An hour passed before Lydia's thoughts returned. The pressure in his head was met with relief, and he felt a similar, guarded, elation in her mind. The danger hadn't passed, but they'd survived this far.
He'd woken for the second time in barely as many hours to find a police officer looming over him. The ringing in his head had felt more substantial this time. His passengers had been taken, and Lydia hadn't responded to his calls.
Eschewing advice to accept medical assistance, his arm bruised but not broken, he'd returned to police headquarters, recovering his strength at a workbench in the arsenal. He continued working as he thought at Lydia. Are you okay? Where are you?
I think I'm okay, but I don’t know where we are. Her thoughts felt unsteady. We were hooded, and they shielded our minds. There’s at least two for each of us. I'm cuffed to a chair in a small room. Dilapidated, but clean. I'm getting nothing from the surroundings, I don't know if they're blocking me.
But you can contact me?
Now. It took concentration. I think the link between us is helping... boosting the signal, or something.
Can you remember how long you travelled from the crash site to where they're holding you?
I think about twenty minutes, thought Lydia. I'm not sure. They could have messed with my perceptions. How long has it been since the crash?
About an hour.
Then probably twenty to twenty-five minutes. Does it help?
Slightly. They'd want somewhere remote to hold you, but there's a few areas meeting that description within a twenty-five minute radius.
Can you get the police to check them out? What about cameras?
They took down the entire surveillance network. We think they got to someone at control. If I let the police search, they could just tamper with their minds to see the places as clear. It has to be someone with SPI training. While a few others survived the explosion, they're in no state to help. Those not at HQ tried contacting their telepaths, but were knocked out by a backlash.
Concern radiated from Lydia’s mind. Are they going to try doing the same to you, through me?
They haven't yet, so I think we're safe for the moment.
She didn't feel reassured. So it's just you?
I have police backup if needed, but with a limited supply of bafflers.
What about screamers?
Even more limited. I'll have to hit the reserve SPI arsenal to re-supply. He hesitated. You can't link to me while I'm there. It's not trust, it's...
I know, she thought. Its location has to be limited to SPI personnel or high level police with training. Those who can resist scanning. I'm not offended by the secrecy at the moment.
He felt her behind his eyes.
What're you working on? she thought.
Modifying a baffler, trying to boost its protection. He focussed on the detail of his work. Won't last as long, but I figured if you can't shield me I'll need something extra. And since they could block you at a crucial moment, I need to finish it before getting out there. His thoughts tensed. Have you seen Markham?
They kept me hooded until I was in the room. You think they'd have him here too?
It's one possibility.
Her thoughts were hesitant. You still think he's involved? Her stressed tone lacked the irritation of the last time they'd discussed it.
They took down an SPI officer to get the others congregated at HQ. Taylor may've been a victim of opportunity, but it's possibly he was targeted. If they did have someone in the Hive, it's reasonable they'd want them out before SPI was blown and the telepaths went into meltdown. Unless they knew for certain the experience could be survived, they'd want their insider out. Since some didn't survive, it would seem the smart move.
Lydia was quiet, but he felt her thoughts reluctantly moving through it. It was a few moments before she responded in a resigned tone. I still don't believe it. She didn't seem inclined to argue the point, though. If they planned everything so well, how come the explosion didn't get you?
Maybe luck. Finishing his work, Jack sealed the device. Can you use my mind to work out your direction?
I don't think so. I don't know whether it's not having my bearings, or whether they're affecting my perceptions, but I can't get a fix on you. It's...
He sensed the sudden alertness in her mind. What is it?
Movement outside the door. I think they're coming... The connection ended abruptly, her presence yanked from his head.
Knowing she'd contact him when able, he didn't bother calling. Forcing down his concerns, he focussed on gathering his equipment.