Chapter 9
Al’ice stumbled to the ground and instinctively rolled into the bushes as he arrived back at the lakeside. The journey had not been as smooth as it should, something had jarred the Kalchi staff which Eldeen had given him for protection, he had been lucky to arrive back at the same spot, anything could send you off course.
He inspected the great shaft of wood, it did not appear broken in any way but traces of blood were on the tip, perhaps from a previous encounter as the blood appeared old and dry, but with what? Still he did not have time to waste, the purple mist now hugging the grounds masked his entrance and keeping to the shadows he sprinted off into the night, down the hill and towards Jol’s house, his second home.
He came to an abrupt halt as he rounded the side of the house, Mr. Serason was stood on the deck, peering down into the garden and banging what looked like a fork against a tin of cat food and calling for him.
Al’ice smiled to himself, at the comical sight before him, how on earth these people believed that cats actually liked that stuff! Oh yes he had eaten the vile mush placed down before him, then ran off into the bushes to be sick, all cats would be bulimic if it weren’t for their interesting diet of mice and birds which kept them alive.
In fact he did wonder why domestic cats bothered with humans at all, the only comforts he had found were the soft covers of Jol’s bed and listening to her secrets, her wants and desires in life, Al’ice had loved those times when she cuddled up to him, rubbing his chest.
At last Jol’s father had given up and entered the kitchen to fill the kettle, flicking the switch he wandered into the bathroom. Al’ice seized his chance and slipped through the small opening left in the ranch slider doors. The coffee and milk were already poised ready in the mug on the kitchen bench, he heard the toilet flush in the bathroom, he would have to be quick.
Taking a small vile of liquid from the leather pouch hung around his neck he carefully removed the stopper and added two drops into the mug which he picked up and swirled around to conceal the mixture, hearing Mr. Serason washing his hands he decided to risk it and add a couple more.
The door was closing down the hall, the footsteps getting closer, Al’ice quickly returned the vile and dropped the staff behind the couch, he had no time to reach the ranch slider now. Transforming into his cat form with a view to darting through the cat flap in the back door, he leapt at the clear plastic, the pouch around his neck caught on the edge, pausing him in mid flight as the noose tightened against his throat. Half in and half out the swinging entrance he lifted his back legs and kicked at the pouch releasing its hold as he landed in an undignified heap onto the deck outside.
He dashed to the side of the house catching his breath beside the green wheelie bin, he allowed his body to return to normal grasping at the noose to loosen it before he strangled to death. He would sit and wait in the shadows of the alley beside the house for the sleeping drug to take effect, hopefully any second now and he could return to plant the short letter and the phone message.
Al’ice had a problem, he must have lost the letter and the phone during his hasty retreat. In his haste to escape he had forgotten they were tucked inside his belt, whenever he changed his clothes became his new skin and vice versa on his return, any accessories were always a problem, choking on his neck pouch a prime example.
He stole a glance from the shadows and saw Jol’s father stirring his coffee on the kitchen bench. The kitchen of small open plan design sat to the side of a large seating area, where the huge television was located. Mr. Serason stood in the kitchen but Al’ice could see his belt on the floor beside the bench where he had stood earlier, the staff against the great window at least was concealed by the couch.
Al’ice watched the scene before him, cool as cucumber and waited, the mug lifted to her father’s lips and then he paused replacing the mug on the side. Al’ice wondered if he could detect the drug, had it given off a strange odour which he had been unaware of. No, all was fine, Mr. Serason had decided to grab a dish cloth and finish washing the dishes in the sink. He was not like normal people who would prefer to shove everything into the dishwasher, he preferred the old fashioned way. Al’ice could hear his voice in his head as he recalled the conversation one day Mr. Serason had with Jol about the unnecessary waste of electricity, he quite liked the old man, he would make a great father-in-law.
At last he put the last plate in the drainer to dry, wiping his hands in a towel he lifted the mug to his lips once more, his hands cupped the vessel as he lowered it again thoughtfully. What was he doing? Al’ice watched as he placed the mug into the microwave, the coffee must have gone cold. As he punched the buttons, Al’ice felt the first flutter of panic in his chest, what if the microwaves did something to the drug? Mr. Serason walked away from the machine heating his drink, distracted by something on the huge screen, he sat in the chair and began to watch intently.
Al’ice could see the screen from his position, it was a news item, people screaming and running towards the camera, blood, destruction, an explosion, he too became engrossed in the images only too aware what a dangerous place this modern world had become.
Beep, Beep, beep, beep………………. the microwave called to its owner, Beep, Beep, beep, beep. Mr. Serason shot up from his chair he had forgotten about his drink, how long had he put it on for? He opened the door and grabbed for the handle, the intense pain of the heated clay burned into his flesh, he screamed out and dropped the mug against the microwave plate.
Al’ice watched in horror as the mug bounced half spilling its contents, jumping forward and freefalling to the floor, it bounced again as it hit the tiles, then landed with an almighty crash into a mess of liquid and pottery shards.
He moved closer to the edge of the bushes and watched, cross legged, the fingers of each hand touching to a point, his forefingers resting on his lips, he was meditating, willing Jol’s father to make himself another coffee. Patiently he waited, as the angry fool began clearing up the mess, ‘have another, have another’ he willed, there was just enough drug left to try a second time.
Mr. Serason looked at his watch and placing the dustpan and brush on the side, grabbed for his car keys and left through the front door.
Where is he going? It’s too early! thought Al’ice, was this a wasted journey? he had to do something, what would he tell Jol on his return. Al’ice waited to hear the car pull away from the drive and re-entered the house to retrieve his things, his mind racing with different scenarios that would fit, he had a plan, not a very good one but if it worked he would return to fix the messages.
Al’ice sprinted up the hill, keeping to the shadows once again, coming to a stop between the great pines facing the front of the house, he waited in the shadows. In his hand an opened packet of cigarettes he had found in the kitchen. Carefully he stood one of the death sticks on end and allowed several drops of the sleeping drug to dampen the tobacco inside.
He stood silently amongst the trees waiting for the car to arrive, Al’ice was fast but Mr Serason should have been here by now unless he had stopped somewhere on the way. The plan was to casually wander up to the car on his arrival and offer him a cigarette, he knew from experience Mr Serason could never turn done a free cigarette. It was the only plan he had but it was sure to work, he only hoped the drug would have the same effect once inhaled. If he could just get him to take the drug, getting his body back down the road and into the house could be a problem, perhaps he could drive the mechanical vehicle, he could use his enchai, how hard could it be?
Come on, where are you? he thought as time was running out, the wind began to pick up and the clouds tighten. A roll of thunder echoed above followed by the crack of lightening which made Al’ice question his actions, this was not a good place to be standing.
Only now had he realised the enormity of the two storey house before him and how there were no lights, no sound from inside. Al’ice thought of the evil mist he had detected and won
dered if all inside were still trapped under the spell, a movement to his right caught his eye and he stepped further into the shadows for fear of being seen. The howling wind was deafening around him as he watched a young girls face at the long thin window high above the blank wall and level with the second storey of the house, he wondered what kind of room could be inside. With the swirling debris it was difficult to see who the face belonged to as it watched the devastation outside. Al’ice did not hear the car pull up in front of the house as he stepped away from the tree beside him, swaying back and forth and groaning at its tormentor.
He started back towards the house, keeping to the edge of the trees and fighting the wind and rain that battered against his body, he had lost the cigarette packet in his fight for survival against the ferocious weather. The wind whipped at his hair, slapping his face he fought to tie it back into control, it was then he saw the car at the entrance, flanked by the broken statues now littering the asphalt. He watched as Mr Serason sat bolt upright, clutching his chest, he slumped against the wheel, his eyes open, fixed in death as they stared directly at him.
For once the bold Al’ice was in shock, all sense had left him as he staggered away from the scene, stunned into silence, returning back down along the long drive.
The three comparative strangers sat in silence as they ate, Cooper stood beside the fire, she never seemed to sit, Eldeen in contrast sat in the usual seat beside the curtain to his bed chamber, I reckon that for someone so old it was probably best, leaving him not far to go when it was time to retire. I sat close to the fire, it was not that cold inside following my walk earlier when the weather had closed in so rapidly, not moving from my spot as I savoured the thick broth Cooper had given me, it tasted like a vegetable soup, at least that’s what I hoped it was, too hungry to argue my vegetarian case just now.
Cooper had promised to make me more sensible shoes as the small pumps I had on gave little in the way of protection from the cold, I had thought they were perfect for the party on a warm summers evening, lucky I hadn‘t worn my sandals. If I had known all of this was going to happen I would have dressed more appropriately, at least I’ve got my jeans, a small comfort against this inclement weather.
Even cold winters in England had never been as bad as this, damn! I had forgotten to ask earlier exactly where we are as Cooper had shown me around the village, I met so many people, all so pleased to see me and congratulating Cooper on how lovely I was, bizarre! It had been a very strange afternoon, come to think of it I didn’t really learn that much about why I was here. The people were sick, not all of them, but for many years a disease had caught hold and condemned the carrier to a slow death. It was indiscriminate over who it selected, though avoided the young and was not contagious, it just came and took a few souls at a time as if in no hurry to exterminate. Cooper promised me I was in no danger from it, for something so prevalent in their lives, it didn’t even appear to have a name. Apparently I’m immune to the disease, how do they know? perhaps that’s why I’m here, to help find a cure.
Eldeen broke my thoughts as he lifted his head from the bowl towards the door, “he approaches, I said he would return did I not?”
Cooper leapt to the door and thrust it open, the force of the wind assisting as a great swirl of snow invaded their space, the heat from the room, melting it as it landed, leaving a growing pool of icy water slowly seeping into the earthen floor.
Is this Al’ice? My heart skips in anticipation at his return, as a dark figure slumps forward and collapse’s at Cooper’s feet, my hand instinctively goes to my mouth to silence the frightened noise which threatens to erupt and invade the room.
Cooper pulls at his arms dragging him closer to the fire and slams the door shut with her foot, barring the cold outside, he is still and frozen, the snow clamped to his clothes.
Eldeen looked unconcerned at the figure as he glances at me, I struggle to contain the strange gurgling sound as I nearly choke on my mouthful of broth, I kick the seat out from under me and stand back out of the way.
“Are you alright child?” he asks.
I feel my head nodding as I watch Cooper, transfixed as she prises Jez’s jacket from his body, my thoughts had only been concerned with my dad and Al’ice’s return, I had completely forgotten about the absent Jez.
Pulling at the last sleeve, Eldeen rose from his chair, “Wait” he commanded.
Cooper shook the snow from his leather jacket into the fire, which fizzed as it met the flames and turned to look at what had alarmed her grandfather so.
Eldeen knelt beside the stiff body and held up Jez’s right wrist, he stared in disbelief at what surrounded it. It was like a moment frozen in time, Cooper stood holding the jacket also staring at Jez’s wrist, Eldeen held it aloft in wonder and I saw what caught their eye but I’m more concerned about Jez, he’s not moving.
Finding my voice at last I break the silence, “Is he dead?”
Awoken from their reverie, Eldeen lowers Jez’s arm and holds his face in his hands, he begins to murmur in a strange tongue, the words lyrical, a hint of Al’ice in his voice, as I watch in awe the words visibly leave the old man’s lips, a swirling mist of green fog which darts across to Jez’s mouth, it finds an opening and vanishes through his lips and inside his body. Seconds seem to tick by as Eldeen releases his grip on Jez, Cooper is behind him holding his head aloft, when he suddenly splutters and coughs back to life.
It’s hard to take in what I’ve just witnessed, this was no CPR, this was magic. I’m staring at Jez in wonder at the miracle, he’s wearing a red t-shirt with a man’s head on it beneath the jacket, I can see his dark nipples through the cotton, erect with the cold, his skin grey, awash with goose bumps.
Jez becomes aware of his undignified return to life and makes a grab for his jacket as Cooper gently places a warm fur about his shoulders,
“Leave it” she tells him, “Let it dry.”
Jez looks dazed and slips into unconsciousness as Cooper begins to undress his reluctant body.
I’ve never seen a naked man before, not even my brother, Yes I’ve done sex ed at school back in England but I’m curious and a little embarrassed, my cheeks flush at my thoughts as I feel sorry for Jez unaware of the audience before him. I look away, as much as I want to see it’s unfair on Jez, Cooper seems undeterred as she tears at his sodden clothes, I look at Eldeen who is watching his granddaughters every move.
“Um Eldeen sir” I ask, distracting his gaze from the fire.
“Yes child?”
“Could you tell me the significance of the bands we wear?” I hold up my own wrist to show him my Grans leather band.
Eldeen smiles at me, the lines on his face becoming deep crevices.
“The first time you have addressed me child and you ask quite a leading question, why that question in particular?”
I’m distracting myself and yes I’m curious, I stare into his eyes seeking an answer, he seems kind enough but there is a hollowness also, something inside which causes him great pain, so I ask him another question.
“You are a great politician, speaker for your people?”
Eldeen eyes me suspiciously, “perhaps, why do you ask?”
“All politicians answer a question with a question and you never get the answer you are looking for don’t you agree?” I reply folding my arms.
I’m not usually so forthright, why doesn’t he just answer the damn questions! I hear splashing water to my left, I’m tempted to look, check Jez is alright but then I might see.
Cooper had rolled a huge barrel in front of the fire and after a short struggle had managed to lift Jez inside then she had begun to fill it with warmed water from the fire. I’m guessing this is what’s happened from all the shuffling then water sounds to my side, I’m curious, I hope Jez is ok. My eyes shift left for a quick peek, he’s sat in a barrel off water, I can see his knees bent and his bandaged chest, and feel my cheeks flush again, I turn to focus on Eldeen.
p; He’s watching my reaction, I swear that’s a smile on his face, it’s not funny.
“You have never seen a man in the flesh before?” he asks.
“Of Course Not!”
I glare at Cooper as I realise she has echoed my own words.
“Hah! No question in your reply child, I have won have I not?”
What! I’m confused, how did Cooper know what I had or hadn’t seen? How can I ask her without looking in Jez’s direction and what the hell is the old man talking about?
“I wasn’t aware it was a competition!” I reply.
“You have the fire of your grandmother child.”
“Do you know my grandmother, where she is?” I’m beginning to feel dizzy.
Cooper continues to wash the warm water over Jez’s body, he had been almost hypothermic, she smiles to herself as she listens to the conversation behind her.
Eldeen nods his head for a while and then finally answers my first question,
“I have seen the band you wear before child, it belongs to our people, a symbol of leadership.”
I find my seat to steady myself, “So then, you have seen my grandmother, this belongs to her, where did she get it?”
“And to answer the second part of your question, the band on Jez’s wrist belongs also to our people, it is also a symbol of leadership, I was ……..” his voice becomes much slower now, more laboured as if the words will fail him, “such a long time……….thought he were lost…………..gone forever……..my, my……………..it belongs to………………my brother.”
I realise what he is saying, the importance of his statement, “so all that distrust and Jez is like me?”
Eldeen groans in reply.
“Jol please hold Jez’s head for a while to stop him slipping under, I must help grandfather, he is not well.”
I’m watching the old man as he slumps on his stool, his face is racked with pain, “does he have the fever, you spoke of?”
“No child, he is just a weary old man who has lived for too many years, too much excitement for one day that is all.”
I glance towards Cooper, reluctant to get close to Jez, curious and scared of what I might see inside that barrel.
Cooper holds her hand above the water and begins to mumble the strange words I had heard before as the water begins to fizz and bubble.
“What are you doing?”
“Enchai, magic if you wish, there child, plenty of bubbles, you will not see anything you do not wish to, we will dry him off once I help grandfather.”
I have to help, Eldeen does look ill, I fix my eyes on Jez’s face and move closer to the barrel, I just don’t know if I can trust myself not to look inside.
“Hold his chin that should be enough.”
Cooper stands and leaves me alone with the naked Jez as she helps Eldeen to his feet and to bed.
I hold my hand firmly under Jez’s chin, his darkened skin retrieving its tone as the warmth ebbs through his body, he had been so white, so cold when he had returned, I had been so sure he was going die. His chin feels rough with the slight stubble which grows there, I keep my eyes on his face, there are no blemishes, no signs of wear. His face appears square with a rigid jaw which is cutting into my palm. I swap hands and look at his soft black curly hair, now tight circles from the water. His eyelashes are like thick caterpillars caressing his lids, why do boys have such beautiful eyes when girls are cursed with dressing theirs with lots of makeup to achieve the same effect?
I’m so close to his face now concentrating on his features, determined not to stray, without warning he opens his eyes.
“Oh!” he looks just as shocked as me as I jump back letting go of his chin so quickly the stubble grazes my palm.
Jez had been lulled by the warmth of the water, until the gentle sweet breath on his face awakened his senses. He was not alone. He opened his eyes and for one brief moment saw a pale set of grey blue eyes returning his gaze.
As I jumped back I saw him blink as he sat upright in the water, shaking his wet hair, the droplets reach my arm, my face is positively on fire as he looks at me then around the room.
Jez recognises the cottage room and looks down at the crude bath he is sitting in, alarmed at his situation he grabs each side of the barrel to thrust himself from the water, I put my hands to my face as he makes a grab for his jacket beside the fire.
Peeking through my fingers, Cooper appears from nowhere, pushing down hard on his shoulders, propelling him back down into the water as it washes over the sides with force.
“Your jacket is not yet dry, do you wish to embarrass Jol and yourself here with your nakedness!”
Cooper looks in my direction away from Jez’s angry body as she holds aloft a blanket for him to step into, she is smiling at me, did she see me peeking? I could warm the whole cottage with the heat coming from my cheeks just now.
I hear him step from the barrel and I watch as Cooper rolls it away from the fire, Jez just stands there, the blanket wrapped tightly round his body unable to speak, the shock evident from his scowl.
“You may dry yourself here, we will wait in the next room until you are decent, you can wear this for now until your clothes are dry.”
She throws a thick cloth at him which looks like one of those toga type garments they all seemed to wear.
“Do not worry about grandfather I have given him a sedative to help him sleep and don’t even think about running out on us again, I have already saved your life once, I may not be so quick to try again!”
The warmth had started in his toes, relieved to have feeling again, his boots and socks removed, Jez wiggled each one in turn just to be sure. His ankles were stiff as he rotated each one in turn but yes he could move at last. The warm feeling gently rose across his legs as if someone were pouring warm water across his skin, above his knees and towards his groin he didn’t care if he were naked, for now the warmth emanating through his body was fantastic. Onwards it forged along his chest and across his arms, Jez did not want to open his eyes for fear the warmth would leave him, the cold of the snow had been unbearable and now he felt human again.
The warmth lulled his mind into a sense of security and he smiled to himself, he remembered the hospital and the bed to which he had become accustomed, the embarrassment of a bed bath did not concern him, he was comfortably warm and that’s all that mattered to him now.