The Two Elsies
"'Tis a goodly scene--Yon river, like a silvery snake, lays outHis coil i' th' sunshine, lovingly; it breathesOf freshness in this lap of flowery meadows."
"Oh, isn't this just the loveliest, _loveliest_ country!" exclaimedEvelyn, rapturously; "what does anybody want to go to Europe for? If forbeautiful scenery, I should advise them--all Americans, I mean--to travelover their own land first."
"So should I," responded Lulu. "I don't believe there can be lovelierscenery on this earth than what we have been passing through for hourspast! I wonder how near we are now to Viamede?"
"We are beside it--the estate--at this moment," remarked Mr. Dinsmore,overhearing their talk; "this orange-orchard is a part of it."
Exclamations of delight followed the announcement. Everybody onboard the little steamer that had been threading its way up TecheBayou and through lake and lakelet, past swamp, forest, plantationand plain, miles upon miles of smooth, velvety lawns, dotted withmagnificent oaks and magnolias, and lordly villas peering through grovesof orange-trees--everybody, although they had greatly enjoyed the shortvoyage, was glad to know they were nearing their desired haven.
A glad welcome awaited them there. As they rounded to at the little pierthey could see a crowd of relatives and retainers gathered beside it,watching and waiting with faces full of joyous eagerness.
And as the voyagers stepped ashore what affectionate embraces, what gladgreetings were exchanged!
Cyril and Isa Keith were there with their two little ones; Dick Percival,Bob and Betty Johnson--and could it be possible? was that Molly Embury,on her feet, standing by Mr. Embury's side and leaning only slightly onhis arm?
Yes, it can be no other; and--oh, wonder of wonders!--she comes nearer,actually walking upon the feet that no one thought would ever again beable to bear her weight.
How they gathered about her with exclamations of astonishment anddelight, and question upon question as to the means by which thiswondrous change had been wrought!
And with what tears of joy and thankfulness, and in tones how tremulouswith deep gratitude, she and her husband told of the experiments of arising young surgeon which, by the blessing of God, had resulted in thisastonishing cure!
"Oh, Uncle Horace, Aunt Rose, Cousin Elsie," Molly exclaimed, glancingfrom one to the other, "I think I am surely the happiest woman in theworld, and the one who has the greatest reason for thankfulness! See,here is another precious treasure the Lord has sent me in addition to themany I had before;" and turning, she beckoned to a middle-aged coloredwoman standing a little in their rear, who immediately came forwardbearing an infant of a few weeks in her arms.
"My Elsie, named for you, dear cousin," Molly said, taking the child andholding it proudly up to view. "I only hope she may, if God spares herlife, grow up to be as dear and sweet and good, as kind and true andloving, as she whose name she bears."
"The darling!" Elsie said, bending down to press a kiss on the velvetcheek of her tiny namesake. "And how kind in you, Molly, to name her forme! Oh, it makes me so happy to see you able to move about, and with thisnew treasure added to your store!"
The others added their congratulations; and Mr. Embury remarked, with ahappy laugh, "Molly certainly thinks there was never another baby quiteequal to hers in any respect."
"Which is very natural," said Mrs. Dinsmore. "I remember having some suchidea about my own first baby."
The Ion children were allowed a few days of entire liberty to roam aboutand make themselves fully acquainted with the beauties of Viamede,Magnolia Hall, and the neighborhood before beginning school duties.
Meanwhile their elders had visited Oakdale Academy and made theacquaintance of Prof. Silas Manton, his wife and two daughters,--MissDiana and Miss Emily,--who, with Signor Foresti, music-master, andM. Saurin, instructor in French, formed the corps of teachers belongingto the institution.
Privately our friends were but indifferently pleased with any of them;still it was decided to enter the children as pupils there for thepresent, and, watching carefully over them, remove them at once if anyevidence of harmful influence were perceived.
So far as they could learn, the parents of the pupils already there hadfound no cause for complaint; and, as a school was greatly needed in thevicinity, the Viamede families were desirous to aid in sustaining thisshould it prove, as they still hoped, a good one.
The children were naturally full of curiosity in regard to their futureinstructors, and gathering about the ladies on their return, plied themwith questions.
"How many boys go to the school, Grandma Elsie, and who teaches them?"queried Max.
"Two questions at a time, Max!" she said pleasantly.
"Yes, ma'am; but if you will please answer one at a time I'll be entirelysatisfied."
"I think the professor said there were six or eight; and he teaches themhimself. That is, boys of your age and older, Max; the very little onesgo into the primary department along with the little girls, and aretaught principally by Miss Emily."
"And who will teach us larger girls, mamma?" asked Rosie.
"Mrs. Manton hears some of the recitations; Miss Diana sits in theschoolroom all the time to keep order, and hears most of the lessons.Professor Manton has all the classes in Latin, German, and the highermathematics."
"Boys and girls both?" asked Lulu.
"Yes, all children are together in those studies."
"That's nice," Max said with satisfaction.
"You like the idea of going to school again, Max?"
"Oh yes, Grandma Elsie; if the fellows I'll be put with are nice. Youknow I haven't had a boy-companion for a long time--as a schoolmate, Imean. But if they turn out sneaks or bullies, I shall not enjoy theircompany. I'd rather be with the girls."
"Oh, Max, how complimentary!" cried Rosie, laughingly; "you wouldactually prefer our company to that of bullies and sneaks!"
"Now, Rosie, you needn't make fun of me," he said, echoing the laugh; "Ididn't mean that you--that girls--were only a little to be preferred tosuch fellows."
"How far is Oakdale Academy from here, Grandma Elsie?" asked Lulu.
"Two miles; perhaps a trifle more."
"I think I can walk it; at least in pleasant weather," remarked Evelyn.
"You will not be required to do that, my dear," said Grandma Elsie,smiling kindly upon her; "the carriage will take you all there everymorning, and bring you home again when school duties are over."
"How nice! how very kind you are to us all!" exclaimed Evelyn. "But Ithink I should enjoy the walk some days, with pleasant company and timeenough to take it leisurely."
"Should you? Then I shall try to manage it for you. But it would not doat all for you to go entirely alone."
"If you'll just let me be her escort, Grandma Elsie, I'll walk beside herwith pleasure and take the very best care of her," said Max, proudly andassuming quite a manly air.
"I'd want a bigger and stronger man than you, Max," remarked Rosie,teasingly.
"Then I won't offer my services to you, Rosie," he answered with dignity,while Lulu gave Rosie a displeased glance which the latter did not seemto notice.
"Never mind, Max; I appreciate your offered services, and shall not beafraid to trust myself to your care," Evelyn said in a lively tone; andputting an arm affectionately round Lulu's waist, "Come, Lu, let us goout on the lawn; I saw some lovely flowers there that I want to gatherfor Aunt Elsie's adornment this evening."
So the little group scattered, and Grace followed Violet to herdressing-room.
"What is it, dear? is anything wrong with my little girl?" asked Vi,noticing that the child was unusually quiet and wore a troubled look onthe face that was wont to be without a cloud.
"Not much, mamma--only--only I've never been to school, and--andI'm--afraid of strange people."
A sob came with the last word, and the tears began to fall.
"Then you shall not go, darling; you shall stay at home and say yourlittle lessons to you
r mamma," Violet said, sitting down and drawing thelittle girl to her with a tender caress.
"Oh, mamma, thank you! how good you are to me!" cried Grace, glad smilesbreaking suddenly through the rain of tears, as she threw her arms roundViolet's neck and held up her face for another kiss.
"But I will go if you think I ought," she added the next moment, "for youknow I want to do right and please Jesus."
"Yes, dear, I know you are trying all the time to please Him; I can seeit very plainly; but I shall be glad to keep my darling at home with me;and that being the case, I do not think your conscience need trouble youif you stay at home. The academy people will have no cause to complain,because you were not promised positively to them."
"Dear mamma, you've made me so happy!" exclaimed Grace, hugging Violetwith all her little strength. "I'm so obliged to papa for giving me sucha dear, sweet, kind mother."
"And I am obliged to him for the dear little daughter he has given me,"Violet responded with a low, pleased laugh.
Grandma Elsie sat alone upon the veranda, the rest having gone away,except Max, who lingered at a little distance, now and then casting awistful glance at her.
At length catching one of these, she gave him, an encouraging smile andbeckoned him to her side. "What is it, Max?" she asked. "Don't be afraidto tell me all that is in your heart."
"No, ma'am, I don't think I am; only I shouldn't like to be troublesomewhen you are so very kind to me--as well as to everybody else."
"I shall not think you so, but be very glad if I can help you in anyway," she answered, taking the boy's hand and looking into his eyes withso kind and motherly an expression that his heart went out to her intruly filial love.
"I hardly know just how to say it," he began with some hesitation, "butit's about the school and the new boys I'll meet there. I don't know whatsort of fellows they are, and I--you know, Grandma Elsie, I'm trying tobe a Christian, and I--I'm afraid if they are not the right sort of boys,they--I might be weak enough to be led wrong as I have been before."
"Yes, my dear boy, I understand you; you fear you may fall beforetemptation and so bring dishonor upon your profession. And doubtless soyou will if you trust only in your own strength. But if, feeling that tobe but weakness, you cling closely to Christ, seeking strength and wisdomfrom Him, He will enable you to stand.
"The apostle says, 'When I am weak, then am I strong,' and the promiseis, 'God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that yeare able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that yemay be able to bear it.'"
"Thank you, Grandma Elsie; I'll try to do it," he said thoughtfully. "I'mglad that promise is in the Bible."
"Yes; it has often been a comfort to me," she said, "as which of Hisgreat and precious promises has not? Max, my dear boy, never be ashamedor afraid to show your colors; stand up for Jesus always, whether at homeor abroad, in the company of His friends or His foes.
"The acknowledgment that you are His follower, bound to obey Hiscommands, may expose you to ridicule, scorn, and contempt; but if you area good soldier of Jesus Christ, you will bear all that and more ratherthan deny Him."
"Oh, Grandma Elsie! could I ever do that?" he exclaimed with emotion.
"Peter did, you remember, though he had been so sure before thetemptation came that he would rather die with his Master than deny Him."
"My father's son ought to be very brave," remarked Max after a moment'sthoughtful silence, half unconsciously thinking aloud. "I am quite surepapa would face death any time rather than desert his colors, whether forGod or his country."
Elsie smiled kindly, approvingly upon the boy. It pleased her well to seehow proud and fond he was of his father; how thoroughly he believed inhim as the personification of all that was good and great and noble.
"I'm not nearly so brave," Max went on; "but, as papa says, the promisesare mine just as much as his, and neither of us can stand except in thestrength that God gives to those that look to Him for help in every hourof temptation.
"Besides, Grandma Elsie, I'll not have death to fear as Peter had. YetI'm not sure that it isn't as hard, sometimes, to stand up againstridicule."
"Yes; I believe some do find it so; many a man or boy has been found, inthe hour of trial, so lacking in true moral courage--which is courage ofthe highest kind--as to choose to throw away his own life or that ofanother rather than risk being jeered at as a coward. Ah, Max, I hope youwill always be brave enough to do right even at the risk of being deemeda coward by such as 'love the praise of men more than the praise ofGod.'"
"Oh, I hope so!" he returned; "and if I don't, I think there should be noexcuse made for me--a boy with such a father and such friends as you andall the rest of the folks here."
"I am pleased that you appreciate your opportunities, Max," Elsie said.
Just at that moment Evelyn and Lulu came up the veranda steps with handsfilled with wild-flowers culled from among the myriads of beautiful onesthat spangled the velvety lawn where they had been strolling togetherever since leaving the house.
"See what lovely flowers. Grandma Elsie!" cried Lulu. "Oh, I thank youfor bringing me here to Viamede, and for saying that I may gather as manyof these as I please!"
"I am very glad you enjoy it, dear child," Elsie answered. "It was one ofmy great pleasures as a child, and is such to this day."
"I gathered mine for you and Mamma Vi," said Lulu; "and--oh, I shouldlike to put this lovely white one in your hair, if you don't mind,Grandma Elsie," she added with a wistful look into the sweet face stillso smooth and fair, spite of the passing years.
"If I don't mind? I shall be pleased to have it there," was the smilingreply; and Lulu hastened to avail herself of the gracious permission;then stepping back to note the effect, "Oh," she cried, "how lovely itdoes look against your beautiful golden-brown hair, Grandma Elsie!Doesn't it, Evelyn?"
"Yes, indeed!" exclaimed both Max and Evelyn; the latter adding, "I neversaw more beautiful or abundant hair, or lovelier complexion; it seemsreally absurd to call a lady 'grandma' who looks so young."
"So it does," said Max; "but we all love her so that we want to be somerelation, and can't bear to say Mrs. Travilla, and what can be done aboutit?"
As he spoke, Grace came running out and joined them, wearing a verybright, happy face.
"Oh, Grandma Elsie, and everybody, I'm just as glad as I can be!" shecried. "I don't have to go to school, because mamma is so kind; she saysshe will teach me at home."
While the others were expressing their sympathy in her happiness, Mr.Dinsmore joined them.
"Here are letters," he said. "For you, Elsie, from Edward and yourcollege boys; and one for each of the Raymonds, from the captain."
He distributed them as he spoke, giving Violet's to Max with a requestthat he would carry it to her.
"Thank you, sir; I'll be delighted to do the errand; because nothingpleases Mamma Vi so much as a letter from papa, unless it is a sight ofhis face," said Max, hurrying away with it.
Grace, always eager to share every joy with "her dear mamma," ran afterhim with her own letter in her hand.
What a treasure it was! a letter from papa, with her name on it in hiswriting, so that there could be no doubt that it was entirely her veryown! How nice to have it so! But unless there was a secret in it, mammashould have the pleasure of reading it; Max and Lulu too: for there wasvery little selfishness in Grace's sweet nature.
Lulu's face was full of gladness as she took her letter from Mr.Dinsmore's hand and, glancing at the address, recognized the well-knownand loved handwriting.
"Dear Lu, I'm so glad for you!" murmured Evelyn close to her ear, thenturned and walked swiftly away.
"Oh, poor, dear Evelyn! she can never get a letter from her father,"thought Lulu with a deep feeling of compassion, as she sent one quickglance after the retreating figure.
But her thoughts instantly returned to her treasure, and she hurried tothe privacy of her own room to enjoy its perusal unobserved.
nbsp; Reading what her father had written directly to her, and her alone, waslike having a private interview with him even a sight of which must beallowed to no third person; besides, he might have said something thatwould touch her feelings, and she could not bear to have any of "thesepeople" see her cry.
It was not a long letter, but tenderly affectionate. He called her hisdear child, his darling little daughter, and told her he was very oftenthinking of and praying for her; asking that God would bless her in timeand eternity; that He would help her to conquer her faults and grow up togood and useful womanhood; and that when her life on earth was done Hewould receive her to glory and immortality in the better land.
He spoke of having received flattering accounts of her studiousness andgeneral good behavior since last he parted from her, and said that untilshe should become a parent herself she could never know the joy of heartit had given him. He knew that she must have fought many a hard battlewith her besetting sins, and while he hoped that a desire to please Godhad been among her motives, he rejoiced in believing that love forhimself had influenced her also.
"And it makes me very happy to think so, my precious little daughter;very glad to be able to bestow praise upon you rather than reproof," headded.
Lulu's cheeks grew hot with shame as she read these words ofcommendation--now so undeserved--and tears started to her eyes as, inimagination, she saw the look of deep pain and distress that would comeover her father's face when he learned of her late misconduct.
"Oh, why am I not a better girl?" she sighed to herself; "how could Ibehave so when I know it grieves my dear papa like that!"