Elsie at the World's Fair
"I think the little folks are getting tired," said Harold. "and yonder onthe lagoon is a gondola waiting for passengers. Shall we take it?"
Everybody seemed pleased with the suggestion, and presently they were inthe gondola gliding over the water. They found it both restful andenjoyable.
It was past noon when they stepped ashore again, and Ned announced that hewas hungry and wanted something to eat.
"You shall have it, my son," said his father.
"And suppose we go to the New England Cabin for it," suggested GrandmaElsie.
They did so and were served with an excellent repast, handsome youngPuritan ladies in colonial costumes acting as waitresses.
After satisfying their appetites they visited the other room of the cabin,which was fitted up as the living room of a family of the olden time. Ithad log walls, bare rafters overhead, a tall old-fashioned clock in acorner, a canoe cradle, a great spinning-wheel on which the ladies,dressed like the women of the olden times, spun yarn, and gourds used fordrinking vessels. Some of the ladies were knitting socks, some cardingwool, while they talked together, after the fashion of the good,industrious dames of the olden time they represented.
Our friends, especially the young girls, were greatly interested andamused.
"Suppose we visit some of the State buildings now," said Mrs. Dinsmore, asthey left the cabin.
"Pennsylvania's in particular, my dear?" returned her husband. "Well, itis a grand old State; we could hardly do better than to show to theselittle great-grandchildren the famous old bell that proclaimed liberty tothis land and all its inhabitants."
"So I think," she said. "Do not you agree with us, captain?"
"I do, indeed," he replied; "my older ones have seen the bell, but I wantto show it to Elsie and Ned."
"It won't hurt any of us to look again at that old relic of theRevolution," remarked Walter, "and of course we want to see the building."
So the whole party at once turned their steps in that direction.
Arrived in front of the building they paused there and scanned theoutside. All pronounced it very handsome.
"Its front seems to be a reproduction of Independence Hall," remarked Mr.Dinsmore; "it has its entrances and tower."
"Yes," said his wife, "I like that and the quarter-circling in of thosefront corners; those balconies, too."
"Is that the State coat-of-arms above the pediment over the front doors,papa?" asked Grace.
"Yes," was the reply; "and the statues on the sides are those of Penn andFranklin."
Just at that moment two women, evidently from the country, came saunteringalong and halted near our party.
"What building 's that?" asked one of the other. "It's right nice-lookin',isn't it?"
"Yes; and don't you see the name there up over the door?"
"Oh, yes, to be sure! Pennsylvany! Goin' in, Elmiry?"
"Of course; that's the thing to do. Do you see? There's the old bell, atthe door there, that they talk so much about. What they make such a fussover it fur I don't know; it's ugly as can be and has a great crack in it;but it's quite the thing to talk about it and say you've seen it; so wemust do like the rest."
"Yes, I suppose we must, though I don't see why anybody should, any morethan you do," returned her companion. "It's ugly enough and certainlywouldn't bring first price if 'twas put up for sale. But just see whathandsome fellows those policemen are that's got charge of it! Enough sightbetter-lookin' than it is."
With that the two went nearer, looked the old bell carefully over, thenwalked on into the building. While they talked merry, mischievous glanceshad been exchanged among the young people of our party.
"I wonder where they have lived all their days," laughed Walter, lookingafter them as they disappeared through the doorway.
"I hope they are not Americans! I'm ashamed of them if they are!"exclaimed Lulu. "The very idea of such ignorance!"
"Descendants of Tories, perhaps," said Rosie, laughing. "Do you know itsstory, Elsie? that of the old bell, I mean."
"Yes, indeed, Aunt Rosie! We've got a picture of it at home, and papa andmamma, and Lu and Gracie have all told me the story about it--how whenthose brave men had signed their names to that paper, it proclaimedliberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; for itrang out to let the people know they had done it. Oh, papa, please showme those words on it."
"Yes," the captain said, "come nearer and you can see and read them foryourself."
The little girl obeyed with alacrity, and when she had read theinscription, "Wasn't it very strange, papa," she said, "that those wordswere put on it when nobody knew that it was going to proclaim liberty?"
"Yes, very strange indeed; and that proclamation has made it a very famousold bell."
"Is that the reason why they brought it here, papa?"
"Yes, for many people will see it here who will never get to Philadelphiato look at it."
"I'm glad for them that they can see it," she said with satisfaction. "Dothey ring it when it's at its home in Philadelphia, papa?"
"No, my child; that great crack you see there has spoiled it for ringing,but it is highly valued and cherished for what it did in those days whenour fathers had to risk everything to secure freedom for themselves andtheir children."
"They were good and brave men to do it; weren't they, papa?"
"They were, indeed, and deserve to be kept in loving remembrance becauseof their brave deed."
The rest of the party were standing near listening to the talk between thecaptain and his little girl; also regarding the old bell with interest,though nearly all of them had seen it before. But it was time for them tomove on, for others were coming to view the old relic of Revolutionarydays, and Mr. Dinsmore led the way into the interior of the building, therest closely following.
They went all over it, finding much to admire, and Mrs. Dinsmore expressedherself as entirely satisfied with the building of her native State.
From there they went to the Woman's Building, hoping to find in it some,if not all the relatives who had come with Harold and Herbert to the Fair.And they were not disappointed, for Zoe and Edward hastened to meet themimmediately on their entrance and led them into the nursery, saying theyhad their little ones there with their nurse, and intended leaving them inthat pleasant place for a time while they themselves should be going aboutfrom one building to another.
"Uncle Horace is here with his wife and children; the Lelands also withtheirs," added Zoe, as she led the way to where were gathered the group oflittle folks from Ion and its vicinity.
Pleasant greetings were quickly exchanged; the children were full ofdelight at sight of their relatives, whom they had not seen on theprevious day--Grandma Elsie in especial, for they all loved her dearly.
But time pressed--there was so much to see--and after viewing withapproval and admiration the arrangements for the comfort of its youngoccupants the older people left that apartment for others in the building;reconciling the little ones to a temporary separation by the promise thaton their return all should go aboard the _Dolphin_ and have their supperthere; for the captain and Violet had given them all a cordial invitationto do so.
Taking with them those who were old enough to appreciate and enjoy thesight, they went into the Gymnasium, which they found furnished with everykind of machine and mechanical means for developing the muscles andincreasing the strength of both boys and girls.
There were many children of both sexes engaged in the various exercises,and with evident enjoyment. Our friends, both older and younger, watchedthem for some time with interest.
Leaving there they visited in turn the court of the Woman's Building, themain hall, the east vestibule, the library, the Cincinnati parlor, theinvention room, the nursing section, the scientific department, and theethnological room.
All this took a good while, there was so much to see, examine, and admire.
The ladies showed a deep interest in the various exhibits
of needlework,the embroideries from Siam, table covers and rugs from Norway, and thedolls dressed as brides; the fine lace-work and wood-carving from Sweden.There was needlework from France too, and there were large and very prettyvases from the same country.
Zoe was much interested in the dainty needlework for infant's clothes, thebeautiful laces and ribbon flowers; and famous paintings reproduced insilk.
They found the Italian exhibits also, especially the laces of thequeen,--valued at one hundred thousand dollars,--worthy of particularattention. Yet perhaps not more so than some from Mexico, including alace-edged handkerchief crocheted out of pineapple fibre; and the verydelicately beautiful wood-carving, so delicate as to be called etching.
There were embroideries and laces from other countries also--Austria,Spain, Belgium, Ceylon.
As they came near the exhibit from Germany Lulu exclaimed in an undertone.
"Oh, papa, what is that woman doing?"
"We will go nearer and see if we can find out," replied the captain. Thewoman sat at a table and they found that she was making bent iron-workinto candle-holders, inkstands, hanging lamps, etc., and it was veryinteresting to watch her as she did so.
There was a good deal of leather work also in Germany's exhibit, shown inscreens and tables.
But when they had all looked their fill they found it was nearly tea time,so they hurried back to the nursery, where they had left their littleones, and soon they were all on the _Dolphin_, where an excellent supperwas awaiting them.
They were hungry enough to enjoy it greatly. Everyone was weary with theday's excitement and exertion, poor Grace--still far from strong, thoughperfectly healthy--so much so that by her father's advice she wentdirectly from the table to her bed.
The others sat for an hour or more upon the deck enjoying a friendly chatand a view of some of the beauties of both the lake and the Fair; thenwere about to bid good-night and return with their little folks and nursesto their hotel.
"Wait a little," said the captain. "I am sorry I cannot furnishcomfortable lodgings for the night for so many, but I can take you to thecity, and so shorten your journey by land to your hotel. I have orderedsteam gotten up and we can start in another half hour."
His offer was received with hearty thanks and the plan carried out to thegreat contentment of all concerned. The _Dolphin_ then returned to her oldanchorage.
Violet had gone down into the cabin to put her little ones in bed and Lulupromptly seized the opportunity to take possession of the vacated seat byher father's side. He smiled and stroked her hair with caressing hand. "Ifear my little girl must be very tired with all the standing, walking, andsight-seeing of the day," he said.
"Pretty tired, papa, yet I should like to go back to that lovely Peristylefor an hour or two if you would let me."
"Not to-night, daughter; as soon as we have had prayers you must goimmediately to bed."
"Your father is wise, Lulu; I think we are all weary enough to obey suchan order as that," remarked Mrs. Dinsmore.
"And I found out years ago that papa always knows what is best for me,"returned Lulu cheerfully. "Besides he's so dear and kind that it is justa pleasure to be controlled by him," she added, laying her head againsthis shoulder and lifting to his, eyes full of ardent affection.
"I agree with you, Lu," said Evelyn, "for in all the years that he hasbeen my teacher I have always found that he knew what was best for me."
"Take care, girls, that you don't make my biggest and oldest brotherconceited," laughed Rosie.
"There's not the least bit of danger. Nothing could make papa that!"exclaimed Lulu rather indignantly.
"Hush, hush!" her father said, laying a finger on her lips. "Rosie doesbut jest, and your father is by no means sure to be proof against the evileffects of flattery."
"I think he is," said Rosie, "and I was only jesting, Lu; so don't take mynonsense to heart."
"No, I will not, Rosie; I ought to have known you were but jesting, and Ibeg your pardon," Lulu said, and her father smiled approvingly upon her.
"Cousin Ronald," said Walter, "can't you make some fun for us to-morrowwith your ventriloquism?"
"Oh, do, Cousin Ronald, do!" cried the girls in eager chorus.
"Well, well, bairns," returned the old gentleman good-humoredly, "I'll beon the lookout for an opportunity for so doing without harming orfrightening anyone--unless there might be some rascal deserving of afright," he added with a low chuckle, as if enjoying the thought ofdiscomfiting such an one.
"Which I don't believe there will be," said Walter, "for everybody I sawto-day looked the picture of good nature."
"Yes," said his mother, "and no wonder; the thought has come to me againand again, when gazing upon the beauties of that wonderful Court of Honor,especially at night when we have the added charm of the electric lightsand the fountains in full play, if earthly scenes can be made so lovelywhat must the glories of heaven be! Ah, it makes one long for the sight ofthem."
"Oh, mamma, don't, don't say that," murmured Rosie in low, tremuloustones; taking her mother's hand in a tender clasp, for they were sittingside by side, "we can't spare you yet."
"The longing is not likely to hasten my departure, dear," replied thesweet voice of her mother, "and I am well content to stay a while longerwith my dear ones here if the will of God be so."
"Oh!" exclaimed Lulu, suddenly breaking the momentary silence, "to-morrowis the Fourth, the glorious Fourth! I wonder what is going to be done hereto celebrate it?"
"I presume it will be celebrated in much the usual way," replied Mr.Dinsmore. "To-day's papers say there have been great preparations on thepart of Exposition officials and exhibitors, and that there are to be anumber of patriotic addresses delivered in different parts of the grounds.Also there will be, without doubt, a great display of bunting, abundanceof fire crackers, the thunder of cannon and so forth."
"And we, I suppose, will pass the day on shore doing our part in thebusiness of celebrating our nation's birthday," remarked Rosie.
"Why, of course," said Walter. "Such patriotic Americans as we are wouldnever think of neglecting our duty in that line."
"No, certainly not," replied his mother, with a smile; "we are all toopatriotic not to do our full share to show our many foreign guests how welove this free land of ours, and how highly we value her liberties."
"I propose," said the captain, "that we spend the day on shore, firstconsulting the morning papers as to where we will be likely to find thesmallest crowd or the best speaker, and after hearing the oration we willdoubtless find abundance of amusement in the Court of Honor and MidwayPlaisance."
"And perhaps Cousin Ronald can and will make some fun for us," remarkedWalter, giving the old gentleman a laughing, persuasive look.
"Ah, laddie, you must not expect or ask too much of your auld kinsman,"returned Mr. Lilburn with a slight smile and a dubious shake of the head.
At that moment Violet rejoined them, the short evening service was held,and then all retired to rest, leaving further discussion of the morrow'sdoings to be carried on in the morning.