Linda Carlton's Ocean Flight
_Kitty's Party_
Linda and Mrs. Beach slept soundly that night, in the cheap butcomfortable beds in the neat little room not far from the hospital. Butboth awakened early, the woman because she was longing to see her baby,the girl because she was anxious to fly back to Spring City.
"Do you think that you have enough money, Mrs. Beach?" asked thelatter, as they left the house together, after paying the landlady.Linda had insisted upon taking the room for the week, in order that thechild might remain at the hospital as long as was necessary. "Hadn't Ibetter give you some for your ticket home, and for a telegram to yourhusband?"
"Thank you, Miss Carlton, you have done so much already! But if I couldborrow a little?"
"Of course you can," replied the girl, realizing that the other wouldprefer that arrangement.
"I don't know how soon I can pay it back, but I'll try hard!" promisedMrs. Beach.
"Your husband has a farm, hasn't he?" suggested Linda. "Why not drivein once a week with vegetables? My aunt would be glad to take them fromyou."
"The very thing!" agreed the woman, joyfully. It seemed as if all hercares had vanished as completely as the fog of the previous day.
After a hearty breakfast together, Linda said good-by and went back toher plane at the airport. She found it in perfect condition, inspectedand filled with gas, ready for her flight homeward. How she would enjoyit today! How good the clear sunlight would feel, how bracing the airthat held the crispness of autumn! She was glad, too, to be alone,after yesterday's nerve-racking experience.
Nor was there any reason for hurry this time. She could land atPittsburgh, or some other convenient half-way airport, and have a goodlunch. And still arrive home long before dark.
It was just about four o'clock when she finally brought her plane downin the field behind her house at Spring City. Gathering her thingstogether, she made her way slowly to the porch, singing as she wentalong. Her aunt--her father's sister who had taken care of her eversince her mother's death--was nervously waiting for her on the steps.
"Linda!" she cried, as soon as the girl was within hearing distance."Do hurry up and tell me what you have been doing!"
"Didn't you get my telegram, Aunt Emily?" she asked, kissing the olderwoman.
"Yes. But--alone in Philadelphia! I do hope you had a chaperon! Youdidn't go with any of the boys?" Miss Carlton was old-fashioned andstrict; she had done everything in her power to bring up her niece inthe most correct manner.
"No, no, Auntie!" She smiled affectionately. "I went with a woman namedMrs. Beach--to rush her baby to the hospital. And I stayed all nightwith her."
"Oh!" exclaimed Miss Carlton, in relief. "I should have been moreworried than I was, except that I didn't find out that you had gone offin your plane until I got your telegram. And by that time the fog hadlifted.... But come inside and have some tea and sandwiches, and tellme all about it."
Linda followed her into the house and briefly related her story, notmentioning the stall at all, for she made it a point never to worryher aunt unnecessarily, because the latter was so timid about airplanesthat she had never even gone for a ride in the Pursuit.
"Now I must call Dr. Ginsley," the girl concluded, as she finished thelast sandwich on the plate.
"No, dear--I'll call him for you. You must go right upstairs and take anap. Don't forget that Kitty's dinner is tonight, and Harry is comingfor you at half-past seven."
Linda smiled; of all the boys she knew, she admired Harriman Smithmost, although he was the poorest financially of her select socialgroup at Spring City. He belonged to perhaps the finest type of youngmen in America today--the class who are working their own way throughcollege. Handsome, clean-cut, ambitious, bound to make his mark in theworld! And he was head over heels in love with pretty Linda Carlton.But, unlike Ralph Clavering, another of the girl's admirers, he did notoften speak of his infatuation. It wasn't fair to a girl to talk love,he believed, until a man had something with which to back it up.
"What will you wear?" inquired Miss Carlton. "Your white chiffon?"
"No," answered Linda, thoughtfully. "I don't think that would be fairto Kitty. It's Kitty's big party, and of course she'll wear white--withher pearls, so I think all her friends ought to wear colors, to sort ofset her off, like a queen.... I believe I'll wear my daffodil."
"All right, just as you say. But do run along."
* * * * *
Never in her life had Linda attended such a gorgeous party as thisd?but of Kitty Clavering. The Claverings were millionaires severaltimes over, by far the richest people in Spring City, and they gavethis function in a lavish style. The huge house shone with brilliantlights, the flowers reminded Linda of a flower show; the caterers hadbeen brought from Chicago, and the music was by Paul Whiteman himself,with his famous jazz orchestra.
It was all so dazzling, so bewildering, that Linda felt as if she werelost in some tropical island, among strangers. It was some time beforeshe recognized anybody she knew, and she clung tightly to Harry's arm.He pressed her hand gently; it was wonderful to have a chance toprotect Linda Carlton, who usually was so fearless.
"I wish we could find Lou," she remarked, mentioning her chum, herdearest friend who had gone through school with her, and graduated inthe same class the preceding June. "Lou is so much more at home at thissort of thing than I am."
They were seated at a little table now--there were tables of everysize in the dining-room and conservatory and library--and a waiter wasserving them with the most delicious food.
Linda ate hers almost in awe, wondering whether this was the sort ofthing her aunt was planning for her. The expense of it! Why, it wouldcost as much as a whole year's course at a ground school! And wherewould it get you in the end? It would only lead to more parties--moreexpense. Linda sighed.
"Why the sigh, Linda?" inquired Harry, sympathetically.
"I guess it wasn't very polite," replied the girl, flushing. "But I'mafraid my mind is on other things."
"Well, try to bring it back. Here comes our host--with another man. Anarmy officer!"
"I'm not interested in army officers," she whispered, but when she sawfrom the stranger's insignia that he belonged to the Flying Corps, shechanged her mind.
"Hello, Linda," exclaimed Ralph Clavering, Kitty's brother who hadtaken a course with Linda at the Spring City Flying School a few monthsbefore. "Been looking all over for you. You too, Harry!... I want tointroduce Lieutenant Hulbert, of the U. S. Air Service."
Ralph went on to explain what a marvelous little flyer Miss Carltonwas, until Linda's eyelids fluttered in embarrassment, and she wishedhe would stop talking so that she could hear some of the Lieutenant'sexperiences. But the music had started, and Ralph was impatient todance.
"We mustn't keep Lieutenant Hulbert," he explained. "He's to have Kit'sfirst dance."
With a gracious bow the young officer withdrew, and Ralph turned toHarry.
"Do me a favor, Harry, old man?" he said.
"Did you call him Harriman?" asked Linda. "Why all the dignity?"
"No. 'Harry--old--man!'"
"So long as you don't call me 'the old Harry,'" laughed the other."Well, what is it?"
"Lend me your girl friend for this dance. I have something veryimportant to tell to Linda."
"All right," agreed the other, pleasantly. "At least if you'll find meanother girl."
"Sure I will," said Ralph, and in another minute he came back withLouise Haydock, Linda's chum.
Louise was just the opposite in type to Linda. Though not exactlypretty, she was extremely striking-looking; her hair was clippedclose, after the manner of Kay Francis, the actress, and she alwayswore earrings and bright colored dresses. Tonight her dress was a newbrilliant shade of green, with trimmings of silver, and silver slippersto match.
"Hello, darling!" she exclaimed, joyfully. "Who'd ever think I'd findyou! It's almost as impossible to locate anybody here as on the beachat Atlantic City!
"I know. And I've been dying to see you!" returned Linda.
"All your own fault. Where have you been these last two days?"
"Please have your visit later," interrupted Ralph, who still preservedmuch of the spoiled child in his make-up. "The dance is half over now."
"All right," agreed Linda, with a wink, meaning, "See you later," toher chum.
Off they started; the floor was perfect, the music excellent, and fora minute or two they both gave themselves up to the joy of the dance.But time was precious; Ralph might not have another dance with Lindaall evening. Besides, nobody cut in during the first dance--that was anunwritten rule with their crowd.
"Who is this Lieutenant?" asked Linda, as they happened to pass himdancing with Kitty.
"A fine fellow. The kind you girls fall for--uniform, and all that,"replied Ralph, somewhat enviously. "But don't you fall for him! Hebelongs to Kitty!"
"Kitty! But I thought she was practically engaged to Maurice Stetson?"
"That's all off. Stetson made one wisecrack too many, and it crackedSis's dream of happiness. He isn't even here tonight."
"I can't say I'll miss him a whole lot."
"I always liked the fellow. But I'm rooming with another chap thisyear. You'll probably meet him at Thanksgiving."
"What's your big news, Ralph?" asked Linda, wondering whether it hadanything to do with flying. "You must have had some reason for takingme away from Harry."
"You're reason enough yourself, my angel," he replied. "You look divinetonight."
"Thanks, Ralph. But that's not quite fair to Harry, is it?"
"All's fair in love and war.... But lest you think too meanly of me, Idid have another reason. One that will knock you cold: Kit is taking upflying!"
"Kitty! No! Never!"
Linda could not imagine anyone less likely to care for aviation thanpretty, petite Kitty Clavering, who never had an idea in her headbeyond her parties, her pearls, and her boy friends. Besides, she wasso timid. Why, she was even nervous about taking her car into traffic,and almost always used the chauffeur.
"Of course there's a reason," explained Ralph.
"You mean Lieutenant Hulbert?"
"But what has that to do with me, Ralph? I'm not supposed to teach her,or anything like that, am I?" Linda had often thought it would be asimple matter to teach Louise, who was naturally air-minded, but KittyClavering would be difficult. And she'd simply die if Kitty ever sat atthe controls of her Arrow!
"No, of course not. Dad has a big idea--you know how he longs to get meinto business? Well, he jumped at the chance of launching Kit. She's tostart a Flying Club. You know about them?"
"Yes. They're run something like Country Clubs, aren't they? Onlyflying is the sport, instead of golf and tennis."
"Exactly. Dad's financing it, and Kit is to take charge. Sell thousanddollar bonds, get members, arrange about instruction. And she'ssupposed to run it like a business, and pay interest to Dad."
"Well, of all things!" cried Linda. Nevertheless, the idea wasdelightful. Just as flying was ten times better than any other sport,so a flying club would be that much nicer than a country club.
"Of course I don't need to tell you that Lieutenant Hulbert is in onthis," continued Ralph. "He and Kitty are working hand in hand. He'seven hoping to be the instructor for a while, if he can get a shortleave from the army."
"So that he can be near Kitty," concluded Linda. "But suppose Kittydrops him as she did Maurice, then what will happen to the poor peoplewho have invested their money in the club?"
"She can't drop it. There'll be a board of managers to see to that.Besides, Dad'll be back of it. Nobody need worry much, as long as he'sbehind it."
"That's true," admitted Linda.
"Of course I'll be at college, but I think I can persuade Dad intogiving me a plane of my own, so that I can fly home every week-end.Doesn't it sound thrilling?"
"It surely does. We'll have to get together and talk the whole thingover soon."
"I'll tell the world! I'm going to get the bunch over here tomorrowafternoon. Can you come? It's my last day home."
The music had stopped, but Ralph showed no signs of letting Linda goback to her escort.
"And will you promise me tomorrow night, Linda?" he begged. "In case Idon't get another dance with you tonight?"
"I don't know," she replied, thoughtfully. "I'm sort of expecting Daddyhome this week-end, and I must see him."
"But you can see your father any time!"
"That's just what I can't do! Why Ralph, I see you lots oftener thanDaddy. I haven't laid eyes on him since Field Day at Green Falls--threeweeks ago!"
"You may not see me for three weeks!"
"And then again, I may.... Here come Lou and Harry.... No, Ralph, Ican't promise. If I come tomorrow afternoon, that's all I can say."
"Oh, all right," returned the young man sulkily. He never could getused to Linda's independence--when he--and everybody else--regardedhimself as the biggest catch in Spring City. He'd invite Louise, forspite.
"Lou, will you go riding with me tomorrow night, and paint the townred, because it's my last night home?" he asked.
"O.K.," replied Louise enthusiastically. "But why be so stingy aboutyourself? Let's make it a crowd!" She turned to Linda.
"I prefer your society alone," interrupted Ralph, peevishly, and with awink at her chum, Louise accepted his invitation to dance.
Linda and Harry started the next dance together, but scarcely hadthey gone around the floor when Lieutenant Hulbert cut in. Linda wasboth proud and delighted; he was an older man, probably twenty-fouror five, and she found him most interesting. She made him talk aboutthe army and about flying, and finally of the club. She was keenlydisappointed when Joe Elliston cut in and took her away.
She did not dance with the Lieutenant again, although she stayed untilmidnight. Then she told Harry she wanted to go home.
"But your aunt isn't even thinking of leaving so early, and she's asstrict as they come. Besides, I hear that the breakfast we're going toget will put the supper to shame!" Harry was just as anxious as Ralphto have a good time before college opened.
"I know, Harry, and I don't want to be a poor sport. But I'm reallyawfully tired. I flew to Philadelphia yesterday, and back again today."She didn't say why; Linda Carlton was not a girl to boast of her gooddeeds. "Besides, tomorrow is a big day for me. If Daddy comes home, wehave some momentous questions to talk over--which will decide my wholefuture."
"Yes.... So, Harry, please take me home, and then you can easily comeback again and stay for breakfast."
The young man did as he was requested, but he did not go back.Somehow, the party no longer interested him.
So while her friends still danced far into the night, Linda Carltonslept soundly, that she might retain that radiant health upon which thedoctor had complimented her the day before.