The Tales Of The Heptameron, Vol. II. (of V.)
D. (Tale XVI., Page 183.)
With reference to this story Brantome writes as follows in the SixthDiscourse of his _Vies des Dames Galantes_:--
"In the hundred stories of Queen Margaret of Navarre we have a very finetale of that lady of Milan who, having one night given an assignation tothe late M. de Bonnivet, afterwards Admiral of France, posted her maidswith drawn swords on the stairs so that they might make a noise there;which they did right well, in obedience to the orders of their mistress,who for her part feigned great affright, saying that her brothers-in-lawmust have remarked something amiss, that she herself was lost, and thathe, Bonnivet, ought to hide under the bed or behind the hangings. But Bonnivet, without evincing any fear, wrapped his cape round his arm,and taking his sword replied: 'Well, where are these brave brothers whowant to frighten me, or do me harm? When they see me they will not evendare to look at the point of my sword.' Then opening the door he rushedout, and just as he was about to charge down the staircase he espied thewomen making all this noise; and they, taking fright at sight of him,began to cry out and confess everything. M. de Bonnivet, seeing that itwas nothing more serious, left them, bidding them betake themselves tothe devil; and then, returning into the room, he closed the door afterhim and went to find his lady, who began to laugh and embrace him, andconfess to him that it was a trick devised by herself, assuring him thatif he had behaved as a poltroon, and had not thus displayed the valourwhich he was said to possess, he should never have had her favours....She was one of the most beautiful women of Milan, and he had had a dealof trouble to win her.
"I knew a brave gentleman who, one day at Rome, was alone with a prettyRoman lady--her husband being away--and she gave him a similar alarm,causing one of her women to come in hastily to warn her that her husbandhad returned from the country. The lady, feigning astonishment, beggedthe gentleman to hide himself in a closet, as otherwise she would belost. 'No, no,' said the gentleman; 'I would not do that for all thewealth in the world; if he comes I will kill him.' And as he seized uponhis sword the lady began to laugh and confess that she had contrivedthis to try him so as to see how he would act, and if he would defendher well should her husband seek to do her any harm.
"I also knew a very beautiful lady who suddenly left a lover shehad, because she did not find him brave, and took another who did notresemble him, but who was extremely feared and redoubted on accountof his sword, he being one of the best swordsmen that could then befound."--Lalanne's _OEuvres de Brantome_, vol. ix. pp. 388-90.