Nine Faces Of Kenya
Mackinnon, William, 45
Mackintosh, Brian, The Scottish Mission in Kenya 1891–1923, 135
mahindi, 40
Maji ya Chumvi, 56
Maka, 136
Makindu, 56
Maklandjalu, 12
Malakote (tribe), 342
Malindi, 20, 21, 22, 23, 127, 128, 222, 404; beach, 220–2
mana, 357
Manda, 219
Mandera, 156
Manyara, 238
Manyatta (tribe), 137
manyatta, 262, 324, 325, 326, 328, 346, 366
Maragoli, 109; (tribe) 169, 175
Maranga, 387
Marewa river, 170
marfutu, 262
Markham, Beryl, 283; West With the Night, 284
Marsabit, 60, 315; M. Mountain, 195; mixed community and petty crime, 365
Marsh, Zoë, East Africa Through Contemporary Records, 24
Martin, James, 27
Massam, J. A., The Cliff Dwellers of Kenya, 339
mataathi, 174, 175
Mathare Valley, 341
Matson, A. T., Nandi Resistance to British Rule, 137
Mau Escarpment, 51, 73
Mau Mau 116, 123, 164–80, 181, 213, 292, 293; “General” Dedan Kimathi, 173–9; hideouts, 170–2; initiation, 164–6; “Kenya parliament”, 175, 180; Kikuyu resistance to, 169–70; Lari massacre, 169; organized for war, creation of Militant and Passive Wings, 167–8; patrols against, 171–3; “Pseudo-gangs”, 172–3 175, 177; State of Emergency, 164, 167, 169, 180
Mau Summit, 49
Maungu, 186
Mazeras, 56
Mbagathi, 72; M. River, 72
Mberre, 26, 53
mbuci, 175
mbugu, 354
mbuzi, 385
McMillan, William Northrup, 93
McQueen, Mary, 71, 75
Mecca, 14; pilgrimage to; 315
medicine, 52, 89–91, 200, 225; Dr Burkitt’s “cold water cure”, 89–90; Dr Ribeiro’s cure for malaria, 91; Kikuyu surgery, 353; treatment for colic, 353, and infertility, 353–5; see also Flying Doctor service
Meinertzhagen, Richard, 137–40, 145, 258, 294; Army Diary 1899–1926, 146; Kenya Diary 1902–1906, 140, 231, 275, 311, 347
Menengai, Mount, 230
Merrille, 343
Meru, 235, 329; Mount M., 285
middle Miocene, 1, 2
migrations (of wildlife), 230–3
“mikondi”, 337
Miller, Charles, The Battle for the Bundu, 145; The Lunatic Express 45, 51
Mkamba, 25
mlango, 217
Mogadishu, 157
Moi, Daniel arap, 182
Moiben River, 111
Molo river, 86
Mombasa, 1, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 34, 39, 42, 51, 56, 57, 58, 70, 71, 85, 93, 99, 127, 128, 137, 146, 182, 201, 208, 214–18, 337, 362; siege of, 130–2
Mombasa-Victoria Railway (Uganda Railway), 46
moon, symbolism and Maasai, 328–9, 378–9
moran, 77, 321, 323–9, 340
morogi, 360–1
Moshi, 149
Moss, Cynthia, 310; Elephant Memories, 237, 310
Mountains of the Moon, 208
Mouza, 10
Moyale, 153, 156
Mozambique, 18, 21, 131
Mtama, 151
Mtoro bin Mwinyi Bakari, The Customs of the Swahili People, 319, 332, 333, 353, 360, 406
muezzin, 219
mugumo, 176, 179
muhiki, 336
Muhoroni, 50
muhugo, 151
Muigai, Alexander, “The troubled warrior”, 419
muirigo, 177
Mukamba (tribe), 364
mukwa, 336
Mumia’s, 29
mungirima, 173
mungu, 357
munyeni, 173
Muringato river, 178
Murphy, Dervla, xxv
Muscat, 45, 71, 131; Imam of, 22
Muslim, 102, 130, 225, 315, 362; Swahili custom, 318
muthegi, 173, 174, 175
Mwangi Kariuki, Josiah, Mau Mau Detainee, 337
Mwangi, Meja, Incident in the Park, 213 mwari, 318
M’zee, the, 181, 182; see also Kenyatta, M’zee Jomo
mzungus, 210
naiberès, 27
Naipaul, North of South, 211
Nairobi, xxiii, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 64, 65, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 101, 102, 118, 141, 167, 168, 175, 182, 200–13, 215, 221, 225, 285, 308, 315, 320, 335, 337, 341, 362, 364; building of, 201–2, 205; Government House, 203, 204; horticulture, 202, 207–9, 211; Museum, 3; Muthaiga Club, 204, 206, 207; Park, 269; New Year’s Ball, 204; Race Week, 203–4, 206–7; River, 201, 202; social manners, 204–5; Stock Exchange, 341; torrent, 38; tourism, 207, 209; University of, 412
Nairragie-Enkare, 327
Naivasha, 41, 51, 52, 53, 77; Lake, 107, (bird life on), 305–6
nakhoda, 217, 218
Nakuru, 230–1, 370, 371; (tribe), 57, 60, 85, 87, 95. 180; Lake, 105, 230, 254
Nandi (tribe), 49–50, 132, 347, 369; beliefs, 358–9; British subjugation of, 137–40; lion hunt, 287–8
Nandi Fort, 137, 138, 140
Nanyuki, 162
Norok, 62, 327
Nassir, Ahmad, “The fire”, 404
National Museums of Kenya, 214
National Park, 222, 229, 269, 308
Native Reserves, 94–5, 110
Natron, 185
Ndabibi, 81
ndahi, 174
Ndarugu Valley, 93
Ndo valley, 338
NDF, 156
neapara, 41
Nelion, 38
Neumann, Arthur, 273–6; Elephant Hunting in East Equatorial Africa, 275
Ngai, 166, 179
Ngendalel escarpment, 255
“Ngima”, 177
ngoma, 285
ngombi, 385
Ngong, 102, 201; Hills, 213
Ngugi, James, trans., Mbugua Njama, Mahoya ma Waiyaki, 135
nguo ya maribe, 336
nguruwe, 296
Nigeria, 153, 157
Nile, 15, 46, 63
Nimule, 63
Ning Tsung, Emperor, 223
Nithi Gorge, 194
Njama, Karari, 173, 175, 179, 180
njama ya ita, 360
Njemps, 30
Njombo, Major Esther Wambui, 334–5
Njoro, 73, 74, 80–1, 104, 203
Nnaggenda, Francis, “The dead”, 426
Norfolk Hotel, 75, 76, 202
Ntiru, Richard, “Rhythm of the pestle”, 418
nyama, 40
Nyandarua, 51, 170, 171, 231, 291; Hill, 231; Mount, 354
nyanja, 174
Nyasa, Lake, 208
Nyasore, 81–2
Nyassaland, 140, 141
Nyeri, 103, 172, 178, 203
Nyika (bush), 186, 187, 189
Oiik, 358
Ol Donyo Sapuk, 93, 202
Oldoinyo Lengai, 5
Olduvai (Gorge), 2, 3–6
Oloitipitip, Stanley Ole (Maasai MP), 342
olpul, 326–7
Oman, 9, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 218; Sultan of, 23, 45; Omani, 217
Omo River, 345
Orchardson, I. Q., The Kipsigis, 379, 381
Organization of African Unity, 213
orogi, 359
oubain, 272
Outspan Hotel, 103, 291
Owen, Captain William, 22
Pangani, 22, 23, 29, 30; valley, 147
pangas, 165, 168, 170, 182, 193, 355
Patterson, Lt.-Col. J. H., 47–9; The Man-Eaters of Tsavo, 49
Pate Island, 396
Pax Britannica, 39, 45
p’Bitek, Okot, 406, 412; Song of Lawino, 406, 412; Song of Ocol, 412
Pease, Sir Alfred, The Land of the Lion, 287
Pemba, 22, 23
pepo, 351
Percival, A. B., 286; A Game Ranger’s Note Book, 231, 235, 272; A Game Ranger on Safari, 42, 254, 256, 2
Perham, Marjery, 296–8; East African Journey, 205, 298, 341
Periplus of the Erythrean Sea, The, 9, 11, 270
Pern, Stephen, Another Land, Another Sea, 347
Persian, colonization, xxiv, 9; Gulf, 9
Pesi river, 59
pillar tombs, 222
Pliny, 11
poaching, 225, 229, 269, 273, 304, 308–10
Pokomo, 346
Pokot (tribe), xxv, 33, 333, 357, 369
polygamy, 330–2; Kikuyu attitude to, 331; Swahili attitude to, 331–2
polo, 203–4
Port Florence, 50, 51
Portsmouth, Earl of, 114; A Knot of Roots, 116, 193, 259
Portuguese, conquest by, xxiii, xxiv, 9, 46, 214; introduction of playing cards, 219; occupation, 127; Wars, 127–31; Portuguest East Africa, 149, 152
posho, 42, 195, 275
Powys, Llewelyn, 385; Black Laughter, 84, 93, 303, 386
Preston, R. O., The Genesis of Kenya Colony, 201
Pussumuru, 62
Quitale, 29–30
Quylee, 21
Rabai, 23, 24, 26
Rainsford, W. S., The Land of the Lion, 203
Ravenstein, E. G., trans., A Journal of the First Voyage of Vasco da Gama, 19, 21
Reader, John and Harvey Croze, Pyramids of Life, 261
Rebmann, Johann, 23, 24, 25
Red Sea, 9, 10, 11
Reece, Alys, To My Wife – Fifty Camels, 62, 196, 317, 343, 365
Reitz, Lieutenant John James; 23
Rejaf, 63
religion and magic, 356–61; see also tribes
Rendile (tribe), 34, 35, 349
Rensburg, Van, 85
Reshiat, 32
Rhapta, 10
Rhodesias, the, 153
Ribeiro, Dr Rosendo Ayres, 91
Ricciardi, Lorenzo, 217; The Voyage of the Mir-el-Lal, 218, 307
Ricciardi, Mirella, African Saga, 108
Ridley, Mervyn and Sybil, 111
rinderpest, 69, 109, 230, 324
Ritchie, Archibald, 308
Rocco family, 107
roho, 357
rondavel, 75
Rongai river, 86
Roosevelt, Theodore, 93, 279, 287; African Game Trails, 197, 256, 280, 288
Rosenblum, Mort and Doug Williamson, Squandering Eden, 213, 345
Routledge, W. S. and K., With a Prehistoric People, 318, 324, 331, 343, 346
Royal Engineers, 201
Royal Fusiliers, 145, 146, 149, 151
Royal Geographical Society, 27
Rubadiri, David, “Stanley meets Mutesa”, 423
Rudolf, Lake, xxiv, 31, 34, 275
Rufiji river, 143, 144
ruhiu, 336
Ruiru, 89
rungu, 307
rust (crop disease), 80–1, 98, 114
Sabiki river, 221
Sadiman, 5
Sagala Mission Station, 201
Sagana, 293
Saikari, 327, 329
Salalah, 218
Salisbury Bridge, 51
Sambuk, 216, 217
Samburu, 186, 303, 367; (tribe) 234, 339–40, 349, 368, 383
Sayyid Abdulla bin Ali bin Nasir, Al Inkishafi: Catechism of a Soul, 396, 398
Schaller, George, Golden Shadows, Flying Hooves, 191, 239
Schmid, John, The Kenya Magic 215
Seaton, Henry, Lion in the Morning, 95, 364, 366, 372
Second World War, 153–64, 225
Selous, Frederick, 151
senengè, 27
Serengeti, 232
Sergoit (Rock), 87
shamba, xxiii, 26, 107, 114, 116, 123, 161, 180, 331, 335
Shangalla (tribe), 347
Shanties, 58, 201, 208
Sheldrick, David, 291
Sheldrick, Daphne, The Tsavo Story, 189, 236, 247, 273
Sherbroke-Walkers, Major Eric and Lady Bettie, 103, 291
shika kamba, 369
Shipley, Eric, 39
shukas, 320, 321, 322
siafu, 260
Sikh, 102, 362
simès (simis), 27, 28, 165
“sindano”, 200, 365
Sir Alan Cobham’s Aviation Company, 63
Sir Edward Northey’s Zoo, 203
Slater, Captain B. L., 137
slave trade, 9, 12–16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 127, 134; abolition of, 45, 46, 69
Smuts, General Jan, 146, 148
Snow, Philip, The Star Raft, 17
Sofala, 11, 12, 13, 127
Solai, 60
Somalia, 72, 216; Somali, 72, 82, 91, 100, 217, 218, 225, 334, 365, 366; beauty of women, 316; befriending British soldier in the bush, 155–6; daughters, 316–17; greeting, 316; ponies, 203; quarrelsomeness, 369; saving Lord Delamere from a lion, 286–7; women, 334
Somaliland, 74, 153; British Somaliland, 156, 157; Italian Somaliland, 157
Sosiani river, 87, 96
South Africa, 74, 79, 81, 146, 147, 153, 154, 157, 162, 205, 213; South African “Trekker”, 152
South African Air Force, 153
South African Brigade, 157
South African Infantry, 151
Southern Reserve, 230
Speke, John Hanning, 196
Stanley Hotel, 74; New Stanley Hotel, 76, 204, 209
Stapleton, James, The Gate Hangs Well, 114, 119
Stewart, George, & Co., 201
Stigand, Captain C. H., 55; The Land of Zinj, 56
Stoton, 355, 356
Strandes, Justus, The Portuguese Period in East Africa, 131
“strongui”, 61
Suam river, 258
Sudan, 46, 63, 157, 161, 258, 276, 334; Sudanese, 39, 139
Suk (Pokot), xxv, 324–5, 333, 357, 371
Sumburu, 367, 368
sun, in Maasai legend, 378–9
Sur, 216
Suswa, Mount, 329
Swahili, xxiii, xxv, 9, 28, 29, 48, 78, 92, 115, 127, 132, 217, 219, 273, 277, 278, 296, 298, 307; Muslim custom regarding young girls, 318–19; ordeal to identify a sorcerer, 359–60; poetry, 389–427 (love poems, 399–402; modern poetry, 406–27); polygamy, 331–2; proverb, 221; “reduction” of malign spirits, 351–3
Tana River, 1, 25, 26, 34, 234, 241, 242, 272, 342
Tanga, 142, 145
Tanganyika, 9, 141
Tanzania, 1, 2, 5, 9, 140, 185, 196, 342, 361; Army, 218
Taru, 56; desert, 71
Tate, Mayence, 74, 76
Taveta, 33
Teleki, Count, see von Szek, Count Samuel Teleki
terrain, bush, 70, 72, 95, 143, 149, 151, 152, 154, 159, 172, 185–9, 192, 209, 213, 220; bushcraft, 154, 176–7; bush fire, 105; coral, 214, 221, 222, 259; deserts, 185, 190, 200, 220, 224, 225; forests, 192–4, 200, 220; (tropical), 1, 2, 185; highlands, 1, 2, 27, 56, 69, 70, 71, 74, 79, 94, 95, 117, 185, 207, 221, 229; lakes, 196–200 (see also individual lakes); lava rock, 60, 62, 185, 198; mountains, 194–6; Nyika (bush), 187, 189; oasis, 225; plains, 189–91, 200; plains fire, 190; savanna, 1, 58; scrub, 186; sourveld, 190; veld, 57, 83, 85, 87, 88, 95, 98, 113, 147, 302, 303; volcanoes, 1, 3, 5, 31, 185, 192, 200, 306; see also vegetation
Thomson, Joseph, 27–9, 196; Through Masai Land, 28, 197
Thomson’s Falls, xxv, 59, 173
Thuku, Harry, 120; An Autobiography, 121
Tigania, 330
Timboroa, 85, 86
tortoiseshell, 9, 10
Totos, 101, 161
touca, 20
travel, advent of the aeroplane, 62–5, motor vehicle, 60–2, railway, 40, 45, 58–9, 69, 79, 85, 137, 186; dhow, 9, 23, 51, 131, 216–18 (description of different types, sailors and cargo); Englishwomen’s “mounts” in 1909, 202; ox-drawn wagons, 59–60, 86–7, 96–7, 101, 142, 146–7, 279, 280; porters, 23–38, passim, 48, 51, 52, 55, 62, 71, 77, 78, 137, 148, 150, 152, 192, 193, 194, 235, 273, 282, 366; characteristics of, 40–42; deprivations suffered during First World War, 148; and musical instruments and singing, 279–80; return from an expedition and payment, 274–5; safari, 40??
?2, 59–60, 63, 71, 93, 192, 209, 260, 274, 279–80, 298, 366–7, and the honey-guide, 256; (safari) chronicler, 278–9; Denys Finch Hatton’s tips for comfort on safari, 282–3; sedan chair, 77, 78; “sewn boats”, 9, 10; see also Uganda Railway
Trench, Charles Chenevix, The Desert’s Dusty Face, 369
tribes, 315; animal sacrifice, 350, 353; belief in spirits, 350–3, 355, 357, 358–9; blood-brotherhood, 54; blood money, 360, 364; black magic, 166; body and face painting, 51, 77, 321, 322, 328, 349, 352, 369; cannibalism, 12, 13, 128–30, 347; cattle-raiding, 323–7; costume and ornamentation, 49, 51, 77, 115, 173, 202, 221, 287, 320–8, passim, 340, 349–50, 369; dance, 77, 115, 288, 321, 345–6; diet, 287, 338, 339, 340–1, 346–7; fishing, 343–4; games, 72; inter-tribal conflicts, 52–3, 70, 78, 127, 135, 213, 272, 366; law, 363; mythology, 328–9, 356–9; 375–6, 378–9 (see also Gikuyu and Mumbi); Native Reserves, 94–5, 110; nomadism, xxiii, 69, 78, 225, 270, 272, 339–40, 346, 369; oath-taking, 164–7; ordeal and punishment of sorcerers, 359–61; poisoned arrows, 51, 135, 271, 308; manufacture of poison for, 272–3; polygamy, 330–2; resistance to white settlement, 132–40; ritual scars, 328; spitting as token of good behaviour, 343; susceptibility to psychic suggestion, 351; taking of life (attitude to), 324–5; thumb-pulling, 299–300, 316–17; witch doctors, 166, 315, 350–1; 355–6, 359–61, 369–72; see also laibon; Mau Mau; moran; and individual tribes
Trzebinski, Errol, The Kenya Pioneers, 72, 76, 89; Silence Will Speak, 283
Tsavo, 47, 48, 189; East National Park, 188, 246, 269
Turkana, 103, 185, 190, 349; (tribe), 200, 240, 343, 344–5. 368; conversation with a chieftain, 324–5; disaster, 344–5; escarpment, 361; Fisherman’s Cooperative Society, 344; Lake, 2, 4, 34, 198–9, 273, 344
Twist, Captain, T. K., 63
Uasin Gishua plateau, 76, 85, 87, 98, 112, 229, 287
Uganda, 41, 42, 46, 133, 137, 141, 185, 196, 258, 276, 329, 361, 362, 365
Uganda Railway, 45–7, 49–51, 53, 83, 99; defended against Germans, 141–3; as social institution, 56–8; thefts by Nandi tribesmen, 49–50; travelling tips and conducted tour, 55–6
uhuru, 120, 342
Ukambani, 26, 28
utendi, 389, 391, 399
utunda, 319
van der Post, Laurens, First Catch Your Eland, 349
vegetation, acacias, 186, 187, 189, 190, 198, 199, 214, 248, (elatior) 187; pods as food for goats, 338–9; adenia, 220; Akokanthera tree, 272; bamboo, 192, 194; banana, 196; baobabs, 187, 188, 214, 217; bauhinea, 196; “bayonet grass”, 281; beard-moss, 193; bignonias, 208; blue gums, 211; Bougainvillea, 203, 207, 208; combretum, 189; convolvulus, 186; datura (moonflower), 242; dhum palm, 34, 338, 349; elephant grass, 56; eucalyptus, 201; euphorbia, 196; everlasting plants, 192; fever trees, 306; flamboyant, 221; giant senecios, 192; gladioli, 196; gum tree, 158; henna, 242; hibiscuses, 207, 208; jacarandas, 207, 208; jogoo jogoo tree, 245; juniper, 73; kei-apple thorn, 166; Kikuyu grass, 117; Kirago, 263; leleshwa, 59, 78, 108; mango tree, 58, 214; mangrove, 218, 219; mimosa, 277; mswaki, 198, 199; mushrooms, 196; Muthaiti, 262; olive, 192, 244, (Elgon), 192; orange trees, 203; orchids, 196; papyrus, 197, 201, 204, 305, 306; passion flowers, 202; podo trees, 111, 192; Podocarpus gracilior, 192; pomegranates, 202; roses, 202; salvadora, 242; sansivera, 277, 281, 284, sisal, 2, 84, 85, 110; sodom-apples, 82, 166; stargrass, 190; thorn, 73, 87, 153, 154, 160, 186, 189, 190, 200, 209, 224, 225, 279; toothbrush scrub 198, 199; tortilis, 187; waste-paper flower, 196; wait-a-bit thorns, 72, 186, 192; water-lilies, 197, 306; whistling thorn, 189, 190; white thorn, 277