Gulliver of Mars
They lodged me like a prince in a tributary country that first night. Iwas tired. 'Twas a stiff stage I had come the day before, and theygave me a couch whose ethereal softness seemed to close like the wingsof a bird as I plunged at its touch into fathomless slumbers. But thenext day had hardly broken when I was awake, and, stretching my limbsupon the piled silk of a legless bed upon the floor, found myself in agreat chamber with a purple tapestry across the entrance, and a squarearch leading to a flat terrace outside.
It was a glorious daybreak, making my heart light within me, the airlike new milk, and the colours of the sunrise lay purple and yellow inbars across my room. I yawned and stretched, then rising, wrapped asilken quilt about me and went out into the flat terrace top, wherefromall the city could be seen stretched in an ivory and emerald patchwork,with open, blue water on one side, and the Martian plain trending awayin illimitable distance upon the other.
Directly underneath in the great square at the bottom of Hath's palacesteps were gathered a concourse of people, brilliant in many-coloureddresses. They were sitting or lying about just as they might for all Iknew have done through the warm night, without much order, save thatwhere the black streaks of inlaid stone marked a carriageway across thesquare none were stationed. While I wondered what would bring so manytogether thus early, there came a sound of flutes--for these people cando nothing without piping like finches in a thicket in May--and fromthe storehouses half-way over to the harbour there streamed a line ofcarts piled high with provender. Down came the teams attended by theirslaves, circling and wheeling into the open place, and as they passedeach group those lazy, lolling beggars crowded round and took the dolethey were too thriftless to earn themselves. It was strange to see howlistless they were about the meal, even though Providence itself put itinto their hands; to note how the yellow-girted slaves scudded amongstthem, serving out the loaves, themselves had grown, harvested, andbaked; slipping from group to group, rousing, exhorting, administeringto a helpless throng that took their efforts without thought or thanks.
I stood there a long time, one foot upon the coping and my chin upon myhand, noting the beauty of the ruined town and wondering how such afeeble race as that which lay about, breakfasting in the limpidsunshine, could have come by a city like this, or kept even the ruinsof its walls and buildings from the covetousness of others, untilpresently there was a rustle of primrose garments and my friend of theday before stood by me.
"Are you rested, traveller?" she questioned in that pretty voice ofhers.
"Rested ambrosially, An."
"It is well; I will tell the Government and it will come up to wash anddress you, afterwards giving you breakfast."
"For the breakfast, damsel, I shall be grateful, but as for the washingand dressing I will defend myself to the last gasp sooner than submitto such administration."
"How strange! Do you never wash in your country?"
"Yes, but it is a matter left largely to our own discretion; so, mydear girl, if you will leave me for a minute or two in quest of thatmeal you have mentioned, I will guarantee to be ready when it comes."
Away she slipped, with a shrug of her rosy shoulders, to returnpresently, carrying a tray covered with a white cloth, whereon werehalf a dozen glittering covers whence came most fragrant odours ofcooked things.
"Why, comrade," I said, sitting down and lifting lid by lid, for thecold, sweet air outside had made me hungry, "this is better than washoped for; I thought from what I saw down yonder I should have to trotbehind a tumbril for my breakfast, and eat it on my heels amongst yoursleepy friends below."
An replied, "The stranger is a prince, we take it, in his own country,and princes fare not quite like common people, even here."
"So," I said, my mouth full of a strange, unknown fish, and a cake softas milk and white as cotton in the pod. "Now that makes me feel athome!"
"Would you have had it otherwise with us?"
"No! now I come to think of it, it is most natural things should bemuch alike in all the corners of the universe; the splendid simplicitythat rules the spheres, works much the same, no doubt, upon one side ofthe sun as upon the other. Yet, somehow--you can hardly wonder atit--yesterday I looked to find your world, when I realised where I hadtumbled to, a world of djin and giants; of mad possibilities overrealised, and here I see you dwellers by the utterly remote little moremarvellous than if I had come amongst you on the introduction of acheap tourist ticket, and round some neglected corner of my own distantworld!"
"I hardly follow your meaning, sir."
"No, no, of course you cannot. I was forgetting you did not know!There, pass me the stuff on yonder platter that looks like caked mudfrom an anchor fluke, and swells like breath of paradise, and let mequestion you;" and while I sat and drank with that yellow servitorsitting in front of me, I plied her with questions, just as a babymight who had come into the world with a full-blown gift of speech.But though she was ready and willing enough to answer, and laughedgaily at my quaint ignorance of simple things, yet there was littlewater in the well.
"Had they any kind of crafts or science; any cult of stars or figures?"But again she shook her head, and said, "Hath might know, Hathunderstood most things, but herself knew little of either." "Armies ornavies?" and again the Martian shrugged her shoulders, questioning inturn--
"What for?"
"What for!" I cried, a little angry with her engaging dulness, "Why, tokeep that which the strong hand got, and to get more for those who comenext; navies to sweep yonder blue seas, and armies to ward what theyshould bring home, or guard the city walls against all enemies,--for Isuppose, An," I said, putting down my knife as the cheering thoughtcame on me,--"I suppose, An, you have some enemies? It is not likeProvidence to give such riches as you possess, such lands, such cities,and not to supply the antidote in some one poor enough to covet them."
At once the girl's face clouded over, and it was obvious a tendersubject had been chanced upon. She waved her hand impatiently asthough to change the subject, but I would not be put off.
"Come," I said, "this is better than breakfast. It was the onething--this unknown enemy of yours--wanting to lever the dull mass ofyour too peacefulness. What is he like? How strong? How stands thequarrel between you? I was a soldier myself before the sea allured me,and love horse and sword best of all things."
"You would not jest if you knew our enemy!"
"That is as it may be. I have laughed in the face of many a strongerfoe than yours is like to prove; but anyhow, give me a chance to judge.Come, who is it that frightens all the blood out of your cheeks by abare mention and may not be laughed at even behind these substantialwalls?"
"First, then, you know, of course, that long ago this land of ours washarried from the West."
"Not I."
"No!" said An, with a little warmth. "If it comes to that, you knownothing."
Whereat I laughed, and, saying the reply was just, vowed I would notinterrupt again; so she wont on saying how Hath--that interminableHath!--would know it all better than she did, but long ago the land wasoverrun by a people from beyond the broad, blue waters outside; apeople huge of person, hairy and savage, uncouth, unlettered, and poorAn's voice trembled even to describe them; a people without mercy orcompunction, dwellers in woods, eaters of flesh, who burnt, plundered,and destroyed all before them, and had toppled over this city alongwith many others in an ancient foray, the horrors of which, still burntlurid in her people's minds.
"Ever since then," went on the girl, "these odious terrors of the outerland have been a nightmare to us, making hectic our pleasures, andfilling our peace with horrid thoughts of what might be, should theychance to come again."
"'Tis unfortunate, no doubt, lady," I answered. "Yet it was long ago,and the plunderers are far away. Why not rise and raid them in turn?To live under such a nightmare is miserable, and a poet on my side ofthe ether has said--
"'He either fears his fate too much, Or hi
s deserts are small, Who will not put it to the touch, To win or lose it all.'
It seems to me you must either bustle and fight again, or sit tamelydown, and by paying the coward's fee for peace, buy at heavy price,indulgence from the victor."
"We," said An simply, and with no show of shame, "would rather die thanfight, and so we take the easier way, though a heavy one it is. Look!"she said, drawing me to the broad window whence we could get a glimpseof the westward town and the harbour out beyond the walls. "Look! seeyonder long row of boats with brown sails hanging loose reefed fromevery yard ranged all along the quay. Even from here you can make outthe thin stream of porter slaves passing to and fro between them andthe granaries like ants on a sunny path. Those are our tax-men'sships, they came yesterday from far out across the sea, as punctual asfate with the first day of spring, and two or three nights hence wetrust will go again: and glad shall we be to see them start, althoughthey leave scupper deep with our cloth, our corn, and gold."
"Is that what they take for tribute?"
"That and one girl--the fairest they can find."
"One--only one! 'Tis very moderate, all things considered."
"She is for the thither king, Ar-hap, and though only one as you say,stranger, yet he who loses her is apt sometimes to think her one toomany lost."
"By Jupiter himself it is well said! If I were that man I would stirup heaven and hell until I got her back; neither man, nor beast, nordevil should stay me in my quest!" As I spoke I thought for a minuteAn's fingers trembled a little as she fixed a flower upon my coat,while there was something like a sigh in her voice as she said--
"The maids of this country are not accustomed, sir, to be so stronglyloved."
By this time, breakfasted and rehabilitated, I was ready to go forth.The girl swung back the heavy curtain that served in place of dooracross the entrance of my chamber, and leading the way by a corridorand marble steps while I followed, and whether it was the Martian airor the meal I know not, but thinking mighty well of myself until wecame presently onto the main palace stairs, which led by statelyflights from the upper galleries to the wide square below.
As we passed into the full sunshine--and no sunshine is so crisplygolden as the Martian--amongst twined flowers and shrubs and gay,quaint birds building in the cornices, a sleek youth rose slowly fromwhere he had spread his cloak as couch upon a step and approachingasked--
"You are the stranger of yesterday?"
"Yes," I answered.
"Then I bring a message from Prince Hath, saying it would pleasure himgreatly if you would eat the morning meal with him."
"Why," I answered, "it is very civil indeed, but I have breakfastedalready."
"And so has Hath," said the boy, gently yawning. "You see I came hereearly this morning, but knowing you would pass sooner or later Ithought it would save me the trouble if I lay down till you came--thosequaint people who built these places were so prodigal of steps," andsmiling apologetically he sank back on his couch and began toying witha leaf.
"Sweet fellow," I said, and you will note how I was getting into theirstyle of conversation, "get back to Hath when you have rested, give himmy most gracious thanks for the intended courtesy, but tell him theinvitation should have started a week earlier; tell him from me, younimble-footed messenger, that I will post-date his kindness and cometomorrow; say that meanwhile I pray him to send any ill news he has forme by you. Is the message too bulky for your slender shoulders?"
"No," said the boy, rousing himself slowly, "I will take it," and thenhe prepared to go. He turned again and said, without a trace ofincivility, "But indeed, stranger, I wish you would take the messageyourself. This is the third flight of stairs I have been up today."
Everywhere it was the same friendly indolence. Half the breakfasterswere lying on coloured shawls in groups about the square; the otherhalf were strolling off--all in one direction, I noticed--as slowly ascould be towards the open fields beyond; no one was active or hadanything to do save the yellow folk who flitted to and fro fosteringthe others, and doing the city work as though it were their onlythought in life. There were no shops in that strange city, for therewere no needs; some booths I saw indeed, and temple-like places, buthollow, and used for birds and beasts--things these lazy Martians love.There was no tramp of busy feet, for no one was busy; no clank ofswords or armour in those peaceful streets, for no one was warlike; nohustle, for no one hurried; no wide-packed asses nodding down thelanes, for there was nothing to fill their packs with, and though acart sometimes came by with a load of lolling men and maids, or a smallhorse, for horses they had, paced along, itself nearly as lazy as themaster he bore, with trappings sewed over bits of coloured shell andcoral, yet somehow it was all extraordinarily unreal. It was a cityfull of the ghosts of the life which once pulsed through its ways. Thestreets were peopled, the chatter of voices everywhere, the singingboys and laughing girls wandering, arms linked together, down the waysfilled every echo with their merriment, yet somehow it was all soshallow that again and again I rubbed my eyes, wondering if I wereindeed awake, or whether it were not a prolonged sleep of which thetomorrow were still to come.
"What strikes me as strangest of all, good comrade," I observedpleasantly to the tripping presence at my elbow, "is that thesecountrymen of yours who shirk to climb a flight of steps, and havepalms as soft as rose petals, these wide ways paved with stones as hardas a usurer's heart."
An laughed. "The stones were still in their native quarries had itbeen left to us to seek them; we are like the conies in the ruins, sir,the inheritors of what other hands have done."
"Ay, and undone, I think, as well, for coming along I have noted axechippings upon the walls, smudges of ancient fire and smoke upon thecornices."
An winced a little and stared uneasily at the walls, muttering belowher breath something about trying to hide with flower garlands themarks they could not banish, but it was plain the conversation was notpleasing to her. So unpleasant was talk or sight of woodmen(Thither-folk, as she called them, in contradiction to the Hitherpeople about us here), that the girl was clearly relieved when we werefree of the town and out into the open playground of the people. Thewhole place down there was a gay, shifting crowd. The booths ofyesterday, the arcades, the archways, were still standing, and duringthe night unknown hands had redecked them with flowers, while anotherday's sunshine had opened the coppice buds so that the whole place wasbrilliant past expression. And here the Hither folk were varying theiridleness by a general holiday. They were standing about in groups, orlying ranked like new-plucked flowers on the banks, piping to eachother through reeds as soft and melodious as running water. They wereplaying inconsequent games and breaking off in the middle of them likechildren looking for new pleasures. They were idling about thedrinking booths, delicately stupid with quaint, thin wines, dealt outto all who asked; the maids were ready to chevy or be chevied throughthe blossoming thickets by anyone who chanced upon them, the menslipped their arms round slender waists and wandered down the paths,scarce seeming to care even whose waist it was they circled or intowhose ear they whispered the remainder of the love-tale they had begunto some one else. And everywhere it was "Hi," and "Ha," and "So," and"See," as these quaint people called to one another, knowing each otheras familiarly as ants of a nest, and by the same magic it seemed to me.
"An," I said presently, when we had wandered an hour or so through thedrifting throng, "have these good countrymen of yours no other namesbut monosyllabic, nothing to designate them but these chirrupingsyllables?"
"Is it not enough?" answered my companion. "Once indeed I think we hadlonger names, but," she added, smiling, "how much trouble it saves tolimit each one to a single sound. It is uncivil to one's neighbours toburden their tongues with double duty when half would do."
"But have you no patronymics--nothing to show the child comes of thesame source as his father came?"
"We have no fathers."
"What! no fathers?" I said, starting
and staring at her.
"No, nor mothers either, or at least none that we remember, for again,why should we? Mayhap in that strange district you come from you keepcount of these things, but what have we to do with either when theirinitial duty is done. Look at that painted butterfly swinging on thehoney-laden catkin there. What knows she of the mother who shed herlife into a flowercup and forgot which flower it was the minuteafterwards. We, too, are insects, stranger."
"And do you mean to say of this great concourse here, that every atomis solitary, individual, and can claim no kindred with another save theloose bonds of a general fraternity--a specious idea, horrible,impracticable!"
Whereat An laughed. "Ask the grasshoppers if it is impracticable; askthe little buzzing things of grass and leaves who drift hither andthither upon each breath of wind, finding kinsmen never but comradeseverywhere--ask them if it is horrible."
This made me melancholy, and somehow set me thinking of the friendsimmeasurably distant I had left but yesterday.
What were they doing? Did they miss me? I was to have called for mypay this afternoon, and tomorrow was to have run down South to see thatfreckled lady of mine. What would she think of my absence? What wouldshe think if she knew where I was? Gods, it was too mad, too absurd! Ithrust my hands into my pockets in fierce desperation, and there theyclutched an old dance programme and an out-of-date check for a New Yorkferry-boat. I scowled about on that sunny, helpless people, and layingmy hand bitterly upon my heart felt in the breast-pocket beneath apacket of unpaid Boston tailors' bills and a note from my landladyasking if I would let her aunt do my washing while I was on shore. Oh!what would they all think of me? Would they brand me as a deserter, apoltroon, and a thief, letting my name presently sink down in shame andmystery in the shadowy realm of the forgotten? Dreadful thoughts! Iwould think no more.
Maybe An had marked my melancholy, for presently she led me to a stallwhere in fantastic vases wines of sorts I have described before wereput out for all who came to try them. There was medicine here forevery kind of dulness--not the gross cure which earthly wine effects,but so nicely proportioned to each specific need that one couldregulate one's debauch to a hairbreadth, rising through all the gamutof satisfaction, from the staid contentment coming of that flask thereto the wild extravagances of the furthermost vase. So my striplingtold me, running her finger down the line of beakers carved withstrange figures and cased in silver, each in its cluster of littleattendant drinking-cups, like-coloured, and waiting round on the whitenapkins as the shore boats wait to unload a cargo round the sides of amerchant vessel.
"And what," I said, after curiously examining each liquor in turn,"what is that which stands alone there in the humble earthen jar, asthough unworthy of the company of the others."
"Oh, that," said my friend, "is the most essential of them all--that isthe wine of recovery, without which all the others were deadly poisons."
"The which, lady, looks as if it had a moral attaching to it."
"It may have; indeed I think it has, but I have forgotten. Prince Hathwould know! Meanwhile let me give you to drink, great stranger, let meget you something."
"Well, then," I laughed, "reach me down an antidote to fate, a specificfor an absent mistress, and forgetful friends."
"What was she like?" said An, hesitating a little and frowning.
"Nay, good friend," was my answer, "what can that matter to you?"
"Oh, nothing, of course," answered that Martian, and while she tookfrom the table a cup and filled it with fluid I felt in the pouch of mysword-belt to see if by chance a bit of money was lying there, butthere was none, only the pips of an orange poor Polly had sucked andlaughingly thrown at me.
However, it did not matter. The girl handed me the cup, and I put mylips to it. The first taste was bitter and acrid, like the liquor oflong-steeped wood. At the second taste a shiver of pleasure ranthrough me, and I opened my eyes and stared hard. The third tastegrossness and heaviness and chagrin dropped from my heart; all thecomplexion of Providence altered in a flash, and a stupid irresistiblejoy, unreasoning, uncontrollable took possession of my fibre. I sankupon a mossy bank and, lolling my head, beamed idiotically on thelolling Martians all about me. How long I was like that I cannot say.The heavy minutes of sodden contentment slipped by unnoticed,unnumbered, till presently I felt the touch of a wine-cup at my lipsagain, and drinking of another liquor dulness vanished from my mind, myeyes cleared, my heart throbbed; a fantastic gaiety seized upon mylimbs; I bounded to my feet, and seizing An's two hands in mine, swungthat damsel round in a giddy dance, capering as never dancer dancedbefore, till spent and weary I sank down again from sheer lack ofbreath, and only knew thereafter that An was sitting by me saying,"Drink! drink stranger, drink and forget!" and as a third time a cupwas pressed to my lips, aches and pleasures, stupidness and joy, lifeitself, seemed slipping away into a splendid golden vacuity, a hazyepisode of unconscious Elysium, indefinite, and unfathomable.