Snowdrop & Other Tales
The Three Languages
There once lived in Switzerland an old Count, who had an only son; buthe was very stupid, and could learn nothing. So his father said tohim: 'Listen to me, my son. I can get nothing into your head, try ashard as I may. You must go away from here, and I will hand you over toa renowned Professor for a whole year.' At the end of the year he camehome again, and his father asked: 'Now, my son, what have you learnt?'
'Father, I have learnt the language of dogs.'
'Mercy on us!' cried his father, 'is that all you have learnt? I willsend you away again to another Professor in a different town.' Theyouth was taken there, and remained with this Professor also foranother year. When he came back his father asked him again: 'My son,what have you learnt?'
He answered: 'I have learnt bird language.'
Then the father flew into a rage, and said: 'Oh, you hopelesscreature, have you been spending all this precious time and learntnothing? Aren't you ashamed to come into my presence? I will send youto a third Professor, but if you learn nothing this time, I won't beyour father any longer.'
The son stopped with the third Professor in the same way for a wholeyear, and when he came home again and his father asked, 'My son, whathave you learnt?' he answered--
'My dear father, this year I have learnt frog language.'
Thereupon his father flew into a fearful passion, and said: 'Thiscreature is my son no longer. I turn him out of the house and commandyou to lead him into the forest and take his life.'
On the way he passed a swamp, in which a number of Frogs were croaking.]
They led him forth, but when they were about to kill him, for pity'ssake they could not do it, and let him go. Then they cut out theeyes and tongue of a Fawn, in order that they might take back proofsto the old Count.
The youth wandered about, and at length came to a castle, where hebegged a night's lodging.
'Very well,' said the Lord of the castle. 'If you like to pass thenight down there in the old tower, you may; but I warn you that itwill be at the risk of your life, for it is full of savage dogs. Theybark and howl without ceasing, and at certain hours they must have aman thrown to them, and they devour him at once.'
The whole neighbourhood was distressed by the scourge, but no onecould do anything to remedy it. But the youth was not a bit afraid,and said: 'Just let me go down to these barking dogs, and give mesomething that I can throw to them; they won't do me any harm.'
As he would not have anything else, they gave him some food for thesavage dogs, and took him down to the tower.
The dogs did not bark at him when he entered, but ran round himwagging their tails in a most friendly manner, ate the food he gavethem, and did not so much as touch a hair of his head.
The next morning, to the surprise of every one, he made his appearanceagain, and said to the Lord of the castle, 'The Dogs have revealed tome in their own language why they live there and bring mischief to thecountry. They are enchanted, and obliged to guard a great treasurewhich is hidden under the tower, and will get no rest till it has beendug up; and how that has to be done I have also learnt from them.'
Every one who heard this was delighted, and the Lord of the castlesaid he would adopt him as a son if he accomplished the tasksuccessfully. He went down to the tower again, and as he knew how toset to work he accomplished his task, and brought out a chest full ofgold. The howling of the savage Dogs was from that time forward heardno more. They entirely disappeared, and the country was delivered fromthe scourge.
After a time, he took it into his head to go to Rome. On the way hepassed a swamp, in which a number of Frogs were croaking. He listened,and when he heard what they were saying he became quite pensive andsad.
At last he reached Rome, at a moment when the Pope had just died, andthere was great doubt among the Cardinals whom they ought to name ashis successor. They agreed at last that the man to whom some divinemiracle should be manifested ought to be chosen as Pope. Just as theyhad come to this decision, the young Count entered the church, andsuddenly two snow-white doves flew down and alighted on his shoulders.
The clergy recognised in this the sign from Heaven, and asked him onthe spot whether he would be Pope.
He was undecided, and knew not whether he was worthy of the post; butthe Doves told him that he might accept, and at last he said 'Yes.'
Thereupon he was anointed and consecrated, and so was fulfilled whathe had heard from the Frogs on the way, which had disturbed him somuch--namely, that he should become Pope.
Then he had to chant mass, and did not know one word of it. But thetwo Doves sat upon his shoulders and whispered it to him.