Plotsky, Paul
Poolesville, Maryland
Posner, Michael
Potter, Richard. See Harlow, Richard
Potter, Robert
Potter, Thomas
Pott’s disease
Praeger academic house
Primary drive reduction
Primate junkie
Primates,. See also Monkeys, Macaques
affection and
breeding of
Princeton University
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Producers, The
Psychoanalysis, Freudian
Psychological Care of the Child and Infant, The (Watson)
humanistic movement of
love and
Watsonian behaviorists as
Psychology in America (Hilgard)
Psychology Today
Purdue University
Quarantine principle
Raising a Baby the Government Way (Ladd-Taylor)
Ramey, Craig
Ramey, Sharon
Rand, Sally
Reader’s Digest
Reed College
Reflexes of the Brain (Sechenev)
Reno, Nevada
Research, animals
cats in
rats in
Resistant to forgetting
Restricted experience infancy
Rh factor
Rhesus monkeys
Rhode Island
Riverside Drive
Robertson, James
Rochester, Minnesota
Rogers, Carl
Romanes, George
Rosenblum, Leonard
Rote memorization
Rough and tumble play
Ruler-and-serf pattern
Rumbaugh, Dane
Ruppenthal, Gary
Russell, Bertrand
Sac Indians
Sackett, Gene
San Francisco
Sapolsky, Robert
Scarlett fever
Schanberg, Saul
Schiltz, Kenneth
Schmidt, Art
Schrier, Allan
Sears, Robert
Sechenev, I.M.
Secondary drive reduction
Secure base responses
Securely attached children
Security theory
Self-motion play
Seligman, Martin
Senn, Milton
Settlage, Paul
Sex on the Brain (Blum)
Shock therapy
Sicily, Italy
Sierra del Monte Diablo
Silver Spring, Maryland
Skeels, Harold
Skinner box
Skinner, Burrhus Frederick
Skinner, Debbie
Small, Meredith
Smith, Henrietta
Smith, Lorna Benjamin
Snowdon, Charles
Social intelligence
Social isolation
Social learning
Social order
Social separation
Solitary confinement
South Carolina
South-American monkeys
Spence, Kenneth
Spitz, Rene
Squirrel monkeys
St. Louis, Missouri
St. Louis Post Dispatch
St. Mary’s Asylum for Widows,
Foundlings and Infants
Stanford Binet Intelligence Quotient Scale (IQ)
Stanford, Leland
Stanford Mosaic
Stanford University
State University of New York
Stephens, Martin
Sterilization principle
Stevens, Christine
Stimulus-response concept
Stone, Calvin
Stone, Joseph
Stone, William
Strange-situation tests
Stress response
Suomi, Steve
peer therapy studies and
vertical chamber studies and
Support network
Taub, Edward
Tavris, Carol
Teicher, Martin
Terman, Anna
Terman, Lewis M.
“Test Apparatus for Monkeys,”
“The Elephant,”
Theory of attachment
Theory of evolution
This Week
Thompson, Clara. See Harlow, Clara Mears
Thompson, Clint
Thorndike, Edward
Titi monkeys
Touch Research Institute (TRI)
Tronick, Edward
T-shape maze
Tuberculosis (TB)
Tucson, Arizona
Two-brain illusion
Two-Year-Old Goes to the Hospital, A
Typhoid fever
United States
University College Hospital
University of Alabama
University of Arizona
University of California-Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
University of California-Davis (UC Davis)
University of Chicago
University of Colorado
University of Georgia
University of Illinois
University of Iowa
University of Leiden
University of Massachusetts
University of Miami
University of Minnesota
University of New Mexico
University of Oregon
University of Tennessee
University of Toronto
University of Utah
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
Department of Psychology Primate Laboratory
first primate lab
nepotism policy of
psychology department
U.S. Child Bureau
U.S. Congress
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Labor
Velcro-mother idea
Verplanck, William
Vertical chamber apparatus
Waal, Frans de
Wagenen, Gertrude Van
Wallace, Alfred Russel
Wallen, Kim
Warren, Pennsylvania
Washington D.C.
Washington Harlow
Washington Post
Washington University
Wasserman, Gerald
Waterloo University
Watson, John B.
affection and
larynx controlled thought theory of
Little Albert experiment of
rats as research subjects of
Welty, Susan Fulton
WGTA. See Wisconsin General Test Apparatus (WGTA)
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (Sapolsky)
Wife’s Handbook, The (Albutt)
William F. Manchester Department Store
Wingra Lake
Winkleman, Fred
Wisconsin General Test Apparatus (WGTA)
Wisconsin Harlow
Wolf, Katherine
Wolf, Richard
World Health Org
anization (WHO)
World War I,
World War II,
Yale University
Yerkes, Robert
Zimmermann, Bob
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eISBN : 978-0-465-02606-7
Deborah Blum, Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the Science of Affection
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