To the Angel of the Church in the Place Called America
Chapter 3-Acknowledgements
I thank my Lord Jesus Christ for the inspiration for every good word in this document. I also need to acknowledge the help of my granddaughter, Sarah Winderweedle, for her contribution. There is no doubt in my mind that her words--- personally communicated to me---were inspired by the Spirit, as they are a perfect description of those who would teach but don’t know what they are talking about. As always, my dear wife Beth contributes more than she knows with her love, kindness, and understanding, and invaluable proofreading. A thirty-plus-years third grade teacher will find the errors!
I must also acknowledge the invaluable help of those that have read and approved of the document, my beloved Pastor, Lance Cypert, his father Lynn Cypert, Lee Dickson, and others. Their encouragement and validation has been vital to my wish to have this document presented to the churches of America to further revival in our land.
The Deacons of First Baptist Church of Logansport, Louisiana have graciously allowed this project to proceed under the direction of the church. I am forever grateful. The church was freely offered 100 percent ownership of the document prior to that agreement. This was done as an offering to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in great thanks and acknowledgement of His grace, freely given for an old sinner like me.