The Viking Takes a Knight
Encaustum—tenth-century type of ink made by crushing the galls from an oak tree (boil-like pimples on the bark) which contain an acid. Mixed with vinegar or rainwater, the substance was thickened with gum arabic. Iron salts added color to the ink.
Hectares (of land)—equal to about two and a half acres.
Hide—a primitive measure of land, equaling the normal holding that would support a peasant and his family, roughly 120 arable acres.
Hird—permanent troops.
Housecarl—part of the permanent troops assigned to a king or nobleman.
Jorvik—Viking word for Viking-Age York, known by the Saxons and Romans as Eoforic.
Lygisogur—lying stories.
Mancus/es (of gold)—equal to six shillings.
Mansongr—maiden song or love poem.
Minna—an Old Norse term meaning literally “memory,” but came to be used to indicate a “memorial cup or toast.”
Morgen gifu—the morning gift given by a bridegroom the day after the wedding to show that he was well pleased. In fact, the bride price consisted of three parts: the mundr and morgen gifu given by the groom or his family and the heiman flygia given by the bride’s family to the groom.
Norsemandy—tenth-century name for Normandy.
Northumbria—one of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, bordered by the English kingdoms to the south and in the north and northwest by the Scots, Cumbrians, and Strathclyde Welsh.
Odal rights—laws of heredity.
Sennight—one week.
Skyrr (or skyr)—soft cheese similar to cottage cheese.
Sulung—area that could be kept under cultivation by a single plough team of eight oxen, equal to two hides.
Sumbel—a Viking practice of passing around a drinking cup at a feast whereby each recipient was expected to make a toast or a boast, sing a song, or recite a story.
Valhalla—Odin’s hall, where Viking warriors who die in battle spend eternity.
Valkyries—female warriors.
Wattle and daub—early method of building.
Wergild (or wergeld)—a man’s worth.
Witan, or witenagemot—the king’s council of advisors, precursor to the English Parliament.
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Can’t get enough of USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Sandra Hill?
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The Viking Takes a Knight
For John of Hawk’s Lair, the unexpected appearance of a beautiful woman at his door is always welcome. Yet the arrival of this alluring Viking woman, Ingrith Sigrundottir—with her enchanting smile and inviting curves—is different…for she comes accompanied by a herd of unruly orphans. And Ingrith needs more than the legendary knight’s hospitality; she needs protection. For among her charges is a small boy with a claim to the throne—a dangerous distinction when murderous King Edgar is out hunting for Viking blood.
A man of passion, John will keep them safe—but in exchange, he wants something very dear indeed: Ingrith’s heart, to be taken with the very first meeting of their lips…
Viking in Love
Caedmon of Larkspur was the most loathsome lout Breanne had ever encountered. When she arrived at his castle with her sisters, they were greeted by an estate gone wild, while Caedmon laid abed after a night of ale. But Breanne must endure, as they are desperately in need of protection…and he is quite handsome.
After nine long months in the king’s service, all Caedmon wanted was peace, not five Viking princesses running about his keep. And the fiery redhead who burst into his chamber was the worst of them all. He should kick her out, but he has a far better plan for Breanne of Stoneheim—one that will leave her a Viking in lust.
The Reluctant Viking
The self-motivation tape was supposed to help Ruby Jordan solve her problems, not create new ones. Instead, she was lulled into an era of hard-bodied warriors and fair maidens. But the world ten centuries in the past didn’t prove to be all mead and mirth. Even as Ruby tried to update medieval times, she had to deal with a Norseman whose view of women was stuck in the Dark Ages. And what was worse, brawny Thork had her husband’s face, habits, and desire to avoid Ruby. Determined not to lose the same man twice, Ruby planned a bold seduction that would conquer the reluctant Viking—and make him an eager captive of her love.
The Outlaw Viking
As tall and striking as the Valkyries of legend, Dr. Rain Jordan was proud of her Norse ancestors despite their warlike ways. But she can’t believe it when she finds herself on a nightmarish battlefield, forced to save the barbarian of her dreams.
He was a wild-eyed warrior whose deadly sword could slay a dozen Saxons with a single swing, yet Selik couldn’t control the saucy wench from the future. If Selik wasn’t careful, the stunning siren was sure to capture his heart and make a warrior of love out of The Outlaw Viking.
The Tarnished Lady
Banished from polite society, Lady Eadyth of Hawk’s Lair spent her days hidden under a voluminous veil, tending her bees. But when her lands are threatened, Lady Eadyth sought a husband to offer her the protection of his name.
Notorious for loving—and leaving—the most beautiful damsels in the land, Eirik of Ravenshire was England’s most virile bachelor. Yet when the mysterious lady offered him a vow of chaste matrimony in exchange for revenge against his most hated enemy, Eirik couldn’t refuse. But the lusty knight’s plans went awry when he succumbed to the sweet sting of the tarnished lady’s love.
The Bewitched Viking
Even fierce Norse warriors have bad days. ’Twas enough to drive a sane Viking mad, the things Tykir Thorksson was forced to do—capturing a red-headed virago, putting up with the flock of sheep that follows her everywhere, chasing off her bumbling brothers. But what could a man expect from the sorceress who had put a kink in the King of Norway’s most precious body part? If that wasn’t bad enough, Tykir was beginning to realize he wasn’t at all immune to the enchantment of brash red hair and freckles. Perhaps he could reverse the spell and hold her captive, not with his mighty sword, but with a Viking man’s greatest magic: a wink and smile.
The Blue Viking
For Rurik the Viking, life has not been worth living since he left Maire of the Moors. Oh, it’s not that he misses her fiery red tresses or kissable lips. Nay, it’s the embarrassing blue zigzag tattoo she put on his face after their one wild night of loving. For a fierce warrior who prides himself on his immense height, his expertise in bedsport, and his well-toned muscles, this blue streak is the last straw. In the end, he’ll bring the witch to heel, or die trying. Mayhap he’ll even beg her to wed…so long as she can promise he’ll no longer be…The Blue Viking.
The Viking’s Captive
(originally titled MY FAIR VIKING)
Tyra, Warrior Princess. She is too tall, too loud, too fierce to be a good catch. But her ailing father has decreed that her four younger sisters—delicate, mild-mannered, and beautiful—cannot be wed ’til Tyra consents to take a husband. And then a journey to save her father’s life brings Tyra face to face with Adam the Healer. A god in human form, he’s tall, muscled, perfectly proportioned. Too bad Adam refuses to fall in with her plans—so what’s a lady to do but truss him up, toss him over her shoulder, and sail off into the sunset to live happily ever after.
A Tale of Two Vikings
Toste and Vagn Ivarsson are identical Viking twins, about to face Valhalla together, following a tragic battle, or maybe something even more tragic: being separated for the first time in their thirty and one years. Alas, even the bravest Viking must eventually leave his best buddy behind and do battle with that most fearsome of all opponents—the love of his life. And what if that love was Helga the Homely, or Lady Esme, the world’s oldest novice nun?
/> A Tale of Two Vikings will give you twice the tears, twice the sizzle, and twice the laughter…and make you wish for your very own Viking.
The Last Viking
He was six feet, four inches of pure, unadulterated male. He wore nothing but a leather tunic, and he was standing in Professor Meredith Foster’s living room. The medieval historian told herself he was part of a practical joke, but with his wide gold belt, ancient language, and callused hands, the brawny stranger seemed so…authentic. And as he helped her fulfill her grandfather’s dream of re-creating a Viking ship, he awakened her to dreams of her own. Until she wondered if the hand of fate had thrust her into the loving arms of…The Last Viking.
Truly, Madly Viking
A Viking named Joe? Jorund Ericsson is a tenth- century Viking warrior who lands in a modern mental hospital. Maggie McBride is the lucky psychologist who gets to “treat” the gorgeous Norseman, whom she mistakenly calls Joe.
You’ve heard of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. But how about A Viking Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest? The question is: Who’s the cuckoo in this nest? And why is everyone laughing?
The Very Virile Viking
Magnus Ericsson is a simple man. He loves the smell of fresh-turned dirt after springtime plowing. He loves the feel of a soft woman under him in the bed furs. He loves the heft of a good sword in his fighting arm.
But, Holy Thor, what he does not relish is the bothersome brood of children he’s been saddled with. Or the mysterious happenstance that strands him in a strange new land—the kingdom of Holly Wood. Here is a place where the folks think he is an act-whore (whatever that is), and the woman of his dreams—a winemaker of all things—fails to accept that he is her soul mate…a man of exceptional talents, not to mention…A Very Virile Viking.
Wet & Wild
What do you get when you cross a Viking with a Navy SEAL? A warrior with the fierce instincts of the past and the rigorous training of America’s most elite fighting corps? A totally buff hero-in-the-making who hasn’t had a woman in roughly a thousand years? A dyed-in-the-wool romantic with a hopeless crush? Whatever you get, women everywhere can’t wait to meet him, and his story is guaranteed to be…Wet & Wild.
Hot & Heavy
In and out, that’s the goal as Lt. Ian MacLean prepares for his special ops mission. He leads a team of highly trained Navy SEALs, the toughest, buffest fighting men in the world and he has nothing to lose. Madrene comes from a time a thousand years before he was born, and she has no idea she’s landed in the future. After tying him up, the beautiful shrew gives him a tongue-lashing that makes a drill sergeant sound like a kindergarten teacher. Then she lets him know she has her own special way of dealing with over-confident males, and things get…Hot & Heavy.
Frankly, My Dear…
Lost in the Bayou…Selene had three great passions: men, food, and Gone with the Wind. But the glamorous model always found herself starving—for both nourishment and affection. Weary of the petty world of high fashion, she headed to New Orleans for one last job before she began a new life. Little did she know that her new life would include a brand-new time—about 150 years ago! Selene can’t get her fill of the food—or an alarmingly handsome man. Dark and brooding, James Baptiste was the only lover she gave a damn about. And with God as her witness, she vowed never to go without the man she loved again.
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The stroke of surprisingly gentle hands, the flash of fathomless blue eyes, the scorch of white-hot kisses…Once again, Dr. Harriet Ginoza was swept away into rapturous fantasy. The modern psychologist knew the object of her desire was all she should despise, yet time after time, she lost herself in visions of a dangerously handsome rogue straight out of a historical romance. Harriet never believed that her dream lover would cause her any trouble, but then a twist of fate cast her back to the Old South and she met him in the flesh. To her disappointment, Etienne Baptiste refused to fulfill any of her secret wishes. If Harriet had any hope of making her amorous dreams become passionate reality, she’d have to seduce this charmer with a sweeter savage love than she’d imagined possible…and savor every minute of it.
The Love Potion
Fame and fortune are surely only a swallow away when Dr. Sylvie Fontaine discovers a chemical formula guaranteed to attract the opposite sex. Though her own love life is purely hypothetical, the shy chemist’s professional future is assured…as soon as she can find a human guinea pig. But bad boy Lucien LeDeux—best known as the Swamp Lawyer—is more than she can handle even before he accidentally swallowed a love potion disguised in a jelly bean. When the dust settles, Luc and Sylvie have the answers to some burning questions—can a man die of testosterone overload? Can a straight-laced female lose every single one of her inhibitions?—and they learn that old-fashioned romance is still the best catalyst for love.
Love Me Tender
Once upon a time, in a magic kingdom, there lived a handsome prince. Prince Charming, he was called by one and all. And to this land came a gentle princess. You could say she was Cinderella…Wall Street Cinderella. Okay, if you’re going to be a stickler for accuracy, in this fairy tale the kingdom is Manhattan. But there’s magic in the Big Apple, isn’t there? And maybe he can be Prince Not-So-Charming at times, and “gentle” isn’t the first word that comes to mind when thinking of this princess. But they’re looking for happily ever after just the same—and they’re going to get it.
Mistaken for a notorious bandit and his infamously scandalous mistress, L.A. lawyer Rafe Santiago and Major Helen Prescott found themselves on the wrong side of the law. In a time and place where rules had no meaning, Helen found Rafe’s hard, bronzed body strangely comforting, and his piercing blue eyes left her all too willing to share his bedroll. His teasing remarks made her feel all woman, and she was ready to throw caution to the wind if she could spend every night in the arms of her very own…Desperado.
About the Author
SANDRA HILL is a graduate of Penn State and worked for more than ten years as a features writer and education editor for publications in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Writing about serious issues taught her the merits of seeking the lighter side of even the darkest stories. She is the wife of a stockbroker and the mother of four sons.
Visit her website at
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
THE VIKING TAKES A KNIGHT. Copyright © 2010 by Sandra Hill. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, down-loaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.
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ing: September 2010
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