Soap Opera Uncensored —Issue19
minute thinking about my looks.
Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that for you. You and I are both the same age, but I still can’t believe it’s been 18 years since you started on The Hung and the Restless. Congrats. Luckily, you and I got to ride out the tail end of the glory years of soaps.
Yep, it’s 18 years in a month or so. I’ve seen some serious ups and downs on the show. When I arrived, we were just banging. We were getting an 8 rating. We were a giant and enormous production. The whole world loved us. Now, the ratings for all the shows are way down. We’re all adjusting. I don’t have any idea how long our show will last but certainly our model needs to be adjusted to move on with the times. I wish I knew the magic solution because I love my job so much. I love being a part of this medium. I love being on a show for 18 years. I love being a stabilizing force on a show. I take great pride having been on this show this long — and that I’ve been able to sustain a career and provide a life for me and my family. It saddens me to see other shows fall by the wayside. I got a lot of friends who had to make some serious life choices along the way. It’s been tough to watch because I don’t think soaps need to die. I think they need to change and go back to what works. It’s very tough for me to watch, for sure. I love my job, man. I love playing Nick. I love working with these unbelievably talented people who never get the credit they deserve. I’m living the dream! That’s my motto. I love what I do... and the time it provides me to spend time with my family and watch my kids play sports – which is why I was put on this earth to do. It’s a good gig.
That’s sweet. I’m still surprised you and Sharon never left for the bright lights of Hollywood (even though you almost quit a few years back), but look at all that money you made for the past two decades. You guys were smart. After losing some major, steady dough, everyone and their mother is dying to come back to soaps as the shows are dying. It’s ironic.
For me, I never wanted to be famous. I never wanted people following my private life and picking apart every choice I make. To this day, I’m still surprised they picked me for this job. It’s like Disneyland. I never did plays or movies before, so why would I ever want more from my life, because this is so much more than I expected? I say this with all honesty: I’m completely content with my life. Who knows how long this will last, but for now, I’m super happy.
You have one of the funniest, most entertaining Twitter accounts. Are you enjoying it?
I love it, man. There are certain days I’m too busy to get in there, but I love the platform. It’s brilliant. My ultimate fear is that it turns into a place for people to just bitch and moan, but when everyone is nice to each other, and tweeting funny and witty things, it’s awesome! Muhney makes Twitter so much more fun for me because he gives me a target. I’m not that interesting. I could be perceived as boring because my only interests are sports, but Muhney’s made the experience so much more fun.
Do you think Nick and Adam bitch at each other on Twitter, too?
That’s funny because I noticed Adam has a Twitter account so I was thinking about doing a Nick Newman one. But I hardly have time to tweet as Joshua Morrow, but since Nick and Adam are as completely different as Josh and Michael, it’s a great idea. Twitter’s a great tool.
Just like Muhney.
For old time’s sake, here’s my 2008 interview with Master Morrow:
Sexiest "Dude" Alive 2008
Y&R’s Joshua Morrow wins this year’s top honours, as he dishes about his explosive chemistry with Michelle Stafford and his sexy boy band past
What a difference a love interest makes! When The Young and the Restless decided to pair avowed enemies, Nicholas Newman and Phyllis Summers in a controversial affair two years ago, no one was more shocked than his portrayer, Joshua Morrow.
Instantly, and to everyone’s amazement, the accidental and unlikely lovers captured the imagination of viewers, and thanks to their uniquely seductive chemistry, he, along with co-star Michelle Stafford, single-handedly brought sexy back to daytime. Serving a potent cocktail of raw sexuality, unbridled passion, and an enduring love story for a new era, Phyllis and Nick have also managed to do the impossible, eclipsing the loyal fan base of Nick and Sharon, the show’s first young super-couple who reigned Genoa City for over a decade. You can credit the emergence of Morrow’s leading man status and his impressive evolution as a serious actor — along with his lusty looks, gorgeous locks, and sexy facial hair — for the success of this pairing. In fact, whenever Nick is on-screen, the unlikely sex god can’t help but illicit dirty thoughts from viewers whenever he struts his stuff (you should read our mail!). spoke with this year’s Sexiest Man Alive about the infamous pairing — and the more serious side of the business to find out how the writers’ strike is affecting his soap, his Emmy chances, and populating the world with little dudes.
TVG: Are you still shocked over the insane fan reaction to Nick and Phyllis’ romantic pairing?
Joshua Morrow: I am totally surprised, and still shocked. Soap fans generally don’t like a lot of change. Sharon and Nick were this "Romeo and Juliet" story. I thought it was going to be a hard pill for fans to swallow. When they first began talking about Nick and Phyllis, I asked the writers: ‘Are you sure?; I’m not feeling it.’ But they said they liked our energy, chemistry and the shock value associated with the pairing. I went into the story very skeptical, but was immediately blown away by the level of chemistry we shared. It was very easy. I was nervous though — Michelle Stafford [Phyllis] is this very big, dynamic actress. Dude — the way they told that story was genius by showing Michelle’s vulnerable side, and then the fans went wild — they love Nick and Phyllis, let me tell you. I would’ve lost that bet, for sure!
TVG: I thought Nick and Sharon would be married forever!
JM: So did I! Sharon and Nick were this super-couple starter kit. They’d be together forever, experience a few hiccups and get back together — that was the drill. But Nick and Phyllis have proven they are a force to be reckoned with. It’s been a hell of a ride working with ‘The Stafford,’ as I like to refer to her. [laughs] It’s a beautiful story because Phyllis saved Nick’s life; she made him smile again.
TVG: And the viewers, as well. Nick hasn’t regained the two years he lost after the plane crash back yet — why?
JM: The only benefit of keeping him in the dark is if Nick lied about Summer’s DNA test. That’d be a doozy of an explosion.
TVG: To me, it seems out of character that Nick would lie about being Summer’s real dad.
JM: I’ve always told my bosses I’ll tell whatever story they want, but I have expressed my concern if indeed Nick’s lying. Nick’s not a bad guy; that’s just a vicious thing to do — to take another man’s child. I don’t know why he would ever do something like that — even if he were still dealing with Cassie’s death, but that’s not an excuse in my book. That being said, that’s probably what’s going to happen. I, as a person, don’t think Nick’s moral compass would’ve allowed that to happen.
TVG: Let’s talk about something more important. Are you keeping the sexy Wolverine look?
JM: What do you think, Nelson? I’ve been literally taking a poll.
TVG: Well, I wouldn’t kick you out of bed, that’s for sure! [laughs] Seriously, I also liked your buzzed-look as well, but I think this style is more emblematic of where Nick is in life.
JM: I agree, too. My wife hates it, my mom loves it, my bosses are requesting to keep it the way it is, but I want to shave it all off. So for now, I’m rocking the mini-mullet!
TVG: You and Michelle should be spokespeople for a hair shampoo! What’s the mood on the set with the writers’ strike still brewing?
JM: We’re not really feeling the impact yet. Obviously, the industry has taken a huge creative hit and it will affect us a lot more down the line. But as of right now, the show is still being written and going forth; we’re doing our jobs, and trying to put out a great product for the fans.
re you being given the freedom to re-write dialogue to ensure the integrity of the characters remain? [A publicist interrupts, asking me to keep the writers’ strike questions to a minimum, however, Morrow thankfully ignores her directive].
JM: As long as we keep the gist of the scene intact, we’re allowed to have certain liberties in what we’re saying. That’s always been the case here, but we rarely need to change dialogue drastically.
TVG: You’ve certainly grown as an actor these past two years. It’s a shame you weren’t Emmy-nominated for your best work when Cassie died. [Ed. He earned five consecutive nominations as Outstanding Younger Actor from 1996-2000, but not since.]
JM: Thank you. The last couple of years, the writers have allowed me to explore and show off what I’m capable of with Cassie dying, his affair with Phyllis, and Nick being presumed dead. I’ve been very happy. The last ten years on the show, I didn’t feel like I got to show my range, but recently the writers have allowed me to bring my A-game to the table. I’m blessed.
TVG: You and Melody Thomas Scott [Nikki] are the only Newman characters not to have an Emmy on their mantle. Do you want an Emmy bad?
JM: Yeah,