LIARS the News Industry
The Senator was like many radicals now running the party: Rooney rose to power not so much by intelligence, or hard work, but in view of the fact he could set aside any scruples he may have once possessed. Uncharismatic and petulant, Rooney saw no problem with spending other people’s money to make himself look magnanimous. The senator would do, or say almost anything to remain the Senate Leader. Ambitious to a fault, Rooney used his position to amass a fortune through backdoor deals; he believed he was secure in his illicit affairs as long as the press had his back. As long as the Senator kept those publishers happy they would collectively ensure he would never be exposed and held to account...not publicly, which is what in point of fact counted.
“Director Mitchum, yo’ are not answerin’ mah question. Have yo,’ or have yo’ not received orders fum the President autho’izin the use of torture...Yes, or No?”
This dumb shit can’t even speak clearly.
Derrick replied looking squarely into the Senator’s eyes, “Can you repeat that, Senator?”
“Ah said, have yo,’ or have yo’ not received orders fum the President autho’izin the use of torture...Yes, or No?”
“Are you asking if I received orders from the President authorizing torture, is that your question?”
“Yes, Director Mitchum, that is mah question!”
“Senator, the answer remains ‘No!’”
The witch hunt had begun, but in as much as the Democrats were not yet in power, the closed door hearings had not taken on the air of a circus and would not get the traction the ‘Alinksyites’ needed. Missing were the droves of journalists and activists the media needed to stir up the headlines. Instead, Senator Rooney and his fellow Democrats would have to settle on leveling their propped up charges in less dramatic ways.
“Director, it is hard fo’ me t’believe yer claim given th’ kind of info'mashun yo’ and yer o'ganizashun has uncovered. Just how is it that yo’ came by info'mashun that you say puts th’ Iranians two years ahaid of everybody else’s predictions?”
“Senator, that information is classified as I...”
The ranking Democrat cut Derrick off. “Director Mitchum, I understand that!”
Derrick smiled at the former Washington D.C. security cop seated across from and looking down on him. The Director liked getting under this one politician’s skin. Senator Rooney’s face turned beet red at the sight of the SAD Director’s smile.
“Do yo’ think this is sumpin t’laugh about!”
The Senator hesitated for a moment, fuming and was about to go off on one more tangent when Derrick took the opportunity to tell the politician he was full of shit, in so many words.
“Senator, no this is not a laughing matter, nor are the Iranian mullas and thermonuclear weapons. Need I remind you that this region supplies eighty percent of the world’s oil! What is laughable are your attempts to...”
Rooney shouts out, “Mr. Chairperson! Mr. Chairperson!”
Derrick managed to squeeze at the heart of the issue with the Senator. “...sidestep the real issue.”
“Mr. Chairperson!” shouted the Democrat.
The committee chairperson's gavel started banging.
GREEN ZONE, BAGHDAD - Officer Marcus McQueen raised his eleventh mug of beer in his hand and shouted out with a slurring of words. “This one’s for all those would-be fanatics now with the seventy-two virgins!”
“Here, here!” shouted his teammates to his toast, similarly incapacitated.
“Bottoms up!” McQueen shouted.
Everyone drained his mug, followed by several of the team belching.
Officer Karl Hagman then shouted out. “Bartender, one more round! Burrrrp!”
Marcus, swaying at the head of the table, peered to the other end making an effort, but failing to fix his gaze on the offending officer. “Thank you Karl! I believe I will have anotherrrr! Burrrrp!”
At this point, the bartender decided the mysterious group may have finally had enough. “Guys, I think it’s time you called it a day.”
“I’ll have nothing of that!” shouted Sean as he half staggered to his feet and wobbled over to the bar to discuss the terms of surrender.
“Nowww see here you insolent man,” Sean remarked with slurred speech. “Do you see that man over there.” Sean turned in a wobbling motion and tried to point to the team leader; instead he was only able to approximate Marcus’ position with his wobbling finger. “Damn it, man! Do you know who that is over there?”
“I have no idea?”
“Nor shall you ever!” Sean laughed. “One thing I can tell you about that man he’s retiring today, but that’s not all!” Sean hesitated to let out a burp, “Diddd you know that man would be coming face to face with the President tomorrowww?”
LANGLEY, VA - Derrick had by now returned from the inquisition up on “The Hill” and was leafing through the list of missions his teams conducted under President McKinley. Too soon, the Democrats would be in control of Congress and both Senator Rooney and that stupid, airhead Representative Bocchino were already promising immediate investigations. It was again time for him to prepare for the public hearings that would soon follow. As long as McKinley was in office, the Director and his people would have little to worry about, but Derrick understood the winds of change were coming. The Democrats were on a roll.