Doing it my way
non performing material. The only good thing about the class, is that it only took Norman a couple of weeks into the semester to realize that Ian was a lost cause, and so by early May, he had simply stopped calling on him to come up to the board to solve problems. It would've been a sheer waste of time for both of them.
What really added salt to injury was the fact that Phoebe was in the class, and was carrying on the legacy of his sister. The one subject in which males consistently tested higher than females, and the class brain was a girl...
"Phoebe, would you please come up and show us how to solve this?"
She got out of her seat, strolled up to the board and picked up a piece of chalk. Phoebe then wrote an equation on the board.
"Excellent, Phoebe." Norman jotted down another problem on the chalkboard. "Would anybody like to take a crack at this one?"
Ian looked at the chalkboard. He registered nothing…blank.