The Lost City
Contrary to the expectations of Ixtli escape by way of the War God'stemple was barred throughout the remainder of that eventful night.Tlacopa, the head priest, together with a number of his acolytes,varying as to force, yet ever too powerful for any two men to force apassage contrary to the will of their leader, remained on duty each andevery hour. And hence it came to pass that those early hours foundour fugitives still beneath the temple, worn through loss of sleepand stress of anxiety, yet firmly resolved not to permit that intendedoutrage without at least striking one fair blow for the Children of theSun.
Slowly enough the time passed, yet it could hardly be called monotonous.Whenever wearied of their darksome waiting, the young men would stealagain into the hollow image of Huitzil', there to utilise the cunninglyarranged peepholes, now looking out upon the priests, or listening tocatch such words as fell from the lips of those nearest the stone ofsacrifice.
In this manner Ixtli contrived to pick up quite a little fund ofinformation, mainly through the confidences reposed in a certainfavoured few of the brotherhood by the chief paba. And this, in turn,filtered through his lips after the chums once again retreated to thelower regions for both safety and comfort.
And then Bruno learned how the adventurous young Aztec, far lesssuperstitious than the vast majority of his people, thanks to the kindlyteaching of Victo, Child of Quetzal', had in his explorations discoveredso many secrets of the temple and priesthood, secrets which he now hadno scruple in communicating to another of a different race.
Ixtli told how, on various occasions, he had lurked behind the sceneswhile the miraculous "oracle" was delivering fiat or prophecy, and thenhe told his white brother how Tlacopa meant to completely confound theChildren of the Sun when once brought before the gods.
"He tell slave what say. Slave come dis way. Hide in War God. Wait fortime, den tell Tlacopa's words!"
A most infernal scheme, yet the danger of which Bruno could readilyrecognise, together with the serious difficulty of refuting any suchsupernatural evidence.
"Surely your people will not suffer a few dirty curs to do such horriblewrong to ladies like--Why, Ixtli, even the gods you fellows bow the kneeto in worship, ought to rise up in their defence!"
But Ixtli merely sighed, then spoke in sad tones, explaining how healone had been taken wholly into the confidence of the Sun Children.Even the captain of their guards knew Victo and Glady as but descendantsof the great Fair God whom the audacious trickery of a rival sent faraway from the land of his favoured people, to find an abiding-place inthe sun itself.
"He good brave. He die for dem,--easy! But he not know all. He thinkdrop from sun, to lead people back to light. If think not so, dat makeface turn black; dat make mad come--great big!"
As was ever the case when his feeling seemed deeply stirred, Ixtli foundit difficult to fully or fairly explain his sentiments; but Bruno caughtsufficient of his meaning to give a fair guess at the rest.
He found a ray of hope in the belief that Aztotl at least would defendthe Children of the Sun, and Ixtli predicted with apparent confidencethat the members of the body-guard would stand firm under the RedHeron's leadership.
Keeping thus upon the alert throughout the remainder of that night, theyoung men were able to take prompt action when the crisis drew nigh.
Ixtli caught the first inkling of what was coming, and hastily sentBruno away from the peepholes, dropping a word in his ear as they bothprepared for clean work.
Through a secret entrance, shaped amidst the drapery which surroundedthe pedestal of the mighty Huitzil', a slave of the temple crept to playthe part of echo to Tlacopa's evil will; and scarcely had he securedwhat was to be a place of waiting and watching than the attack was madefrom out the darkness.
Ixtli flung his tunic over the slave's head, twisting both ends tightlyabout his throat, effectually smothering all attempt at crying aloud foraid, while Bruno clasped arms about his middle, holding hands powerlessto strike or to draw weapon.
A brief struggle, which produced scarcely any noise, certainly notsufficient to reach the ears of priest or helper, then the trembling,unnerved slave was bundled down that narrow passage, to be dumped in aremote corner, and there effectually bound and gagged by the young men.
All this was performed without hitch or mishap, and then, nervedto fighting pitch, Ixtli and Bruno went back beneath the stone ofsacrifice, resolved to play their part to the end in manful fashion.
There was no further fear of intrusion, for, of course, Tlacopa wouldnever think of endangering his own evil scheme by risking an exposuresuch as would follow discovery of his slave-oracle. As Ixtli trulysaid, such discovery would end in the paba's being slain by his befooledpeople.
Their patience was sorely tried, even then, though a goodly portion ofthe blame belonged to their fears for the Sun Children, rather than tothe actual length of waiting. But then, amidst the solemn invocationsled by the high priest, the body-guard marched into the Hall ofSacrifice, and Bruno caught his breath sharply as he beheld--Gladys! Nother mother, just then. For the first minute, only,--Gladys!
Then came the bitter denunciation by Tlacopa, followed by the coldlydignified words of Victo, after which the innocent lamb yielded upits life in order that the future might be predicted through the stillquivering heart.
With a fiercely exultant cry Tlacopa hurled the vital organ towards theaccused, it striking the mother upon an arm, then glancing further toleave an ugly smear upon the daughter's shoulder ere falling among theeager multitude, who fought and struggled to secure at least a morsel ofthe hideous thing.
"Behold! the gods hath marked their own!" cried the high priest, hisharsh tones fairly filling the Hall of Sacrifice. "They are guilty ofall crimes laid at their door. They merit death, a thousandfold. TheMother of Gods hath spoken!"
"To whom but thou, Tlacopa?" sternly cried the captain of the guards, ashe stood firm in spite of the ominous sounds which were rising from therear, as well as from either side.
"She hath spoken unto me, as her worthy representative on earth."
"And there are those who say much religion hath turned thy brain, goodTlacopa," retorted Aztotl, holding his temper fairly well under control,yet with blazing eyes and stiffening sinews. "Are thy ears alone toreceive such important communications as--"
"Silence, thou scoffer!" fiercely cried the high priest, liftingquivering hands on high as though about to call down the thunders ofan outraged deity upon that impious head. "She who hath spoken once maydeign to speak again. Harken,--hear the oracle!"
Doubtless this was cue for the slave of the temple to repeat the wordsplaced within its mouth, but that slave was literally unable to speaka word for himself, let alone others. Yet,--the oracle was not whollysilenced!
"Talk out, or I will!" fiercely muttered Bruno, giving Ixtli a violentpunch in the side, "talk out for the Sun Children!"
The young Aztec needed no further prompting, loving Victo and Glady ashe did, hating and despising the high priest. And in shrill, clear tonescame the wondrous oracle:
"Tlacopa lies! Tlacopa is an evil dog! The Mother of the Gods loves andwill defend her friends, the Children of the great and good Quetzal'."
How much more Ixtli might have said, had he been granted further grace,will never be known. Tlacopa shrank away from the speaking statue asfrom a living death, but then he rallied, savagely thundering:
"'Tis a lying oracle! 'Tis an evil impostor who has--An omen! A trueomen, my children! The evil ones hath been branded for the knife! Seizethem! To the sacrifice!"
That vicious cry was swiftly taken up, but the body-guard closed inaround the menaced women, presenting arms to all that maddened horde,while their captain sternly warned all good people to fall aside andmake way for the Children of the Sun.
Then that secret entrance was flung wide, permitting two excited youngmen to issue, Tlacopa reeling aside from a blow dealt him by Bruno'sclenched fist, as that worthy hastene
d to join forces with thebody-guard.