Samuel Boyd of Catchpole Square: A Mystery
In view of the surprising turn the Mystery of Catchpole Square hastaken, considerable interest was manifested in the proceedings at theCoroner's Court this morning, a large share of public attention beingbestowed upon the juror who has taken so prominent a part in theinquiry. All the jurymen were in attendance at the appointed hour, andthe Coroner, in a brief address, expressed the hope that a sensibleand just verdict would now be returned. He would make no comment, hesaid, upon the singular differences of opinion between them, nor uponthe no less singular and unusual form in which those differences werepresented to him--contrary, he was bound to add, to all precedent andestablished modes of procedure. It would be obviously improper to makeany comment upon the altered position of affairs; such alteration wasnot for their consideration, and should not be allowed to influencethem. The verdict they returned should be strictly in accordance withthe evidence that had been presented to them. He would now dismissthem to their duties.
Upon this occasion, contrary to the general expectation, the juryremained in deliberation but a very short time. After a lapse oftwenty minutes they agreed upon the verdict of Wilful Murder againstsome Person or Persons unknown, which, being received by the Coroner,the inquiry came to an end.
In connection with this extraordinary case (new developments of whichmay be expected to-morrow at the Bishop Street Police Court), we maymention that no light has yet been thrown upon the disappearance ofMr. Abel Death. And in this connection we may further add that Mrs.Death is in deep distress at the disappearance of her young daughterGracie, who has been absent from her home since Tuesday. Any personwho can give information concerning her may address themselves to ourOffice, or to Mrs. Death, 7, Draper's Mews.
We understand that some portion of Lady Wharton's jewels has beenfound, and that her ladyship will attend at the Police Court to-morrowto identify them.