A Dove for Eddy
Chapter 14
Karen heard a very faint sound coming from outside her room. As she listened carefully, she realized that the sound she heard was singing, and that the rich, full voice was not a single voice but many well harmonized voices. It was the most beautiful choir she had ever heard. Their singing grew louder, until not only could she hear the music, but she could also feel the golden notes in her body. It was as if she was becoming part of the music. She did not understand the words, but she longed to grow closer. Closing her eyes, she listened to the angelic melody. It was a religious song, but she didn’t remember hearing it at church. A wave of warmth washed over her, and she gasped. The chill that she had felt for so long was suddenly gone. Not only did she feel warm, she felt radiant. She looked up. The ceiling had disappeared, and was now replaced with a brilliant light.
She saw the shape of many people in the light and heard her name, “Karen.” She recognized her grandmother’s voice. Then she heard her name again. “Karen,” her Aunt Marge called. “Karen, it’s time to come home,” she said.
“But,” Karen answered. “What about Porter? What about my family?” She looked over her shoulder and saw Porter leave with Eddy.
“God has provided, Karen,” her grandmother said.
Then she saw someone standing next to her grandmother. She had not seen him before, but somehow she knew him. He was aglow in brilliant splendor. Holding out his hand, he beckoned for Karen to come. Karen smiled and walked into the light.