The Selected Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura reports selling an article, 212
letters to Jasper Spock, 207–8, 238–39
and Little Town on the Prairie, 231
on Mayfair Togs proposal for apparel line, 228–29
and motion picture rights, 216–17, 224
Ohio state purchasing 3,500 special edition copies of Little House, 235
serialization of The Long Winter, 224
short story suggestion for Laura, 248–49
and song lyrics in Little House on the Prairie, 76
telegram announcing Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, 360, 361
and television rights, 371–72
thanks for good wishes, 137
and These Happy Golden Years manuscript, 239
See also royalty rates
Cabool, Missouri, 143–44
Laura Ingalls Wilder Room, Pomona Public Library, 319, 322, 330, 347–48, 358–59
Los Angeles, 52–53
Los Angeles Public Library Wilder exhibit, 99
Rose’s popularity in, 51–52
traveling through, 48–50
See also San Francisco, California
Carpenter, Grant, 52–53
Carpenter, Helen, 358
Carpenter, Martha Quiner (aunt), 33–35
Carson, Ida, 275–81, 290, 297, 304, 305–10, 313, 316–18
Carson Pirie Scott department store, Chicago, Illinois, 283–84
Case, John, 9, 23
cats on the prairie, 176
cattle runaway, 89, 93
character of settlers, 164–68
Charlotte Temple (Rowson), 200
Chicago, Illinois, 283–84
Child Life (magazine), 74, 180
Children of New Salem (Kinison), 307
Children’s Book Week, 344, 371–72
Chinese edition of Little House in the Big Woods, 355
Christian Science Monitor, 212
Christmas, 23–24, 138, 140–41
Christmas tree thieves, 149–50
chronology of Laura’s life, xxiii–xxvii
circulating letter in Quiner-Ingalls families, 33
Clifton, Esther, 282–83
clothing and fashions, 109–10, 113
“Clubhouse” at Rocky Ridge Farm, 82–83
colic, cure for, 129
Colorado, 38–41, 41–42, 47–48
colored member, Mansfield Farm Loan Association, 28–29
Columbia Broadcasting System, 263–64
Constantinople, 29
contracts. See royalty rates
Cooley, Odessa “Dessy,” 90
Cooley, Paul, 90
Coppa, Mama and Papa, 52
Corlett, Martha, 371
Country Gentleman (magazine), 33
Craig, Madelon, 196
Craig, Noah Jefferson, 18–19, 22
Crawford, Miss, 214, 224–25, 275
crop reports, 6
cyclones in Missouri, 271, 273
Dakota mirage anecdote, 231
Dalphin, Mrs., 72–73
Danbury, Connecticut, 168, 169, 178, 195, 310, 378
Davis, Alice Carnell, 196
De Smet, South Dakota
50th anniversary reminiscences, 55–58
De Smet to Missouri Ozarks travel letters, 5–7
the Hard Winter, 58, 124, 125
Ingalls home in, xvi–xvii, 61, 289
Ingalls tourism, 282–83, 335
Laura and Manly’s visits to, 60–61, 62, 207
Laura’s farewell letter to Eastern Star society, 4–5
Laura’s remembrances, 56–58
memorial to the Ingalls family, 354
Old Settlers Day, 55–56, 207, 223, 232, 338
“spring rush” of settlers, 158
See also Little Town on the Prairie; Long Winter, The; Sherwood, Aubrey
De Smet News, 232, 237, 288–89, 335, 341–42
De Smet News postage meter stamp, 339
Decorah Public Opinion, 285–87
Dennis, Marion, 202
dentist’s assistant pulls Manly’s tooth, 119
deserts, 11, 42–43, 46–47
Detroit Book Fair speech, 105–6, 133–34, 231
Detroit Public Library Laura Ingalls Wilder Branch, 305–10, 347
Discovery of Freedom, The (Lane), 242, 276, 277
Dockery, Alexander M., 19–20
Dow, Grace Ingalls (sister), 23, 61, 63, 109, 236, 245
Dow, Nate, 23, 61
Dunn, Harvey, 232–33, 237–38
Dunning, Miss, 258–59, 285
Eagle, H. L., 111
editor’s notes, xxviii
Edwards, Mr., 167, 176, 210–11
Elliott Hotel, Mountain Grove, Missouri, 141
Ely, Alfred, 342
“Enjoyable Occasion, An” (Mansfield Mirror), 17–18
Failing, E. J., 349–50
Failing, Hazel Gilbert, 349–50, 354
fan mail
gifts in, 346
Harper hires an assistant for Laura, 330–32
Laura’s commitment to, 295
photographs in, 241–42
quantity of, 111, 285
request for sample of, 302–3
samples, 217–21
fan mail responses
overview, xiv, xviii–xix
to classes of children, 258–59, 260, 262–63, 272, 273–77, 285, 318–19, 324, 334, 337, 345, 351
to classes of students, 69–70, 77–78, 145–46, 221–23, 236–37, 252
Kennedy family member, 301–2
on Little House on the Prairie, 78–79
Newman family, 227
questions about J. J. Ingalls, 214
samples, 226–28, 247–48, 264–66, 368
thank yous for gifts, 346, 348, 358, 359, 368, 371
vanity cakes recipe request, 257–58
woman whose sons went to war, 266–67
fans’ responses to Laura’s letters, xix–xx
“Farm Dining Room, The,” 33
“Farm Home, The” column (Ruralist), 22
Farm Loan Act, 29
Farmer Boy
Braille edition, 210
contract and royalty rates, 67, 73, 97, 229–30
error in name of Lake Chateaugay, 328
Laura telling child fans about, 146, 222
letters to editor, 65–66
and Tipton, Iowa, children, 77–78
Federal Land Bank sticks for canceled certificates, 31
Federal Loan Bank, 48
fire in Burr Oak, Iowa, 286
First Four Years, The, 136–37, 379
First Three Years and a Year of Grace, The, 136–37
Floweret, The (Wells), 298
flying saucers, 363–64
Ford automobiles, 38
foreign editions, 228, 301, 310, 336, 355
Fosness, Mrs., 325
Fox, Lawrence, 259–60, 261–62, 326
Free Land (Lane)
Laura’s contributions to, 118–21, 121–24, 125–28, 157, 171
Laura’s response to Rose’s fan mail, 170–72
Laura’s tells her readers about, 276, 359
Manly’s contributions to, 128–31
Freeman, Daisy Bray (Aunt Daisy), 112, 150–51
Frink, Mr. and Mrs., 196
furnace vs. wood stove, 185–86, 195
Fuson, Jessie, 215
gardening, 26, 64, 113–14
Garland, Cap, 245, 276, 278, 284
genealogy of Ingalls family, 72–73, 158
George, Jay, 363
Gere, Mr. and Mrs., 179–80
Gilbert, Stella, 169, 177
gingerbread recipe, 320–21, 356–57
Give Me Liberty (Lane), 267, 276
goat milk, 144, 247
Gordon, Harold and Della, 350–51
grasshoppers, 95–96
Green, Ernest and Minnie, 312–13
Hader, Berta Hoerner, 28, 132–33
haircuts in Springfield, 143,
Hambletonian horses, 257
Hard Winter. See Long Winter, The
Hard Winter, De Smet, South Dakota, 58, 124, 125, 306
Harlingen, Texas, 378–79
Harper & Brothers
assistant for Laura, 330–32
new edition of Little House books, 291
ordering books from, 81
promotional brochure for Little House books, 254–55
publishing Laura’s books, 64, 69
and use of song lyrics, 76
See also Little House books; Nordstrom, Ursula; Raymond, Ida Louise
Harte, Bret, 50
Hartville club, 159, 163, 179
He Was a Man (Lane), 51
“heirloom” birthday celebration, 55
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum, West Branch, Iowa, xv–xvi
Herndon, Joan, 195–96
Hill-Billy (Lane), 22, 33
hog breeds, 143
Hoke, Helen, 211–12
Holland, Docia, 329, 370–71, 373
homesteading, 119, 122–24, 148–49, 156
Horn Book Magazine
Christmas issue dedication to Little House series special edition, 355–57
profile of Laura’s life and books, 244–47, 249–50, 253–54, 258, 283
horse dies on way to Yankton, 122, 124, 127, 129
hurricane of 1938, in Connecticut, 178
income taxes, 111–12, 159, 169
Ingalls, Caroline Quiner “Ma”
about, 63, 158
and blizzard at Plum Creek, 88–89, 94–96
and boarders, 174
poetry book of, 107
and fire in Burr Oak, 286
Laura as helper, 152
letter from Laura to, 29–30
move into De Smet, 245
portrait of Charles and, 283, 289–90
possessions left by, 61, 283, 289
vanity cakes, 34, 257–58
Ingalls, Carrie (sister), 63, 245, 296. See also Swanzey, Carrie Ingalls
Ingalls, Charles “Pa”
about, 63
farming challenges, 148–49
favorite songs, 365
move into De Smet, 245
notebook with company store prices, 115–17, 118
portrait of Caroline and, 283, 289–90
possessions left by, 61, 283, 289
and railroad company contractors, 108–9
at Silver Lake, 174–76
and wheat shortage during a blizzard, 164–65
See also violin/fiddle of Charles Ingalls
Ingalls, Docia (aunt), 147, 152, 155, 176–77, 181–82
Ingalls, Grace (sister), 23, 61, 63, 109, 236, 245
Ingalls, James (uncle), 175
Ingalls, John James, 175
Ingalls, Laura, 195, 222
Ingalls, Mary (sister)
about, 63
blindness of, 120–21, 152
and Braille books, 99
disagreements with Laura, 158
Iowa College for the Blind, 237, 245, 303
photograph of, for Horn article, 250
Ingalls family
overview, 3–4
cemetery lot in De Smet, 273
genealogy, 72–73
and Hard Winter, 95, 125
homes of, 146–47
journeys of, 319–21, 349, 378
in By the Shores of Silver Lake, 175–77
See also Little House books
Inside U.S.A. (Gunther), 293
Iowa College for the Blind, 237, 245, 303
Isabelle the Buick, 25, 35–36, 39, 42
Jack and Jill magazine, 180
Japanese translations of Little House books, 301, 310, 336
Jones, Mrs. George, 264
Jordan, George, 27–28
Kansas, 6, 36–38
Keating, Ada Scott, 329–30
Kelley, Mrs., 327–28
Keltz, Mrs., 347
Kennedy, Nettie, 167, 169
Kerlan, Irvin, 296, 364
Kilburn, Clarence E., 267–68, 356
Kingsbury County Independent, 5
Kinison, Margaret, 307
Kinser, Robert, 22
Kirchmeier, Alice, 369
Kirkus, Virginia, 80, 350, 354–56
Kreisler, Fritz, 16
Ladies Home Journal request for article, 34
Lake Kampeska, South Dakota, 237–38, 242
Lake Pepin, Wisconsin, 300, 319
Landon, Mary, 141
Lane, Claire Gillette, 10, 12
Lane, Rose Wilder (daughter)
after Laura’s death, 375, 377–79
career of, xv, 10, 188
correspondence with Laura, xiv
Danbury home, 168, 169, 178, 195, 310, 378
death of, 379
destroying letters after Laura’s death, xviii
financial support for Laura and Manly, 7, 25, 112, 159, 162, 169
financial support, Laura’s thank you for, 188–89
gifts of candy to Laura and Manly, 131–32, 144, 159
illness/nervous breakdown of, 71–72
and income taxes, 111–12, 159, 169
Laura assigning 10% of her royalties to, 310–11
as Laura’s writing coach and mentor, xiv–xvi, xviii–xix, 14, 83, 154, 160–61
literary friends visiting Rocky Ridge Farm, 63–64
and Ludlow Amendment, 178, 179, 197
marriage of, 10
and Near East Relief publicity work, 29–30
photographs of, 25
popularity in California, 51–52
success as a writer, 25–26
writing “American propaganda,” 256–57
yearly subsidy to Laura and Manly, 25
See also Wilder-Lane letters
Laura Ingalls Wilder Award, 360–61, 362, 363, 365–66
Laura Ingalls Wilder Branch, Detroit Public Library, 305–10, 347
Laura Ingalls Wilder Home Association, 377–78
Laura Ingalls Wilder Library, Mansfield, Missouri, 314, 332–33, 338–39, 340–41, 375
Laura Ingalls Wilder Memorial Society, 344–45, 354, 369, 378
Laura Ingalls Wilder Room, Pomona Public Library, California, 319, 322, 330, 347–48, 358–59
Let the Hurricane Roar (Lane), 71, 247, 267, 276, 336–37
Lindquist, Jennie, 356–57
Liskum, Miss, 318–19
Little House books
chronology, 173
eighth book added, 216–17
format change for Silver Lake, 208–9, 211–12
Horn Book Magazine profile of Laura’s life and books, 244–47, 249–50, 253–54, 258, 283
Japanese translations, 301, 310, 336
Laura’s reason for writing, 106
map of Ingalls family journeys, 319–21
missing years synopsis, 281
Ohio state purchasing 3,500 special edition copies, 235
outline, 268–70
Sorenson recommending in farm communities, 100–101
new edition with Garth Williams illustrations, 325–26, 348–49, 350, 352–53, 354–59
tourism at the little houses, 282–83
See also royalty rates; specific books in the series
Little House in the Big Woods
characters in, 175–77
Chinese edition, 355
fan mail, 69–70
letters on, 63
success of, 74
writing of, 59–60
Little House on the Prairie
Braille edition, 97, 99
dog in, 76–77
first copies arrive, 79–80
location of house, 320
research for, 68
reviews, 80–81
song lyrics release, 76
submission of manuscript, 75
and Tipton, Iowa, children, 77–78
writing of, 60
Little Town on the Prairie
Bye’s enjoyment of, 2
contract negotiations, 229–30
current news of characters in, 284
on De Smet News postage meter stamp, 339
dust jacket artwork, 234
minstrel show song lyrics concerns, 352
serialization consideration, 228
See also Prairie Girl
“Log of the Edith” (Wilder), 279
Long Winter, The
button lamp, 369–70
characters in, 177
Columbia Broadcasting System purchase of, 263–64
Laura’s collaboration with Rose, xv
letters about, 161–62, 164–68
manuscript to Rose, 200
outline of, 124, 158, 161–62, 177
radio presentation, 270
research for, 207
serialization of, 209, 213, 224
Look and See (Montgomery), 295–96
Los Angeles, California, 52–53
Los Angeles Public Library Wilder exhibit, 99
Ludlow Amendment, 178, 179, 197
MacBride, Roger Lea, xiv, xv–xvi, xviii, 379
“Magic in Plain Foods,” 17
Malone, New York
inquiries about Manly’s home there, 267–68, 333
Laura marking on map, 320
Manly and Roy farming the land, 118–19, 281
Smiths’ visit to FARM, 311
students visit Wilder farm, 358
Manly. See Wilder, Almanzo “Manly”
Mansfield, Missouri
Laura Ingalls Wilder Library, 314, 332–33, 338–39, 340–41, 375
Wilders living in, 7
WPA and other funds, 192
See also Rocky Ridge Farm, Mansfield, Missouri; weather in Mansfield, Missouri
Mansfield Farm Loan Association, 18–21, 28–29, 31–32, 48
Mansfield Mirror, 17–18, 254
map of Ingalls family journeys, 319–21
Marks, Rev. R. E., 339–40
Marquis, Peggy, 28
Marshall, Minnesota, 129, 130
“Mary of the Wild Moor” (song), 107
Mason, Mark, 144–45
Masoner, Mrs., 241–42
Masson, Mrs., 270
Masters, Arthur Kingsbury, 167
Masters, George, 166, 167
Masters, Jennie, 169, 177
Masters, Maggie, 166–67
Masters Hotel, Burr Oak, Iowa, 286
May, Edward and Opal, 354
Mayfair Togs, 228–29
McCallum, Mrs., 266–67
McCaskell, Vera, xvi, xvii, 344–45
Marshall, 129, 130
Plum Creek, 90–92, 119, 350–51
Walnut Grove, 120, 169, 287, 302, 362–63
See also On the Banks of Plum Creek
cyclones in, 271, 273
Elliott Hotel, Mountain Grove, 141
Panama-Pacific Expo exhibit, 17
Springfield, 143–44, 192–93, 196, 344
State Highway near Wilder farm, 30