The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. II. (of V.)
_A young student of noble birth, being smitten with love for a very beautiful lady, subdued both love and himself in order to achieve his end, and this in spite of many such temptations as might have sufficed to make him break his promise. And so all his woes were turned to joy by a reward suitable to his constant, patient, loyal and perfect love_. (1)
1 This story seems to be based on fact, being corroborated in its main lines by Brantome, but there is nothing in the narrative to admit of the personages referred to being identified.--Ed.
In one of the goodly towns of the kingdom of France there dwelt anobleman of good birth, who attended the schools that he might learn howvirtue and honour are to be acquired among virtuous men. But althoughhe was so accomplished that at the age of seventeen or eighteen years hewas, as it were, both precept and example to others, Love failed not toadd his lesson to the rest; and, that he might be the better hearkenedto and received, concealed himself in the face and the eyes of thefairest lady in the whole country round, who had come to the city inorder to advance a suit-at-law. But before Love sought to vanquish thegentleman by means of this lady's beauty, he had first won her heart byletting her see the perfections of this young lord; for in good looks,grace, sense and excellence of speech he was surpassed by none.
You, who know what speedy way is made by the fire of love when once itfastens on the heart and fancy, will readily imagine that between twosubjects so perfect as these it knew little pause until it had them atits will, and had so filled them with its clear light, that thought,wish and speech were all aflame with it. Youth, begetting fear in theyoung lord, led him to urge his suit with all the gentleness imaginable;but she, being conquered by love, had no need of force to win her.Nevertheless, shame, which tarries with ladies as long as it can,for some time restrained her from declaring her mind. But at last theheart's fortress, which is honour's abode, was shattered in such sortthat the poor lady consented to that which she had never been minded torefuse.
In order, however, to make trial of her lover's patience, constancyand love, she only granted him what he sought on a very hard condition,assuring him that if he fulfilled it she would love him perfectly forever; whereas, if he failed in it, he would certainly never win her aslong as he lived. And the condition was this:--she would be willing totalk with him, both being in bed together, clad in their linen only, buthe was to ask nothing more from her than words and kisses.
He, thinking there was no joy to be compared to that which she promisedhim, agreed to the proposal, and that evening the promise was kept; insuch wise that, despite all the caresses she bestowed on him and thetemptations that beset him, he would not break his oath. And albeit historment seemed to him no less than that of Purgatory, yet was hislove so great and his hope so strong, sure as he felt of the ceaselesscontinuance of the love he had thus painfully won, that he preserved hispatience and rose from beside her without having done anything contraryto her expressed wish. (2)
2 Brantome's _Dames Galantes_ contains an anecdote which is very similar in character to this tale: "I have heard speak," he writes, "of a very beautiful and honourable lady, who gave her lover an assignation to sleep with her, on the condition that he should not touch her... and he actually obeyed her, remaining in a state of ecstasy, temptation and continence the whole night long; whereat she was so well pleased with him that some time afterwards she consented to become his mistress, giving as her reason that she had wished to prove his love by his obedience to her injunctions; and on this account she afterwards loved him the more, for she felt sure that he was capable of even a greater feat than this, though it were a very great one."-- Lalanne's _OEuvres de Brantome_, vol. ix. pp. 6, 7.--L.
The lady was, I think, more astonished than pleased by such virtue; andgiving no heed to the honour, patience and faithfulness her lover hadshown in the keeping of his oath, she forthwith suspected that his lovewas not so great as she had thought, or else that he had found her lesspleasing than he had expected.
She therefore resolved, before keeping her promise, to make a furthertrial of the love he bore her; and to this end she begged him totalk to a girl in her service, who was younger than herself and verybeautiful, bidding him make love speeches to her, so that those who sawhim come so often to the house might think that it was for the sake ofthis damsel and not of herself.
The young lord, feeling sure that his own love was returned in equalmeasure, was wholly obedient to her commands, and for love of hercompelled himself to make love to the girl; and she, finding him sohandsome and well-spoken, believed his lies more than other truth, andloved him as much as though she herself were greatly loved by him.
The mistress finding that matters were thus well advanced, albeit theyoung lord did not cease to claim her promise, granted him permission tocome and see her at one hour after midnight, saying that after having sofully tested the love and obedience he had shown towards her, it was butjust that he should be rewarded for his long patience. Of the lover'sjoy on hearing this you need have no doubt, and he failed not to arriveat the appointed time.
But the lady, still wishing to try the strength of his love, had said toher beautiful damsel--
"I am well aware of the love a certain nobleman bears to you, and Ithink you are no less in love with him; and I feel so much pity for youboth, that I have resolved to afford you time and place that you mayconverse together at your ease."
The damsel was so enchanted that she could not conceal her longings, butanswered that she would not fail to be present.
In obedience, therefore, to her mistress's counsel and command, sheundressed herself and lay down on a handsome bed, in a room the door ofwhich the lady left half-open, whilst within she set a light so that themaiden's beauty might be clearly seen. Then she herself pretended to goaway, but hid herself near to the bed so carefully that she could not beseen.
Her poor lover, thinking to find her according to her promise, failednot to enter the room as softly as he could, at the appointed hour; andafter he had shut the door and put off his garments and fur shoes, hegot into the bed, where he looked to find what he desired. But nosooner did he put out his arms to embrace her whom he believed to be hismistress, than the poor girl, believing him entirely her own, had herarms round his neck, speaking to him the while in such loving words andwith so beautiful a countenance, that there is not a hermit so holy buthe would have forgotten his beads for love of her.
But when the gentleman recognised her with both eye and ear, and foundhe was not with her for whose sake he had so greatly suffered, the lovethat had made him get so quickly into the bed, made him rise from itstill more quickly. And in anger equally with mistress and damsel, hesaid--
"Neither your folly nor the malice of her who put you there can makeme other than I am. But do you try to be an honest woman, for you shallnever lose that good name through me."
So saying he rushed out of the room in the greatest wrath imaginable,and it was long before he returned to see his mistress. However love,which is never without hope, assured him that the greater and moremanifest his constancy was proved to be by all these trials, the longerand more delightful would be his bliss.
The lady, who had seen and heard all that passed, was so delighted andamazed at beholding the depth and constancy of his love, that she wasimpatient to see him again in order to ask his forgiveness for thesorrow that she had caused him to endure. And as soon as she could meetwith him, she failed not to address him in such excellent and pleasantwords, that he not only forgot all his troubles but even deemedthem very fortunate, seeing that their issue was to the glory of hisconstancy and the perfect assurance of his love, the fruit of which heenjoyed from that time forth as fully as he could desire, without eitherhindrance or vexation. (3)
3 In reference to this story, Montaigne says in his Essay on Cruelty: "Such as have sensuality to encounter, willingly make
use of this argument, that when it is at the height it subjects us to that degree that a man's reason can have no access... wherein they conceive that the pleasure doth so transport us that our reason cannot perform its office whilst we are so benumbed and extacied in delight.... But I know that a man may triumph over the utmost effort of this pleasure: I have experienced it in myself, and have not found Venus so imperious a goddess as many--and some more reformed than I--declare. I do not consider it as a miracle, as the Queen of Navarre does in one of the Tales of her _Heptameron_ (which is a marvellous pretty book of the kind), nor for a thing of extreme difficulty to pass over whole nights, where a man has all the convenience and liberty he can desire, with a long-coveted mistress, and yet be just to his faith first given to satisfy himself with kisses and innocent embraces only, without pressing any further."--Cotton's "Montaigne's Essays", London, 1743, vol ii. pp. 109-10.
"I pray you, ladies, find me if you can a woman who has ever shownherself as constant, patient and true as was this man. They who haveexperienced the like temptations deem those in the pictures of SaintAntony very small in comparison; for one who can remain chaste andpatient in spite of beauty, love, opportunity and leisure, will havevirtue enough to vanquish every devil."
"Tis a pity," said Oisille, "that he did not address his love to a womanpossessing as much virtue as he possessed himself. Their amour wouldthen have been the most perfect and honourable that was ever heard of."
"But prithee tell me," said Geburon, "which of the two trials do youdeem the harder?"
"I think the last," said Parlamente, "for resentment is the strongest ofall temptations."
Longarine said she thought that the first was the most arduous tosustain, since to keep his promise it was needful he should subdue bothlove and himself.
"It is all very well for you to talk," said Simontault, "it is for uswho know the truth of the matter to say what we think of it. For my ownpart, I think he was stupid the first time and witless the second; forI make no doubt that, while he was keeping his promise, to his mistress,she was put to as much trouble as himself, if not more. She had him takethe oath only in order to make herself out a more virtuous woman thanshe really was; she must have well known that strong love will not bebound by commandment or oath, or aught else on earth, and she simplysought to give a show of virtue to her vice, as though she could be wononly through heroic virtues. And the second time he was witless to leavea woman who loved him, and who was worth more than his pledged mistress,especially when his displeasure at the trick played upon him had been asound excuse."
Here Dagoucin put in that he was of the contrary opinion, and held thatthe gentleman had on the first occasion shown himself constant, patientand true, and on the second occasion loyal and perfect in his love.
"And how can we tell," asked Saffredent, "that he was not one of thosethat a certain chapter calls _de frigidis et malificiatis?_" (4)
4 This is an allusion to the penalties pronounced by several ecclesiastical Councils, and specified in the Capitularies, against those who endeavoured to suspend the procreative faculties of their enemies by resorting to magic. On this matter Baluze's collection of Capitularies (vol. i.) may be consulted. The "chapter" referred to by Margaret is evidently chapter xv. (book vi.) of the Decretals of Pope Boniface VIII., which bears the title of _De frigidis et maleficiatis_, and which is alluded to by Rabelais in _Pantagruel_. The belief in the practices in question dates back to ancient times, and was shared by Plato and Pliny, the latter of whom says that to guard against any spell of the kind some wolf fat should be rubbed upon the threshold and door jambs of one's bed-chamber. In the sixteenth century sorcery of this description was so generally believed in, in some parts of France, that Cardinal du Perron inserted special prayers against it in the ritual. Some particulars on the subject will be found in the _Admirables Secrets du Petit Albert_, and also in a _Traite d'Enchantement_, published at La Rochelle in 1591, which gives details concerning certain practices alleged to take place on the solemnisation of marriage among those of the Reformed Church.--D. and L.
"To complete his eulogy, Hircan ought to have told us how he comportedhimself when he obtained what he wanted, and then we should have beenable to judge whether it was virtue or impotence that made him observeso much discretion."
"You may be sure," said Hircan, "that had he told me this I should haveconcealed it as little as I did the rest. Nevertheless, from seeing hisperson and knowing his temper, I shall ever hold that his conduct wasdue to the power of love rather than to any impotence or coldness."
"Well, if he was such as you say," said Simontault, "he ought to havebroken his oath; for, had the lady been angered by such a trifle, itwould have been easy to appease her."
"Nay," said Ennasuite, "perhaps she would not then have consented."
"And pray," said Saffredent, "would it not have been easy enough tocompel her, since she had herself given him the opportunity?"
"By Our Lady!" said Nomerfide, "how you run on! Is that the way to winthe favour of a lady who is accounted virtuous and discreet?"
"In my opinion," said Saffredent, "the highest honour that can be paidto a woman from whom such things are desired is to take her by force,for there is not the pettiest damsel among them but seeks to be longentreated. Some indeed there are who must receive many gifts before theyare won, whilst there are others so stupid that hardly any device orcraft can enable one to win them, and with these one must needs be everthinking of some means or other. But when you have to do with a womanwho is too clever to be deceived, and too virtuous to be gained by wordsor gifts, is there not good reason to employ any means whatever that maybe at your disposal to vanquish her? When you hear it said that a manhas taken a woman by force, you may be sure that the woman has left himhopeless of any other means succeeding, and you should not think anythe worse of a man who has risked his life in order to give scope to hislove."
Geburon burst out laughing.
"In my day," said he, "I have seen besieged places stormed because itwas impossible to bring the garrison to a parley either by money or bythreats; 'tis said that a place which begins to treat is half taken."
"You may think," said Ennasuite, "that every love on earth is based uponsuch follies as these, but there are those who have loved, and who havelong persevered in their love, with very different aims."
"If you know a story of that kind," said Hircan, "I will give place toyou for the telling of it."
"I do know one," said Ennasuite, "and I will very willingly relate it."
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