Windsor Castle
How Sir Thomas Wyat found Mabel in the Sandstone Cave, and what happened to him there
A week after the foregoing occurrence, the Earl of Surrey was set free.But his joy at regaining his liberty was damped by learning that theFair Geraldine had departed for Ireland. She had left the tenderestmessages for him with his sister, the Lady Mary Howard, accompanied withassurances of unalterable attachment.
But other changes had taken place, which were calculated to afford himsome consolation. Ever since the night on which he had been told theLady Mary was not indifferent to him, Richmond had devoted himselfentirely to her; and matters had already proceeded so far, that he hadasked her in marriage of the Duke of Norfolk, who, after ascertainingthe king's pleasure on the subject, had gladly given his consent, andthe youthful pair were affianced to each other. Surrey and Richmond nowbecame closer friends than ever; and if, amid the thousand distractionsof Henry's gay and festive court, the young earl did not forget theFair Geraldine, he did not, at least, find the time hang heavily on hishands.
About a week after Wolsey's dismissal, while the court was stillsojourning at Windsor, Surrey proposed to Richmond to ride one morningwith him in the great park. The Duke willingly assented, and mountingtheir steeds, they galloped towards Snow Hill, wholly unattended. Whilemounting this charming ascent at a more leisurely pace, the earl saidto his companion, "I will now tell you why I proposed this ride to you,Richmond. I have long determined to follow up the adventure of Herne theHunter, and I wish to confer with you about it, and ascertain whetheryou are disposed to join me."
"I know not what to say, Surrey," replied the duke gravely, and speakingin a low tone. "The king, my father, failed in his endeavours to expelthe demon, who still lords it in the forest."
"The greater glory to us if we succeed," said Surrey.
"I will take counsel with Lady Mary on the subject before I give ananswer," rejoined Richmond.
"Then there is little doubt what your grace's decision will be," laughedSurrey. "To speak truth, it was the fear of your consulting her thatmade me bring you here. What say you to a ride in the forest to-morrownight?"
"I have little fancy for it," replied Richmond; "and if you will beruled by me, you will not attempt the enterprise yourself."
"My resolution is taken," said the earl; "but now, since we have reachedthe brow of the hill, let us push forward to the lake."
A rapid ride of some twenty minutes brought them to the edge ofthe lake, and they proceeded along the verdant path leading to theforester's hut. On arriving at the dwelling, it appeared whollydeserted, but they nevertheless dismounted, and tying their horsesto the trees at the back of the cottage, entered it. While they wereexamining the lower room, the plash of oars reached their ears, andrushing to the window, they descried the skiff rapidly approaching theshore. A man was seated within it, whose attire, though sombre, seemedto proclaim him of some rank, but as his back was towards them, theycould not discern his features. In another instant the skiff touched thestrand, and the rower leaping ashore, proved to be Sir Thomas Wyat.On making this discovery they both ran out to him, and the warmestgreetings passed between them. When these were over, Surrey expressedhis surprise to Wyat at seeing him there, declaring he was whollyunaware of his return from the court of France.
"I came back about a month ago," said Wyat. "His majesty supposes me atAllington; nor shall I return to court without a summons."
"I am not sorry to hear it," said Surrey; "but what are you doing here?"
"My errand is a strange and adventurous one," replied Wyat. "You mayhave heard that before I departed for France I passed some days in theforest in company with Herne the Hunter. What then happened to me I maynot disclose; but I vowed never to rest till I have freed this forestfrom the weird being who troubles it."
"Say you so?" cried Surrey; "then you are most fortunately encountered,Sir Thomas, for I myself, as Richmond will tell you, am equally bentupon the fiend's expulsion. We will be companions in the adventure."
"We will speak of that anon," replied Wyat. "I was sorry to find thiscottage uninhabited, and the fair damsel who dwelt within it, when Ibeheld it last, gone. What has become of her?
"It is a strange story," said Richmond. And he proceeded to relate allthat was known to have befallen Mabel.
Wyat listened with profound attention to the recital, and at its close,said, "I think I can find a clue to this mystery, but to obtain it Imust go alone. Meet me here at midnight to-morrow, and I doubt not weshall be able to accomplish our design."
"May I not ask for some explanation of your scheme?" said Surrey.
"Not yet," rejoined Wyat. "But I will freely confess to you that thereis much danger in the enterprise--danger that I would not willingly anyone should share with me, especially you, Surrey, to whom I owe so much.If you do not find me here, therefore, to-morrow night, conclude that Ihave perished, or am captive."
"Well, be it as you will, Wyat," said Surrey; "but I would gladlyaccompany you, and share your danger."
"I know it, and I thank you," returned Wyat, warmly grasping the other'shand; "but much--nay, all--may remain to be done to-morrow night. Youhad better bring some force with you, for we may need it."
"I will bring half a dozen stout archers," replied Surrey--"and if youcome not, depend upon it, I will either release you or avenge you."
"I did not intend to prosecute this adventure further," said Richmond;"but since you are both resolved to embark in it, I will not desertyou."
Soon after this, the friends separated,--Surrey and Richmond takinghorse and returning to the castle, discoursing on the unlooked--formeeting with Wyat, while the latter again entered the skiff, and roweddown the lake. As soon as the hut was clear, two persons descended thesteps of a ladder leading to a sort of loft in the roof, and sprang uponthe floor of the hut.
"Ho! ho! Ho!" laughed the foremost, whose antlered helm and wild garbproclaimed him to be Herne; "they little dreamed who were the hearers oftheir conference. So they think to take me, Fenwolf--ha!"
"They know not whom they have to deal with," rejoined the latter.
"They should do so by this time," said Herne; "but I will tell thee whySir Thomas Wyat has undertaken this enterprise. It is not to capture me,though that may be one object that moves him. But he wishes to seeMabel Lyndwood. The momentary glimpse he caught of her bright eyes wassufficient to inflame him."
"Ah!" exclaimed Fenwolf, "think you so?"
"I am assured of it," replied Herne. "He knows the secret of the cave,and will find her there."
"But he will never return to tell what he has seen," said Fenwolfmoodily.
"I know not that," replied Herne. "I have my own views respecting him. Iwant to renew my band."
"He will never join you," rejoined Fenwolf.
"What if I offer him Mabel as a bait?" said Herne.
"You will not do so, dread master?" rejoined Fenwolf, trembling andturning pale. "She belongs to me."
"To thee, fool!" cried Herne, with a derisive laugh. "Thinkest thou Iwould resign such a treasure to thee? No, no. But rest easy, I will notgive her to Wyat."
"You mean her for yourself, then?" said Fenwolf.
"Darest thou to question me?" cried Herne, striking him with the handarmed with the iron gyves. "This to teach thee respect."
And this to prove whether thou art mortal or rejoined Fenwolf, pluckinghis hunting-knife from his belt, and striking it with all his forceagainst the other's breast. But though surely and forcibly dealt, theblow glanced off as if the demon were cased in steel, and the intendedassassin fell back in amazement, while an unearthly laugh rang in hisears. Never had Fenwolf seen Herne wear so formidable a look as he atthat moment assumed. His giant frame dilated, his eyes flashed fire, andthe expression of his countenance was so fearful that Fenwolf shieldedhis eyes with his hands.
"Ah, miserable dog!" thundered Herne; "dost thou think I am to be hurtby mortal hands, or mortal weapons? Thy former experience
should havetaught thee differently. But since thou hast provoked it, take thyfate!"
Uttering these words, he seized Fenwolf by the throat, clutching himwith a terrific gripe, and in a few seconds the miserable wretch wouldhave paid the penalty of his rashness, if a person had not at the momentappeared at the doorway. Flinging his prey hastily backwards, Herneturned at the interruption, and perceived old Tristram Lyndwood, wholooked appalled at what he beheld.
"Ah, it is thou, Tristram?" cried Herne; "thou art just in time towitness the punishment of this rebellious hound."
"Spare him, dread master! oh, spare him!" cried Tristram imploringly.
"Well," said Herne, gazing at the half-strangled caitiff, "he maylive. He will not offend again. But why hast thou ventured from thyhiding-place, Tristram?"
"I came to inform you that I have just observed a person row across thelake in the skiff," replied the old man. "He appears to be taking thedirection of the secret entrance to the cave."
"It is Sir Thomas Wyat," replied Herne, "I am aware of his proceedings.Stay with Fenwolf till he is able to move, and then proceed with him tothe cave. But mark me, no violence must be done to Wyat if you findhim there. Any neglect of my orders in this respect will be followed bysevere punishment. I shall be at the cave ere long; but, meanwhile, Ihave other business to transact."
And quitting the hut, he plunged into the wood.
Meanwhile, Sir Thomas Wyat, having crossed the lake, landed, andfastened the skiff to a tree, struck into the wood, and presentlyreached the open space in which lay the secret entrance to the cave. Hewas not long in finding the stone, though it was so artfully concealedby the brushwood that it would have escaped any uninstructed eye, andremoving it, the narrow entrance to the cave was revealed.
Committing himself to the protection of Heaven, Wyat entered, and havingtaken the precaution of drawing the stone after him, which was easilyaccomplished by a handle fixed to the inner side of it, he commenced thedescent. At first, he had to creep along, but the passage gradually gothigher, until at length, on reaching the level ground, he was able tostand upright. There was no light to guide him, but by feeling againstthe sides of the passage, he found that he was in the long gallery hehad formerly threaded. Uncertain which way to turn, he determined totrust to chance for taking the right direction, and drawing his sword,proceeded slowly to the right.
For some time he encountered no obstacle, neither could he detect theslightest sound, but he perceived that the atmosphere grew damp, andthat the sides of the passage were covered with moisture. Thus warned,he proceeded with great caution, and presently found, after emerginginto a more open space, and striking off on the left, that he hadarrived at the edge of the pool of water which he knew lay at the end ofthe large cavern.
While considering how he should next proceed, a faint gleam of lightbecame visible at the upper end of the vault. Changing his position,for the pillars prevented him from seeing the source of the glimmer, hediscovered that it issued from a lamp borne by a female hand, who he hadno doubt was Mabel. On making this discovery, he sprang forwards, andcalled to her, but instantly repented his rashness, for as he utteredthe cry the light was extinguished.
Wyat was now completely at a loss how to proceed. He was satisfied thatMabel was in the vault; but in what way to guide himself to her retreathe could not tell, and it was evident she herself would not assist him.Persuaded, however, if he could but make himself known, he should nolonger be shunned, he entered one of the lateral passages, and ever andanon, as he proceeded, repeated Mabel's name in a low, soft tone.The stratagem was successful. Presently he heard a light footstepapproaching him, and a gentle voice inquired--"Who calls me?"
"A friend," replied Wyat.
"Your name?" she demanded.
"You will not know me if I declare myself, Mabel," he replied, "but I amcalled Sir Thomas Wyat."
"The name is well known to me," she replied, in trembling tones; "and Ihave seen you once--at my grandfather's cottage. But why have you comehere? Do you know where you are?
"I know that I am in the cave of Herne the Hunter," replied Wyat; "andone of my motives for seeking it was to set you free. But there isnothing to prevent your flight now."
"Alas! there is," she replied. "I am chained here by bonds I cannotbreak. Herne has declared that any attempt at escape on my part shall befollowed by the death of my grandsire. And he does not threaten idly, asno doubt you know. Besides, the most terrible vengeance would fall on myown head. No,--I cannot--dare not fly. But let us not talk in the dark.Come with me to procure a light. Give me your hand, and I will lead youto my cell."
Taking the small, trembling hand offered him, Wyat followed hisconductress down the passage. A few steps brought them to a door, whichshe pushed aside, and disclosed a small chamber, hewn out of the rock,in a recess of which a lamp was burning. Lighting the lamp which she hadrecently extinguished, she placed it on a rude table.
"Have you been long a prisoner here?" asked Wyat, fixing his regardsupon her countenance, which, though it had lost somewhat of its bloom,had gained much in interest and beauty.
"For three months, I suppose," she replied; "but I am not able tocalculate the lapse of time. It has seemed very--very long. Oh that Icould behold the sun again, and breathe the fresh, pure air!
"Come with me, and you shall do so," rejoined Wyat.
"I have told you I cannot fly," she answered. "I cannot sacrifice mygrandsire."
"But if he is leagued with this demon he deserves the worst fate thatcan befall him," said Wyat. "You should think only of your own safety.What can be the motive of your detention?"
"I tremble to think of it," she replied; "but I fear that Herne hasconceived a passion for me."
"Then indeed you must fly," cried Wyat; "such unhallowed love will tendto perdition of soul and body."
"Oh that there was any hope for me!" she ejaculated.
"There is hope," replied Wyat. "I will protect you--will care foryou--will love you."
"Love me!" exclaimed Mabel, a deep blush overspreading her palefeatures. "You love another."
"Absence has enabled me to overcome the vehemence of my passion,"replied Wyat, "and I feel that my heart is susceptible of new emotions.But you, maiden," he added coldly, "you are captivated by the admirationof the king."
"My love, like yours, is past," she answered, with a faint smile; "butif I were out of Herne's power I feel that I could love again, andfar more deeply than I loved before--for that, in fact, was rather theresult of vanity than of real regard."
"Mabel," said Wyat, taking her hand, and gazing into her eyes, "if I setyou free, will you love me?"
"I love you already," she replied; "but if that could be, my whole lifeshould be devoted to you. Ha!" she exclaimed with a sudden change oftone, "footsteps are approaching; it is Fenwolf. Hide yourself withinthat recess."
Though doubting the prudence of the course, Wyat yielded to herterrified and imploring looks, and concealed himself in the manner shehad indicated. He was scarcely ensconed in the recess, when the dooropened, and Morgan Fenwolf stepped in, followed by her grandfather.Fenwolf gazed suspiciously round the little chamber, and then glancedsignificantly at old Tristram, but he made no remark.
"What brings you here?" demanded Mabel tremblingly.
"You are wanted in the cave," said Fenwolf.
"I will follow you anon," she replied.
"You must come at once," rejoined Fenwolf authoritatively. "Herne willbecome impatient."
Upon this Mabel rose, and, without daring to cast a look towards thespot where Wyat was concealed, quitted the cell with them. No soonerwere they all out, than Fenwolf, hastily shutting the door, turned thekey in the lock, and taking it out, exclaimed, "So we have secured you,Sir Thomas Wyat. No fear of your revealing the secret of the cave now,or flying with Mabel--ha! ha!" to here.