The Span o' Life: A Tale of Louisbourg & Quebec
I rewarded the men handsomely enough to call forth their approval,and made my compliments so fully to Mr. Lockhart, with so manymessages to his family, that I left him more puzzled than ever asto who Mr. Johnstone of Kirksmuir might be; and then picking up myportmanteau, made as though I would enter the town.
Once the boat was safely out of sight, I looked about for a quietspot, and proceeded to effect a transformation in my outwardappearance more in keeping with my new role of courier. Removingmy wig, I smoothed my hair back, and fastened it with a plainriband. I undid my sword, and snapping the blade, put the hilt,which was handsomely mounted in silver, to one side, and thenstripping the lace and silver braid off my hat, I bound wig andblade together and flung them into the sea. From my portmanteauI took a pair of stout black hose which I drew over the more modishones I wore, removed the buckles from my shoes, and placing themwith the sword-hilt in the portmanteau, muffled myself carefullyin my cloak, and, taking up my burden, trudged towards the town.
I found the inn where Lady Jane and Margaret lodged withoutdifficulty, and on my inquiry for them the land-lord said:
"If you are the servant my lady has been expecting, let me tellyou you have been within an ace of losing your place, for you area day late, and but for the wind she would have sailed this morning.You are to go to your room at once, and then you wait on her, andI, for one, don't envy you your reception! Take your things andcome this way."
The thought of being so near friends banished any petty annoyanceI might have felt at this treatment; indeed I could but so admireLady Jane's cleverness that I entered into the jest, and inquiredwhat manner of person my new mistress might be.
"Masterful, masterful. 'Tis a God's mercy she was not born a man,or it might have been ill holding with her!" the honest creaturereturned, with much decision, and I at once placed him as a man offair judgment.
In my room I found the suit of bottle-green livery Lady Jane hadpromised laid out for me, so I soon made my transformation complete,and presented myself at the door my guide had pointed out.
My cousin's voice, in answer to my discreet signal on the panel,bade me enter, and my welcome was a merry one. How I made themlaugh over my appearance! With what satisfaction did I turn thetables on Lady Jane by the landlord's estimate of her character,when she attempted to resume her quizzing over "Mr. Simpkin"! Butit was when I came to the relation of my adventure with CaptainGalway that I met a veritable triumph. To Lady Jane it afforded anew mark for her wit, and she professed to be vastly amused at mygroundless alarm; but to Margaret, who was much distressed by LadyJane's levity, 'twas all tragedy of the most serious description.
"How I made them laugh over my appearance!"]
The measures taken for her brother's safety had proved entirelyeffectual, and it was clear that Margaret credited me solely withhis release, which was now assured, though I honestly believe theDuke's signature would have been only so much worthless paper hadI not suggested the Vicomte's services. Be this as it may, I didnot hold I was bound to combat with her sense of gratitude, forHeaven knows I have so often suffered under an over-sufficiency ofundeserved censure that a little overflowing of approbation wasmost welcome.
We hoped to be off early the next morning, but, alas, on ourawakening the wind was as unfavourable as before, and there wereno signs of a change. It was an anxious day for all of us. It wasclear enough the Duke of Newcastle had suspected me, and though itwas possible he did not realise my importance, it was quite probablehe would have Lady Jane's following closely watched for the presenceof Captain "Fitzgerald," as he chose to style me. The proximity ofthe _Triumphant_ and her over-hospitable commander, with his pryingfriend Mr. Hargreaves, was never out of my mind, and it was withno small uneasiness I learned the Governor of the town had beenunceasing in his attentions to the two ladies. True, this may havemeant nothing but pure civility, but the purest civility may proveas embarrassing as the commonest intrusion when one has anythingto conceal. Confound the man! He pressed his ill-timed courtesiesupon us twenty times a day, and I could not but grow apprehensivewhen I marked the scarce-concealed curiosity with which he regardedme. Had I been a slave in a barracoon, my points could not havebeen gone over more carefully; and had I been both deaf and dumb,my qualities could not have been discussed with more openness.Never before had I realised that even a lackey might resent hearinghimself discussed like an animal at a fair, and Lady Jane took aperverse delight in provoking the Governor's critiques when I waswithin earshot. Our morning walk in his garden will serve as anensample.
"Has your fellow any experience of travel," the Governor would ask,stopping in his walk and eyeing me as if he were at a court-martial,"or is he as useless as the rest of his kind?"
"I've no doubt hell prove stupid enough when we get where we reallyneed him," she would answer, coolly, bending over some favouriteflower. "'Tis really shameful the lying recommendation one's friendsgive servants nowadays."
"He looks stupid enough to prove honest," growled the Governor,"but if he were put through a few weeks' drill, with my sergeant'scane behind those fat calves of his, 'twould smarten him up a bit."
"What lovely Gueldre roses!" exclaimed Margaret, enthusiastically,and straightway fell to praising one flower after another with suchrapidity and success that even Lady Jane's ingenuity could find noopportunity to lead the Governor back to the torture again.
However, I had my revenge, for Lady Jane herself was unpleasantlystartled that same day as we sate at dinner in our room, and theGovernor chose to pay us another visit without warning.
There was a frantic scurry for a few moments as we removed alltraces of my place, and his Excellency must have had a suspicioustrain of thought running through his head as he waited for me tounlock the door. This I did with unmoved countenance, and Lady Janemade the excuse of being somewhat en deshabille, as the room wasover-warm with the fire, and it passed without further remark,though I could see he eyed me from time to time as I stood behindher chair. I waited on them, I flatter myself, quite as perfectlyas the most highly trained servant--for the table is a point towhich I have always devoted much attention, and my knowledge stoodme in good stead now.
Whatever his suspicions were, he did not dare to make them known;Lady Jane was a person of too recognised a position not to make ithighly inconvenient for any one who might interfere with her withoutdue justification; and the next day we sailed without hinderance.
Upon our arrival at the Hague, the first letter we received wasone from the Vicomte to Margaret, assuring her of her brother'ssafety, and informing her it was commonly reported in London thatPrince Charles had escaped to the continent in the train of LadyJane Drummond, so we knew to a certainty the Governor had mistakenme for the Prince, and informed the Court of his suspicions.
Whether the mistake was flattering to me or not, I cannot fairlyjudge. So far as the Prince stood morally or intellectually, hewas beneath my contempt, but physically, my impression is that hewas handsome--at least he had a fine carriage and bearing. It ismost difficult to judge any man in his position; all my trainingand education, and that of my ancestors for generations before me,had been such that I have scarce been able to look on a king savewith a feeling close akin to reverence. So with these reservationsI allow the dubious compliment to pass. But whatever I might think,there was no doubt but the circumstance had raised me many degreesin Margaret's estimation. And this also I owed to the unwittingservices of the Vicomte, who had successively helped me on to nearlyevery advance in her affections.
From the Hague we journeyed by easy stages to Paris, where LadyJane found suitable lodgings for herself and Margaret in the rueDauphine, while I found a humble one, better fitted to my purse,in the rue du Petit-Bourbon.
I at once made application to join my old regiment, but to mychagrin I was only put off from month to month, and, insisting onan answer, I was curtly informed there was no captaincy vacant,and I must remain sat
isfied with the small pension the king waspleased to give me as officer in the Scottish expedition, or accepta subaltern's position.
When the Vicomte arrived, by the end of May, he resumed his positionin the Royal Guard, and his evening visits to Lady Jane, or ratherto Margaret. About the middle of the summer he succeeded in obtainingan authentic copy of the Act of Indemnity, which was studied withthe greatest interest by us all. The terms were fair, even generous,but I was not astonished to find my name among those excluded fromits favour. It mattered little to me that I was henceforward amarked man, with a price on my head, doomed to perpetual banishment;for, being in no sense an Englishman, and a Scot only by descent,exclusion from the Three Kingdoms meant little to me; blood andtraining had made me an alien in feeling, and fate had ever thrownme and mine on the side of the unfortunate; Maxwells and Geraldines,we had always been on the losing side; it had become second nature.But with Margaret it was far different. Her generous soul was inarms at once; my exclusion from the Act had raised me to the nicheof a hero in her temple, and again it was the Vicomte who hadcontributed to this elevation.
Margaret now began to grow anxious again concerning her brother.Why did he not join us? Could any new complication have arisen tocause his re-arrest? These and a thousand other disturbingspeculations troubled her unceasingly, until they were put beyondall doubt by a letter, which fell upon us like a bomb:
"_January_ 19, 1748.
"My dearest Peggy,--I have resolved on a step which I can scarce expect you to approve, perhaps not even to understand at present, though I have every hope that some day you will do both.
"My situation briefly is this: I have no hope whatever of another effectual attempt on the part of the Prince, and I have set my face against foreign service. Still, I was bred to the sword, and so must bide by it. As I have neither the means nor the inclination for an idle existence, and it has pleased the King to grant me my pardon without exacting any terms, I am resolved to offer him my sword and duty without reserve.
"Let no one persuade you into thinking that I am playing a part, or have been won over by new friends or promises. I have won myself over from empty plots and idle dreams to an honourable career, and I have put the past from me without a regret, save that my decision will cause you pain, my dear and only sister.
"Whether you write me in anger or write not at all, you cannot in any way lessen the affection in which I will always cherish you.
"Your loving brother,
"Archd. Nairn."
"A most sensible determination," I thought, "and does much creditboth to his sense of honour and his judgment," but I need hardlysay I took care not to air my appreciations of his course beforeLady Jane, and still less before Mistress Margaret, who was littleshort of distracted.
The poor girl had swooned on receiving the news, and for two dayswas utterly overwhelmed by what she held to be the disgrace of hisdesertion.
The Vicomte was singularly unfortunate in his attempt at consolation.
"Marguerite, mon amie," he said one evening, before us all, "yourbrother should lose no claim to your esteem. Remember, the causeof the Prince Charles is lost beyond all redemption. Your brotheris under the greatest of all obligations to his legal King; he oweshim his life. If my humble opinion be of value, I conceive he hasacted strictly within the laws which govern the conscience of agentleman and a man of honour."
"Gaston! How dare you? I am not a child; I am a woman loyal to myheart's core! I know nothing of your fine distinctions whichconstitute 'a gentleman and a man of honour,' But I do know thefeeling which made men charge almost single-handed on the Englishline at Culloden. I know, too, the feeling which made the humblestHighland mother give up the child of her heart, and wish she hadtwenty more, to die for her King and her Prince. Better--far, farbetter that my brother had died unpardoned but loyal! He died forme the day his hand signed that traitorous compact. God pity me!I have neither father, mother, nor brother left. I have naught butyou," she cried, as she buried her face on Lady Jane's shoulder,and shook with the storm of grief that swept over her. Lady Janemotioned us to leave, and we withdrew sorrowfully enough.
It was weeks before the poor girl recovered her old liveliness;but she could not combat against the natural elasticity of youth,though the struggle left its trace in a sudden maturity quiteunlooked for. Her relation towards the Vicomte became visiblycolder; and he, simple soul, instead of being spurred to greatereffort, went blundering on in his direct childlike way, with butsmall effect, though warmly reinforced by Lady Jane.
All this time His Royal Highness Prince Charles was making no slightstir in Paris. He was in deep disgrace with the King, whom hetreated with the most studied discourtesy. An unwelcome and dangerousintruder, he paid not the slightest attention to the repeatedrequests that he should leave the capital; he kept open house inhis hotel on the Quai des Theatins, and appeared nightly at theOpera despite every consideration of good taste and breeding. Andyet one-half Paris looked on and applauded, blaming the King forhis inhospitality to this hero of a hundred flights.
I did my own prospects of advancement no small harm by allowingmyself to accompany Margaret and Lady Jane to one of his levees,where he bestowed much fulsome flattery on me, though he took goodcare it should reflect on himself, for he never could pass over anoccasion to shine before a woman--one of the weakest vanities thatever inflated the soul of man.
The Vicomte was much chagrined over our going, and inclined to laythe blame upon me.
"M. de Kirkconnel," said he, addressing Margaret, "should know thatsuch a proceeding is extremely injudicious when the Prince standsin such ambiguous relations towards the Court; especially whenaware of my position towards you and my official duty in the presentdifficult negotiations with the Prince."
"'M. de Kirkconnel,' as you style him," retorted Margaret, withgreat spirit, "has only done his duty, M. le Vicomte, as 'agentleman and a man of honour,' in accompanying two ladies to paytheir respects to the son of their King--whatever may be hisrelations towards a time-serving government."
"Tut, tut, Margaret!" broke in Lady Jane, "none of your hoity-toityairs? Gaston is perfectly right. I blame myself for not havingthought of his position in the matter. We'll keep ourselves outsidethese delicate questions, for which women have too hot heads, untilwiser ones settle them, one way or another."
That Lady Jane was much displeased was evidenced by the strenuousefforts to procure me a captaincy which she put on foot again withrenewed vigour, and, to tell the truth, I was not sorry, for I wasbeginning to find no little embarrassment in Margaret's unconsciousrevelation of her feelings towards me, and I was heartily sorryfor the Vicomte as well.
Nothing came of Lady Jane's efforts, and now we all began to livea life of much discomfort. That the Vicomte disliked me was patent,and yet he would make no effective efforts to better his own positionwith Margaret; that Lady Jane was troubled at my presence was writlarge on her expressive countenance, and yet she could not bear meto leave unless fittingly provided; and that Margaret, our Pearlof Great Price, was as cold to the Vicomte as she was affectionateto me I could not greatly, and all this to our common disquiet.The Vicomte sighed for possession, Lady Jane for the fulfilment ofher plans, and I for the end of a situation that had become wellnighimpossible.
At length the explosion came.
It was an open secret that the Prince would be removed by force,as he had obstinately refused to listen to either proposals,entreaties, or commands, and in short was courting disgrace, forHeaven only knows what, unless perchance he hoped to rise only byhis failures and reverses. At all events, preparations were madewithout concealment for his arrest on the evening of the 10th ofDecember, as he drove to the Opera, and the Vicomte, from hisposition in the Household Troops, had charge of the arrangements.
Margaret had heard the rumour that very day, and had sent theVicomte peremptory word to come to the rue Dauphine; but no doubtit was his duties, certainly not any hesit
ation at facing theinterview, which prevented his complying with her command.
The next day, when he presented himself, the news of the arrestwas all over Paris, with every absurd exaggeration of detail.
He entered admirably composed, though knowing a painful scene wasbefore him, and after saluting Lady Jane, he advanced towardsMargaret, holding out his hand.
She stood erect, her face white with emotion.
"She stood erect, her face white with emotion."]
"One moment, M. le Vicomte, until I see whether I can touch thathand again or not. Is it true that it was laid on my Prince?"
"No, mademoiselle, it was not."
"Who, then, arrested him?"
"M. de Vaudreuil, mademoiselle."
"And you? What did you do?"
"I stood there, mademoiselle, and saw that M. de Vaudreuil carriedout his instructions."
"His instructions? Who gave them
"I did, mademoiselle."
"What! To arrest the Prince?"
"Certainly, mademoiselle."
"And you think this was the part of 'a gentleman and a man ofhonour?'"
"Certainly, mademoiselle. It was my duty."
I own that from the bottom of my heart I admired him. It was clearwhat was coming, yet he never faltered, never wavered, nor madeany attempt at appeal or explanation. It was like the man. I enviedhim his courage.
"Did you never think for one moment of me? Of my devotion to himand his cause? Did not my regard, my affection even, weigh for onemoment with you?" she went on, excitedly.
"Marguerite, Marguerite! This is cruel! This is unjust! I worshipyou as I have never worshipped woman, and at this moment you arebreaking my heart!"
"You have broken mine," she answered, coldly, and turning, walkedslowly out of the room.
He stood with his face like marble.
Then Lady Jane rose, and laying her hand on his shoulder, said:"Gaston, I never thought more of you in my life, and the motherwho bore you may well be proud of such a son. Margaret is but achild; when she thinks over what has happened, she will see mattersin their true light. Girls' hearts do not break so easily. My ownwould have flown in pieces a thousand times if it had followed myimaginations," she said, gayly; and then more tenderly, "Be patientwith her, Gaston; she is only a child."
But he shook his head sadly without reply.
"My dear Vicomte," I said, "I know you have cause to look on mewith no friendly eye; but believe me, I can echo every word mycousin has spoken. I can only admire and hope for such couragemyself; and that I may prove the sincerity of my profession, I willwithdraw entirely from a scene where I am only a disturbance. Ihave no thought, no hope of winning Margaret for myself. I willvolunteer for service in Canada at once, and at least shall nothave the regret of standing in the way of one I honour so highly."
To all of which he said little, but that little so direct andfeeling that we stepped out into the rue Dauphine together, morenearly friends than we had ever been.