The Complete Essays
Fannia (granddaughter of Arria), 844
Fatua (myth. wife of Faunus), 980–81
Faunus (myth. god of shepherds), 980–81
Faustina, 593
Favonius, Marcus (supporter of Pompey), 1180
Favorinus (Roman philosopher), 1248
Favorinus of Arles (Greek philosopher), 1043
Felipe, Don (Philip of Burgundy), 28
Ferdinand I (German king), 9
Ferdinand V ‘the Catholic’ (King of Spain), 1209
Fernel (doctor to Henry II), 1234
Ficino, Marsilio, xlii, li, 988
Fimbria, Gaius, 688
Fioravanti (Italian physician), 873
Firmus (self-proclaimed Emperor of Alexadria), 1021
Flaccus, Pomponius, 898
Flaccus, Quintus Fulvius (Roman general), 328
Flaminius, Titus Quintius (Roman general), 228, 334, 796, 818, 985, 1249
Flavius, Subrius (Nero’s commander), 938–9
Flora (Roman courtesan), 695, 931
Florio, John, xliii
Florius (Roman historian), 22
Foix, de (family), 168
Foix, Diane de (Countess of Gurson), 163
Foix, François de, Count, 64, 167
Foix, Gaston de (Duke of Nemours), 315
Foix, Gaston III, Count of, 201
Foix, Paul de (French parliamentarian), 221, 1084
Foulk III (Count of Anjou), 64
Fouquerolle, Sieur de, 247
Francis of Assisi, St, 111
Francis of Sales, St, xxxiv
Francis I (King of France), 35–6, 38, 50, 79, 150, 318–19, 471
Francis II (King of France), 742
Francis, Duke of Brittany, 158
Franget, Seigneur de, 76
Fregoso, Octaviano, Duke, 26
Froissart, Jean, 24, 202, 468, 781
Fulvius (consul), 403–4
Fulvius (friend of Augustus), 403
Fulvius, Gnaeus (Roman general), 76
Furius, Camillus Marcus (Caesar’s legate in Gaul), 779, 823
Fuscus, Horatius (scribe to SPQR), 1131–2
Gabinus (Roman tribune), 826
Galba (friend of Maecenas), 981
Galba, Servius (praetor), 981
Galen, 605, 609, 610, 627, 883
Gallio, Junius (Roman senator), 226
Gallus, Cornelius (Roman poet), 94, 987
Gallus Vibius, 110
Ganistor of Naupactus, 531
Gaviac, Seigneur de (M’s uncle), 865
Gaza, Theodore (Italian professor), 180
Gellius Aulus (Roman writer), 812, 1227
Gelon (Tyrant of Syracuse), 894
George of Trebizond (17th-century Greek philosopher), 517, 739
Germain, Marie, 111
Germanicus Caesar (Roman emperor), 82, 187
Gervaise, St, 203
Geta (Roman emperor), 308
Ghibelline (family), 1182
Gide, André, xlii
Giraldus, Lilius Gregorius (Giglio Giraldi) (Italian poet), 251
Glaucia, 278
Gobrias, 628
Gondemar (King of Burgundy), 316
Gonzaga, Guy di and Ludovico di, 94
Gournay, Marie de, xliv, li, lv, 751–2
Gouveanus, Andreas (Gouvea, André de) (principal of Collège de Guyenne), 198
Gracchi (Roman family), 823
Gracchus, Tiberius (tribune), 212–13, 345, 673
Gracchus, Titus Sempronius, 582, 773–4
Grammont, Diane de (Countess of Guiche, known as Corisande d’Andoins), 220
Grammont, Philibert (Count of Guiche), 44
Gramont, Marguerite d’Aure de, 884
Gratinare, Mercurino de’, 737
Gregory XII (Pope), 1022
Grouchy, Nicholas (M’s tutor), 195
Gryllus (son of Xenophon), 940
Guast Alphonse d’Avalos, Marquis de (French general), 48
Guelph (family), 4, 1182
Guerrente, Guillaume (M’s tutor), 195, 198
Guevara, Antonio de (Spanish bishop and writer), 327
Guicciardini, Francesco, 7, 24, 50
Guillaume, Duke of Guyenne (William Duke of Aquitaine), 64
Guise, Charles de, Cardinal of Lorraine, 7–8, 817
Guise, François de, Duke of Lorraine, 140–41, 143, 306, 751, 805–6
Guise, Henri, Duke of, 1145
Gylippus (Spartan commander), 317
Hadrian, 688, 768, 868
Hannibal, 82, 255, 256, 316, 319, 368, 403, 840, 854, 1260
Harpasté, 782
Hector, 852
Hecuba (wife of Priam), 786
Hegesias (Greek rhetorician), 187, 340, 394, 938, 1260
Helen of Troy, 852
Helena (mother of Constantine), 248
Heligabulus (Elagabulus, Roman emperor), 243, 687, 1021
Helliodoros (Bishop of Tricca), 301
Hemon (leader of Chio), 1013
Henry II (King of France), 63, 94, 300, 309, 329 as Dauphin, 73
Henry III (King of France), 1136
Henry V (King of England), 789
Henry VII (King of England), 28–9
Henry of Navarre (later Henry IV of France), 1145
Henry (Fitzhenry), Duke of Normandy, 308
Heraclides of Pontus (Greek philosopher) 188, 575, 609, 968
Heraclitus, 153, 339, 540, 566, 606, 610, 645, 660, 662, 681, 1281
Herakleon of Megara (Gnostic philosopher), 180
Hercules, 152, 1137, 1172
Hermarchus of Mytilene (Greek philosopher), 704
Hermes Trismegistus (Greek writer), 594
Hermodius, 211, 361, 1014
Hermodorus (Greek poet), 292
Hermotimus (Greek mathematician), 624
Herodicus (Prince of Thessalania), 793
Herodotus, 29, 254, 305, 329, 448, 588, 645, 982
Herophilus (Greek physician), 972
Herostratus, 712
Hervet, Gentian, xxxiv
Hesiod the Wise, 163, 412, 531, 609
Hesperius (friend of St Augustine), 203
Hieron (King of Syracuse), 294, 296–7, 767, 852
Hierotiymus of Cardia (Greek general and historian), 57
Hierophilus (Greek physician), 610
Hilary, St (Bishop of Poitiers), 203, 246
Himbercourt, Sieur de, 936
Hipparchia (wife of Crates), 660
Hippias (Sophist philosopher), 163, 1096
Hippoclides, 658
Hippocrates, 609, 610, 810, 871–2, 955
Hippolytus (myth. son of Theseus), 869
Hippomachus, 929
Hippomenes (conquerer of Atlanta), 937
Homer, 47, 345, 543, 560, 662, 680, 833, 850–53, 979, 1014, 1193, 1196, 1227
Honorius III, Pope, 202
Hôpital, Michel de I’ (Marshal of France), 751
Horace, xlviii, 30, 191, 461, 670, 987
Horn, Philip de Montmorency, Count of, 28
Horstanus, Albert, (M’s tutor), 150, 195
Hortensius, Quintus (Roman orator), 425, 706
Huët, Daniel (Bishop of Avranches), xxvin, xli
Hunyadi, Janos (Hungarian leader), 804
Hyperides (Attic orator), 893
Iccus of Tarentum (Olympic contestant), 438
Icetes (Hicetas) (Syracusan leader), 249
Idomeneus (Cretan hero), 246, 277, 704
Ignatius (father and son), 249–50
Indathyrsez (Scythian king), 48
Iphicrates (Athenian general), 87, 281
Iphigenia, 8, 583
Iphis (King of Argos), 110–11
Irenaeus (Christian martyr), 243
Iris (myth. daughter of Thaumantis), 1165
Isabella of Angoulême (queen consort of John of England), 249
Isabella, (Scottish princess), 158
Isaiah, 645
Ischolas (Spartan captain), 238
Ismenias, 280
Isocrates (Attic orator), 132, 184, 963–4, 1021, 1087
Jacob (son of Isaac), 118, 238
James (King of Naples, 932
Janus, 335, 949
Jaropelc (Russian duke), 900
Jason (Tyrant of Pherae), 248
Jerome, St, 973
Jesus Christ, 41, 93–4, 405, 760
Joachim of Flora (abbot), 45
Joanna (Queen of Naples), 1002
John the Baptist, St, 118
John I (King of Castile), 200
John II (King of Portugal), 55
John V (father of Francis, Duke of Brittany), 158
John Zapolya (King of Hungary), 9
John, Don, of Austria, 243
Joinville, Jean, Seigneur de, 471, 716, 804
Josephus, Flavius, 383, 389, 398, 794
Jowett, Benjamin, liii
Juba (King of Numidia), 833, 836, 838
Juggernaut, 405
Juille, Captain, 82
Julian the Apostate, 75–6, 298, 760–63, 769
Julius II (Pope), 36
Julius Caesar, 65, 67, 77, 138, 146, 193, 236, 259, 262, 279, 296, 304, 315, 316, 317–18, 322, 323, 335, 342, 346–7, 383, 409, 445, 467, 469, 482, 685–6, 688, 707, 718, 719, 726, 757, 773, 779, 791, 811, 826–32, 833–41, 855, 942, 1030, 1085, 1124, 1146, 1151, 1191, 1195, 1199, 1218, 1231, 1258
Junia (widow of Scribonianus), 844
Jupiter, 223, 292, 296, 361, 363, 575, 594, 599, 716, 847, 969, 1096, 1268
Justin the Martyr, xxviii
Justinus (Roman historian), 323
Kinge (queen consort of Poland), 966
La Boëtie, Estienne de, xiv, xliv, 85, 176, 205–9, 218–21, 420, 749, 1198
La Brousse, Sieur de la (M’s brother), 411
La Noue, François de (Huguenot captain), 751
La Rochefoucault, Comte de, 188
Labeo, Anstitius (jurist), 402
Laberius, Decimus (writer of mimes), 86
Labienus (Roman general), 449, 823
Labienus (supporter of Pompey), 449–50
Laches (Athenian commander, 47
Laccantus (Christian father), 512, 610
Ladislaus (King of Naples), 827
Laelius (friend of Scipio), 286, 331, 1260
Laelius the younger (Sapiens), 212, 280
Laïs (Roman courtesan), 826, 1120
Lambin, Denis (Dionysius Lambinus), xix, xxxv
Langey, Seigneur de, see Du Bellay, Guillaume
Lanssac, Monsieur de (mayor of Bordeaux), 1136
Laodice (wife of Aramis of Egypt), 114
Latona (mother of Apollo), 535, 1270
Laurentne (Roman courtesan), 596
Leah (wife of Jacob), 239
Lentulus (consul), 342
Leo VII (Emperor), 45
Leo X (Pope), 10
Leo (Arian Pope), 243
Leon (Prince of the Phliasians), 188
Leonidas (King of Sparta), 1249
Leonidas (King of Sparta), 238
Léonor, see Montaigne
Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius (triumvir), 16, 94, 141, 976
Leucippus (Greek philosopher), 606
Levinus (consul), 317
Leyva, Antonio de, 43, 286
Licques, Seigneur de, 247
Lipsius, Justus (Belgian scholar), xix, 22, 166, 652
Lisimachus (King of Thrace), 525
Livia (wife of Augustus Caesar), 141, 239, 971
Livia (French dancer), 172
Livy, 12, 175–6, 414, 453, 773, 790
Lollia (wife of Gabinus), 826
Lorraine, see Guise, Charles de
Louis IX, St (King of France), 64, 405, 493, 804
Louis XI (King of France), 54, 146
Lucan (Roman poet), 450, 461
Lucat (brother of George Sechel), 795
Lucilius (Roman poet), 719
Lucilius (Seneca’s correspondent), 245, 277, 848
Lucius Volumnius, 342
Lucretia (wife of Tarquinius Collatinus), 376
Lucretius, xix, 461, 986
Lucullus, Lucius (Roman general), 155, 317, 342, 376, 454, 838, 975, 1127
Lude, Jacques de Daillon, Seigneur du, 76
Lull, Raymond, xxi
Luther, Martin, xx, xxii, 490, 1213
Lycas (Greek philosopher), 552
Lycon of Troas (Peripatetic philosopher), 16
Lycurgus (Spartan lawgiver), 99, 134, 160, 232, 449, 606, 695, 777, 823, 882, 964, 1063, 1093
Lyncestes, 1089
Lysander (Spartan general), 23, 138–9, 822
Lysias (Attic orator), 930, 1194
Lysimachus (King of Thrace), 53, 525, 986
Macareus (myth. son of Aeolus), 131
Machanidas (Tyrant of Lacedaemon), 306
Machiavelli, Niccoló, 744, 833
Mâcon, Bishop of, 78
Macrobius (Greek grammarian), 1227
Maecenas (minister of Augustus), 981
Mahomet the Prophet, 578
Mahomet II (Sultan of Turkey), 376, 794–5, 827, 852, 900–901, 1146
Mamurra, 829
Manlius Capitolanus, Marcus (consul), 712, 1145
Mantua, Marquis of, 94
Manuel (Roman commander), 82
Marcellus (Roman consul), 175, 822, 840
Marcius, Lucius (Roman general), 22
Mardonius (Persian leader), 258
Margaret, Queen of Navarre (Marguerited’Angoulême), xxi, 50, 363, 481, 1014
Maris (Bishop of Chalcedon), 760
Marius, Gaius (Roman general), 315, 455, 728, 1066, 1230
Marius the Younger, 304
Marot, Clément (French poet), 401
Mars, 291, 373, 582, 631, 1257
Marteau, Michel, xlii
Martholus, Vincentius (scribe to SPQR), 1132
Martial, 462, 780, 995
Martin, Jean, xxi
Massinissa (King of Numidia), 253
Matecoulom, Seigneur de (M’s brother), 789
Matignon, Monsieur de (Marshal of France), 1136
Maurice (east Roman emperor), 792
Maxentius (Roman emperor), 401
Maximilian I (Emperor), 15
Mechmet, see Mahomet II
Medici, Catherine de’ 140–41
Medici, Lorenzo de’, Duke of Urbino, 48
Megabysus, 1056
Melampus (soothsayer), 506
Melanchthon, Philip, xix, li
Melanthius (Greek poet), 1059
Melissa (wife of Periander), 998
Melissus of Samos (Greek philosopher), 589
Memmius, Gemellus Gaius (Roman tribune), 829
Menander, 191–2, 217, 299
Menicius (correspondent of Epicurus), 184
Meno (Greek general), 1013
Meno (Thessalian adventurer), 1213
Mercurino de’ Gratinare (prisoner of Suleiman), 737
Mercury, 291, 406, 631, 716, 721, 1257
Merveille, Captain, 36
Messala Corvinus (Roman consul and historian), 739
Messalina, 985
Metellus (family), 1127
Metellus Creticus (Roman commander), 327, 342
Metellus of Macedon (Roman consul), 632
Metellus Nepos (tribune), 304, 342
Metellus Numidicus (consul), 473–4
Metrocles (Greek philosopher), 658, 1141
Metrodorus of Chios (Greek philosopher), 589
Metrodorus of Lampsacus (Epicurean philosopher), 389, 705, 707, 765, 1141
Michael, St, 894
Michel, Pierre, xlii
Midas, King, 650, 945
Milton, John, 30
Minerva, 186, 582, 716
Mithridates, 256, 1042
Monluc, Blaise de (Marshal of France), 444
Monstrelet, Enguerrand de, 326
Montaigne, Antoinette de (M’s mother), xiv
Montaigne, Léonor de (M’s daughter), xiv, 437, 966
Montaigne, Pierre Eyquem de (M’s father), xiv, xxi, lvii, 252, 386, 4
32, 1076, 1078, 1137, 1249, 1251
Montaureus (Mont-Doré) (French poet), 751
Montfort, John, Count of, 262
Montmord, Seigneur de, 23
Montmorency, Anne, Duc de, (Constable of France), 73, 306, 471, 751
Morozo, Matteo, 148
Morvilliers, Sieur de (Bishop of Orleans), 895
Moses, 610, 716
Muley Hassan (Dey of Tunis), 438
Muley Moloch (Abd el Malek, King of Fez), 770–71
Murena, 141, 142
Muret, Marc-Antoine (M’s tutor), 195, 198
Musa (Greek physician), 872
Musaeus (oracle), 606
Mutas, Alexander (Conservator of Rome), 1131
Mutia (wife of Pompey), 826
Myson (Greek sage), 1052
Narcissus, 671
Naselli, G., xliii
Nassau, Louis, Count of, 23, 76
Nausiphanes, 589
Navarre, see Henry of Navarre; Margaret of Navarre
Nembroth (Nimrod, King of Babel), 623
Neptune, 21, 380, 596, 710
Nero, 12, 264, 373, 450, 817–18, 846–8
Nerva, Coceius (Roman jurist), 402–3
Nesle, Jean de (French soldier), 287
Newman, John H. (cardinal), xlii
Nicanor (Syrian general), 400
Nicetas of Syracuse, 642
Nicias (Athenian general), 14
Nicocles (King of Cyprus), 868, 870, 1087
Nicocreon (King of Cyprus), 389
Nicolas of Lyra, xxx, xliii
Nicolaus of Cusa (cardinal), xxii
Nicomedes III (King of Bithynia), 826
Niger (Nero’s commander), 939
Ninachetuen (Malaccan chief), 402
Niobe, 8
Normandy, Robert II (Curthose), Duke of, 247
Numa Pompilius (King of Rome), 573, 716, 823
Oceanus, 680
Octavius (consul), 138
Octavius, Marcus (Pompey’s lieutenant), 841
Octavius Sagilla, 977–8
Oedipus, 131, 364
Olivier, François (Chancellor of France), 734, 751
Onesilus (King of Salamis), 322
Oppianus (Greek poet), 527
Oppius, Gaius (writer and friend of Caesar), 826, 839
Orange-Nassau, William, Prince of (William the Silent), 805
Origen of Alexandria, 954–5
Orleans, Charles, Duke of, 789
Oromasis (Persian god), 716
Osorius (Osorio), Geronimo (Portuguese bishop), 55
Ostorius, 688
Otanes (Persian general), 1040
Otho (Roman emperor), 303, 317
Ovid, xvi, 196, 254, 460
Pacard, George, xxvii, xxix
Pacuvius (Roman tragedian), 43
Pacuvius Calavius (senator of Capua), 1085–6
Paetus (family), 844–5
Pallas Athena, 181, 957, 1138, 1257
Palvel, 171
Panaetius (Stoic philosopher), 562, 852, 1008, 1157
Pantaleon, 795
Panthea (wife of Abradatas), 1149