School of Athens
Archidamus and Agis walk their horses down the road leading back to Sparta after a vigorous morning ride through the countryside, as was their daily habit. It’s the only hour during the day the King is free of his advisors and solicitors. It’s also the only moment he has to speak with his son for any length of time. Today, however, their walk back to the city is silent.
Agis is unbothered by the quiet and this pleases his father. Spartans are not known for sharing words of affection, but this doesn’t mean they were incapable of them. Seeing his son, now grown into a man moves Archidamus to speak. “If your mother were still alive she would be very proud of you, Agis,” the King says.
“Father, there’s no need to—” Agis begins.
But his father cuts him off. “Yes, there is, because your mother is the only person I know who could possibly be any prouder of you than I am.”
Agis keeps silent and continues to stoically look down the road ahead. He wants to say something, but he worries that doing so would render the compliment unjustified. The prince squeezes his horse’s reigns and continues down the road.
There is more to the King’s motives than just praise. He has no interest in spoiling his son with commendations, but to harden him for what’s to come. “These next few months, maybe even the next few years, are going to be difficult, son,” he continues. “They are going to try Sparta, and our family, in ways no one ever thought possible.”
“Then we are going to war?” Agis asks.
“I’m afraid it’s inevitable,” the king confirms. “I just want you to know that if the gods see it fit to take me on the battlefield, no king who ever knew his successor will die happier.”
Agis turns his head to his father and reveals a half-smile. Archidamus sees the gesture out of the corner of his eye and smiles back. It’s a rare breach in etiquette among a royal family charged with displaying Spartan virtues at all times in public.
The two continue walking in silence for a moment. The king takes a deep breath of the morning air and exhales as if relieved of a great burden. “Now if we can only find you a queen…” he says.
“Father!” Agis scolds.