The Mystery of Jockey Hollow
Several rather tense seconds passed after the jolly holiday greetingsbefore Granny Howe recovered her usual poise. The smile that had been onher cheery face when Dick and Betty led her into the fire-warmed andcandlelighted room of the old mansion, and she had seen the merry youngpeople, faded as she sank into the rocker. There was a puzzled expressionin her eyes.
"Well, Granny," asked Betty, "don't you like it?"
"Pretty fine, if you ask me," said Dick.
"Oh, but what does it all mean?" murmured the old lady. "I can'tunderstand. They told me," she went on, looking from Betty to Dick, "thatsomeone here wanted to see me. They suggested it might be the last time Icould view this dear old room, as the contractor would probably rush thework of tearing the house down after Christmas. So I came. Here I am. Butwhat does it mean?" She was bewildered.
"We are the ones who wanted to see you, Granny Howe," said Sim.
"We thought you would like a last little party in your old home," saidTerry, who managed to get along with only a slight limp now. "And here itis!" She pulled aside a cloth that had been put over the food piled on anold table.
"How kind of you," Granny said. There was a suspicious brightness in hereyes.
"But it is going to be more than just a little party," spoke Arden. "Wehave some good news for you."
"News," supplemented Dorothy, "which we hope will make your Christmasvery happy." Doubtless Dorothy felt that, like some, of her actressmother's experiences, this was a sort of play and all the actors mustcontribute a line.
"What news?" faltered Granny Howe.
"Mr. Pangborn will tell you!" said Arden, pushing Harry forward, for hehad shifted about until he was behind Dorothy. "It was his idea, and hemust have the credit for it."
"Oh, nonsense! I don't want any credit. And you girls are as much in itas I am!" Harry protested. "You tell her, Arden!"
"No. It requires a man's legal mind to go into the details. Go on, Harry.Can't you see she is on the verge of a breakdown if you keep her insuspense much longer?" she whispered. Indeed, the old lady was tremblingmore than a little. Dick, too, seemed a little uncertain of what the nextmove was to be. But Betty's eyes were very bright. Sim, Terry, andDorothy were smiling happily.
"It will not take long to explain," said Harry. Then, as simply as hecould, he related the offer of the Park Commission. In effect it meant amuch better chance than Granny Howe had ever had to prove her claim,assisted by the best legal minds that could be engaged.
"Isn't that a wonderful Christmas present, Granny!" cried Betty. "Nowperhaps we shall get something from the estate and I can finish mystudies instead of slaving in that musty library. And Dick, too! He cango to college now!"
"Does it really mean," asked Dick, "that we will get some of the moneythe state has set aside for the purchase of the old Howe property inJockey Hollow?"
"I think you are pretty certain to get something," said Harry. "It maytake considerable time--it's a complicated legal matter--but at least youare going to have your day in court, which you never had before."
There was silence a moment, and Granny, looking from one to another, saidgently:
"It is kind of you--more kind than I can appreciate now. I'm all in aflutter!" She laughed a little. "But I have for so long a time given uphope that now I don't just know how to get hopeful again. I don't want todiscourage any of you, especially Mr. Pangborn, for I realize all he hasdone in getting this concession from the Park Commission. But doesn't itall hinge on the fact that papers--deeds, wills, or something--arenecessary for me to prove my claim?"
"Yes, I suppose it would be much easier if you had the missing papers,"said Harry. "But I understand they cannot be found, so we must do thebest we can without them."
"They have been lost for many years," sighed Granny. "With them to provemy claim and the claims of my grandchildren, everything would be easy.Years ago I used to hunt day and night in this old house for thosepapers, for I always felt they must be hidden here. But I have given upthat hope--long ago."
Suddenly a change came over Granny Howe. She arose from the rocker andwith a bright smile exclaimed:
"Now, enough of this! I am going to get back my hope! I thank you allfrom the bottom of my heart--you have been wonderful! I must not begloomy and doubtful! Wasn't something said about a party?" she went onwith a bright glance at Arden. "And all the parties I ever attended werejolly affairs. This must be the same!"
"Hurrah for Granny!" cried Sim. "Now, on with the food!"
Then the party really did begin, and in the intervals of eating, talking,and piling more wood on the blaze, Harry sketched what he thought theprobable legal action would be. He offered to take charge for Granny, andhis offer was accepted with grateful thanks.
"I suppose," he suggested to the old lady, "that you can't throw anylight on the so-called ghostly happenings here?"
"Not the least in the world," laughed Granny. "None of them ever happenedin my sight or hearing. I just don't believe them. Though, I suppose,there must be something queer, for there are many stories dating back along time. And surely those workmen wouldn't act as they did unlesssomething happened. And that one poor man wouldn't purposely slide downan ash-chute, I think. But it's all a mystery to me."
"Do you know any more stories about the place you haven't told us?" askedArden. "I mean a sort of ghost story that isn't about Patience Howe orNathaniel Greene?"
"I might manage to remember one," smiled Granny.
"Oh, do tell us!" begged Terry and Sim.
Dorothy was on the outer edge of the little circle about Granny, who satnear the crackling fire. Harry had wandered to a distant window, andDorothy followed him.
"Are you game?" she whispered to him.
"For what?"
"To go and look for a ghost instead of sitting here listening to storiesabout one. Come on! I dare you!" she challenged, her eyes sparkling inthe hearth glow. "We each can take a flashlight. Let's slip away whilethe others are listening to Granny tell that story, and see if thereisn't a real ghost on some of the upper floors. Night and Christmas Eveought to be a proper time for a ghost, hadn't it? Will you come with me?"
"I will!" said Harry without a moment of hesitation.
They slipped out of the room, attracting no attention, and, flashing thebeams of their electric torches ahead of them, walked softly up the broadstairs. It was cold and gloomy away from the gay Christmas room, but theydid not mind. The spirit of the quest was upon them.
They walked the length of the long upper halls. In a far corner of thesecond one, where the work of demolition had not started, half hidden byold boards and trash, stood a cedar chest.
"Perhaps," said Dorothy with a nervous little laugh, "the ghost lies inthere. If it were a closet we might look for the skeleton. But let's havea look, anyhow."
Harry raised the lid, which was covered with dust and white plaster dust.Dorothy flashed her light within. Then she uttered a suppressed scream.For the first glance seemed to show in the chest the body of a woman cladin a red cloak resting beside the form of a Continental soldier with highblack boots.
"The ghosts!" murmured Dorothy.
"No, only their garments!" said Harry, laughing. "But I think, Dot, thatat last we are on the trail of the mystery!"