Ringan Gilhaize, or, The Covenanters
_Airt_, direction, point of the compass.
_almous_, alms.
_atwish_, betwixt.
_aught_, possession.
_aumrie_, store-cupboard.
_Bakie_, a large square wooden vessel.
_beek_, _v._ bathe; here, bask.
_bein_, well-to-do, comfortable.
_ben_, within.
_benweed_, ragwort.
_bield_, shelter.
_big_, _v._ build.
_bilf_, a blunt stroke (Jamieson).
_bir_, impetuosity.
_blate_, bashful.
_blether_, _v._ talk foolishly.
_blithemeat gift_, gift made to those present at a child's birth.
_bout-gait_, roundabout.
_bow_, arch, gateway.
_boyne_, tub.
_braird_, the first sprouting of grain.
_brattle_, _v._ clatter.
_brechan_, bracken.
_buirdly_, burly.
_bunker_, bench.
_busk_, adorn.
_but_, _but the house_, toward the outer apartment of a house.
_by ordinare_, out of the common.
_Ca'_, _v._ drive.
_callan_, _callant_, boy.
_camstrarie_, unmanageable, perverse.
_cantrip_, magical device.
_canty_, lively.
_cap_, a wooden bowl.
_carl_, fellow (_fem._) _carlin_.
_carry_, motion of the clouds.
_carse_, low-lying fertile land, generally adjacent to a river.
_causey_, street or paved road; _crown of the causey_, middle of the street.
_change-house_, a small inn or ale-house.
_chap_, _v._ strike.
_chappin_, a quart measure.
_chimla_, _chumla_, chimney; _chimla-lug_, fireside.
_churme_, murmur.
_clachan_, hamlet.
_clamper_, to make a noise with the feet in walking.
_claught_, snatched (_pret._ of _v._ _clatch_).
_clishmaclavers_, idle discourse.
_clok_, beetle.
_clout_, ragged cloth.
_Cluty_, _fam._ the "Old One."
_cod_, pillow, cushion.
_couthiness_, kindness.
_cowan-boat_, a fishing-boat.
_cranreuch_, hoar-frost.
_creel_, basket.
_crouse_, confident, _crack crouse_, to "talk big."
_cruisie_, _crusie_, a small iron lamp.
_cuif_ simpleton.
_cushy-doo_, cushat, dove.
_Dark_, _darg_, task.
_dauner_, _daunder_, stroll.
_dauty_, pet.
_dinle_, thrill.
_dirl_, _v._ clatter, thrill.
_doless_, void of energy.
_dominie_, schoolmaster.
_donsie_, unfortunate.
_door-cheek_, door-post.
_doure_, hard, harsh.
_dow_, _v._ can compass.
_dowie_, dull.
_dreich_, tedious.
_drumly_, turbid, troubled.
_duds_, rags.
_dunt_, to knock out by repeated blows.
_dwam_, seizure (sickness).
_dyke_, boundary wall.
_Ellwand_, yard-measure.
_erles_, _arles_, an earnest.
_ettle_, _v._ aim.
_excambio_, exchange ratified by law.
_eydent_, zealous, industrious.
_Fash_, _v._ vex.
_fek_, "_o' ony fek_," of any effect.
_fey_, infatuated.
_fisle_, _v._ rustle.
_flesher_, butcher.
_flit_, _v._ word in general use in Scotland for changing residence.
_flyte_, _v._ scold.
_foregather_, _v._ get into company together.
_fornent_, in front of.
_fyke_, bustle.
_Gait_, _gate_, way.
_gar_, compel.
_gardevine_, cellaret.
_garnel_, granary.
_gaud_, a bar of metal.
_gauntrees_, _gantrees_, a stand for a barrel.
_gawsie_, _gaucy_, jolly.
_geizen't_, drought-cracked.
_gett_, contemptuous term for progeny.
_gif_, if.
_gir_, _gird_, hoop.
_girn_, a snare.
_glaikit_, foolish.
_glebe_, land held _ex officio_ by a parish minister.
_gled_, hawk.
_gleg_, eager.
_glower_, _v._ glare.
_gludder_, the sound caused by a body falling among mire (Jamieson).
_gowk_, fool, _lit._ cuckoo.
_greet_, weep.
_grew_, _v._ shudder.
_grouff_, belly.
_gude-mother_, mother-in-law.
_gurl_, _n._ growl.
_gurly_, surly.
_Hack_, a rack for horses or cattle.
_haffet_, side-lock.
_Hallowe'en_, the eve of All Saints' Day.
_hap_, wrap.
_harl_, _v._ drag.
_hass_, throat.
_havers_, foolish or incoherent talk.
_hempy_, rogue.
_herry_, harry.
_hirkos_ (_Lat._ hircus), a he-goat.
_hirple_, limp.
_hirstle_, to shove oneself along by the hands in a seated posture.
_hobbleshow_, a difficulty.
_Hogmanae_, the last day of the year.
_holm_, _howm_, low-lying level ground on the banks of a river.
_hooly_, cautiously.
_horse-setter_, job-master.
_howdy_, midwife.
_howf_, _n._ haunt.
_howk_, dig, burrow.
_hyte and fykie_, anxious and irritable.
_Jawp_, _v._ dash and rebound as water (Jamieson).
_jealouse_, suspect.
_jelly-flowers_, gilliflowers.
_jimp_, scarcely.
_jink_, chink (_corruption_).
_jo_, sweetheart.
_jow_, _v._ toll.
_Kail_, cabbage; soup made with the same.
_kell_, scurf on a child's head (Jamieson).
_kep_, catch.
_kist_, chest.
_kithe_, show, appear.
_Laigh_, low.
_lair_, lore.
_lanerly_, _alanerly_, alone, lonely.
_laverock_, lark.
_lawing_, reckoning.
_lift_, firmament.
_limmer_, "baggage" (term of depreciation).
_linn_, waterfall.
_lippy_, a bumper.
_litherly_, lazily.
_lone_, _loaning_, lane.
_loun_, serene.
_lounder_, swinging stroke (Jamieson).
_low_, _n._ flame.
_lum_, chimney.
_lug_, ear.
_luggie_, a small wooden vessel made of staves.
_Mailing_, farm.
_manse_, residence of a minister of the Gospel.
_midden_, refuse-heap.
_morphosings_, metamorphoses.
_moss_, a place where peat may be dug (Jamieson).
_mutchkin_, a measure equal to a pint.
_Napery_, household linen.
_neb_, beak of a bird.
_nieve_, fist.
_notour_, notorious.
_O'ercome_, burden of a song or discourse.
_outstropolous_, obstreperous.
_oxter_, arm-pit, also arm.
br /> _Pawkie_, sly; _pawkrie_, slyness.
_peeseweep_, lapwing.
_pen-gun_, pop-gun; _a pen-gun at a crack_, a "wunner to talk."
_pet-day_, term applied to a fair day when the weather is generallyfoul.
_pig_, earthenware vessel.
_plack_, small copper coin.
_play-marrow_, playmate.
_prin_, pin.
_puddock_, toad; _puddock-stool bonnet_, toadstool or Tam o' Shanter cap.
_Rackses_, andirons.
_raised_, delirious.
_ree_, half-drunk.
_reek_, smoke.
_redde_, rede, counsel.
_rig_, ridge (of ploughed land).
_rones_, external waterducts of a building.
_rug_, _v._ pull roughly.
_runkle_, crumple.
_Scad_, gleam, reflection.
_schore_, a man of high rank.
_scog_, _v._ hide.
_scomfisht_, discomfited.
_scowther_, scorch.
_scrog_, a stunted shrub.
_shavling-gabbit_, shavling mouthed, a shavling being a carpenter's toolof the plane order. Having a mouth which emits sounds like those made inplaning.
_sicker_, certain.
_siver_, sewer.
_skail_, _skayl_, disperse.
_skelf_, shelf.
_skirr_, scour.
_sklinter_, _v._ splinter.
_skreigh_, cry.
_sleekit_, deceitful.
_slocken_, slake.
_smeddam_, spirit.
_sneck_, bolt.
_snell_, keen.
_snod_, trim.
_snool_, subjugate by tyrannical means.
_sole_, sill.
_sorn_, to "sponge" upon; used by Galt for to loiter.
_sosherie_, social intercourse.
_sough_, murmur.
_spae_, _v._ forecast.
_spean_, _v._ wean.
_speat_, flood.
_speer_, _speir_, inquire.
_spunk_, spark.
_staincher_, stanchion.
_stang_, a pole; to "ride the stang" was to be subjected to a form of mob justice bywhich the patient was borne shoulder-high astride a pole.
_steek_, stitch, fasten.
_stock_ (bed-stock), the fore-part of a bed.
_stoure_, dust in motion.
_straemash_, disturbance.
_stravaig_, _v._ stroll.
_swanky_, strapping young countryman (Brockett).
_swatch_, sample.
_swee_, a chimney crane for suspending a pot over the fire (Jamieson).
_swither_, _v._ to be reluctant, hesitate; _n_. reluctance, hesitation, indecision.
_syne_, then.
_Tack_, lease.
_taigle_, hinder, delay.
_tawnle_, bonfire.
_temming_, a coarse thin woollen cloth.
_tent_, heed.
_thacket_, thatched.
_thole_, endure.
_throng_, _adj._ busy.
_thumbikins_, thumbscrews.
_tirl at the pin_, old-fashioned mode of intimating desire of admissionto a house.
_tod_, _tod lowrie_, fox.
_tolbooth_, a municipal building including a jail.
_toom_, empty.
_toop_, a ram.
_toupie_ (French), toupet.
_trance_, paved passage.
_trintle_, _v._ roll.
_trone_, a public weighing-machine standing in a market-place.
_Unco_, _adj._ extraordinary, remarkable; _n._ remarkable object.
_Virl_, ring (as those which bind a fishing-rod); frill.
_vivers_, provisions.
_vogie_, vain, complacent.
_Wae_, grieved.
_waff_, feeble, worn out.
_warrandice_, warrant.
_warsle_, wrestle.
_wastage_, a place of desolation (J.).
_wastrie_, waste.
_waught_, a large draught.
_wean_, child.
_whin_, furze.
_Whigamore_, sometimes derived from "whig," a word used in the West forurging on horses, and hence applied as a nickname to a political party.The expedition of the Covenanters under Eglinton to Edinburgh was knownas the Whigamore Raid.
_whumple_, overturn, reverse.
_willease_, valise.
_willy-wa_, palaver, wheedle.
_wise, v._ entice, incline.
_wud_, wild.
_wuddy_, "gallows-looking"; widdy is the gallows.
_wyte_, blame.
_Yett_, gate.
_yird_, _n._ earth; _v. a._ run to earth.
_Colston & Coy. Limited, Printers, Edinburgh._