Snowdrop & Other Tales
{A goose.}]
The Golden Goose
There was once a man who had three sons. The youngest of them wascalled Simpleton; he was scorned and despised by the others, and keptin the background.
The eldest son was going into the forest to cut wood, and before hestarted, his mother gave him a nice sweet cake and a bottle of wine totake with him, so that he might not suffer from hunger or thirst. Inthe wood he met a little, old, grey Man, who bade him good-day, andsaid, 'Give me a bit of the cake in your pocket, and let me have adrop of your wine. I am so hungry and thirsty.'
But the clever son said: 'If I give you my cake and wine, I shan'thave enough for myself. Be off with you.'
He left the little Man standing there, and went on his way. But he hadnot been long at work, cutting down a tree, before he made a falsestroke, and dug the axe into his own arm, and he was obliged to gohome to have it bound up.
Now, this was no accident; it was brought about by the little greyMan.
The second son now had to go into the forest to cut wood, and, likethe eldest, his mother gave him a sweet cake and a bottle of wine. Inthe same way the little grey Man met him, and asked for a piece of hiscake and a drop of his wine. But the second son made the same sensibleanswer, 'If I give you any, I shall have the less for myself. Be offout of my way,' and he went on.
His punishment, however, was not long delayed. After a few blows atthe tree, he hit his own leg, and had to be carried home.
Then Simpleton said, 'Let me go to cut the wood, father.'
But his father said, 'Your brothers have only come to harm by it; youhad better leave it alone. You know nothing about it.' But Simpletonbegged so hard to be allowed to go that at last his father said,'Well, off you go then. You will be wiser when you have hurtyourself.'
There stands an old tree; cut it down, and you will find something at the roots.]
His mother gave him a cake which was only mixed with water and bakedin the ashes, and a bottle of sour beer. When he reached the forest,like the others, he met the little grey Man, who greeted him, andsaid, 'Give me a bit of your cake and a drop of your wine. I am sohungry and thirsty.'
Simpleton answered, 'I only have a cake baked in the ashes, and somesour beer; but, if you like such fare, we will sit down and eat ittogether.'
So they sat down; but when Simpleton pulled out his cake it was asweet, nice cake, and his sour beer was turned into good wine. So theyate and drank, and the little Man said, 'As you have such a goodheart, and are willing to share your goods, I will give you good luck.There stands an old tree; cut it down, and you will find something atthe roots.'
So now there were seven people running behind Simpleton and his Goose.]
So saying he disappeared.
Simpleton cut down the tree, and when it fell, lo, and behold! a Goosewas sitting among the roots, and its feathers were of pure gold. Hepicked it up, and taking it with him, went to an inn, where he meantto stay the night. The landlord had three daughters, who saw theGoose, and were very curious as to what kind of bird it could be, andwanted to get one of its golden feathers.
The eldest thought, 'There will soon be some opportunity for me topull out one of the feathers,' and when Simpleton went outside, shetook hold of its wing to pluck out a feather; but her hand stuck fast,and she could not get away.
Soon after, the second sister came up, meaning also to pluck out oneof the golden feathers; but she had hardly touched her sister when shefound herself held fast.
Lastly, the third one came, with the same intention, but the othersscreamed out, 'Keep away! For goodness sake, keep away!'
But she, not knowing why she was to keep away, thought, 'Why should Inot be there, if they are there?'
So she ran up, but as soon as she touched her sisters she had to stayhanging on to them, and they all had to pass the night like this.
And so they followed up hill and down dale after Simpleton and his Goose.]
In the morning, Simpleton took up the Goose under his arm, withoutnoticing the three girls hanging on behind. They had to keep runningbehind, dodging his legs right and left.
In the middle of the fields they met the Parson, who, when he saw theprocession, cried out: 'For shame, you bold girls! Why do you runafter the lad like that? Do you call that proper behaviour?'
Then he took hold of the hand of the youngest girl to pull her away;but no sooner had he touched her than he felt himself held fast, andhe, too, had to run behind.
Soon after the Sexton came up, and, seeing his master the Parsontreading on the heels of the three girls, cried out in amazement,'Hullo, your Reverence! Whither away so fast? Don't forget that wehave a christening!'
So saying, he plucked the Parson by the sleeve, and soon found that hecould not get away.
As this party of five, one behind the other, tramped on, two Peasantscame along the road, carrying their hoes. The Parson called them, andasked them to set the Sexton and himself free. But as soon as everthey touched the Sexton they were held fast, so now there were sevenpeople running behind Simpleton and his Goose.
By-and-by they reached a town, where a King ruled whose only daughterwas so solemn that nothing and nobody could make her laugh. So theKing had proclaimed that whoever could make her laugh should marryher.
When Simpleton heard this he took his Goose, with all his following,before her, and when she saw these seven people running, one behindanother, she burst into fits of laughter, and seemed as if she couldnever stop.
Thereupon Simpleton asked her in marriage. But the King did not likehim for a son-in-law, and he made all sorts of conditions. First, hesaid Simpleton must bring him a man who could drink up a cellar fullof wine.
Then Simpleton at once thought of the little grey Man who might beable to help him, and he went out to the forest to look for him. Onthe very spot where the tree that he had cut down had stood, he saw aman sitting with a very sad face. Simpleton asked him what was thematter, and he answered--
'I am so thirsty, and I can't quench my thirst. I hate cold water, andI have already emptied a cask of wine; but what is a drop like that ona burning stone?'
'Well, there I can help you,' said Simpleton. 'Come with me, and youshall soon have enough to drink and to spare.'
He led him to the King's cellar, and the Man set to upon the greatcasks, and he drank and drank till his sides ached, and by the end ofthe day the cellar was empty.
Then again Simpleton demanded his bride. But the King was annoyed thata wretched fellow called 'Simpleton' should have his daughter, and hemade new conditions. He was now to find a man who could eat up amountain of bread.
Simpleton did not reflect long, but went straight to the forest, andthere in the self-same place sat a man tightening a strap round hisbody, and making a very miserable face. He said: 'I have eaten up awhole ovenful of rolls, but what is the good of that when any one isas hungry as I am. I am never satisfied. I have to tighten my beltevery day if I am not to die of hunger.'
Simpleton was delighted, and said: 'Get up and come with me. Youshall have enough to eat.'
And he took him to the Court, where the King had caused all the flourin the kingdom to be brought together, and a huge mountain of bread tobe baked. The Man from the forest sat down before it and began to eat,and at the end of the day the whole mountain had disappeared.
Now, for the third time, Simpleton asked for his bride. But again theKing tried to find an excuse, and demanded a ship which could sail onland as well as at sea.
'As soon as you sail up in it, you shall have my daughter,' he said.
Simpleton went straight to the forest, and there sat the little greyMan to whom he had given his cake. The little Man said: 'I have eatenand drunk for you, and now I will give you the ship, too. I do it allbecause you were merciful to me.'
Then he gave him the ship which could sail on land as well as at sea,and when the King saw it he could no longer withhold his daughter. Themarriage was celebrated, and, at the King's dea
th, the Simpletoninherited the kingdom, and lived long and happily with his wife.
The King could no longer withhold his daughter.]