Anjshé is the #1 most-used language on the Crimson-Null Foundation worlds, with Terran English a close second, and the Mannaki xh'omké trade language a distant third.
Most humans and other sentients find it quick to learn, as many find it easily accessible. Bridgetown University and Spender College both offer degrees in Anjshé studies.
It is the main language used in transworld negotiations within the CNF. One can make a lucrative career out of negotiation translating.
The real intended meaning behind Anjshé is not just in the phrasing or the inflection, but also in the spiritual and emotional intent given by the speaker. Therefore, a very literal translation to Terran English would come out as poor, vague grammar. One must listen and sense what one is saying in this language in order to fully understand it. Most humans have learned to do this instinctively after two and a half centuries of communication with the Meraladian society.