LIARS the News Industry
JANUARY 1, 2035
There is something indecent about putting into words let alone defending the brutal savagery of that one summer day, a day when a handful of glitterati lost their grasp over the truth, the day the publishers’ power disappeared...over the people, over America.
History had provided glimpses of what lay ahead if those elitists had triumphed; the reprobate that was in the White House was just a minute taste of what would become a permanent resident if they achieved their aims. Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong had all come to power by almost identical means, by maintaining a tight grip over the people, by brandishing power over the truth. Those oppressors were not some improbable illustrations of what might one day be ensconced at the head of the country. Marx once said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” Academians understood this to be the truth, so did the publishers, and yet they both persisted in pushing, in prodding the country on a course that would one day transform America.
The question remains: were the perpetrators of the brutal measures taken on that day justified? Even now, over twenty years later, the pundits were frightened to say, but the fact remains—the country had dodged a bullet and instead America was now recovering from the wrecking ball the old news establishment helped promulgate. Through the actions of a few unknowns, America escaped a fate that would otherwise have most assuredly taken place. Only through the likes of a growing number of orthodox news concerns, like Magnason Enterprise News Network, had America remained that one shining beacon up on the hill...for all the world to see.
The outcome of that one decisive day will remain a lasting part of American history. The day when a handful of publishers lost their hold over the news trade, and in turn, their sway over the American people. This is a recounting of that historic day, so that future generations can judge for themselves whether or not the violent acts of one equated to the heinous deeds of the other. It is written, so that citizens would realize that the nation came very close to the edge, so that they would be cognizant of the reason conservatism was now a pervasive part of news across the land...and of the demise of a small group of men, liars by any other name, who lost their stranglehold over America.
Professor Jason M. Hayden, Sr.
Chilton Archibald Conservatory