only that morning at breakfastthat he was working within sight of the sawdust tract and the corduroyroad.
Nan felt that she would be safe with big, slow Tom. Even the thought ofthunder and lightning would lose some of its terrors if she could onlyget to Tom.
Suddenly she heard a voice shouting, then the rattle of chain harness.The voice boomed out a stave of an old hymn:
"On Jordan's stormy bank I stand, And cast a wishful eye."
"It's Tom!" gasped Nan, and ran harder.
She was almost across the open space now. The cooler depths of theforest were just ahead. Beyond, a road crossed the mainly-traveled swamptrack at right angles to it, and this was the path Tom followed.
He was now coming from the river, going deeper into the swamp foranother log. Nan continued to run, calling to him at the top of hervoice.
She came in sight of the young timberman and his outfit. His wagonrattled so that he could not easily hear his cousin calling to him. Hesat on the tongue of the wagon, and his big, slow-moving horses joggedalong, rattling their chains in a jingle more noisy than harmonious.
The timber cart was a huge, lumbering affair with ordinary cartwheels infront but a huge pair behind with an extended reach between them; andto the axle of the rear pair of wheels the timber to be transportedwas swung off the ground and fastened with chains. Nan ran after therumbling cart and finally Tom saw her.
"My mercy me!" gasped the boy, using one of his mother's favoriteexpressions. "What you doing here, Nan?"
"Chasing you, Tom," laughed the girl. "Is it going to rain?"
"I reckon. You'll get wet if it does."
"I don't care so much for that," confessed Nan. "But I am so afraid ofthunder! Oh, there it comes."
The tempest muttered in the distance. Tom, who had pulled in his horsesand stopped, looked worried. "I wish you weren't here, Nan," he said.
"How gallant you are, I declare, Tommy Sherwood," cried Nan, laughingagain, and then shuddering as the growl of the thunder was repeated.
"Swamp's no place for a girl in a storm," muttered the boy.
"Well, I am here, Tommy; what are you going to do with me?" she askedhim, saucily.
"If you're so scared by thunder you'd better begin by stopping yourears," he drawled.
Nan laughed. Slow Tom was not often good at repartee. "I'm going tostick by you till it's over, Tom," she said, hopping up behind him onthe wagon-tongue.
"Cracky, Nan! You'll get soaked. It's going to just smoke in a fewminutes," declared the anxious young fellow.
And that reminded Nan again of the smoking tree.
"Oh, Tom! Do you know I believe there is a tree afire over yonder," shecried, pointing.
"A tree afire?"
"Yes. I saw it smoking."
"My mercy me!" exclaimed Tom again. "What do you mean?"
Nan told him about the mystery. The fact that a column of smoke aroseout of the top of the dead tree seemed to worry Tom. Nan became alarmed.
"Oh, dear, Tom! Do you really think it was afire?"
"I, don't know. If it was afire, it is afire now," he said. "Show me,Nan."
He turned the horses out of the beaten track through the brush andbrambles, to the edge of the open place which had been heaped withsawdust from the steam-mill.
Just as they broke cover a vivid flash of lightning cleaved the blackcloud that had almost reached the zenith by now, and the deep rumble ofthunder changed to a sharp chatter; then followed a second flash and adeafening crash.
"Oh, Tom!" gasped Nan, as she clung to him.
"The flash you see'll never hit you, Nan," drawled Tom, trying to becomforting. "Remember that."
"It isn't so much the lightning I fear as it is the thunder," murmuredNan, in the intermission. "It just so-o-ounds as though the whole housewas coming down."
"Ho!" cried Tom. "No house here, Nan."
The thunder roared again. A light patter on the leaves and groundannounced the first drops of the storm.
"Which tree was it you saw smoking?" asked the young fellow.
Nan looked around to find the tall, broken-topped tree. A murmur thathad been rising in the distance suddenly grew to a sweeping roar. Thetrees bent before the blast. Particles of sawdust stung their faces. Thehorses snorted and sprang ahead. Tom had difficulty in quieting them.
Then the tempest swooped upon them in earnest.