The Brother of Daphne
"I suppose you think I'm going to swear," said Berry defiantly.
Jill and Daphne clasped one another and shrieked with laughter. Berrystopped addressing the ball and gazed at them.
"Go on!" he said, nodding sardonic approval. "Provoke me to violence.Goad me in the direction of insanity."
His caddie sniggered audibly. Berry turned to him.
"That's right, my boy. Make the most of your time. For you I havealready devised a lingering death."
"Look here, old chap," said I, "there's some mistake. I said I'd giveyou a stroke a hole, not a divot a stroke."
Jonah strolled up. "Hullo!" he said, "making a new bunker, old man?Good idea. Only a cleek's no good. Send the boy for a turf-cutter.Quicker in the long run."
My brother-in-law regarded us scornfully. Then:
"What I want to know," he said, "is how the Punch office can spare youboth at the same time."
Daphne, Berry and I were playing a three-ball match, while Jill andJonah--who had sprained his wrist--were walking round with us. Berryis rather good really, but just now he was wearing a patch over oneeye, which made him hopeless.
It was glorious spring weather on the coast of Devon. A little villageis Feth. Over and round about it the wind blows always, but thecluster of white cottages and the old brown inn themselves lie close ina hollow of the moorland, flanked by the great cliffs. Only the greychurch, set up on the heights, half a mile distant, endures thetempests. The wind passes over Feth and is gone. A busy fellow, thewind. He has no time to stop. Not so the sunshine. That lingers withFeth all day, decking: the place gloriously. It is good to be a pet ofthe sun. So are the gardens of Feth bright with flowers, the whitewalls dazzling, the stream, that scrambles over brown pebbles to thelittle bay, merry water.
Except for the natives, we had the place to ourselves. But then Fethsees few visitors at any season. Sixteen miles from a station is itssalvation. True, there is Mote Abbey hard by--a fine old place with anancient deer-park and deep, rolling woods. Ruins, too, we had heard.A roofless quire, a few grass-grown yards of cloister and the like.Only the Abbot's kitchen was at all preserved. There's irony for you.We were going to see them before we left. We were told that in summerat the house itself parties assembled. But the family was away now.
The round of golf proceeded. "How many is that?" said Berry, as hesliced into the sea.
"Seven," said I. "Not seven into the sea, you know. Seven strokes.You've only hit three into the sea altogether."
"Isn't he clever with his sums? Here, give me another ball. Where'sHenry?"
I handed him the last-named--a favourite cleek. The caddie had gone tocollect the flotsam.
"Now then. Ladies and gentlemen, with your kind permission I shall nowproceed to beat the sphere into the sky."
It was a tremendous shot, and we could see that it must have reachedthe green; but when we came up and found the ball in the hole nobodywas more surprised than Berry. Of course, he didn't show it. Berrydoesn't give things away.
"Ah!" he said pleasantly. "That's better. I'm beginning to get usedto playing with one eye. You know, all the time I--er--seem to see twoballs."
"Nonsense," said Daphne.
"If you said you'd been seeing two holes all day, I could believe it,"said Jonah. "Anyone might think so from the way you've been playing."
Berry smiled ecstatically. "My recent--er--chef d'oeuvre--(note theParisian accent)--has ipso facto--(Latin of the Augustan Age)--placedme beyond the pricks of criticism. The venom, brother, which you wouldsquirt upon me, bespatters but yourself. Boy, place me the globe uponyon pinnacle of sand. So. Now indicate to me the distant pin. Thankyou. Do I see it? No. Natheless (obsolete, but pure), I say namelessit beckons me. And now give me--yes, give me Douglas."
The caddie handed him a brassie. He had caddied for Berry before.
"Don't breathe for a moment, anyone," said Daphne.
Her husband frowned and silently sliced into the sea.
"How many balls did you see that time?" said Jonah.
"Three," said I. "That's why he's going to pawn his clubs."
"The aftermath of gluttony." I spoke disgustedly. It was afterluncheon, and Daphne was already asleep. Jill and Jonah droopedcomfortably in huge chairs. Berry sprawled upon a sofa.
"I suppose we outrage what you call your sense of decency." murmuredthe latter.
"You do. Incidentally, you also irritate me, because I shall have togo round alone."
"Friend, your foul egoism leaves me unmoved. Go forth and harry yourballs. I am about to slumber like a little child. Do you think Ishall dream, brother?"
"Probably," said I. "About fried fish shops."
Jill shuddered in her chair, and Berry sat up.
"After that most offensive allusion," he said pompously, "I have nooption but to ask you to withdraw. The touts' room is downstairs.Before leaving you may give me what cigarettes you have in your case."
I smiled grimly. Then: "I'm afraid I don't approve of--ah--childrensmoking," I said, moving towards the door. "Besides, a littleexercise'll do you good. There is a box in my room--you know wherethat is?"
"Where?" snarled my brother-in-law.
I put my head round the door and looked at him. "Immediately above thetouts'," said I.
The breeze of the morning had died away, and though the month was themonth of April, it might have been a midsummer afternoon. I started onmy solitary round, well enough pleased, really, to be alone. Theweather was excellent company. My clubs I carried myself.
The fourth hole lies in a little valley, under the lee of a steep,rock-studded hill, whose other side falls sheer into the tumblingwaves. On an idle impulse I left my clubs at the fifth tee andscrambled on up the green slope to gaze upon and over the sea below. Ihave a weakness for high places on the edges of England. I cannotmatch the dignity of them. Where yellow sands invite, these do noteven stoop to challenge. They are superb, demigods, the Royalty of thecoast.
As I breasted the summit, I heard a child's voice reading aloud.
"And the people told him of all the splendid things which were in thecity, and about the King, and what a pretty Princess the King'sdaughter was."
'Where can one get to see her?' asked the soldier.
"'She is not to be seen at all,' said they, all together 'she lives ina great copper castle, with a great many walls and towers round aboutit; no one but the King may go in and out there, for it has beenprophesied that she shall marry a common soldier, and the King can'tbear that."'
"'I should like to see her,' thought the soldier..."
"The reading came from beyond and below me. I fell on my knees,crawled forward, and peered over the top of a slab of rock. On thewarm grass, twenty paces from the edge of the cliff, sat a little boy,his brown knees propping a book. By his side, facing the sea, lay agirl of nineteen or twenty years, her hands clasped behind her head.Her eyes were closed. She seemed to be asleep. The reading continued.
"And all his friends knew him again, and cared very much for himindeed."
Once he thought to himself,' It is a very strange thing that one cannotget to see the Princess. They all say she is very beautiful; but whatis the use of that, if she has always to sit in the great copper castlewith the many towers? Can I not get to see her at all? Where is mytinder-box?' And so he struck a light, and whisk! came the dog witheyes as big as teacups.
"'It is midnight, certainly, said the soldier; 'but I should very muchlike to see the Princess, only for one little moment.'"
Here the child shaded his eyes and looked down at the sands of a creek,quarter of a mile away.
"There they are," he exclaimed, dropping the book and scrambling to hisfeet. He waved delightedly to two specks on the sands below. Then:
"Good-bye, Cousin Lallie," he cried. "I'll be home by six," and toreaway down the green slope like a mad thing. Bu
t his cousin neverwaked. I watched her meditatively.
A skirt of grey-blue tweed, and the fresh white of a blouse beneath asmart coat to match. Her small grey hat lay on the grass by her side.Her slim legs were crossed comfortably, and the bright sun lighted aface at once strong and gentle, clear-cut under its thick black hair,which was parted in the middle and hung low over each temple. Herbrows were straight, and on the red mouth was a faint smile.
I looked away over the glittering waves. Then I came quietly down,picked up "Hans Andersen," and took my seat by her side. I found theplace and continued the story aloud:
"And the dog was outside the door directly, and, before the soldierthought it, came back with the Princess. She sat upon the dog's backand slept; and every one could see she was a real Princess, for shewas so lovely. The soldier could not refrain from kissing her, for hewas a thorough soldier.."
Here the girl stirred, opened her eyes, saw me, and sat up.
"Who on earth--" she began. "It's all right," said I. "It's only afairy tale. Besides, I'm not a soldier, although I don't see--"
"How long has this been going on?"
"Only just begun," said I. "Listen.
"Then the dog ran back with the Princess. But when morning came--"
"Where's Roy?"
"He had to go and join his friends," said I. "Fortunately I happenedto be here to take his place. He asked me to say he should be home notlater than six. Where were we? Oh, I know.
"But when morning came--"
She raised a slim hand for me to stop. Then she clasped her knees andregarded me with her head on one side.
"A bad end," she said laconically.
"A good beginning, anyway," said I.
"I might be a sorceress."
"I believe you are."
"Or an adventuress, for all you know."
"Or a Princess," said I.
"What made you do this?"
"I'll tell you," said I. "Whilst you were asleep, a little smile wasplaying round your lips. And this smile told me that he had two twinsisters who dwelt In your eyes. And, like the soldier, I wanted to seethem, Princess."
"Well, you have now, haven't you?"
I looked at her critically. "I'm afraid they must be out," said I. Inspite of herself she laughed. "No, there they are. Besides--"
"The little smile said he had a big brother living in your heart."
"Yes," she said softly.
"Yes. And that made me very brave, Princess. Otherwise I should neverhave dared. Honestly, it was all the little smile's fault, bless him.Isn't it glorious here?"
The bright eyes swept the horizon.
"Yes," she said slowly, "it is. In fact, every prospect pleases."
"And only golf is vile."
"Byron never said that."
"I know he didn't," said I. "Nor, in fact, did Heber. He said 'man.'All the same, I'm not vile. I'm rather nice, really. At least, so oneof the smaller birds told me."
"Not really?"
"I mean it."
"Perhaps it was a skylark."
"As a matter of fact," I said stiffly, "it was an owl. A breed famousfor its wisdom."
"Ah, but you shouldn't believe everything you're told."
"It isn't a question of what I believe, but of what other peoplebelieve," said I. "But if you don't believe it yourself, how can youexpect--"
"I never said I didn't believe it myself. Besides, I don't want toargue. I want to watch the smiles playing 'Here we go round themulberry bush.'"
The girl broke into peals of silvery laughter. "Is my nose as bad asall that?" she said presently.
"Your nose is the nose of dainty Columbine," said I. "Dream noses,they call them. And you know that mulberry bushes don't figure in thatgame any more than the bells of St. Clement Danes are ever used bychildren playing 'Oranges and lemons.'"
"Admit it was a floater on your part, and I'll let you play a roundwith me."
"I--er--confess, upon consideration, that the allusion--"
"That'll do," she said, laughing.
I rose. She put out a hand, and I drew her to her feet.
"My clubs are just by that rock there. Do you think you can manageHans Andersen?"
"Every time," said I, picking up the book. I shouldered her clubs andtogether we scrambled over the rise and down towards the fifth tee.
"Oh, I told you I adored you, didn't I?" I said suddenly.
"I don't think so."
"Surely I did. Perhaps you were asleep."
"Asleep!" she said scornfully. "I was awake all the time. I nearlydied when you began to read."
I stopped short and looked at her. "You are a deceitful witch." I said.
"A what witch?"
"The which to adore," said I.
After the fourth hole the course lies inland. For the next ten holesyou play directly away from the sea. Then the fifteenth takes a sharpturn to the left, skirting the deer-park of Mote Abbey, while thesixteenth bears to the left again, heading straight for the club-houseand the coast once more.
My lady was a pretty player. I gave her two strokes a hole and ledtill the fourteenth, but on that green she holed a ten-foot putt whichmade us all square.
If she hadn't sliced her drive from the fifteenth tee, it would havebeen a beautiful shot. We watched it curl over the grey wall into thesunshot park.
"Out of bounds, I suppose," said I. "What a pity, pretty Princess."
"Not at all," she replied. "It was a lovely shot. You can't do betterthan follow that line."
"Into the deer-park?"
"Why not? It's much prettier."
"I'm sure it is," said I.
"But what of that? Unless somebody's moved it since this morning, thegreen's about a hundred and twenty yards away from the wall on thisside. To say nothing of the fact that the park's private property,while there's a notice-board about three feet square, beginning'Golfers are requested to remember,' at the one place where a giantmight effect an entrance."
"Yes," she said quietly, "I got brother to put that board there. Wetried to make it polite. The caddies used to frighten the deer so."
I just stood and looked at her. The three smiles blazed back at me.In silence I turned and teed up. Then I drove after her ball into thefair park.
When we reached the place where the board was posted, she touched myhand and pointed to her little brown shoe. For an instant she restedon my palm. The next moment she was on the top of the wall. Shesmiled her thanks before disappearing. I followed with the clubs.There was a ladder on the other side. She was awaiting my descent. Insilence we walked forward together. Presently I touched her arm andstood still. She turned and looked at me, the sun making all manner ofexquisite lights in her glorious hair.
"If I had a hat on," I said simply, "I should uncover."
The little bow she gave me would have launched another "thousandships." In the slight action all the charm of her was voicedexquisitely. Grace, sweetness and dignity--all in a bow. So it wasalways. Helen's features would not have fired a sheepcote: the charmthat lighted them blotted out a city. Cleopatra's form would not havespoiled a slave: the magnetism of her ruined Marc Antony. Elizabeth'sspeech would not have sunk a coracle: the personality behind itsmashed an Armada.
We came to her ball first. As I handed her her brassie:
"Tell me one thing," said I. "If I had not been there, how would youhave got over the wall?"
She looked at me mischievously. "I have a way," she said.
"I know," I said, patting her golf-bag. "These aren't really clubs atall."
"What are they, then?"
It was the best part of a mile to the fair lawn, where we holed outunderneath the cedars. I won with fourteen, which wasn't bad,considering I was bunkered in a bed of daffodils. She gave me tea inthe old library, sweet with the fragrance of pot-pourri. Out of itslatticed windows I could see the roll
ing woods, bright in their freshgreen livery. For nearly an hour and a half we sat talking. I toldher of Daphne and the others. She told me of her mother and sistersand how her brother had cared for the Abbey since her father's death.It was true that the family was away. She was alone there, save forher eldest sister's child--Roy. Next month she would go to London.
"Where I may come and see you?"
"I should be very hurt if you didn't. It's going to be rather nice."
"It is," I said with conviction.
"I meant the season. I'll enjoy it all. The dances and theatres,Ranelagh, Ascot, Lord's, the Horse Show and everything. But--"
"How glad and happy she'll be to get back to the Abbey with its deepwoodland and its warm park, its gentle-eyed deer, its oaks and elms andcedars, its rose-garden and its old paved court. How grateful to leanout of her bedroom window into the cool, quiet, starlit nights. Howpleased to watch the setting sun making the ragged clerestory morebeautiful than did all its precious panes."
I stopped. She was sitting back in her chair by the window, chin inair, showing her soft, white throat, gazing with half-closed eyes up atthe reddening sky.
"He understands," she murmured, "he understands."
For a little space we sat silent. Then I rose.
"Good-bye." I said. "You have been very kind. Perhaps I may comeagain."
She did not move. Only her eyes left the window and rested on mine."Ring the bell," she said. "I am going to take you to see the ruins.They are at their best, as you said, at sundown."
"Thank you," I said, and stepped to the fireplace. A footman enteredthe room. "I want the key of the Abbot's kitchen," said my hostess.
"Some visitors have it, madam. A gentleman called to ask for it tenminutes ago."
"Oh, all right." She rose and turned to me. "Let's go, then. We'llprobably meet them bringing it back."
The half-light lent the old quire's walls a rare beauty. A great peacehung over them. Perhaps it was of them. For a little we strolled,talking, upon the greensward. Then:
"Now you shall see the kitchen," she said.
"If you please, Princess."
The kitchen stood away from the ruins, in the middle of a fair meadow:a circular building of grey stone, very lofty and about sixty paces incircumference. Its great oak door was closed. I could see one tinywindow--glassless, of course--some sixteen feet from the ground.
"Why!" said the girl, stopping suddenly, "the door's shut."
"Yes," said I; "but what of that?"
"Well, the people must have gone."
"Well, you can't see inside if you shut the door. Besides, if you do,you can't open it again. Not from within I mean. It's a spring lock."
"Perhaps they're locked in."
"They can't be."
"They might," said I. "Come on."
I was right. As we drew near, a confused murmur fell upon our ears.People talking excitedly. Then came the sound of blows upon the door.
"O-o-oh," said my companion. "So they are."
At that moment feminine tones were raised in a wail of expostulation.
"Yes, I shall! It's silly not to. Help! He-elp!"
Daphne's voice.
I fell on the green grass and writhed in silent laughter. When thegirl recoiled in horror, I caught her by a warm ankle.
"Don't move!" I whispered. "Don't speak! Don't make a sound!Listen! It's my own party in there--Berry and Co. It's the mostperfect thing that ever happened. Hush! We're going to have the timeof our lives."
Again I rolled in an ecstasy of mirth. As the comedy of the situationdawned upon the girl, she began to laugh helplessly.
The knocking began again. I got up, and together we approached warily.As we reached the door:
"I'm glad I had four cups of tea," said Berry. "How many did you have?"
"Two," said Jill tearfully.
"Ah, I shall survive you, then. Very likely I shall be alive, ifinsane, when found. At any rate, with the aid of artificialrespiration--"
"Rubbish!" said Daphne. "Some one must hear us soon."
"My dear, the noise we can make wouldn't flush a titlark at twentypaces. No, no!" he went on airily, "a lingering death awaits us. Ionly wish my caddie was here, too. Is anyone's tongue swelling?That's a sure sign. Directly you feel that, you know you're thirsty."
"Fool!" said his wife, "Besides, they'll miss the key soon."
"Where is the key?" said Jonah. "If we once lose that, we shall neverfind it again."
There was an awful silence. Then:
"Er--didn't I give it to you?" said Berry.
His words were the signal for a general uproar. The others fell uponBerry and rent him. As it died down, we heard him bitterly comparingthem to wolves and curs about a lion at bay. Then a match was struckand there were groping sounds.
"When you've quite finished with my feet," said Daphne in a witheringtone.
"Sorry, dearest. I thought it was a bag of meal," said her husband."My thoughts run on food just now, you see." Here he gave a yell ofagony. "Get off!" he screamed. "You're on my hand."
"That's more like it," said Jonah. "That ought to carry."
"Meal-bags don't hurt, do they?" said Daphne coolly. My sister isproud of her dainty feet.
"Vixen," replied her spouse.
I slipped my arm into that of the girl, who was leaning against thewall shaking with laughter. Tears were coursing down my cheeks. Idrew her away from the door and whispered brokenly in her ear. Shenodded and pulled herself together. Then she went to the door andknocked. Silence.
"Hullo," she said.
"Er-hullo," said Berry.
"I thought I heard somebody calling," said the girl.
"Er--did you?" said Berry.
"Yes, but I'm afraid I must have been mistaken. Perhaps it was someboys calling. Good-bye."
There was a perfect shriek of "Don't go" from Daphne and Jill. Then:
"You idiot!" said Daphne. "Let me." We heard her advance to the door.
"I say," she purred, "it's awfully sweet of you to have come. We didcall. You see, it sounds awfully silly, but we're locked in."
"Oh, how dreadful for you," said the girl.
"Yes, isn't it? There's no key-hole this side."
"How awfully tiresome. Have you been there long?"
"Oh, no. Only a few moments. We just came to see the place."
"Well, do you think you can manage to throw the key out of the window?Then I could unlock the door for you, couldn't I?"
"Oh, thank you so very much. If you don't mind waiting aminute--er--it's so dark in here and so confusing that--"
"You don't mean to say you've lost the key?" said the girl.
"Oh, it's not lost," said Daphne. "It's just here somewhere. One ofus laid it down for a moment and, really, in this darkness you can'tsee anything. If we only had some more matches--"
"I've got a box," I said. A long silence followed my words. Then:
"My dear lady," said Berry. "Are you still there?"
"Yes," said my companion, her voice shaking a little.
"Then I beseech you to have no dealing with the being whose vileaccents I heard but a moment ago. A man of depraved instincts andprofligate ways, he is no fit companion for a young and innocent girl.Moreover, viper-like, he bears malice towards us, who have shielded himfor years."
"How awful," said the girl.
"Yes," said Berry, "for your own sake, dear lady, beware of him. Andfor ours, too, I beg you. On no account accept his profferedassistance--in the matter of the key, I mean. If he really hasmatches, tell him to throw them in. Adopt a hectoring tone and he willfear you. But, remember, he is as cunning as a serpent, Let but thatkey fall into his hands--"
"Wait till it's fallen into your own hands, old cock," said I.
"Dear lady," said Berry, "you hear his ribald--"
The rest of the sentence was drowned in th
e peals of laughter to whichmy companion at last gave vent. I joined her, and the meadow resoundedwith our merriment. When we had recovered a little:
"Will you have the matches?" said I, standing beneath the window, "orshall I send for the battering ram?"
"Throw them in, fathead," said my brother-in-law.
"Ask nicely, then."
"I'll see you--"
"Please, Boy, dear," cried Jill.
I laughed and pitched the box into the kitchen. The next second weheard a match struck, and the groping sounds recommenced. The girl andI strolled a little back from the window and stood, awaiting the key.
"So it's all come true," said I, looking at her.
"What has?"
"The fairy tale." I pointed to the kitchen. "There is the coppercastle, and here"--with a bow--"the pretty Princess. The tinder-box Ihave just thrown to my companions."
"And I suppose you're the soldier," she said slowly.
"Yes," I said, "the common soldier."
"Yes, dear," I said, taking her hand. "Common, but thorough;thoroughly common, but uncommonly thorough. And now look at me, prettyPrincess."
She turned a laughing face to mine. Suddenly, as I bent forward, theeyes flashed.
"I suppose this is the little smile's fault, too," she said quietly.
Instantly I released her hand and stood up, smiling.
"No," I said gently. "It would have been the soldier's."
For a moment she smiled back. Then she slipped an arm round my neck.
"Let's call it Hans Andersen's," she whispered.
A perfect Babel arose suddenly from the kitchen. In the midst of theturmoil I seemed to discern Berry's fat laugh. The next second a largekey hurtled through the window.
I picked it up and strode to the door. When I had put it into thekeyhole, I paused.
"Buck up, Boy!" said Berry.
"One question," said I. "Where was the key?"
"Where d'you think?" said Jonah bitterly.
"In his pocket all the time?" said I.
"Right," said Berry. "Now do your worst."
"I'm going to," said I. "I'm going to let you out."