Nikki Powergloves- A Hero is Born
Keep reading for a peek into David Estes’s exciting Nikki Powergloves sequel, Nikki Powergloves and the Power Council.
With Nikki Powergloves the first person I have to thank is my mom, Nancy Estes. She was so supportive of this book and the whole Nikki Powergloves series and put up with me writing a book every few weeks and immediately sending each to her to read. She always encouraged me to keep working on this series as she saw the potential it had to put a smile on a whole bunch of kids’ faces—I truly hope it does.
As always, thank you to my wife, Adele, for being there for me when I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel or when I am frustrated with formatting my books when we’re trying to watch a movie.
Thanks to my incredible team of kid beta readers and their moms, who gave me so much positive feedback to keep me excited about the project, while adding in awesome constructive feedback so I could make Nikki Powergloves even better. So thank you to D’vora Gelfond and her niece Maia Farina, Adriana Noriega and her son Jordan, Brooke Del Vecchio and her son Anthony, Laurie Love and her daughter Ericka, and Gabriela Racine and her son Carlos.
Thank you to my cover artists/designers at Winkipop Designs, you seem to be able to handle everything I throw at you so perfectly! I’m truly lucky to have you on my team and as friends.
And most importantly I’d like to thank all the kids out there who love to read, you are awesome!! Keep on reading and using your imaginations and loving life the way you do!
Discover other books by David Estes available through the author’s official website:
or through select online retailers.
Children’s Books by David Estes
The Nikki Powergloves Adventures:
Nikki Powergloves- A Hero is Born
Nikki Powergloves and the Power Council
Nikki Powergloves and the Power Trappers
Nikki Powergloves and the Great Adventure
Nikki Powergloves vs. the Power Outlaws
Nikki Powergloves and the Power Giver
Young Adult Novels by David Estes
Strings (A SciFi Pinocchio retelling)
The Dwellers Saga:
Book One—The Moon Dwellers
Book Two—The Star Dwellers
Book Three—The Sun Dwellers
Book Four—The Earth Dwellers
The Country Saga (A Dwellers Saga sister series):
Book One—Fire Country
Book Two—Ice Country
Book Three—Water & Storm Country
Book Four—The Earth Dwellers
Salem’s Revenge:
Book One—Brew
Book Two—Boil
Book Three—Burn
The Slip Trilogy:
Book One—Slip
Book Two—Grip
Book Three—Flip
The Evolution Trilogy:
Book One—Angel Evolution
Book Two—Demon Evolution
Book Three—Archangel Evolution
Connect with David Estes Online
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About the Author
David Estes was born in El Paso, Texas but moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania when he was very young. He grew up in Pittsburgh and then went to Penn State for college. Eventually he moved to Sydney, Australia where he met his wife and soul mate, Adele, who he’s now been happily married to for more than two years.
A reader all his life, David began writing novels for the children's and YA markets in 2010, and has completed 21 novels, 19 of which have been published. In June of 2012, David became a fulltime writer and is now travelling the world with Adele while he writes books, and she writes and takes photographs.
David gleans inspiration from all sorts of crazy places, like watching random people do entertaining things, dreams (which he jots copious notes about immediately after waking up), and even from thin air sometimes!
David’s a writer with OCD, a love of dancing and singing (but only when no one is looking or listening), a mad-skilled ping-pong player, an obsessive Goodreads group member, and prefers writing at the swimming pool to writing at a table. He loves responding to e-mails, Facebook messages, Tweets, blog comments, and Goodreads comments from his readers, all of whom he considers to be his friends.
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