Woven with the Ship: A Novel of 1865
_By the same Author._
By Cyrus Townsend Brady
Illustrated. Decorated. 12mo. ornamented binding, $1.50
A comedy of cross purposes in the Carolinas, in which Mr. Brady hasdone some of his most fascinating work in the weaving into romance ofhistorical fact and figure. The love story brings into the action twopeculiarly charming women of contrasting types, and these playforemost parts in the plot.
The book is notable besides for its introduction of the figure ofGeneral Greene, and for its account of the brilliant role he played inthe campaign in the South. Mr. Brady may always be depended upon forbrisk action and a wealth of incident. For all who enjoy adventure andgallant deeds, and the winning of hearts, this novel will be adelight.
It is a conspicuous example of beautiful book-making, bound in buffcloth with brown stamping. It has the distinction of eightillustrations from drawings by E. Plaisted Abbott, and decorations incolors by E. S. Holloway, besides head- and tail-pieces.
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"So pretty a specimen of book-making, illustrating the possibilitiesof decorative art as applied to typography, as 'When Blades Are Outand Love's Afield,' seldom comes in the way of a reviewer."--_NashvilleAmerican._
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